965 resultados para forest ecosystem
This dissertation examined the response to termination of CO2 enrichment of a forest ecosystem exposed to long-term elevated atmospheric CO2 condition, and aimed at investigating responses and their underlying mechanisms of two important factors of carbon cycle in the ecosystem, stomatal conductance and soil respiration. Because the contribution of understory vegetation to the entire ecosystem grew with time, we first investigated the effect of elevated CO2 on understory vegetation. Potential growth enhancing effect of elevated CO2 were not observed, and light seemed to be a limiting factor. Secondly, we examined the importance of aerodynamic conductance to determine canopy conductance, and found that its effect can be negligible. Responses of stomatal conductance and soil respiration were assessed using Bayesian state space model. In two years after the termination of CO2 enrichment, stomatal conductance in formerly elevated CO2 returned to ambient level, while soil respiration became smaller than ambient level and did not recovered to ambient in two years.
Le processus de planification forestière hiérarchique présentement en place sur les terres publiques risque d’échouer à deux niveaux. Au niveau supérieur, le processus en place ne fournit pas une preuve suffisante de la durabilité du niveau de récolte actuel. À un niveau inférieur, le processus en place n’appuie pas la réalisation du plein potentiel de création de valeur de la ressource forestière, contraignant parfois inutilement la planification à court terme de la récolte. Ces échecs sont attribuables à certaines hypothèses implicites au modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière, ce qui pourrait expliquer pourquoi ce problème n’est pas bien documenté dans la littérature. Nous utilisons la théorie de l’agence pour modéliser le processus de planification forestière hiérarchique sur les terres publiques. Nous développons un cadre de simulation itératif en deux étapes pour estimer l’effet à long terme de l’interaction entre l’État et le consommateur de fibre, nous permettant ainsi d’établir certaines conditions pouvant mener à des ruptures de stock. Nous proposons ensuite une formulation améliorée du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière. La formulation classique du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière (c.-à-d., maximisation du rendement soutenu en fibre) ne considère pas que le consommateur de fibre industriel souhaite maximiser son profit, mais suppose plutôt la consommation totale de l’offre de fibre à chaque période, peu importe le potentiel de création de valeur de celle-ci. Nous étendons la formulation classique du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière afin de permettre l’anticipation du comportement du consommateur de fibre, augmentant ainsi la probabilité que l’offre de fibre soit entièrement consommée, rétablissant ainsi la validité de l’hypothèse de consommation totale de l’offre de fibre implicite au modèle d’optimisation. Nous modélisons la relation principal-agent entre le gouvernement et l’industrie à l’aide d’une formulation biniveau du modèle optimisation, où le niveau supérieur représente le processus de détermination de la possibilité forestière (responsabilité du gouvernement), et le niveau inférieur représente le processus de consommation de la fibre (responsabilité de l’industrie). Nous montrons que la formulation biniveau peux atténuer le risque de ruptures de stock, améliorant ainsi la crédibilité du processus de planification forestière hiérarchique. Ensemble, le modèle biniveau d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière et la méthodologie que nous avons développée pour résoudre celui-ci à l’optimalité, représentent une alternative aux méthodes actuellement utilisées. Notre modèle biniveau et le cadre de simulation itérative représentent un pas vers l’avant en matière de technologie de planification forestière axée sur la création de valeur. L’intégration explicite d’objectifs et de contraintes industrielles au processus de planification forestière, dès la détermination de la possibilité forestière, devrait favoriser une collaboration accrue entre les instances gouvernementales et industrielles, permettant ainsi d’exploiter le plein potentiel de création de valeur de la ressource forestière.
