992 resultados para galaxies: jets


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We present a measurement of the mass of the top quark using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.9fb^-1 of ppbar collisions collected at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV with the CDF II detector at Fermilab's Tevatron. This is the first measurement of the top quark mass using top-antitop pair candidate events in the lepton + jets and dilepton decay channels simultaneously. We reconstruct two observables in each channel and use a non-parametric kernel density estimation technique to derive two-dimensional probability density functions from simulated signal and background samples. The observables are the top quark mass and the invariant mass of two jets from the W decay in the lepton + jets channel, and the top quark mass and the scalar sum of transverse energy of the event in the dilepton channel. We perform a simultaneous fit for the top quark mass and the jet energy scale, which is constrained in situ by the hadronic W boson mass. Using 332 lepton + jets candidate events and 144 dilepton candidate events, we measure the top quark mass to be mtop=171.9 +/- 1.7 (stat. + JES) +/- 1.1 (syst.) GeV/c^2 = 171.9 +/- 2.0 GeV/c^2.


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We present a measurement of the tt̅ production cross section in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV using events containing a high transverse momentum electron or muon, three or more jets, and missing transverse energy. Events consistent with tt̅ decay are found by identifying jets containing candidate heavy-flavor semileptonic decays to muons. The measurement uses a CDF run II data sample corresponding to 2  fb-1 of integrated luminosity. Based on 248 candidate events with three or more jets and an expected background of 79.5±5.3 events, we measure a production cross section of 9.1±1.6  pb.


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We present a measurement of the tt̅ production cross section in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV using events containing a high transverse momentum electron or muon, three or more jets, and missing transverse energy. Events consistent with tt̅ decay are found by identifying jets containing candidate heavy-flavor semileptonic decays to muons. The measurement uses a CDF run II data sample corresponding to 2  fb-1 of integrated luminosity. Based on 248 candidate events with three or more jets and an expected background of 79.5±5.3 events, we measure a production cross section of 9.1±1.6  pb.


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The cross section for photon production in association with at least one jet containing a $b$-quark hadron has been measured in proton antiproton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 340 pb$^{-1}$ collected with the CDF II detector. Both the differential cross section as a function of photon transverse energy $E_T^{\gamma}$, $d \sigma$($p \overline{p} \to \gamma + \geq 1 b$-jet)/$d E_T^{\gamma}$ and the total cross section $\sigma$($p \overline{p} \to \gamma + \geq 1 b$-jet; $E_T^{\gamma}> 20$ GeV) are measured. Comparisons to a next-to-leading order prediction of the process are presented.


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We present a measurement of the $\ttbar$ production cross section in $\ppbar$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV using events containing a high transverse momentum electron or muon, three or more jets, and missing transverse energy. Events consistent with $\ttbar$ decay are found by identifying jets containing candidate heavy-flavor semileptonic decays to muons. The measurement uses a CDF Run II data sample corresponding to $2 \mathrm{fb^{-1}}$ of integrated luminosity. Based on 248 candidate events with three or more jets and an expected background of $79.5\pm5.3$ events, we measure a production cross section of $9.1\pm 1.6 \mathrm{pb}$.


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The concept of a fully-developed flow based on the hypothesis of selective memory is here applied to general wall-jet type flows. In the presence of a (constant) external stream, the free-stream velocity and the jet momentum flux are taken to be the chief quantities governing the development of the wall jet: two additional nondimensional parameters, representing a momentum flux Reynolds number and the relative momentum defect in the initial boundary layer, are shown to have only a secondary effect on the fully-developed flow. The standard correlations so determined are also found to predict quite well the flow development in Gartshore and Newman's experiments on wall jets in adverse pressure gradients; possible reasons for this somewhat surprising result are discussed. Finally it is shown, by application to the still-air case, that the parameters discovered in incompressible flow are, with appropriate but straightforward modification, successful in describing compressible wall jets also.


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The numbers and mean radio luminosities of giant radio galaxies (GRGs) have been calculated for redshifts up to z = 0.6, assuming a sensitivity limit of 1 Jy at 1 GHz for the observations. The estimates are obtained with a model for the beam propagation, first through the hot gaseaous halo around the parent galaxy, and thereafter, through the even hotter but less dense intergalactic medium. The model is able to accurately reproduce the observed numbers and mean radio luminosities of GRGs at redshifts of less than 0.1, and it predicts that a somewhat larger number of GRGs should be found at redshifts of greater than 0.1.


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THE flowfield due to transverse injection of a round sonic jet into a supersonic flowis a configuration of interest in the design of supersonic combustors or thrust vector control of supersonic jets. The flow is also of fundamental interest because it presents separation from a smooth surface, embedded subsonic regions, curved shear layers, strong shocks, an unusual development of the injected jet into a kidney-shaped streamwise vortex pair, and a wake behind the jet. Although the geometry is simple, the flow is complex and is a good candidate for assessing the behavior of turbulence models for high-speed flow, beginning with the corresponding two-dimensional flow shown in Fig. 1. At the slot, an underexpanded sonic jet expands rapidly into the supersonic crossflow. Expansion waves reflect at the jet boundary, coalesce, and give rise to a Mach surface (Mach disk for round jets).


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The near flow field of small aspect ratio elliptic turbulent free jets (issuing from nozzle and orifice) was experimentally studied using a 2D PIV. Two point velocity correlations in these jets revealed the extent and orientation of the large scale structures in the major and minor planes. The spatial filtering of the instantaneous velocity field using Gaussian convolution kernel shows that while a single large vortex ring circumscribing the jet seems to be present at the exit of nozzle, the orifice jet exhibited a number of smaller vortex ring pairs close to jet exit. The smaller length scale observed in the case of the orifice jet is representative of the smaller azimuthal vortex rings that generate axial vortex field as they are convected. This results in the axis-switching in the case of orifice jet and may have a mechanism different from the self induction process as observed in the case of contoured nozzle jet flow.


