978 resultados para gap, minproblem, algoritmi, esatti, lower, bound, posta


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A closed-form expression for a lower bound on the per soliton capacity of the nonlinear optical fibre channel in the presence of (optical) amplifier spontaneous emission (ASE) noise is derived. This bound is based on a non-Gaussian conditional probability density function for the soliton amplitude jitter induced by the ASE noise and is proven to grow logarithmically as the signal-to-noise ratio increases.


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The energy of a symmetric matrix is the sum of the absolute values of its eigenvalues. We introduce a lower bound for the energy of a symmetric partitioned matrix into blocks. This bound is related to the spectrum of its quotient matrix. Furthermore, we study necessary conditions for the equality. Applications to the energy of the generalized composition of a family of arbitrary graphs are obtained. A lower bound for the energy of a graph with a bridge is given. Some computational experiments are presented in order to show that, in some cases, the obtained lower bound is incomparable with the well known lower bound $2\sqrt{m}$, where $m$ is the number of edges of the graph.


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POMDP algorithms have made significant progress in recent years by allowing practitioners to find good solutions to increasingly large problems. Most approaches (including point-based and policy iteration techniques) operate by refining a lower bound of the optimal value function. Several approaches (e.g., HSVI2, SARSOP, grid-based approaches and online forward search) also refine an upper bound. However, approximating the optimal value function by an upper bound is computationally expensive and therefore tightness is often sacrificed to improve efficiency (e.g., sawtooth approximation). In this paper, we describe a new approach to efficiently compute tighter bounds by i) conducting a prioritized breadth first search over the reachable beliefs, ii) propagating upper bound improvements with an augmented POMDP and iii) using exact linear programming (instead of the sawtooth approximation) for upper bound interpolation. As a result, we can represent the bounds more compactly and significantly reduce the gap between upper and lower bounds on several benchmark problems. Copyright © 2011, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.


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An engineer assessing the load-carrying capacity of an existing reinforced concrete slab is likely to use elastic analysis to check the load at which the structure might be expected to fail in flexure or in shear. In practice, many reinforced concrete slabs are highly ductile in flexure, so an elastic analysis greatly underestimates the loads at which they fail in this mode. The use of conservative elastic analysis has led engineers to incorrectly condemn many slabs and therefore to specify unnecessary and wasteful flexural strengthening or replacement. The lower bound theorem is based on the same principles as the upper bound theorem used in yield line analysis, but any solution that rigorously satisfies the lower bound theorem is guaranteed to be a safe underestimate of the collapse load. Jackson presented a rigorous lower bound method that obtains very accurate results for complex real slabs.


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At NDSS 2012, Yan et al. analyzed the security of several challenge-response type user authentication protocols against passive observers, and proposed a generic counting based statistical attack to recover the secret of some counting based protocols given a number of observed authentication sessions. Roughly speaking, the attack is based on the fact that secret (pass) objects appear in challenges with a different probability from non-secret (decoy) objects when the responses are taken into account. Although they mentioned that a protocol susceptible to this attack should minimize this difference, they did not give details as to how this can be achieved barring a few suggestions. In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap by generalizing the attack with a much more comprehensive theoretical analysis. Our treatment is more quantitative which enables us to describe a method to theoretically estimate a lower bound on the number of sessions a protocol can be safely used against the attack. Our results include 1) two proposed fixes to make counting protocols practically safe against the attack at the cost of usability, 2) the observation that the attack can be used on non-counting based protocols too as long as challenge generation is contrived, 3) and two main design principles for user authentication protocols which can be considered as extensions of the principles from Yan et al. This detailed theoretical treatment can be used as a guideline during the design of counting based protocols to determine their susceptibility to this attack. The Foxtail protocol, one of the protocols analyzed by Yan et al., is used as a representative to illustrate our theoretical and experimental results.


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While mobile phones have become ubiquitous in modern society, the use of mobile phones while driving is increasing at an alarming rate despite the associated crash risks. A significant safety concern is that driving while distracted by a mobile phone is more prevalent among young drivers, a less experienced driving cohort with elevated crash risk. The objective of this study was to examine the gap acceptance behavior of distracted young drivers at roundabouts. The CARRS-Q Advanced Driving Simulator was used to test participants on a simulated gap acceptance scenario at roundabouts. Conflicting traffic from the right approach of a four-legged roundabout were programmed to have a series of vehicles having the gaps between them proportionately increased from two to six seconds. Thirty-two licensed young drivers drove the simulator under three phone conditions: baseline (no phone conversation), hands-free and handheld phone conversations. Results show that distracted drivers started responding to the gap acceptance scenario at a distance closer to the roundabout and approached the roundabout at slower speeds. They also decelerated at faster rates to reduce their speeds prior to gap acceptance compared to non-distracted drivers. Although accepted gap sizes were not significantly different across phone conditions, differences in the safety margins at various gap sizes—measured by Post Encroachment Time (PET) between the driven vehicle and the conflicting vehicle—were statistically significant across phone conditions. PETs for distracted drivers were smaller across different gap sizes, suggesting a lower safety margin taken by distracted drivers compared to non-distracted drivers. The results aid in understanding how cognitive distraction resulting from mobile phone conversations while driving influences driving behavior during gap acceptance at roundabouts.