There are several reasons for increasing the usage of forest biomass for energy in Finland. Apart from the fact that forest biomass is a CO2 -neutral energy source, it is also a domestic resource distributed throughout the country. Usage of forest biomass in the form of logging residues decreases Finland’s dependence of energy import and increases both incomes and employment. Wood chips are mainly made from logging residues, which constitute 64 % of the raw material. A large-scale use of forest biomass requires heed also to the potential negative aspects. Forest bioenergy is used extensively, but its impacts on the forests soil nutrition and carbon balance has not been studied much. Nor have there been many studies on the heavy metal or chlorine content of logging residues. The goal of this study was to examine the content of carbon, macronutrients, heavy metals and other for the combustion harmful substances in Scots pine and Norway spruce wood chips, and to estimate the effect of harvesting of logging residues on the forests carbon and nutrient balance. Another goal was to examine the energy content of the clear cut remains. The Wood chips for this study were gathered from pine and spruce dominated clear cut sites in southern Finland, in the costal forests between Hankoo and Siuntio. The number of sample locations were 29, and the average area was 3,15 ha and the average timber volume 212,6 m3 ha -1. The average logged timber volume was for Scots pine timber 70 m3 ha -1 and for Norway spruce timber 124 m3 ha -1 and for deciduous timber (birch and alder) 18,5 m3 ha -1. The proportion of spruce in the logging residues and the stand-volume were relevant for how much nutrients were taken from the forest ecosystem when harvesting logging residues. In this study it was noted that the nutrient content of the logging residues clearly increased when the percentage of spruce in the timber volume increased. The S, K, Na and Cl -contents in the logging residues in this study increased with an increasing percentage of spruce, which is probably due to the fact that the spruce is an effective collector of atmospheric dry-deposition. The amounts of nutrients that were lost when harvesting logging residues were less than those referred to in the literature. Within a circulation period (100 years), the forest soil gets substantially more nutrients from atmospheric deposition, litter fall and weathering than is lost through harvesting of logging residues after a clear cut. Harvesting of the logging residues makes for a relatively modest increase of the quantity of carbon that is removed from the forest compared to traditional forestry. Due to the fact that the clear cut remains in my study showed a high content of chlorine, there is a risk of corrosion in connection to the incineration of the logging residues in power plants especially at coastal areas/forests. The risk of sulphur -related corrosion is probably rather small, because S concentrations are relatively low in woodchips. The clear cut remains showed rather high heavy metal contents. If the heavy metal contents in this study are representative for the clear cut remains in the coastal forests generally, there might be reason to exert some caution when using the ash for forest fertilizing purposes.
Pristine peatlands are carbon (C) accumulating wetland ecosystems sustained by a high water level (WL) and consequent anoxia that slows down decomposition. Persistent WL drawdown as a response to climate and/or land-use change directly affects decomposition: increased oxygenation stimulates decomposition of the old C (peat) sequestered under prior anoxic conditions. Responses of the new C (plant litter) in terms of quality, production and decomposability, and the consequences for the whole C cycle of peatlands are not fully understood. WL drawdown induces changes in plant community resulting in shift in dominance from Sphagnum and graminoids to shrubs and trees. There is increasing evidence that the indirect effects of WL drawdown via the changes in plant communities will have more impact on the ecosystem C cycling than any direct effects. The aim of this study is to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of WL drawdown on the new C by measuring the relative importance of 1) environmental parameters (WL depth, temperature, soil chemistry) and 2) plant community composition on litter production, microbial activity, litter decomposition rates and, consequently, on the C accumulation. This information is crucial for modelling C cycle under changing climate and/or land-use. The effects of WL drawdown were tested in a large-scale experiment with manipulated WL at two time scales and three nutrient regimes. Furthermore, the effect of climate on litter decomposability was tested along a north-south gradient. Additionally, a novel method for estimating litter chemical quality and decomposability was explored by combining Near infrared spectroscopy with multivariate modelling. WL drawdown had direct effects on litter quality, microbial community composition and activity and litter decomposition rates. However, the direct effects of WL drawdown were overruled by the indirect effects via changes in litter type composition and production. Short-term (years) responses to WL drawdown were small. In long-term (decades), dramatically increased litter inputs resulted in large accumulation of organic matter in spite of increased decomposition rates. Further, the quality of the accumulated matter greatly changed from that accumulated in pristine conditions. The response of a peatland ecosystem to persistent WL drawdown was more pronounced at sites with more nutrients. The study demonstrates that the shift in vegetation composition as a response to climate and/or land-use change is the main factor affecting peatland ecosystem C cycle and thus dynamic vegetation is a necessity in any models applied for estimating responses of C fluxes to changes in the environment. The time scale for vegetation changes caused by hydrological changes needs to extend to decades. This study provides grouping of litter types (plant species and part) into functional types based on their chemical quality and/or decomposability that the models could utilize. Further, the results clearly show a drop in soil temperature as a response to WL drawdown when an initially open peatland converts into a forest ecosystem, which has not yet been considered in the existing models.
Fire is an important driver of the boreal forest ecosystem, and a useful tool for the restoration of degraded forests. However, we lack knowledge on the ecological processes initiated by prescribed fires, and whether they bring about the desired restoration effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of low-intensity experimental prescribed fires on four ecological processes in young commercial Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands eight years after the burning. The processes of interest were tree mortality, dead wood creation, regeneration and fire scar formation. These were inventoried in twelve study plots, which were 30 m x 30 m in size. The plots belonged to two different stand age classes: 30-35 years or 45 years old at the time of burning. The study was partly a follow-up of study plots researched by Sidoroff et al. (2007) one year after burning in 2003. Tree mortality increased from 183 stems ha-1 in 2003 to 259 stems ha-1 in 2010, corresponding to 15 % and 21 % of stem number respectively. Most mortality was experienced in the stands of the younger age class, in smaller diameter classes and among species other than Scots pine. By 2010, the average mortality of Scots pine per plot was 18%, but varied greatly ranging from 0% to 63% of stem number. Delayed mortality, i.e. mortality that occurred between 2 and 8 years after fire, seemed to become more important with increasing diameter. The input of dead wood also varied greatly between plots, from none to 72 m3 ha-1, averaging at 12 m3 ha-1. The amount of fire scarred trees per plot ranged from none to 20 %. Four out of twelve plots (43 %) did not have any fire scars. Scars were on average small: 95% of scars were less than 4 cm in width, and 75% less than 40 cm in length. Owing to the light nature of the fire, the remaining overstorey and thick organic layer, regeneration was poor overall. The abundance of pine and other seedlings indicated a viable seed source existed, but the seedlings failed to establish under dense canopy. The number of saplings ranged from 0 to 12 333 stems ha-1. The results of this study indicate that a low intensity fire does not necessarily initiate the ecological processes of tree mortality, dead wood creation and regeneration in the desired scale. Fire scars, which form the basis of fire dating in fire history studies, did not form in all cases.