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Recent X-ray observations have revealed that early-type galaxies (which usually produce extended double radio sources) generally have hot gaseous haloes extending up to approx102kpc1,2. Moreover, much of the cosmic X-ray background radiation is probably due to a hotter, but extremely tenuous, intergalactic medium (IGM)3. We have presented4–7 an analytical model for the propagation of relativistic beams from galactic nuclei, in which the beams' crossing of the pressure-matched interface between the IGM and the gaseous halo, plays an important role. The hotspots at the ends of the beams fade quickly when their advance becomes subsonic with respect to the IGM. This model has successfully predicted (for typical double radio sources) the observed8 current mean linear-size (approx2Dsime350 kpc)4,5, the observed8–11 decrease in linear-size with cosmological redshift4–6 and the slope of the linear-size versus radio luminosity10,12–14 relation6. We have also been able to predict the redshift-dependence of observed numbers and radio luminosities of giant radio galaxies7,15. Here, we extend this model to include the propagation of somewhat weaker beams. We show that the observed flattening of the local radio luminosity function (LRLF)16–20 for radio luminosity Papproximately 1024 W Hz-1 at 1 GHz can be explained without invoking ad hoc a corresponding break in the beam power function Phi(Lb), because the heads of the beams with Lb < 1025 W Hz-1 are decelerated to sonic velocity within the halo itself, which leads to a rapid decay of radio luminosity and a reduced contribution of these intrinsically weaker sources to the observed LRLF.


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A plane subsonic jet can be excited to entrain more fluid from its surroundings by subjecting it to antisymmetric periodic disturbances. The essential feature in this phenomenon is the rolling-up motion of an initially flapping jet to form large vortices which are responsible for greater entrainment. Several methods developed to impart oscillations to the flow at the nozzle, such as the acoustic pressure oscillator, the vibration of a single vane in the potential core region, the reciprocating lip system and the twin vane exciter, are described in this article. A minimum threshold in amplitude is necessary for exciting the flow. However, the frequency of oscillation is much less than that predicted by stability considerations.


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We propose a physical mechanism to explain the origin of the intense burst of massive-star formation seen in colliding/merging, gas-rich, field spiral galaxies. We explicitly take account of the different parameters for the two main mass components, H-2 and H I, of the interstellar medium within a galaxy and follow their consequent different evolution during a collision between two galaxies. We also note that, in a typical spiral galaxy-like our galaxy, the Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) are in a near-virial equilibrium and form the current sites of massive-star formation, but have a low star formation rate. We show that this star formation rate is increased following a collision between galaxies. During a typical collision between two field spiral galaxies, the H I clouds from the two galaxies undergo collisions at a relative velocity of approximately 300 km s-1. However, the GMCs, with their smaller volume filling factor, do not collide. The collisions among the H I clouds from the two galaxies lead to the formation of a hot, ionized, high-pressure remnant gas. The over-pressure due to this hot gas causes a radiative shock compression of the outer layers of a preexisting GMC in the overlapping wedge region. This makes these layers gravitationally unstable, thus triggering a burst of massive-star formation in the initially barely stable GMCs.The resulting value of the typical IR luminosity from the young, massive stars from a pair of colliding galaxies is estimated to be approximately 2 x 10(11) L., in agreement with the observed values. In our model, the massive-star formation occurs in situ in the overlapping regions of a pair of colliding galaxies. We can thus explain the origin of enhanced star formation over an extended, central area approximately several kiloparsecs in size, as seen in typical colliding galaxies, and also the origin of starbursts in extranuclear regions of disk overlap as seen in Arp 299 (NGC 3690/IC 694) and in Arp 244 (NGC 4038/39). Whether the IR emission from the central region or that from the surrounding extranuclear galactic disk dominates depends on the geometry and the epoch of the collision and on the initial radial gas distribution in the two galaxies. In general, the central starburst would be stronger than that in the disks, due to the higher preexisting gas densities in the central region. The burst of star formation is expected to last over a galactic gas disk crossing time approximately 4 x 10(7) yr. We can also explain the simultaneous existence of nearly normal CO galaxy luminosities and shocked H-2 gas, as seen in colliding field galaxies.This is a minimal model, in that the only necessary condition for it to work is that there should be a sufficient overlap between the spatial gas distributions of the colliding galaxy pair.


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From the available H I data on spiral galaxies in three rich Abell clusters and the Virgo Cluster, it is shown that galaxies with medium to large optical sizes tend to be more severely deficient in atomic hydrogen than the small galaxies. This is so both in terms of the fractional number of galaxies that are deficient and the amount of gas lost by a galaxy. The fraction of H I-deficient galaxies increases with size over most of the size range, saturating or dropping only for the largest galaxies. A comparative study is made of various currently accepted gas removal mechanisms, namely those which are a result of galaxy-intracluster medium interactions, e.g., ram pressure stripping, as well as those due to galaxy-galaxy interactions, i.e., collisions and tidal interactions. It is shown that, with the exception of tidal interactions, all of these mechanisms would produce a size dependence in H I deficiency that is the opposite of that observed. That is, the gas in the largest galaxies would be the least affected by these mechanisms. However, if there is significant mass segregation, these processes may give the trends observed in the size dependence of H I deficiency.