855 resultados para four resources model
Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO), der Komplex IV der Atmungskette, ist eine der Häm-Kupfer enthaltenden Oxidasen und hat eine wichtige Funktion im Zellmetabolismus. Das Enzym enthält vier prosthetische Gruppen und befindet sich in der inneren Membran von Mitochondrien und in der Zellmembran einiger aerober Bakterien. Die CcO katalysiert den Elektronentransfer (ET) von Cytochrom c zu O2, wobei die eigentliche Reaktion am binuklearen Zentrum (CuB-Häm a3) erfolgt. Bei der Reduktion von O2 zu zwei H2O werden vier Protonen verbraucht. Zudem werden vier Protonen über die Membran transportiert, wodurch eine elektrochemische Potentialdifferenz dieser Ionen zwischen Matrix und Intermembranphase entsteht. Trotz ihrer Wichtigkeit sind Membranproteine wie die CcO noch wenig untersucht, weshalb auch der Mechanismus der Atmungskette noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Funktion der CcO zu leisten. Hierzu wurde die CcO aus Rhodobacter sphaeroides über einen His-Anker, der am C-Terminus der Untereinheit II angebracht wurde, an eine funktionalisierte Metallelektrode in definierter Orientierung gebunden. Der erste Elektronenakzeptor, das CuA, liegt dabei am nächsten zur Metalloberfläche. Dann wurde eine Doppelschicht aus Lipiden insitu zwischen die gebundenen Proteine eingefügt, was zur sog. proteingebundenen Lipid-Doppelschicht Membran (ptBLM) führt. Dabei musste die optimale Oberflächenkonzentration der gebundenen Proteine herausgefunden werden. Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie(EIS), Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie (SPR) und zyklische Voltammetrie (CV) wurden angewandt um die Aktivität der CcO als Funktion der Packungsdichte zu charakterisieren. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit betrifft die Untersuchung des direkten ET zur CcO unter anaeroben Bedingungen. Die Kombination aus zeitaufgelöster oberflächenverstärkter Infrarot-Absorptionsspektroskopie (tr-SEIRAS) und Elektrochemie hat sich dafür als besonders geeignet erwiesen. In einer ersten Studie wurde der ET mit Hilfe von fast scan CV untersucht, wobei CVs von nicht-aktivierter sowie aktivierter CcO mit verschiedenen Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten gemessen wurden. Die aktivierte Form wurde nach dem katalytischen Umsatz des Proteins in Anwesenheit von O2 erhalten. Ein vier-ET-modell wurde entwickelt um die CVs zu analysieren. Die Methode erlaubt zwischen dem Mechanismus des sequentiellen und des unabhängigen ET zu den vier Zentren CuA, Häm a, Häm a3 und CuB zu unterscheiden. Zudem lassen sich die Standardredoxpotentiale und die kinetischen Koeffizienten des ET bestimmen. In einer zweiten Studie wurde tr-SEIRAS im step scan Modus angewandt. Dafür wurden Rechteckpulse an die CcO angelegt und SEIRAS im ART-Modus verwendet um Spektren bei definierten Zeitscheiben aufzunehmen. Aus diesen Spektren wurden einzelne Banden isoliert, die Veränderungen von Vibrationsmoden der Aminosäuren und Peptidgruppen in Abhängigkeit des Redoxzustands der Zentren zeigen. Aufgrund von Zuordnungen aus der Literatur, die durch potentiometrische Titration der CcO ermittelt wurden, konnten die Banden versuchsweise den Redoxzentren zugeordnet werden. Die Bandenflächen gegen die Zeit aufgetragen geben dann die Redox-Kinetik der Zentren wieder und wurden wiederum mit dem vier-ET-Modell ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse beider Studien erlauben die Schlussfolgerung, dass der ET zur CcO in einer ptBLM mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit dem sequentiellen Mechanismus folgt, was dem natürlichen ET von Cytochrom c zur CcO entspricht.
