59 resultados para flaviviridae
Dengue fever is a noncontagious infectious disease caused by dengue virus (DENV). DENV belongs to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, and is classified into four antigenically distinct serotypes: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. The number of nations and people affected has increased steadily and today is considered the most widely spread arbovirus (arthropod-borne viral disease) in the world. The absence of an appropriate animal model for studying the disease has hindered the understanding of dengue pathogenesis. In our study, we have found that immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice infected intraperitoneally with DENV-1 presented some signs of dengue disease such as thrombocytopenia, spleen hemorrhage, liver damage, and increase in production of IFN gamma and TNF alpha cytokines. Moreover, the animals became viremic and the virus was detected in several organs by real-time RT-PCR. Thus, this animal model could be used to study mechanism of dengue virus infection, to test antiviral drugs, as well as to evaluate candidate vaccines.
Das Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) ist ein umhülltes RNA Virus aus der Familie der Flaviviridae. Sein Genom kodiert für ein ca. 3000 Aminosäuren langes Polyprotein, welches co- und posttranslational in seine funktionellen Einheiten gespalten wird. Eines dieser viralen Proteine ist NS5A. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein stark phosphoryliertes Protein, das eine amphipatische α-Helix im Amino-Terminus trägt, welche für die Membran-Assoziation von NS5A verantwortlich ist. Welche Rolle die Phosphorylierung für die Funktion des Proteins spielt, bzw. welche Funktion NS5A überhaupt ausübt, ist zur Zeit noch unklar. Beobachtungen lassen Vermutungen über eine Funktion von NS5A bei der Resistenz infizierter Zellen gegenüber Interferon-alpha zu. Weiterhin wird vermutet, das NS5A als Komponente des membranständigen HCV Replikasekomplexes an der RNA Replikation beteiligt ist. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war es, die Funktion von NS5A für die RNA Replikation zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Serie von Phosphorylierungsstellen-Mutanten generiert, die auf Ihre Replikationsfähigkeit und den Phosphorylierungsstatus hin untersucht wurden. Wir fanden, dass bestimmte Serin-Substitutionen im Zentrum von NS5A zu einer gesteigerten RNA Replikation führten, bei gleichzeitig reduzierter NS5A Hyperphosphorylierung. Weiterhin studierten wir den Einfluß von Mutationen in der Amino-terminalen amphipatischen α-Helix von NS5A auf die RNA-Replikation, sowie Phosphorylierung und subzelluläre Lokalisation des Proteins. Wir fanden, dass geringfügige strukturelle Veränderungen der amphipatischen Helix zu einer veränderten subzellulären Lokalisation von NS5A führten, was mit einer reduzierten oder komplett inhibierten RNA Replikation einherging. Zudem interferierten die strukturellen Veränderungen mit der Hyperphosphorylierung des Proteins, was den Schluß nahe legt, dass die amphipatische Helix eine wichtige strukturelle Komponente des Proteins darstellt, die für die korrekte Faltung und Phosphorylierung des Proteins essentiell ist. Als weitere Aspekte wurden die Trans-Komplementationsfähigkeit der verschiedenen viralen Komponenten des HCV Replikasekomplexes untersucht, sowie zelluläre Interaktionspartner von NS5A identifiziert. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Doktorarbeit, dass NS5A eine wichtige Rolle bei der RNA-Replikation spielt. Diese Funktion wird wahrscheinlich über den Phosphorylierungszustand des Proteins reguliert.
Das Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) ist ein umhülltes Virus aus der Familie der Flaviviridae. Es besitzt ein Plusstrang-RNA Genom von ca. 9600 Nukleotiden Länge, das nur ein kodierendes Leseraster besitzt. Das Genom wird am 5’ und 3’ Ende von nicht-translatierten Sequenzen (NTRs) flankiert, welche für die Translation und vermutlich auch Replikation von Bedeutung sind. Die 5’ NTR besitzt eine interne Ribosomeneintrittsstelle (IRES), die eine cap-unabhängige Translation des ca. 3000 Aminosäure langen viralen Polyproteins erlaubt. Dieses wird ko- und posttranslational von zellulären und viralen Proteasen in 10 funktionelle Komponenten gespalten. Inwieweit die 5’ NTR auch für die Replikation der HCV RNA benötigt wird, war zu Beginn der Arbeit nicht bekannt. Die 3’ NTR besitzt eine dreigeteilte Struktur, bestehend aus einer variablen Region, dem polyU/UC-Bereich und der sogenannten X-Sequenz, eine hochkonservierte 98 Nukleotide lange Region, die vermutlich für die RNA-Replikation und möglicherweise auch für die Translation benötigt wird. Die genuae Rolle der 3’ NTR für diese beiden Prozesse war zu Beginn der Arbeit jedoch nicht bekannt. Ziel der Dissertation war deshalb eine detaillierte genetische Untersuchung der NTRs hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung für die RNA-Translation und -Replikation. In die Analyse mit einbezogen wurden auch RNA-Strukturen innerhalb der kodierenden Region, die zwischen verschiedenen HCV-Genotypen hoch konserviert sind und die mit verschiedenen computer-basierten Modellen vorhergesagt wurden. Zur Kartierung der für RNA-Replikation benötigten Minimallänge der 5’ NTR wurde eine Reihe von Chimären hergestellt, in denen unterschiedlich lange Bereiche der HCV 5’ NTR 3’ terminal mit der IRES des Poliovirus