Uttara Kannada is the only district in Karnataka, which has a forested area of about 80% and falls in the region of the Western Ghats. It is considered to be a very resourceful in terms of abundant natural resources and constitutes an important district in Karnataka. The forest resources of the district are under pressure as a large portion of the forested area has been converted to non-forestry activities since independence owing to the increased demands from human and animal population resulting in degradation of the forest ecosystem. This has led to poor productivity and regenerative capacity which is evident in the form of barren hill tops, etc in Coastal taluks of Uttara Kannada, entailing regular monitoring of the forest resources very essential. The classification of forest is a prerequisite for managing forest resources. Geographical Information System (GIS), allows the spatial and temporal analysis of the features of interest, and helps in solving the problem of deforestation and associated environmental and ecological problems. Spatial and temporal tools such as GIS and remotely sensed data helps the planners and decision makers in evolving the sustainable strategies for management and conservation of natural resources. Uttara Kannada district was classified on the basis of the land-use using supervised hard classifiers. The land use categories identified were urban area, water bodies, agricultural land, forest cover, and waste land. Further classification was carried out on the basis of forest type. The types of forest categorised were semi-evergreen, evergreen, moist deciduous, dry deciduous, plantations and scrub, thorny and non-forested area. The identified classes were correlated with the ground data collected during field visits. The observed results were compared with the historic data and the changes in the forest cover were analysed. From the assessment made it was clear that there has been a considerable degree of forest loss in certain areas of the district. It was also observed that plantations and social forests have increased drastically over the last fifteen years, and natural forests have declined.
Uttara Kannada is the only district in Karnataka, which has a forested area of about 80% and falls in the region of the Western Ghats. It is considered to be a very resourceful in terms of abundant natural resources and constitutes an important district in Karnataka. The forest resources of the district are under pressure as a large portion of the forested area has been converted to non-forestry activities since independence owing to the increased demands from human and animal population resulting in degradation of the forest ecosystem. This has led to poor productivity and regenerative capacity which is evident in the form of barren hill tops, etc in Coastal taluks of Uttara Kannada, entailing regular monitoring of the forest resources very essential. The classification of forest is a prerequisite for managing forest resources. Geographical Information System (GIS), allows the spatial and temporal analysis of the features of interest, and helps in solving the problem of deforestation and associated environmental and ecological problems. Spatial and temporal tools such as GIS and remotely sensed data helps the planners and decision makers in evolving the sustainable strategies for management and conservation of natural resources. Uttara Kannada district was classified on the basis of the land-use using supervised hard classifiers. The land use categories identified were urban area, water bodies, agricultural land, forest cover, and waste land. Further classification was carried out on the basis of forest type. The types of forest categorised were semi-evergreen, evergreen, moist deciduous, dry deciduous, plantations and scrub, thorny and non-forested area. The identified classes were correlated with the ground data collected during field visits. The observed results were compared with the historic data and the changes in the forest cover were analysed. From the assessment made it was clear that there has been a considerable degree of forest loss in certain areas of the district. It was also observed that plantations and social forests have increased drastically over the last fifteen years,and natural forests have declined.
