518 resultados para gabriella de Lucca


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Semantic space models of word meaning derived from co-occurrence statistics within a corpus of documents, such as the Hyperspace Analogous to Language (HAL) model, have been proposed in the past. While word similarity can be computed using these models, it is not clear how semantic spaces derived from different sets of documents can be compared. In this paper, we focus on this problem, and we revisit the proposal of using semantic subspace distance measurements [1]. In particular, we outline the research questions that still need to be addressed to investigate and validate these distance measures. Then, we describe our plans for future research.


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INEX investigates focused retrieval from structured documents by providing large test collections of structured documents, uniform evaluation measures, and a forum for organizations to compare their results. This paper reports on the INEX 2008 evaluation campaign, which consisted of a wide range of tracks: Ad hoc, Book, Efficiency, Entity Ranking, Interactive, QA, Link the Wiki, and XML Mining.


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INEX investigates focused retrieval from structured documents by providing large test collections of structured documents, uniform evaluation measures, and a forum for organizations to compare their results. This paper reports on the INEX 2014 evaluation campaign, which consisted of three tracks: The Interactive Social Book Search Track investigated user information seeking behavior when interacting with various sources of information, for realistic task scenarios, and how the user interface impacts search and the search experience. The Social Book Search Track investigated the relative value of authoritative metadata and user-generated content for search and recommendation using a test collection with data from Amazon and LibraryThing, including user profiles and personal catalogues. The Tweet Contextualization Track investigated tweet contextualization, helping a user to understand a tweet by providing him with a short background summary generated from relevant Wikipedia passages aggregated into a coherent summary. INEX 2014 was an exciting year for INEX in which we for the third time ran our workshop as part of the CLEF labs. This paper gives an overview of all the INEX 2014 tracks, their aims and task, the built test-collections, the participants, and gives an initial analysis of the results.


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This report provides an account of the first large-scale scoping study of work integrated learning (WIL) in contemporary Australian higher education. The explicit aim of the project was to identify issues and map a broad and growing picture of WIL across Australia and to identify ways of improving the student learning experience in relation to WIL. The project was undertaken in response to high levels of interest in WIL, which is seen by universities both as a valid pedagogy and as a means to respond to demands by employers for work-ready graduates, and demands by students for employable knowledge and skills. Over a period of eight months of rapid data collection, 35 universities and almost 600 participants contributed to the project. Participants consistently reported the positive benefits of WIL and provided evidence of commitment and innovative practice in relation to enhancing student learning experiences. Participants provided evidence of strong partnerships between stakeholders and highlighted the importance of these relationships in facilitating effective learning outcomes for students. They also identified a range of issues and challenges that face the sector in growing WIL opportunities; these issues and challenges will shape the quality of WIL experiences. While the majority of comments focused on issues involved in ensuring quality placements, it was recognised that placements are just one way to ensure the integration of work with learning. Also, the WIL experience is highly contextualised and impacted by the expectations of students, employers, the professions, the university and government policy.


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As of today, user-generated information such as online reviews has become increasingly significant for customers in decision making process. Meanwhile, as the volume of online reviews proliferates, there is an insistent demand to help the users tackle the information overload problem. In order to extract useful information from overwhelming reviews, considerable work has been proposed such as review summarization and review selection. Particularly, to avoid the redundant information, researchers attempt to select a small set of reviews to represent the entire review corpus by preserving its statistical properties (e.g., opinion distribution). However, one significant drawback of the existing works is that they only measure the utility of the extracted reviews as a whole without considering the quality of each individual review. As a result, the set of chosen reviews may consist of low-quality ones even its statistical property is close to that of the original review corpus, which is not preferred by the users. In this paper, we proposed a review selection method which takes review quality into consideration during the selection process. Specifically, we examine the relationships between product features based upon a domain ontology to capture the review characteristics based on which to select reviews that have good quality and preserve the opinion distribution as well. Our experimental results based on real world review datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach is feasible and able to improve the performance of the review selection effectively.


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We report results of the magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements down to very low fields on a single crystal of the perovskite manganite, La-0.82 Ca-0.18 MnO3. This composition falls in the intriguing ferromagnetic insulator region of the manganite phase diagram. In contrast to earlier beliefs, our investigations reveal that magnetically (and in every other sense), this is a single- phase system with a ferromagnetic ordering temperature of around 170 K. However, this ferromagnetic state is magnetically frustrated, and the system exhibits pronounced glassy dynamics below 90 K. Based on measured dynamical properties, we propose that this quasi-long-ranged ferromagnetic phase, and the associated superspin glass behavior, is the true magnetic state of the system, rather than being a macroscopic mixture of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, as often suggested. Our results provide an understanding of the quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a ferromagnetic metal via this ferromagnetic state as a function of x in La1-xCaxMnO3, in terms of the possible formation of magnetic polarons.