The short, portable mental status questionnaire (SPMSQ) developed by Pfeiffer has several advantages over previous short instruments designed to assess the intellectual functioning of older adults. It is based upon data from both institutionalized and community-dwelling elderly. Although Pfeiffer a four-group classification, he used to groups in his initial validation study: (a) intact/mildly impaired, and (b) moderately/severely impaired. The present study compared clinicians' ratings with those based upon the SPMSQ scores, and examined the validity of the four-group classification. The sample included 181 subjects from seven intermediate care facilities and nine home-care agencies. All were assessed by the OARS questionnaire, which includes the SPMSQ Three discriminant analyses were performed with three different criteria, for two-group, three-group, and four-group models. Results indicated that the two-group model (intact/mildly impaired and moderately/severely impaired) permitted significant discrimination. The four-group model, however, gave less distinct results. In particular, patients who were mildly intellectually impaired could not be clearly distinguished from those who were intact and from those who were moderately impaired. The three-group model (minimally, moderately, severely impaired) seemed to offer the best compromise between the gross dichotomy of the original two-model system and the less accurate four category system.
The cyclonic circulation of the Atlantic subpolar gyre is a key mechanism for North Atlantic climate variability on a wide range of time scales. It is generally accepted that it is driven by both cyclonic winds and buoyancy forcing, yet the individual importance and dynamical interactions of the two contributions remain unclear. The authors propose a simplified four-box model representing the convective basin of the Labrador Sea and its shallow and deep boundary current system, the western subpolar gyre. Convective heat loss drives a baroclinic flow of relatively light water around the dense center. Eddy salt flux from the boundary current to the center increases with a stronger circulation, favors the formation of dense waters, and thereby sustains a strong baroclinic flow, approximately 10%–25% of the total. In contrast, when the baroclinic flow is not active, surface waters may be too fresh to convect, and a buoyancy-driven circulation cannot develop. This situation corresponds to a second stable circulation mode. A hysteresis is found for variations in surface freshwater flux and the salinity of the near-surface boundary current. An analytical solution is presented and analyzed.
El desarrollo como política de las naciones marca el período de la postguerra, que en América Latina se concreta en múltiples programas de Desarrollo Rural. El modelo inicial de crecimiento económico se va enriqueciendo con visiones centradas en el ser humano y sus múltiples concepciones de desarrollo. En este entender el desarrollo desde la diversidad cultural y antropológica de los pueblos de América Latina, surge la comunicación radiofónica como camino común para la persuasión, socialización y apropiación colectiva de conocimientos y ámbito participativo para consensuar objetivos y acordar actividades. El activismo de los años setenta y ochenta produjo un número considerable de experiencias. La mayoría de ellas han llegado hasta nuestros días, pero el giro tomado por las sociedades digitalizadas y las prioridades medioambientales han dado un nuevo rostro a aquellas primeras experiencias centradas en el desarrollo rural endógeno. Este estudio investiga el complejo práctico-teórico que integra comunicación y desarrollo en contextos territoriales interculturales con población marginal y aplicación de políticas de desarrollo rural. En el capítulo I se recogen las modalidades de cómo se ha aplicado la comunicación en programas de desarrollo, para profundizar en el concepto de comunicación para el desarrollo, conocer sus actores y resultados, y concluir que el desarrollo “con rostro humano” se hace con personas no con políticas oficiales. El capítulo II presenta a los Pueblos Indígenas de la Sierra Ecuatoriana como actores de su proceso de desarrollo hacia el Sumak Kawsay. Los temas tratados en este capítulo muestran los valores y capacidades de las comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Ecuatoriana para la autogestión de su desarrollo, y deja constancia y denuncia de la lectura negativa que se ha venido haciendo de su cosmovisión. Se encuentra respuesta conceptual y metodológica en el Workng With People para optimizar aportes culturales de los Pueblos Indígenas al proceso comunicacional y participativo para mejorar las condiciones de vida y lograr mayores espacios de autonomía y libertad El conocimiento que explica la realidad sin cambiarla no tiene sentido para los pobres. La realidad requiere ser comprendida para construir el conocimiento que la explique y la cambie: ese es el aporte del modelo conocimiento/acción que se presenta en el capítulo III. En este capítulo se exponen metodologías abiertas a la creatividad y flexibles que responden a los principios del modelo conocimiento/acción. La comunicación para el desarrollo se abre a todas ellas como ágora pluricultural que requiere un lenguaje común que se construye desde el aprendizaje social. Los conceptos expuestos en el capítulo III se vinculan en una propuesta metodológica que integra el conocimiento y la acción con los principios del Working With People, propuesta