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In this paper we derive novel approximations to trapped waves in a two-dimensional acoustic waveguide whose walls vary slowly along the guide, and at which either Dirichlet (sound-soft) or Neumann (sound-hard) conditions are imposed. The guide contains a single smoothly bulging region of arbitrary amplitude, but is otherwise straight, and the modes are trapped within this localised increase in width. Using a similar approach to that in Rienstra (2003), a WKBJ-type expansion yields an approximate expression for the modes which can be present, which display either propagating or evanescent behaviour; matched asymptotic expansions are then used to derive connection formulae which bridge the gap across the cut-off between propagating and evanescent solutions in a tapering waveguide. A uniform expansion is then determined, and it is shown that appropriate zeros of this expansion correspond to trapped mode wavenumbers; the trapped modes themselves are then approximated by the uniform expansion. Numerical results determined via a standard iterative method are then compared to results of the full linear problem calculated using a spectral method, and the two are shown to be in excellent agreement, even when $\epsilon$, the parameter characterising the slow variations of the guide’s walls, is relatively large.
Purpose: To quantify to what extent the new registration method, DARTEL (Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie Algebra), may reduce the smoothing kernel width required and investigate the minimum group size necessary for voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies. Materials and Methods: A simulated atrophy approach was employed to explore the role of smoothing kernel, group size, and their interactions on VBM detection accuracy. Group sizes of 10, 15, 25, and 50 were compared for kernels between 0–12 mm. Results: A smoothing kernel of 6 mm achieved the highest atrophy detection accuracy for groups with 50 participants and 8–10 mm for the groups of 25 at P < 0.05 with familywise correction. The results further demonstrated that a group size of 25 was the lower limit when two different groups of participants were compared, whereas a group size of 15 was the minimum for longitudinal comparisons but at P < 0.05 with false discovery rate correction. Conclusion: Our data confirmed DARTEL-based VBM generally benefits from smaller kernels and different kernels perform best for different group sizes with a tendency of smaller kernels for larger groups. Importantly, the kernel selection was also affected by the threshold applied. This highlighted that the choice of kernel in relation to group size should be considered with care.
We analyse the widely-used international/ Zürich sunspot number record, R, with a view to quantifying a suspected calibration discontinuity around 1945 (which has been termed the “Waldmeier discontinuity” [Svalgaard, 2011]). We compare R against the composite sunspot group data from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) network and the Solar Optical Observing Network (SOON), using both the number of sunspot groups, N{sub}G{\sub}, and the total area of the sunspots, A{sub}G{\sub}. In addition, we compare R with the recently developed interdiurnal variability geomagnetic indices IDV and IDV(1d). In all four cases, linearity of the relationship with R is not assumed and care is taken to ensure that the relationship of each with R is the same before and after the putative calibration change. It is shown the probability that a correction is not needed is of order 10{sup}−8{\sup} and that R is indeed too low before 1945. The optimum correction to R for values before 1945 is found to be 11.6%, 11.7%, 10.3% and 7.9% using A{sub}G{\sub}, N{sub)G{\sub}, IDV, and IDV(1d), respectively. The optimum value obtained by combining the sunspot group data is 11.6% with an uncertainty range 8.1-14.8% at the 2σ level. The geomagnetic indices provide an independent yet less stringent test but do give values that fall within the 2σ uncertainty band with optimum values are slightly lower than from the sunspot group data. The probability of the correction needed being as large as 20%, as advocated by Svalgaard [2011], is shown to be 1.6 × 10{sup}−5{\sup}.
We investigate the relationship between interdiurnal variation geomagnetic activity indices, IDV and IDV(1d), corrected sunspot number, R{sub}C{\sub}, and the group sunspot number R{sub}G{\sub}. R{sub}C{\sub} uses corrections for both the “Waldmeier discontinuity”, as derived in Paper 1 [Lockwood et al., 2014c], and the “Wolf discontinuity” revealed by Leussu et al. [2013]. We show that the simple correlation of the geomagnetic indices with R{sub}C{\sub}{sup}n{\sup} or R{sub}G{\sub}{sup}n{\sup} masks a considerable solar cycle variation. Using IDV(1d) or IDV to predict or evaluate the sunspot numbers, the errors are almost halved by allowing for the fact that the relationship varies over the solar cycle. The results indicate that differences between R{sub}C{\sub} and R{sub}G{\sub} have a variety of causes and are highly unlikely to be attributable to errors in either R{sub}G{\sub} alone, as has recently been assumed. Because it is not known if R{sub}C{\sub} or R{sub}G{\sub} is a better predictor of open flux emergence before 1874, a simple sunspot number composite is suggested which, like R{sub}G{\sub}, enables modelling of the open solar flux for 1610 onwards in Paper 3, but maintains the characteristics of R{sub}C{\sub}.