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The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a pantropical tree inventory database from closed canopy forests, consisting of 657,630 trees belonging to 11,371 species, we use a fitted value of Fisher's alpha and an approximate pantropical stem total to estimate the minimum number of tropical forest tree species to fall between similar to 40,000 and similar to 53,000, i.e., at the high end of previous estimates. Contrary to common assumption, the Indo-Pacific region was found to be as species-rich as the Neotropics, with both regions having a minimum of similar to 19,000-25,000 tree species. Continental Africa is relatively depauperate with a minimum of similar to 4,500-6,000 tree species. Very few species are shared among the African, American, and the Indo-Pacific regions. We provide a methodological framework for estimating species richness in trees that may help refine species richness estimates of tree-dependent taxa.


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Contenido: El regadío sostenible en al-Andalus / José Roldán Cañas ; María Fátima Moreno Pérez ; José Luis del Pino García – Presencia jurídica femenina a través de los Ordenamientos de Cortes (Castilla – León, Siglos XII-XIV) / Diana Arauz Mercado – Santo Domingo de Caleruega. Estudio iconológico / María Jesús Baquero Martín – Un ejemplo de poder monástico femenino: las relaciones entre la villa de Tordesillas y el convento de Santa Clara / Cecilia Bahr – La exposición de la doctrina de la “Guerra Justa” en El Victorial de Gutierre Díaz de Games / Santiago Agustín Pérez – Algunas notas sobre el patrimonio de la boticaria Elvira Pérez (Santiago, 1348) / Carlos Calderón – The price of Charles V’S protection in Italy: the example of Lucca / Christine Shaw – El Imperio y las Cortes de Santiago de Compostela de 1520, la base ideológica del Absolutismo español / István Szászdi – The extradition treaties of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions (1500-1700) / François Soyer – Las “Memorias” del general argentino Tomás de Iriarte sobre la Guerra de la Independencia Española / Miguel Ángel De Marco – Los viajes a Alemania de Ramiro de Maeztu / Ángeles Castro Montero -- Reseñas


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Resumen: En muchos países del mundo se suceden actualmente reclamos de reconocimiento público de las uniones homosexuales. Diversos países europeos han introducido normas tendientes a reconocer nuevas modalidades de ser pareja y familia sobre la base de una nueva concepción “de género” de la sexualidad humana. Pero la impresión que surge es que tales reconocimientos no son siempre precedidos de una profundización propiamente jurídica. En tal sentido, a la luz de las recientes solicitaciones político-sociales en materia de sexualidad y de familia, la presente contribución pretende proponer, en una perspectiva filosófico-jurídica, una reflexión sobre la función y el sentido del derecho frente a los cambios sociales.


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A presente dissertação parte da leitura do Livro do Desassossego de Fernando Pessoa (composto por Bernardo Soares ou Vicente Guedes, dependendo da fase de escrita do Livro), estabelecendo com ele uma relação dialógica, buscando gerar um pensamento sobre o livro a partir dele próprio. A pesquisa realizada procurou, sobretudo, tratar da encenação da palavra Desassossego na obra e a sua importância como elemento de coesão no ambiente partido que é o Livro. Para isso, efetivou-se uma análise da palavra desassossego e as suas diversas formas de escrita durante a interminável feitura da obra. Este trabalho, no entanto, não pretende expor uma definição para o que seria desassossego. Laborando exatamente no viés oposto, visa-se à encenação do desassossego através da aproximação, ou seja, da experiência do desassossego na própria escrita sobre ele. O estudo aqui apresentado constrói-se como uma forma de narrativa de pensamento, realizando-se como registro da reflexão sobre a palavra desassossego, sobre o livro e sobre questões a ele pertinentes e por ele levantadas, como a problematização da heteronímia, do gênero autobiográfico, da editoração e das ideias de vida e literatura