l、有机质和全N在草甸土壤的不同层次之间呈现明显的差异,表现力随着土壤深度的增加,含量逐渐降低。无机N包括NH4+-N和No3--N在土层之闻的差异并没有象全N和有机质那么显著。NH4+-在表面30Cm的土壤中明显高于NO3--N的。全P在各层土壤中的含量差异并不显著,但有效p在三层土壤中表现出明显的差异,表现为随土壤深度的增加而降低。 K、Na、Ca、Mg、Fe和AI等6种金属元素的可交换成分在革甸土壤中的含量除K表现出明显的土层间的差异外,在表层30cm的土壤中并没有明显的随土壤深度变化的趋势。 有机质和全N在东灵山地区主要森林土壤中的含量以0~lOcm土层中的显著高于10~20cm的土层中的。20cm的土层中无机N中也以NH4+-为主,这与草甸土壤中的一致。全p和有效P在两个土层之间的差异并不十分显著,而以0^lOcm土层略高于10~20Cm土层的。 K、Na、Ca、Mg、Fe和AI等6种金属元素的可交换成分在不同土层间的差异以K和Ca较为明显,K和Ca在O—1Ocm的土层中要高于lO-20cm的。 森林土壤中的有机质、全N(包括NH4+-N)、全p(包括有效P)都表现为低于亚高山草甸土壤中的,主要原因是亚高山革甸分布于海拔1800cm至2300m,而主要森林类型则基本分布在海拔120m至1500m,亚高山草甸较为恶劣的气候条件明显不利于有机质的矿化,因而分解速率较低,积聚了较多的有机质.而森林土壤中较低的NH4+-N和有效P则可能是由于森林中旺盛的生命活动,尤其是微生物的活动,而大量被植物和微生物固持,因而,即使在森林土壤中有较高的矿化速率,但仍具有较低的NH4+-N和有效p的含量. 不同类型的森林土壤之间各化学成分并没有发现有明显的变化趋势,即使森林类型差异较大的落叶阔叶林和针叶林之间也并没有发现十分显著的差异,这说明各森林类型土壤之间养分特征的一致性。两种针叶林均为人工林,林龄不超过30,而在这之前推测也是以落叶阔叶林为主,森林土壤在这30年间并没有发生十分明显的变化。 在l100m至I500m之间的各种森林类型的土壤也没有表现出十分明显的与海拔高度的相关性。同一森林土壤在不同时间的采样之间,各化学成分也没有表现出明显的差异。 2、降水引起的树干茎流水分中全N的含量在降水季节的初期的含量略高于大量降水期间的。而在降水季节后期,随着每次降雨量的减少,降水间隔时间的增加,树干茎流中N的含量明显地有很大幅度的升高。NO3-N在树干茎流中的含量也同样受到了降水量的影响,表现在后期也发生显著的升高,但升高的幅度没有全N的大。受到降水量影响的元素还有S。 全p在树干茎流水分中含量随降水时间的变化,在各个树种之间有很大的差异。 其它几种元素的可交换态在茎流水分中的含量以K的含量为最高;其次是S、ca、Mg,AI在所有分析的元素中含量最低。不过,AI在降水初期(6月22日)的取样中,含量在几个树种的茎流水分样品中普遍较高,Ca和Mg也被发现有类似的情形。 穿透雨中全N的含量在降水初期略高于降水中期的,而至降水末期时又略有升高,这种格局与树干茎流水分中的具有一致性。全P、K、Ca、Mg、S.AI等包括全N及其无视成分与树干茎流中的含量的差异并不显著. 地表径流中的全N含量在去除枯枝落叶层的径流场的变化格局与树干茎流和穿透雨中的较为一致.表明这三者之间存在一定的相关性.但与未去除枯枝落叶层的径流场的径流水分中全N和NO3-N的含量并不十分一致,全N和NO3-N的含量有时较高. 取自马牙石沟流水堰口的集水区水样中全N和NO3-N的含量均变化在l~3mg/L之间;而取自南沟流水堰口的集水区水样中的全N和N03-N的含量均在l~2mg/L之间,但在这两者之间并没有十分显著的差异,说明取自两个集水区溪流水分中的全N和N03-N的含量基本一致。 3、通过对三个森林立地乔木层生物量的两次调查(相隔6年),发现尽管以辽东栎为主要优势树种的暖温带落叶阔叶混交林(91- 03)第一次调查的生物量低于辽东栋林(91 - 02)和桦木林(91 - 04)的,但在生长6年后,该立地的乔木层生物量已明显超过桦木林的,其增长速率在三个样地中为最高。 根据两次调查的结果,三个样地中出现的11种乔木树种胸径的增加可以分成两组,第一组包括北京花楸、糠椴、白桦和辽东栎,另一组则由山杨、五角枫、棘皮桦、大叶白蜡、蒙椴、黄花柳和沙涞组成。6年中,第一组树种的胸径增加量在1.O~l.4em之间,而第二组的增量在0.2~O.9cm之间,两者之间具有显著的差异。 常用的生物量预测模型包括两个因子,即胸径(D)和树高(H)。D通常可以实测得到,但H大部分只能估计得到。本研究通过比较6年前后两次树高的实际估测结果,证明用D和H共同建立的模型预测结果可能会产生较大的人为误差,建议改用D的单因子预测模型。 无论是实测结果还是树木年轮分析结果,都表明处于目前径级水平的暖温带地区分布的这几个树种还处在不断生长的过程中,随着年龄的增加,表现为胸径还有很大程度的增加,因为这些树种目前的大径级个体的年平均增加速率大于小径级的. 树木年龄与胸径的相互关系的分析结果表明,树木年龄和胸径可以很好地用饱和模型Y=a-be-cx来拟合. 