From the variation of near-Earth interplanetary conditions, reconstructed for the mid-19th century to the present day using historic geomagnetic activity observations, Lockwood and Owens [2014] have suggested that Earth remains within a broadened streamer belt during solar cycles when the Open Solar Flux (OSF) is low. From this they propose that the Earth was immersed in almost constant slow solar wind during the Maunder minimum (c. 1650-1710). In this paper, we extend continuity modelling of the OSF to predict the streamer belt width using both group sunspot numbers and corrected international sunspot numbers to quantify the emergence rate of new OSF. The results support the idea that the solar wind at Earth was persistently slow during the Maunder minimum because the streamer belt was broad.
A previous case study found a relationship between high spectral width measured by the CUTLASS Finland HF radar and elevated electron temperatures observed by the EISCAT and ESR incoherent scatter radars in the postmidnight sector of magnetic local time. This paper expands that work by briefly re-examining that interval and looking in depth at two further case studies. In all three cases a region of high HF spectral width (>200 ms−1) exists poleward of a region of low HF spectral width (<200 ms^{−1}). Each case, however, occurs under quite different geomagnetic conditions. The original case study occurred during an interval with no observed electrojet activity, the second study during a transition from quiet to active conditions with a clear band of ion frictional heating indicating the location of the flow reversal boundary, and the third during an isolated substorm. These case studies indicate that the relationship between elevated electron temperature and high HF radar spectral width appears on closed field lines after 03:00 magnetic local time (MLT) on the nightside. It is not clear whether the same relationship would hold on open field lines, since our analysis of this relationship is restricted in latitude. We find two important properties of high spectral width data on the nightside. Firstly the high spectral width values occur on both open and closed field lines, and secondly that the power spectra which exhibit high widths are both single-peak and multiple-peak. In general the regions of high spectral width (>200 ms−1) have more multiple-peak spectra than the regions of low spectral widths whilst still maintaining a majority of single-peak spectra. We also find that the region of ion frictional heating is collocated with many multiplepeak HF spectra. Several mechanisms for the generation of high spectral width have been proposed which would produce multiple-peak spectra, these are discussed in relation to the data presented here. Since the regions of high spectral width are observed both on closed and open field lines the use of the boundary between low and high spectral width as an ionospheric proxy for the open/closed field line boundary is not a simple matter, if indeed it is possible at all.
We discuss the characteristics of magnetosheath plasma precipitation in the “cusp” ionosphere for when the reconnection at the dayside magnetopause takes place only in a series of pulses. It is shown that even in this special case, the low-altitude cusp precipitation is continuous, unless the intervals between the pulses are longer than observed intervals between magnetopause flux transfer event (FTE) signatures. We use FTE observation statistics to predict, for this case of entirely pulsed reconnection, the occurrence frequency, the distribution of latitudinal widths, and the number of ion dispersion steps of the cusp precipitation for a variety of locations of the reconnection site and a range of values of the local de-Hoffman Teller velocity. It is found that the cusp occurrence frequency is comparable with observed values for virtually all possible locations of the reconnection site. The distribution of cusp width is also comparable with observations and is shown to be largely dependent on the distribution of the mean reconnection rate, but pulsing the reconnection does very slightly increase the width of that distribution compared with the steady state case. We conclude that neither cusp occurrence probability nor width can be used to evaluate the relative occurrence of reconnection behaviors that are entirely pulsed, pulsed but continuous and quasi-steady. We show that the best test of the relative frequency of these three types of reconnection is to survey the distribution of steps in the cusp ion dispersion characteristics.
A strong correlation between the speed of the eddy-driven jet and the width of the Hadley cell is found to exist in the Southern Hemisphere, both in reanalysis data and in twenty-first-century integrations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report multimodel archive. Analysis of the space–time spectra of eddy momentum flux reveals that variations in eddy-driven jet speed are related to changes in the mean phase speed of midlatitude eddies. An increase in eddy phase speeds induces a poleward shift of the critical latitudes and a poleward expansion of the region of subtropical wave breaking. The associated changes in eddy momentum flux convergence are balanced by anomalous meridional winds consistent with a wider Hadley cell. At the same time, faster eddies are also associated with a strengthened poleward eddy momentum flux, sustaining a stronger westerly jet in midlatitudes. The proposed mechanism is consistent with the seasonal dependence of the interannual variability of the Hadley cell width and appears to explain at least part of the projected twenty-first-century trends.
The horizontal gradient of potential vorticity (PV) across the tropopause typically declines with lead time in global numerical weather forecasts and tends towards a steady value dependent on model resolution. This paper examines how spreading the tropopause PV contrast over a broader frontal zone affects the propagation of Rossby waves. The approach taken is to analyse Rossby waves on a PV front of finite width in a simple single-layer model. The dispersion relation for linear Rossby waves on a PV front of infinitesimal width is well known; here an approximate correction is derived for the case of a finite width front, valid in the limit that the front is narrow compared to the zonal wavelength. Broadening the front causes a decrease in both the jet speed and the ability of waves to propagate upstream. The contribution of these changes to Rossby wave phase speeds cancel at leading order. At second order the decrease in jet speed dominates, meaning phase speeds are slower on broader PV fronts. This asymptotic phase speed result is shown to hold for a wide class of single-layer dynamics with a varying range of PV inversion operators. The phase speed dependence on frontal width is verified by numerical simulations and also shown to be robust at finite wave amplitude, and estimates are made for the error in Rossby wave propagation speeds due to the PV gradient error present in numerical weather forecast models.