que se expone en el capítulo IV. El modelo del Proyecto de Comunicación para el Desarrollo junta en un modelo de comunicación popular y prácticas liberadoras con métodos cognitivos de la realidad para planificar el cambio desde la población y con la población. Finalmente, el capítulo V recoge la experiencia de la Casa Campesina Cayambe ejecutora del Proyecto de Comunicación para el Desarrollo en la adaptación ejecutada con Radio Mensaje. La riqueza de la experiencia tiende a escaparse de los límites conceptuales y los esquemas dejan espacios de vida ignotos; pero los conceptos y esquemas constituyen el camino para que la experiencia pase a ser objeto conocido y conocimiento socializado. El Proyecto de Comunicación para el Desarrollo es resultado de un proceso de desarrollo construido desde la acción de la Casa Campesina Cayambe durante 25 años en Cayambe. En el capítulo V se describe el contexto del territorio de Cayambe, la identidad de la Casa Campesina Cayambe y de Radio Mensaje, y termina describiendo los logros de 25 años trabajando con la gente. El estudio concluye que la comunicación participativa, como ámbito de aprendizaje social aplicado en procesos de desarrollo rural, integra el conocimiento/acción e incorpora nuevos conocimientos en la población con los que se desarrollan competencias locales para planificar el desarrollo endógeno con flexibilidad y de abajo-arriba. La Figura 0-1 grafica los elementos bases sobre los que se construye el proceso de desarrollo. ABSTRACT Development as a policy of nations marks the postwar period which created several Rural Development Programs in Latin America. The initial model of economic growth was enriched with approaches focused on human beings and their multiple conceptions of development. In this regard, the development from cultural and anthropological diversity in Latin America, radio communication emerges as a common means for persuasion, socialization and collective appropriation of knowledge and scope for participation in order to agree on objectives and activities. Activism of the seventies and eighties generated a considerable number of experiences, most of which are present today. However, a turn taken by digitalized societies and environmental priorities has given those first experiences which focused on endogenous rural development a new face. This study researches the theoretical-practical status that integrates communication and development in intercultural contexts with marginal population and the use of rural development policies. Chapter one shows the modalities of how communication in development programs have been applied to deepen the concept of communication for development, to know those who are involved and its findings, and conclude that development “with a human face” is done with people not with official policies. Chapter two presents Indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian highlands, as people involved in their development process towards Sumak Kawsay. The topics in this chapter show the values and capacities indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian highlands have to self-manage their development, and proves, as well as denounces, that their cosmovision has been negatively perceived. A conceptual and methodological response is found in Working With People in order to optimize cultural contributions of Indigenous People to the communicational and participative process to improve life conditions and have greater spaces of autonomy and freedom. Knowledge which explains reality without changing it does not make any sense for the poor. Reality need to be understood in order to build the knowledge that will explain it and change it: that is the contribution of the knowledge/action model presented in chapter three. This chapter presents open methodologies to creativity which are flexible to respond to the principles of the knowledge/action model. Communication for development is open to all of them as pluricultural agora which requires a common language that is built from social learning. The concepts presented in chapter three are linked in a methodological proposal which integrates knowledge and action with principles of Working With People, proposal which is presented chapter four. The model of the Communication for Development Project includes popular communication elements and liberating practices with cognitive methods of reality to plan change from the population and with the population. Finally, chapter five presents the experiences from the Cayambe Country House, which conducted the Communication for Development Project in the adaptation implemented with Radio Mensaje. The wealth of experience tends to scape from the conceptual limits and the schemes leave gaps of unexplored life; but the concepts and schemes constitute the way so that experience becomes a known object and socialized knowledge. The Communication for Development Project is the result of a development process built from the actions of the Cayambe Country House during 25 years in Cayambe. Chapter five describes the context of Cayambe, the identity of the Cayambe Country House and Radio Mensaje, and the achievements after 25 years of working with its people. The study concludes that participatory communication, as an area of social learning applied to rural development processes, integrates knowledge/action and incorporates new knowledge in communities to develop local competencies to plan endogenous development with flexibility and from the bottom – up.