4、通过近5年对辽东栎枝条( D<0.5cm)和叶片凋落物分解的观察和分析,发现辽东栎枝条的总失重率达到了43%,分解速率常数k为2.713x10-3/周,而叶的总失重率则可以达到70%,分解速率常数k为6.234xl0-3/周. 枝条分解过程中的有机质含量变化可以分为三种类型,一种是单调上升型的,如蛋白质,其含量从3.5%增加到约6%;-种是单调下降型的,如半纤维素,约从15%降低至7%;另一种则是相对变化不大,如粗纤维(包括纤维素和木质素),粗纤维的含量变化在58%±3%,木质素变化在56%±2.5%,纤维素则变化在1%~3%之间。 用Olson指数方程拟合,结果表明粗纤维、木质素和半纤维素三者的分解以半纤维素为最快,分解速率常数为5.693xl0-3/周,其次是木质素和粗纤维,分别为2.461x10-3/周和2.352xl0-3/周.而蛋白质和纤维素的拟合结果较差或根本无法拟合. 用Olson指数方程拟合的结果表明,有些元素在凋落物分解过程中可以很好地用该方程拟合,如K,Na、Mn和C,p和N,Mg,Zn,而一些元素如Ca和Cu没有取得很好的拟合效果。 几种元素在叶片凋落物分解过程过程的丢失速率也以K为最快,其它元素的顺序为,e,N,p,Na,Mn,Mg和Ca(Ca的拟合效果较差),而Cu、Zn也不能很好地用Olson指数方程拟合。 5、根据对东灵山地区6年(199l~1997)的气象观测结果,可得到该地区的年平均降水量和总降水量,用1994年分析的降水中养分含量的数据可以近似计算得东灵山地区每年通过降水进入该暖温带落叶阔叶林生态系统的几种养分输入量。同理可以计算降水输入养分在树干茎流和穿透雨中的分配,还可以计算养分从地表径流中的输出。通过对这几个水分循环的主要环节中养分输入或输出量的计算,发现每年通过降水而进入系统的养分,大部分将积累在系统中,而输出份额只占很小的一部分。 K和Mg两种养分元素在降水通过林冠和树干表面时,将产生大量的淋溶,而Ca的淋溶较小.N、P和AI则产生少量的吸附或吸收。对于S来说,淋溶和吸收或吸附作用相当,或两者都很小。 通过生物量的年平均增量和生物量中的养分含量可以计算得到每年积累在生物量中的养分量即存留量,同理可以计算年凋落物中的养分量、归还量及生物系统从土壤中吸收的养分量,每年养分的存留率.通过以上计算,发现该落叶阔叶林对养分的存留率较低,这可能是由于该落叶阔叶林森林生态系统每年具有较高的养分归还量,对于一些元素来说,还具有较高的淋溶量,尤其是K和Mg.
东灵山地区年均降水量659.7mm,单次降水以雨量小、雨强低的降水为主。水汽压(年均17.7mb)、相对湿度(年均66%)的季节变化呈现生长季高、冬季低的趋势。年均蒸发量1019.5mm;气温、风速、日照时间和水压与月蒸发量和日蒸量相关显著;气温、日照时间和水压分别在11-6月、7-8月和9-10月为决定蒸发量的首要因子。枯枝落叶层、土壤层湿度主要受前十日降水量和坡向影响。 植物体含水量生长季节较高,冬季较低;含水量随径级的增大而降低。六个灌木树种的平均含水量大小顺序为:毛榛(48.62%)最高荆条(36.32%)最低;七个乔木树种水分含量为油松,56.14%;蒙椴,54.19%;华北落叶松,52.91%;五角枫,43.64%;辽东栎,41.87%;棘皮桦,41.13%;大叶白腊,37.79%。几种植被类型的储水量为:辽东栎林,82.08mm;华北落叶松林,47.35mm;混交林,34.60mm;油松林,31.33mm;灌丛,12.40mm。各树种叶片日最低水势的季节均值为:辽东栎,-16.1bar;五角枫,-15.8bar;大叶白腊,-15.1bar;糠椴,-13.4bar;棘皮桦,-12.3bar;蒙椴,-12.2bar。叶片水势的日间变化均呈一“V”形曲线;光照在叶片水势的日间变化中起着决定性作用。 96年各树种平均单株树干茎流量为辽东栎,30.3mm(4.19%);华北落叶松,16.1mm(2.22%);油松,8.9mm(1.23%);棘皮桦,2.9mm(0.40%)。两个生长季各林分冠层的水量平衡为:辽东栎林,树干流茎量101.87mm(9.18%),穿透降水量823.08mm(74.15%),截留量185.05mm(16.67%);华北落叶松林,树干径流量66.88mm(6.03%),穿透降水量836.92mm(75.40%),截留量206.20mm(18.58);混交林,树干径流量50.13(4.52%),穿透降水量846.78mm(76.29%),截留量212.20mm(19.12%);油松林,树干径流量33.90mm(3.05%),穿透降水量934.88mm(84.22%),截留量141.22mm(12.72%)。多元回归分析表明,树干流茎量S与降水量P和前24小时降水量P_1呈显著正相关关系;穿透降水量T与降水量P和最大雨强M正相关显著。附加截留量与降水时间成正比。 枯枝落叶层的生物量为:油松林,25.56t/hm~2;华北落叶松林20.01t/hm~2;辽东栎林,8.31t/hm~2;混交林,7.98t/hm~2。