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A common trick for designing faster quantum adiabatic algorithms is to apply the adiabaticity condition locally at every instant. However it is often difficult to determine the instantaneous gap between the lowest two eigenvalues, which is an essential ingredient in the adiabaticity condition. In this paper we present a simple linear algebraic technique for obtaining a lower bound on the instantaneous gap even in such a situation. As an illustration, we investigate the adiabatic un-ordered search of van Dam et al. [17] and Roland and Cerf [15] when the non-zero entries of the diagonal final Hamiltonian are perturbed by a polynomial (in log N, where N is the length of the unordered list) amount. We use our technique to derive a bound on the running time of a local adiabatic schedule in terms of the minimum gap between the lowest two eigenvalues.


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Motivated by the viscosity bound in gauge/gravity duality, we consider the ratio of shear viscosity (eta) to entropy density (s) in black hole accretion flows. We use both an ideal gas equation of state and the QCD equation of state obtained from lattice for the fluid accreting onto a Kerr black hole. The QCD equation of state is considered since the temperature of accreting matter is expected to approach 10(12) K in certain hot flows. We find that in both the cases eta/s is small only for primordial black holes and several orders of magnitude larger than any known fluid for stellar and supermassive black holes. We show that a lower bound on the mass of primordial black holes leads to a lower bound on eta/s and vice versa. Finally we speculate that the Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter should decrease with increasing density and/or temperatures. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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String theory and gauge/gravity duality suggest the lower bound of shear viscosity (eta) to entropy density (s) for any matter to be mu h/4 pi k(B), when h and k(B) are reduced Planck and Boltzmann constants respectively and mu <= 1. Motivated by this, we explore eta/s in black hole accretion flows, in order to understand if such exotic flows could be a natural site for the lowest eta/s. Accretion flow plays an important role in black hole physics in identifying the existence of the underlying black hole. This is a rotating shear flow with insignificant molecular viscosity, which could however have a significant turbulent viscosity, generating transport, heat and hence entropy in the flow. However, in presence of strong magnetic field, magnetic stresses can help in transporting matter independent of viscosity, via celebrated Blandford-Payne mechanism. In such cases, energy and then entropy produces via Ohmic dissipation. In,addition, certain optically thin, hot, accretion flows, of temperature greater than or similar to 10(9) K, may be favourable for nuclear burning which could generate/absorb huge energy, much higher than that in a star. We find that eta/s in accretion flows appears to be close to the lower bound suggested by theory, if they are embedded by strong magnetic field or producing nuclear energy, when the source of energy is not viscous effects. A lower bound on eta/s also leads to an upper bound on the Reynolds number of the flow.


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In the present paper, based on the principles of gauge/gravity duality we analytically compute the shear viscosity to entropy (eta/s) ratio corresponding to the super fluid phase in Einstein Gauss-Bonnet gravity. From our analysis we note that the ratio indeed receives a finite temperature correction below certain critical temperature (T < T-c). This proves the non universality of eta/s ratio in higher derivative theories of gravity. We also compute the upper bound for the Gauss-Bonnet coupling (lambda) corresponding to the symmetry broken phase and note that the upper bound on the coupling does not seem to change as long as we are close to the critical point of the phase diagram. However the corresponding lower bound of the eta/s ratio seems to get modified due to the finite temperature effects.


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Given a Boolean function , we say a triple (x, y, x + y) is a triangle in f if . A triangle-free function contains no triangle. If f differs from every triangle-free function on at least points, then f is said to be -far from triangle-free. In this work, we analyze the query complexity of testers that, with constant probability, distinguish triangle-free functions from those -far from triangle-free. Let the canonical tester for triangle-freeness denotes the algorithm that repeatedly picks x and y uniformly and independently at random from , queries f(x), f(y) and f(x + y), and checks whether f(x) = f(y) = f(x + y) = 1. Green showed that the canonical tester rejects functions -far from triangle-free with constant probability if its query complexity is a tower of 2's whose height is polynomial in . Fox later improved the height of the tower in Green's upper bound to . A trivial lower bound of on the query complexity is immediate. In this paper, we give the first non-trivial lower bound for the number of queries needed. We show that, for every small enough , there exists an integer such that for all there exists a function depending on all n variables which is -far from being triangle-free and requires queries for the canonical tester. We also show that the query complexity of any general (possibly adaptive) one-sided tester for triangle-freeness is at least square root of the query complexity of the corresponding canonical tester. Consequently, this means that any one-sided tester for triangle-freeness must make at least queries.


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A novel design for the geometric configuration of honeycombs using a seamless combination of auxetic and conventional cores- elements with negative and positive Possion ratios respectively, has been presented. The proposed design has been shown to generate a superior band gap property while retaining all major advantages of a purely conventional or purely auxetic honeycomb structure. Seamless combination ensures that joint cardinality is also retained. Several configurations involving different degree of auxeticity and different proportions auxetic and conventional elements have been analyzed. It has been shown that the preferred configurations open up wide and clean band gap at a significantly lower frequency ranges compared to their pure counterparts. In view of existence of band gaps being desired feature for the phononic applications, reported results might be appealing. Use of such design may enable superior vibration control as well. Proposed configurations can be made isovolumic and iso-weight giving designers a fairer ground of applying such configurations without significantly changing size and weight criteria.


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We consider the problem of representing a univariate polynomial f(x) as a sum of powers of low degree polynomials. We prove a lower bound of Omega(root d/t) for writing an explicit univariate degree-d polynomial f(x) as a sum of powers of degree-t polynomials.