In this analysis of investment manager performance, two questions are addressed. First, do managers that actively trade stocks create value for investors? Second, can the multifactor model of Gruber capture the cross-section of average fund returns for the Australian setting? The answers from this study are as follows: as an industry, investment managers destroyed value for superannuation investors for the period 1991 through 1999, under-performing passive portfolio returns by 2.80-4.00 per cent per annum on a risk-unadjusted basis and 0.50-0.93 per cent per annum on a risk-adjusted basis. Evidence is provided in support of the four-factor model of Gruber; however, the model fails to capture the impact of investment style for the Australian setting. The findings suggest that Australian superannuation investors would transform their retirement savings into retirement income more efficiently through the use of passive alternatives to the stock selection problem.
Background: Tuberculosis is an important cause of wasting. The functional consequences of wasting and recovery may depend on the distribution of lost and gained nutrient stores between protein and fat masses. Objective: The goal was to study nutrient partitioning, ie, the proportion of weight change attributable to changes in fat mass (FM) versus protein mass (PM), during anti mycobacterial treatment. Design: Body-composition measures were made of 21 men and 9 women with pulmonary tuberculosis at baseline and after 1 and 6 mo of treatment. All subjects underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and deuterium bromide dilution tests, and a four-compartment model of FM, total body water (TBW), bone minerals (BM), and PM was derived. The ratio of PM to FM at any time was expressed as the energy content (p-ratio). Changes in the p-ratio were related to disease severity as measured by radiologic criteria. Results: Patients gained 10% in body weight (P < 0.001) from baseline to month 6. This was mainly due to a 44% gain in FM (P < 0.001); PM, BM, and TBW did not change significantly. Results were similar in men and women. The p-ratio decreased from baseline to month 1 and then fell further by month 6. Radiologic disease severity was not correlated with changes in the p-ratio. Conclusions: Microbiological cure of tuberculosis does not restore PM within 6 mo, despite a strong anabolic response. Change in the p-ratio is a suitable parameter for use in studying the effect of disease on body composition because it allows transformation of such effects into a normal distribution across a wide range of baseline proportion between fat and protein mass.
This presentation outlines the results of an eighteen month study examining the effect of an emotions focused training intervention on the emotional intelligence of employees from a large public sector organisation. Utilising an experimental methodology, 280 staff attended a two-day program focused on training emotional intelligence skills and abilities. These interventions were created around Mayer and Salovey’s four-branch model of emotional intelligence (awareness, understanding, facilitation and management of emotions). The experimental group’s emotional intelligence was tested pre and post training using the Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile (WEIP). In addition, a control group from the same organisation also completed the same measure at three points during the same eighteen month period. Analysis of the control and experimental group data were conducted, and whilst no changes were found in the control group, the experimental group’s overall emotional intelligence significantly improved post training. To further strengthen these findings, a measure of effect size using Cohen’s d was also conducted to assess the magnitude of the training intervention’s overall effect. Full results will be presented during the presentation, with feedback on the study and methods utilised encouraged from participants.