枯枝落叶层的平均实际持水量和有效持水量均以油松林最大,其次是华北落叶松林,而混交林和辽东栎林较低;枯枝落叶层的实际持水量和有效持水量的季节变化分别与前十日降水量P10成正相关和负相关关系。枯枝落叶层的截留量为油松林>华北落叶松林>辽东栎林>混交林;油松林(145.632mm和90.800mm)混交林(61.816mm和54.504mm)。油松林、辽东栎林、混交林和华北落叶松林去除枯枝落叶层后,土壤入渗量比对照平均降低100mm以上;表层土壤含水量分别比对照土壤下降了6.26、18.26、15.06和15.07个百分点。地表径流量分别增加了,辽东栎林34.299mm(603%)和15.816mm(525%);油松林14.593mm(732%)和10.584mm(1321%);混交林12.004mm(181%)和7.275mm(364%);华北落叶松林3.555mm(118%),3.275mm(229%)。96年生长季,各土壤流失量分别增加了:油松林172.751t/hm~2(124倍);辽东栎林836.500t/hm~2(119倍);混交林172.499t/hm~2(47倍);华北落叶松林11.557t/hm~2(11倍)。表层土壤容重分别增加了:油松林15.0%和20.6%,辽东栎林18.4%和28.2%,混交林11.5%和38.5%,华北落叶松林4.3%和17.1%。 0-60cm深度土壤容重平均值的大小顺序为:草地>灌丛>辽东栎林>油松林>混交林>华北落叶松林;而土壤孔隙度的大小顺序为华北落叶松林>混交林>油松林>辽东栎林>灌丛>草地。两个生长季为土壤实际储水量的均值:油松林,124.45mm,78.62mm;辽东栎林,131.23mm,87.72mm;混交林,180.41mm,113.90mm;华北落叶松林,165.53mm,127.95mm;灌丛,172.50mm,89.81mm;草地,152.92mm,89.59 mm分别比干旱年份97年高出45.83mm、43.51mm、51.63mm、37.58mm、82.69mm和63.33mm。两个生长季的地表径流量为草地,30.930mm(2.79%);灌丛,16.321mm(147%);油松林,2.911mm(0.26%);辽东栎林,8.703mm(0.78%);混交林,8.625mm(0.78%);华北落叶松林,4.447mm(0.40%)。油松林、混交林和华北落叶松林地表径流量与降水量P(mm)和最大雨强(mm/h)正相关显著;而辽东栎林、灌丛和草地的地表径流量则与降水量P(mm)、平均雨强Q(mm/hr)和最大雨强M(mm/hr)三者之间呈显著正相关关系。与草地相比(1220.093kg/hm~2,100%),灌丛、辽东栎林、混交林、油松林和华北落叶松林96年生长季的土壤流失量分别降低了85.05%、94.26%、96.99%、98.86和99.14%。 降水量是影响小流域径流量时间变化的主要因素;南沟和马牙石沟96年的径流量分别是97年的8.19倍和7.87倍,而径流深(46.25mm,52.75mm)分别比97年(5.65mm,6.70mm)高出40.60mm和46.05mm。两个小流域由于面积的差异而使南沟两年的径流量分别比马牙石沟高出2773.136m~3(13.15%)和235.434m~3(8.79%)。96年和97年马牙石沟径流深比南沟高出6.5mm(14.05%)和1.05mm(18.58%)。在地处大陆性季风气候区的东灵山地区,用0.010m~3/min/km~2/hr能较好地分割小流域的洪峰和基流。在五次暴雨水文曲线中,马牙石沟的快速径流量分别比南沟高出25.00%到143.33%。五次洪水水文响应R的平均值南沟为0.218%,马牙石沟为0.404%;与海洋性气候地区相比,东灵山地区小流域的R值要低一到两个数量级。马牙石沟洪峰流量Qp的平均值为418.772L/min要比南沟(281.191L/min)大48.9%。东灵山地区小流域的洪水径流过程可分为三种类型。
基于我国北方林一兴安落叶松林的实际观测资料对国际著名的CENTURY模型进行了验证,进而模拟了我国北方林一兴安落叶松林的碳循环动态;结合全球变化的预测结果,模拟了全球气候变化下中国北方林生物量、生产力以及碳吸收能力的变化;并且预测了大兴安岭地区的自然干扰因子(林火)和人类活动(采伐、搂除枯枝落叶)对兴安落叶松林碳循环的影响。建立了综合反映兴安落叶松林生物学特性(年龄、蓄积量)及气候因素(年均温、年降水)共同作用下的兴安落叶松林净第一性生产力模型一材积驱动模型。评估了我国森林的生态系统公益价值,并建立了森林生态系统公益价值与其总生产力的回归关系。具体结果如下: (1) 我国北方林的植物总生物量为112. llt.hm-2,净第一性生产力为403. 07gC.m-2.a-l。 (2) 建立了兴安落叶松林的生物气候生产力模型: NPP= (0.3318ln (V/A) +0.4747)×30 (l_e-0'0009695E) 为基于森林资源清查资料与气候资料估算森林生产力提供了方法。 (3) 兴安落叶松林生态系统每年可净吸收碳2.65 t.hm-2,是一个重要的碳汇。 (4) 大气C02浓度倍增将使兴安落叶松林的净笫一性生产力增加9. 8%,并且提高了兴安落叶松林的碳汇功能。 (5) 温度上升将增加兴安落叶松林的生物量和净初级生产力,并且其碳汇功能也有所提高。对兴安落叶松林生长的主要限制因子是温度而不是水分。 (6) 林火使兴安落叶松林的生物量降低,但同时也促进了兴安落叶松的更新及幼树的生长,火烧后兴安落叶松林的生产力均有所增加。火烧的强度越大,烧死的森林生物量越多,火后的恢复期也越长。 (7) 一定强度的采伐有利于兴安落叶松林的更新和幼苗、幼树的生长,从而既得到了直接的经济效益,同时又可以保持一定的生态效益。 (8) 搂除枯枝落叶层在短时间内促进了兴安落叶松林的生长,但长期下去,则将导致土壤越来越贫瘠,不利于森林的生长。 (9) 兴安落叶松林所创造的生态系统公益的总价值约为2409.96×106US$.a-,其生态效益的价值是其所创造的经济价值的2.52倍,反映了生态效益的显著性。 (10) 在对我国各类型森林的生态系统公益价值评估的基础上建 立了森林生态系统公益价值与其生产力的回归关系:Va=108.25×1 06×(Tp)0'93,简化了生态系统公益价值的评估计算工作。
Black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) are endemic to the Trans-Himalayas in Northwest Yunnan and Southeast Tibet between the upper Yangtze and Mekong Rivers. Based on field surveys and previous reports, we identified the dark-coniferous forest, the mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest, and oak patches as suitable habitats (SH) for the monkeys. Summer grazing lands (SGL), which were made by local people cutting and burning the dark-coniferous forest at the high altitude belt, replaced SH. To have a general view of the status of the SH in Yunnan, we estimated the areas of SH and SGL from satellite images in 1997, and compared with areas estimated from aerial photo-based maps (ca. 1958). The work resulted in: 1) the area of SH was 4,169 km(2) in 1997; 2) SGL was 1,923 km(2); 3) during the past 40 years, the area of SH decreased by 31% (1,887 km(2)), and SGL increased by 204% (1,291 km(2)); and 4) the mean size of forest patches decreased from 15.6 to 5.4 km(2). In addition, the area of SGL is positively correlated to local human population (R-2 greater than or equal to0.53), implying that the reduction and fragmentation of habitat for Rhinopithecus bieti is a result of population growth of humans, who mostly employ traditional modes of production. Only 11 monkey groups remained in the changing habitat. Considering that forests at lower elevation were also encroached upon by farmlands in a similar way, the forest ecosystem is highly threatened. The destruction will continue unless there is a change in the mode of production in the region.