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais frequente no mundo, afetando 1-2% da população acima de 65 anos, caracterizada clinicamente por tremor em repouso, bradicinesia, instabilidade postural e rigidez muscular. Essas manifestações surgem devido à degeneração neuronal progressiva e à presença de inclusões proteicas ricas em α-sinucleína. A DP é decorrente da interação entre fatores ambientais e genéticos, e entre os fatores genéticos, variantes exônicas de transmissão dominante nos genes LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2), VPS35 (vacuolar protein sorting 35) e EIF4G1 (eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4-gamma 1) têm sido associadas à etiologia da doença. Entretanto, estudos sobre o efeito dessas variantes na população brasileira são raros ou inexistentes. Por essa razão, neste trabalho rastreamos mutações nos genes VPS35 (p.D620N; p.R524W), EIF4G1 (p.R1205H; p.A502V) e LRRK2 (p.G2019S) em uma amostra de 582 pacientes brasileiros com DP não aparentados e 329 indivíduos controles saudáveis. Além disso, conduzimos o primeiro estudo caso-controle para análise de variantes exônicas raras (p.Q1111H, p.T1410M, p.M1646T, p.S1761R, p.Y2189C) e comuns (p.N551K, p.R1398H, p.K1423K) no gene LRRK2 em um subgrupo de 329 pacientes brasileiros com DP, não aparentados, naturais da região sudeste. Esse subgrupo foi analisado e comparado com 222 indivíduos controles saudáveis a fim de verificar associações dessas variantes e a DP. Em relação às mutações dos genes VPS35 e EIF4G1, não foram encontradas alterações nos pacientes com DP. A mutação p.G2019S no gene LRRK2 foi encontrada em 15 probandos (2,6%), dos quais 9 são do sexo feminino (64,3%). O tremor em repouso foi observado em 47,36% dos pacientes com a mutação p.G2019S como primeiro sintoma motor. As análises das variantes raras no gene LRRK2 não revelaram qualquer associação estatisticamente significante. Entre as variantes comuns, a p.K1423K mostrou evidência de associação de risco com a DP (p<0,05) na estratificação contendo o grupo de indivíduos com história familiar da doença e para as variantes p.N551K e p.R1398H não foram observadas associações. A análise do haplótipo p.N551K-p.R1398H-p.K1423K revelou associação de proteção na amostra sudeste e na estratificação Rio de Janeiro (p<0,05). Esse haplótipo não está em desequilíbrio de ligação na amostra de 222 indivíduos controles brasileiros analisados (r2≤45). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo representam contribuições valiosas ao entendimento da relação entre as variantes genéticas estudadas e o risco de desenvolvimento da doença de Parkinson, principalmente no que se refere aos endofenótipos associados.


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No plano de imanência de Spinoza, o amor é afeto expressivo de uma diferença que marca o trânsito a estados de maior perfeição ou realidade. A partir da compreensão do princípio de univocidade, a imanência se expressa na produção de diferenças. O amor de Deus serve como guia para a vida política conduzida pela razão. Não um Deus personalizado, mas como nome da potência (potentia). Se a multidão compreende adequadamente sua própria essência como direito ou potência natural de resistir à dominação e de se auto-organizar em liberdade, o amor surge como força vital de constituição do comum e leva à invenção de formas cada vez mais aperfeiçoadas de vida. A democracia emerge, por sua vez, como o mais natural dos regimes políticos, porque é o que mais convém com a natureza dos homens guiados pela razão. Assim, nas redes e nas ruas a multidão exercita a liberdade quando promove encontros alegres entre as singularidades que a compõem. Ao lado de um conhecimento adequado para a produção de graus maiores de liberdade, surge uma espécie de amor da multidão por sua própria essência ou potência, ou seja, a afirmação em si mesma da diferença, da abertura e da multiplicidade. Aqui, os afetos passivos que são promovidos pelas relações de dominação, como o medo, o ódio e a esperança, devem ceder lugar aos afetos ativos do amor à liberdade necessária para diferir-se. A alegria da multidão, enfim, deriva de sua potência ativa de criar formas de vida comum a partir da composição de singularidades múltiplas. No seio da produção biopolítica contemporânea, surgem novos horizontes para o combate de resistência e criação conjunta contra as formas de vida submetidas à servidão. Seguindo principalmente a linhagem spinozista de Antonio Negri e Gilles Deleuze, explora-se aqui as condições da experiência real que determinam a possibilidade de uma ética política do amor na contemporaneidade.