Let M = (V, E, A) be a mixed graph with vertex set V, edge set E and arc set A. A cycle cover of M is a family C = {C(1), ... , C(k)} of cycles of M such that each edge/arc of M belongs to at least one cycle in C. The weight of C is Sigma(k)(i=1) vertical bar C(i)vertical bar. The minimum cycle cover problem is the following: given a strongly connected mixed graph M without bridges, find a cycle cover of M with weight as small as possible. The Chinese postman problem is: given a strongly connected mixed graph M, find a minimum length closed walk using all edges and arcs of M. These problems are NP-hard. We show that they can be solved in polynomial time if M has bounded tree-width. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The use of roll-formed products in automotive, furniture, buildings etc. increases every year due to the low part-production cost and the complicated cross-sections that can be produced. The limitation with roll-forming until recent years is that one could only produce profiles with a constant cross-section in the longitudinal direction. About eight years ago ORTIC AB [1] developed a machine in which it was possible to produce profiles with a variable width (“3D roll-forming”) for the building industry. Experimental equipment was recently built for research and prototyping of profiles with variable cross-section in both width and depth for the automotive industry. The objective with the current study is to investigate the new tooling concept that makes it possible to roll-form hat-profiles, made of ultra high strength steel, with variable cross-section in depth and width. The result shows that it is possible to produce 3D roll-formed profiles with close tolerances.
Os ensaios de largura de trabalho e uniformidade de distribuição são de difícil execução para o agricultor por exigirem equipamentos, recursos e métodos complexos. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar coletores alternativos para tornar mais acessível a regulagem e a avaliação de distribuidores de fertilizantes sólidos a lanço. Foram utilizados quatro diferentes conjuntos de coletores: i) coletores construídos segundo a norma ISO 5690/1; ii) coletores de polietileno (bandejas plásticas) com tela de sombreamento para evitar o ricochete de material; iii) coletores formados por caixas de leite longa vida, e iv) coletores formados por vasos de polietileno (número 3,5). Também foram utilizados três diferentes distribuidores para as avaliações. Os coletores alternativos apresentaram maior retenção de partículas que os coletores normatizados. A largura efetiva de trabalho obtida para os coeficientes de variação de 12,5; 15; 17,5 e 20% variou entre os coletores nos diferentes percursos. O coletor que mais se assemelhou à norma foram os vasos de polietileno. Constatou-se que a altura dos coletores foi mais importante para sua eficiência do que a sua área de coleta.
\ The biologic width is an essential dental space that always needs to be maintained to ensure periodontal health in any dental prosthetic restorations. An iatrogenic partial fixed prosthesis constructed in lower posterior teeth predisposed the development of subgingival caries, which induced violation of the biologic width in involved teeth, resulting in an uncontrolled inflammatory process and periodontal tissue destruction. This clinical report describes a periodontal surgical technique to recover a violated biologic width in lower posterior teeth, by crown lengthening procedure associated with free gingival graft procedure, to ensure the possibility to place a modified partial fixed prosthesis in treated area. The procedure applied to recover the biologic width was crown lengthening with some modifications, associated with modified partial fixed prosthesis to achieve health in treated area. The modified techniques in both surgical and prosthetic procedures were applied to compensate the contraindications to recover biologic width by osteotomy in lower posterior teeth. The result, after 4 years under periodic control, seems to achieve the projected goal. Treating a dental diseased area is necessary to diagnose, eliminate, or control all etiologic factors involved in the process. When the traditional methods are not effective to recover destructed tissues, an alternative, compensatory, and adaptive procedure may be applied to restore the sequelae of the disease, applying a restorative method that respects the biology of involved tissues.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate histometric changes around dental implants inserted at different levels in relation to the crestal bone, under different loading conditions.Material and methods: Thirty-six implants were inserted in the edentulous mandible of six mongrel dogs. Each implant was assigned to an experimental group according to the distance from the top of the implant to the crestal bone: Bone Level (at the crestal bone level), Minus 1 (1 mm below the crestal bone) or Minus 2 group (2 mm below the crestal bone). Each hemimandible was submitted to a loading protocol: conventional or immediate restoration. After 90 days, the animals were killed. Specimens were processed, and measurements were performed concerning the length of soft and hard peri-implant tissues. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Student's t test (alpha=5%).Results: Among conventionally restored sites, the distance from the most coronal position of soft tissue margin (PSTM) and first bone-implant contact (fBIC) was greater for Minus 2 than for Bone Level and Minus 1 sites (P=0.03), but significant differences were not observed among immediately restored sites. Differences among groups were not observed concerning the PSTM, and the distance from the implant-abutment junction to fBIC. Greater amounts of lateral bone loss were observed for conventionally than for immediately restored sites (P=0.006).Conclusions: These findings suggest that the apical positioning of the top of the implant may not jeopardize the position of soft peri-implant tissues, and that immediate restoration can be beneficial to minimize lateral bone loss. Further studies are suggested to evaluate the clinical significance of these results in longer healing periods.