生态系统服务评价可清晰地揭示生态环境问题产生的经济根源。由于生态系统服务的复杂性、多样性、重叠性,需选择合适的研究尺度及方法才可使评价结果进入管理、决策过程。 本文以本溪县森林生态系统服务评价为例,确定适合县域尺度的评价方法,借助GIS技术,揭示森林生态系统提供林木生产、水源涵养、土壤保持、气体调节等四种服务的物质量、价值量及其空间分布规律。不同生态系统服务空间分布规律的研究对于维护和提高区域森林生态系统提供生态系统服务能力具有重要意义。主要研究结果如下: (1)研究区森林面积2.72×105ha,以天然次生林为主,中、幼龄林比重较大,森林郁闭度大。按优势树种可划分为蒙古栎、落叶松、色木、胡桃楸、红松、油松、千金榆、枫桦和杂木林等九种类型。 (2)研究区森林生态系统活立木生长量为2.56 m³•ha-1•a-1,森林水源涵养量为873m³•ha-2,土壤保持量为6.77 t•ha-1•a-1,固定CO2为5.15t•ha-1•a-1;活立木生产价值为200元•ha-1•a-1,水源涵养价值为611元•ha-1,土壤保持经济价值为663元•ha-1•a-1,固定CO2为6411元•ha-1•a-1;研究区总活立木生产价值为5.43×107元•a-1,水源涵养价值为1.66×108元,土壤保持价值为1.80×108元•a-1, CO2年固定价值1.74×109元•a-1。 (3)生态系统服务价值较高的区域在研究区中部偏南、偏北集中分布,在南部、东南部零星分布。
磷是植物生长发育所必需的营养元素之一,由于磷在土壤中的难溶性和难移动性,使得磷在陆地生态系统的循环越来越受到重视,尤其是在明确土壤磷素存在形态和分布特征的基础上,探讨土壤磷素与土地利用方式以及植被生长发育状况之间的关系,对于指导土地利用和恢复植被建设具有重要意义。本研究以辽东山区天然次生林主要林型胡桃楸林、杂木林(由蒙古栎、花曲柳和山杨等树种组成)和蒙古栎林为主要研究对象,系统研究了辽东山区天然次生林土壤磷素的分布特征,并比较研究了落叶松人工林取代天然次生林后土壤磷素的变化特征。主要结论如下: 1. 辽东山区天然次生林土壤磷素特征:(1)次生林0-30 cm土壤全磷含量的变化范围为326.5 mg kg-1-984.9 mg kg-1,土壤总有机磷含量、总无机磷含量、Olsen-P含量和土壤微生物量磷含量占全磷含量的比例变化范围分别为47%-76%、24%-53%、1.23%-1.40%和2.67%-3.45%,土壤全磷与土壤有机碳、全氮之间呈显著正相关,说明次生林土壤有机质含量是影响土壤磷素含量的主要因素之一;土壤Olsen-P和微生物量磷季节变化明显,均表现为夏季最高,且土壤Olsen-P和微生物量磷的季节变化规律不受植被类型的影响;另外,土壤Olsen-P、土壤微生物量磷的季节变化均与土壤含水量相关。(2)三个林型土壤酸性磷酸酶与土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、Olsen-P和微生物量磷之间存在密切的相关性,酸性磷酸酶可以作为评价次生林土壤磷素状况的一个指标。(3)不同林型土壤各形态无机磷分布不同,胡桃楸林以Fe-P(铁结合的磷酸盐)和Ca-P(钙结合的磷酸盐)为主,杂木林和蒙古栎林以O-P(闭蓄态磷)为主;不同林型土壤各形态无机磷随季节的变化规律不同,与Olsen-P的关系也不同,胡桃楸林土壤Olsen-P与Al-P(铝结合的磷酸盐)之间具有显著的相关性,杂木林土壤Olsen-P与Fe-P和Ca-P之间相关性显著,蒙古栎林土壤Olsen-P与Ca-P之间显著相关,说明辽东山区不同林型土壤磷素的有效来源不同。(4)辽东山区有机磷各形态的分布特征为:中等活性有机磷 > 中等稳定性有机磷 > 高稳定性有机磷 > 活性有机磷;土壤活性有机磷的季节变化与Olsen-P变化一致,中等活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷的含量随季节变化无此规律;胡桃楸林、蒙古栎林土壤Olsen-P与活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷之间显著相关,杂木林土壤Olsen-P与活性有机磷、中等活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷之间相关性显著,说明在本研究区土壤有机磷对磷素有效性的贡献较大。(5)三个林型内主要树种叶片磷含量均较高,且叶片N/P < 10,土壤磷素不是辽东山区次生林植被生长的限制性养分因子。 2. 落叶松人工林取代天然次生林后土壤磷素特征的变化:(1)和天然次生林相比,落叶松人工林土壤全磷、总有机磷、Olsen-P、土壤微生物量磷和磷酸酶活性均显著降低(P<0.05),土壤总无机磷含量无明显变化,这说明次生林转变为落叶松人工林后土壤磷素状况下降。(2)随着次生林转变为落叶松人工林和落叶松人工林连栽后,土壤无机磷各形态含量变化显著,土壤Fe-P和Ca-P含量逐渐降低,O-P含量升高,土壤Olsen-P与无机磷形态中的Fe-P和Ca-P之间显著正相关,表明了Fe-P和Ca-P是Olsen-P的主要无机磷来源。(3)落叶松人工林取代次生林后,土壤活性有机磷、中等活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷含量均降低,土壤Olsen-P与活性有机磷显著正相关,活性有机磷是补充Olsen-P的直接有机磷源;土壤微生物量磷与各有机磷组分及 Olsen-P含量之间均呈显著正相关,这说明微生物量磷在有机磷转化中起着重要作用。