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We addressed four research questions, each relating to the training and assessment of the competencies associated with the performance of ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus blockade (USgABPB). These were: (i) What are the most important determinants of learning of USgABPB? (ii) What is USgABPB? What are the errors most likely to occur when trainees learn to perform this procedure? (iii) How should end-user input be applied to the development of a novel USgABPB simulator? (iv) Does structured simulation based training influence novice learning of the procedure positively? We demonstrated that the most important determinants of learning USgABPB are: (a) Access to a formal structured training programme. (b) Frequent exposure to clinical learning opportunity in an appropriate setting (c) A clinical learning opporunity requires an appropriate patient, trainee and teacher being present at the same time, in an appropriate environment. We carried out a comprehensive description of the procedure. We performed a formal task analysis of USgABPB, identifying (i) 256 specific tasks associated with the safe and effective performance of the procedure, and (ii) the 20 most critical errors likely to occur in this setting. We described a methodology for this and collected data based on detailed, sequential evaluation of prototypes by trainees in anaesthesia. We carried out a pilot randomised control trial assessing the effectiveness of a USgABPB simulator during its development. Our data did not enable us to draw a reliable conclusion to this question; the trail did provide important new learning (as a pilot) to inform future investigation of this question. We believe that the ultimate goal of designing effective simulation-based training and assessment of ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia is closer to realisation as a result of this work. It remains to be proven if this approach will have a positive impact on procedural performance, and more importantly improve patient outcomes.


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This PhD thesis describes work carried out on investigation of various interventions with the aim to optimise the anaesthetic management of patients scheduled to undergo operative fixation of hip fractures. We analysed the perioperative effects of continuous femoral nerve block, single preoperative dose of i.v. dexamethasone, the intention to deposit local anaesthetic in different locations around the femoral nerve during ultrasound guided femoral nerve block, continuous spinal anaesthesia and peri-surgical site infiltration with local anaesthetic after surgical fixation of hip fractures. Continuous femoral nerve block provided more effective preoperative analgesia six hours after the insertion of the perineural catheter compared to a standard opiate-based regimen in patients undergoing operative fixation of fractured hip. A single low dose of preoperative dexamethasone in the intervention group decreased pain scores by 75% six hours after the surgery. Both interventions had no major effect on the functional recovery in the first year after the surgical fixation of fractured hip. The results of the ultrasound guided femoral nerve block trial showed no clinical advantage of intending to deposit local anaesthetic circumferentially during performing femoral nerve block. Using the Dixon and Massey’s “up- and-down” method, we demonstrated that intrathecal 0.26 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine provided adequate surgical anaesthesia within 15 minutes in 50% of patients undergoing operative fixation of hip fracture. Finally, we demonstrated that local anaesthetic infiltration had no effect on pain scores 12 hours after the surgical fixation of fractured neck of femur. In addition to this original body of work, a review article was published on femoral nerve block highlighting the use of ultrasound guidance. In conclusion, the results of this thesis offer an insight into interventions aimed at optimising perioperative analgesia in patients scheduled to undergo operative fixation of hip fractures.


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The training and ongoing education of medical practitioners has undergone major changes in an incremental fashion over the past 15 years. These changes have been driven by patient safety, educational, economic and legislative/regulatory factors. In the near future, training in procedural skills will undergo a paradigm shift to proficiency based progression with associated requirements for competence-based programmes, valid, reliable assessment tools and simulation technology. Before training begins, the learning outcomes require clear definition; any form of assessment applied should include measurement of these outcomes. Currently training in a procedural skill often takes place on an ad hoc basis. The number of attempts necessary to attain a defined degree of proficiency varies from procedure to procedure. Convincing evidence exists that simulation training helps trainees to acquire skills more efficiently rather than relying on opportunities in their clinical practice. Simulation provides a safe, stress free environment for trainees for skill acquisition, generalization and transfer via deliberate practice. The work described in this thesis contributes to a greater understanding of how medical procedures can be performed more safely and effectively through education. The effect of feedback, provided to novices in a standardized setting on a bench model, based on knowledge of performance was associated with an increase in the speed of skill acquisition and a decrease in error rate during initial learning. The timing of feedback was also associated with effective learning of skill. A marked attrition of skills (independent of the type of feedback provided) was demonstrable 24 hrs after they have first been learned. Using the principles of feedback as described above, when studying the effect of an intense training program on novices of varied years of experience in anaesthesia (i.e. the present training programmes / courses of an intense training day for one or more procedures). There was a marked attrition of skill at 24 hours with a significant correlation with increasing years of experience; there also appeared to be an inverse relationship between years of experience in anaesthesia and performance. The greater the number of years of practice experience, the longer it required a learner to acquire a new skill. The findings of the studies described in this thesis may have important implications for the trainers, trainees and training bodies in the design and implementation of training courses and the formats of delivery of changing curricula. Both curricula and training modalities will need to take account of characteristics of individual learners and the dynamic nature of procedural healthcare.