This field work study furthers understanding about expatriate management, in particular, the nature of cross-cultural management in Hong Kong involving Anglo-American expatriate and Chinese host national managers, the important features of adjustment for expatriates living and working there, and the type of training which will assist them to adjust and to work successfully in this Asian environment. Qualitative and quantitative data on each issue was gathered during in-depth interviews in Hong Kong, using structured interview schedules, with 39 expatriate and 31 host national managers drawn from a cross-section of functional areas and organizations. Despite the adoption of Western technology and the influence of Western business practices, micro-level management in Hong Kong retains a cultural specificity which is consistent with the norms and values of Chinese culture. There are differences in how expatriates and host nationals define their social roles, and Hong Kong's recent colonial history appears to influence cross-cultural interpersonal interactions. The inability of the spouse and/or family to adapt to Hong Kong is identified as a major reason for expatriate assignments to fail, though the causes have less to do with living away from family and friends, than with Hong Kong's highly urbanized environment and the heavy demands of work. Culture shock is not identified as a major problem, but in Hong Kong micro-level social factors require greater adjustment than macro-level societal factors. The adjustment of expatriate managers is facilitated by a strong orientation towards career development and hard work, possession of technical/professional expertise, and a willingness to engage in a process of continuous 'active learning' with respect to the host national society and culture. A four-part model of manager training suitable for Hong Kong is derived from the study data. It consists of a pre-departure briefing, post-arrival cross-cultural training, language training in basic Cantonese and in how to communicate more effectively in English with non-native speakers, and the assignment of a mentor to newly arrived expatriate managers.
We assessed summation of contrast across eyes and area at detection threshold ( C t). Stimuli were sine-wave gratings (2.5 c/deg) spatially modulated by cosine- and anticosine-phase raised plaids (0.5 c/deg components oriented at ±45°). When presented dichoptically the signal regions were interdigitated across eyes but produced a smooth continuous grating following their linear binocular sum. The average summation ratio ( C t1/([ C t1+2]) for this stimulus pair was 1.64 (4.3 dB). This was only slightly less than the binocular summation found for the same patch type presented to both eyes, and the area summation found for the two different patch types presented to the same eye. We considered 192 model architectures containing each of the following four elements in all possible orders: (i) linear summation or a MAX operator across eyes, (ii) linear summation or a MAX operator across area, (iii) linear or accelerating contrast transduction, and (iv) additive Gaussian, stochastic noise. Formal equivalences reduced this to 62 different models. The most successful four-element model was: linear summation across eyes followed by nonlinear contrast transduction, linear summation across area, and late noise. Model performance was enhanced when additional nonlinearities were placed before binocular summation and after area summation. The implications for models of probability summation and uncertainty are discussed.
The state of the art in productivity measurement and analysis shows a gap between simple methods having little relevance in practice and sophisticated mathematical theory which is unwieldy for strategic and tactical planning purposes, -particularly at company level. An extension is made in this thesis to the method of productivity measurement and analysis based on the concept of added value, appropriate to those companies in which the materials, bought-in parts and services change substantially and a number of plants and inter-related units are involved in providing components for final assembly. Reviews and comparisons of productivity measurement dealing with alternative indices and their problems have been made and appropriate solutions put forward to productivity analysis in general and the added value method in particular. Based on this concept and method, three kinds of computerised models two of them deterministic, called sensitivity analysis and deterministic appraisal, and the third one, stochastic, called risk simulation, have been developed to cope with the planning of productivity and productivity growth with reference to the changes in their component variables, ranging from a single value 'to• a class interval of values of a productivity distribution. The models are designed to be flexible and can be adjusted according to the available computer capacity expected accuracy and 'presentation of the output. The stochastic model is based on the assumption of statistical independence between individual variables and the existence of normality in their probability distributions. The component variables have been forecasted using polynomials of degree four. This model is tested by comparisons of its behaviour with that of mathematical model using real historical data from British Leyland, and the results were satisfactory within acceptable levels of accuracy. Modifications to the model and its statistical treatment have been made as required. The results of applying these measurements and planning models to the British motor vehicle manufacturing companies are presented and discussed.
According to researchers and managers, there is a lack of agreement between marketing and manufacturing managers on critical strategic issues. However, most of the literature on the subject is anecdotal and little formal empirical research has been done. Three companies are investigated to study the extent of agreement/disagreement between manufacturing and marketing managers on strategy content and process. A novel method permits the study of agreement between the two different functional managers on the process of developing strategy. The findings consistently show that manufacturing managers operate under a wider range of strategic priorities than marketing managers, and that manufacturing managers participate less than marketing managers in the strategy development process. Further, both marketing and manufacturing managers show higher involvement in the strategy development process in the latter stages of the Hayes and Wheelwright four-stage model of manufacturing’s strategic role.
This study examines the relationships between job demands (in the form of role stressors and emotional management) and employee burnout amongst high contact service employees. Employees in customer facing roles are frequently required to manage overwhelming, conflicting or ambiguous demands, which they may feel ill-equipped to handle. Simultaneously, they must manage the emotions they display towards customers, suppressing some, and expressing others, be they genuine or contrived. If the in-role effort required of employees exceeds their inherent capacity to cope, burnout may result. Burnout, in turn, can have serious detrimental consequences for the psychological well being of employees. We find that both emotional management and role stressors impact burnout. We also confirm that burnout predicts psychological strain. In line with the Job Demands and Resources Model, we examine the mitigating impact of perceived support on these relationships but do not find a significant mitigating impact.
The current study was designed to build on and extend the existing knowledge base of factors that cause, maintain, and influence child molestation. Theorized links among the type of offender and the offender's levels of moral development and social competence in the perpetration of child molestation were investigated. The conceptual framework for the study is based on the cognitive developmental stages of moral development as proposed by Kohlberg, the unified theory, or Four-Preconditions Model, of child molestation as proposed by Finkelhor, and the Information-Processing Model of Social Skills as proposed by McFall. The study sample consisted of 127 adult male child molesters participating in outpatient group therapy. All subjects completed a Self-Report Questionnaire which included questions designed to obtain relevant demographic data, questions similar to those used by the researchers for the Massachusetts Treatment Center: Child Molester Typology 3's social competency dimension, the Defining Issues Test (DIT) short form, the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SADS), the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS), and the Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency (Empathy Scale). Data were analyzed utilizing confirmatory factor analysis, t-tests, and chi-square statistics. Partial support was found for the hypothesis that moral development is a separate but correlated construct from social competence. As predicted, although the actual mean score differences were small, a statistically significant difference was found in the current study between the mean DITP scores of the subject sample and that of the general male population, suggesting that child molesters, as a group, function at a lower level of moral development than does the general male population, and the situational offenders in the study sample demonstrated a statistically significantly higher level of moral development than the preferential offenders. The data did not support the hypothesis that situational offenders will demonstrate lower levels of social competence than preferential offenders. Relatively little significance is placed on this finding, however, because the measure for the social competency variable was likely subject to considerable measurement error in that the items used as indicators were not clearly defined. The last hypothesis, which involved the potential differences in social anxiety, assertion skills, and empathy between the situational and preferential offender types, was not supported by the data. ^
The current study applies a two-state switching regression model to examine the behavior of a hypothetical portfolio of ten socially responsible (SRI) equity mutual funds during the expansion and contraction phases of US business cycles between April 1991 and June 2009, based on the Carhart four-factor model, using monthly data. The model identified a business cycle effect on the performance of SRI equity mutual funds. Fund returns were less volatile during expansion/peaks than during contraction/troughs, as indicated by the standard deviation of returns. During contraction/troughs, fund excess returns were explained by the differential in returns between small and large companies, the difference between the returns on stocks trading at high and low Book-to-Market Value, the market excess return over the risk-free rate, and fund objective. During contraction/troughs, smaller companies offered higher returns than larger companies (ci = 0.26, p = 0.01), undervalued stocks out-performed high growth stocks (h i = 0.39, p <0.0001), and funds with growth objectives out-performed funds with other objectives (oi = 0.01, p = 0.02). The hypothetical SRI portfolio was less risky than the market (bi = 0.74, p <0.0001). During expansion/peaks, fund excess returns were explained by the market excess return over the risk-free rate, and fund objective. Funds with other objectives, such as balanced funds and income funds out-performed funds with growth objectives (oi = −0.01, p = 0.03). The hypothetical SRI portfolio exhibited similar risk as the market (bi = 0.93, p <0.0001). The SRI investor adds a third criterion to the risk and return trade-off of traditional portfolio theory. This constraint is social performance. The research suggests that managers of SRI equity mutual funds may diminish value by using social and ethical criteria to select stocks, but add value by superior stock selection. The result is that the performance of SRI mutual funds is very similar to that of the market. There was no difference in the value added among secular SRI, religious SRI, and vice screens.
Objetivo: Describir y analizar las modificaciones en la composición corporal, en las mujeres de mediana edad, después de realizar un programa de actividad física, basado en el aquaerobic, y un posterior periodo de desentrenamiento. Material y método: El grupo analizado estuvo integrado por diecisiete mujeres de Arroyo de San Serván (Badajoz), físicamente activas (habían realizado programas de gimnasia de mantenimiento, con una frecuencia de una a tres sesiones semanales, durante los últimos tres meses), con una edad media de 53,6 ± 9,1 años. El programa se desarrolló con sesiones de sesenta minutos durante cinco días a la semana, por seis semanas, con un periodo de desentrenamiento de cuatro semanas. Se realizaron tres evaluaciones antropométricas: al iniciar el programa, al finalizar el mismo, tras el periodo de desentrenamiento. En cada medición, se determinaban la talla y el peso, seis pliegues cutáneos, cuatro perímetros corporales y tres diámetros óseos. El porcentaje de grasa fue obtenido a través de los datos arrojados en cuatro pliegues cutáneos (tricipital, subescapular, suprailíaco y abdominal) mediante la fórmula de Yuhasz, modificada por Faulkner (1968). Por su parte, el porcentaje muscular fue calculado, a partir del porcentaje de la masa total, menos el porcentaje óseo (Rocha, 1975), el porcentaje graso (Faulkner, 1968) y el porcentaje residual, a través de la ecuación de Wurch (Esparza, 1993), de los sujetos medidos, según la propuesta básica de Matiegka (modelo de los cuatro componentes). Resultados: después de realizar el programa, se observó un aumento significativo en el porcentaje muscular: 32.69 ± 2.69% vs. 33.44 ± 2.89% (p < 0.05), en el peso muscular: 23.45 ± 3.53 kg vs. 24.02 ± 3.33 kg (p <0.05), y un descenso significativo del componente graso reflejado, mediante el sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos: 193.66 ± 25.54 mm vs. 188.38 ± 25.67 mm (P <0,05), más específicamente, en el pliegue suprailíaco, 30.47 ± 8.49 mm vs. 28.00 ± 8.78 mm (p <0,05) Estas tendencias se mantuvieron durante el periodo de desentrenamiento, en el porcentaje muscular: 33.44 ± 2.89% vs. 34,25 ± 3,04% (p<0,01 con respecto a la inicial), en el peso muscular: 24.02 ± 3.33 kg vs 24,74 ± 3,64kg (p<0,01 con respecto a la inicial), el sumatorio de pliegues cutáneos: 188.38 ± 25.67 mm vs 183,41 ± 26,65 mm (p<0,05 con respecto a la inicial). Conclusiones: La participación en programas de aquaerobics de corta duración bajo las condiciones de este estudio provoca descensos del componente graso y aumentos significativos en el componente muscular, en las mujeres activas de mediana edad.