fusioniert wurden. Mit diesem Ansatz konnten wir zeigen, dass die ersten 120 Nukleotide der HCV 5’ NTR als Minimaldomäne für Replikation ausreichen. Weiterhin ergab sich eine klare Korrelation zwischen der Länge der HCV 5’ NTR und der Replikationseffizienz. Mit steigender Länge der 5’ NTR nahm auch die Replikationseffizienz zu, die dann maximal war, wenn das vollständige 5’ Element mit der Poliovirus-IRES fusioniert wurde. Die hier gefundene Kopplung von Translation und Replikation in der HCV 5’ NTR könnte auf einen Mechanismus zur Regulation beider Funktionen hindeuten. Es konnte allerdings noch nicht geklärt werden, welche Bereiche innerhalb der Grenzen des IRES-Elements genau für die RNA-Replikation benötigt werden. Untersuchungen im Bereich der 3’ NTR ergaben, dass die variable Region für die Replikation entbehrlich, die X-Sequenz jedoch essentiell ist. Der polyU/UC-Bereich musste eine Länge von mindestens 11-30 Uridinen besitzen, wobei maximale Replikation ab einer Länge von 30-50 Uridinen beobachtet wurde. Die Addition von heterologen Sequenzen an das 3’ Ende der HCV-RNA führte zu einer starken Reduktion der Replikation. In den hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigte keines der Elemente in der 3’ NTR einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Translation. Ein weiteres cis aktives RNA-Element wurde im 3’ kodierenden Bereich für das NS5B Protein beschrieben. Wir fanden, dass Veränderungen dieser Struktur durch stille Punktmutationen die Replikation hemmten, welche durch die Insertion einer intakten Version dieses RNA-Elements in die variable Region der 3’ NTR wieder hergestellt werden konnte. Dieser Versuchsansatz erlaubte die genaue Untersuchung der für die Replikation kritischen Strukturelemente. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Struktur und die Primärsequenz der Loopbereiche essentiell sind. Darüber hinaus wurde eine Sequenzkomplementarität zwischen dem Element in der NS5B-kodierenden Region und einem RNA-Bereich in der X-Sequenz der 3’ NTR gefunden, die eine sog. „kissing loop“ Interaktion eingehen kann. Mit Hilfe von gezielten Mutationen konnten wir zeigen, dass diese RNA:RNA Interaktion zumindest transient stattfindet und für die Replikation des HCV essentiell ist.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), together with Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and Border disease virus (BDV) of sheep, belongs to the genus Pestivirus of the Flaviviridae. BVDV is either cytopathic (cp) or noncytopathic (ncp), as defined by its effect on cultured cells. Infection of pregnant animals with the ncp biotype may lead to the birth of persistently infected calves that are immunotolerant to the infecting viral strain. In addition to evading the adaptive immune system, BVDV evades key mechanisms of innate immunity. Previously, we showed that ncp BVDV inhibits the induction of apoptosis and alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) synthesis by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Here, we report that (i) both ncp and cp BVDV block the induction by dsRNA of the Mx protein (which can also be induced in the absence of IFN signaling); (ii) neither biotype blocks the activity of IFN; and (iii) once infection is established, BVDV is largely resistant to the activity of IFN-alpha/beta but (iv) does not interfere with the establishment of an antiviral state induced by IFN-alpha/beta against unrelated viruses. The results of our study suggest that, in persistent infection, BVDV is able to evade a central element of innate immunity directed against itself without generally compromising its activity against unrelated viruses ("nonself") that may replicate in cells infected with ncp BVDV. This highly selective "self" and "nonself" model of evasion of the interferon defense system may be a key element in the success of persistent infection in addition to immunotolerance initiated by the early time point of fetal infection.
The viral RNase E(rns) prevents IFN type-I triggering by pestiviral single- and double-stranded RNAs
Interferon (IFN) type-I is of utmost importance in the innate antiviral defence of eukaryotic cells. The cells express intra- and extracellular receptors that monitor their surroundings for the presence of viral genomes. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), a Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae, is able to prevent IFN synthesis induced by poly(IC), a synthetic dsRNA. The evasion of innate immunity might be a decisive ability of BVDV to establish persistent infection in its host. We report that ds- as well as ssRNA fragments of viral origin are able to trigger IFN synthesis, and that the viral envelope glycoprotein E(rns), that is also secreted from infected cells, is able to inhibit IFN expression induced by these extracellular viral RNAs. The RNase activity of E(rns) is required for this inhibition, and E(rns) degrades ds- and ssRNA at neutral pH. In addition, cells infected with a cytopathogenic strain of BVDV contain more dsRNA than cells infected with the homologous non-cytopathogenic strain, and the intracellular viral RNA was able to excite the IFN system in a 5'-triphosphate-, i.e. RIG-I-, independent manner. Functionally, E(rns) might represent a decoy receptor that binds and enzymatically degrades viral RNA that otherwise might activate the IFN defence by binding to Toll-like receptors of uninfected cells. Thus, the pestiviral RNase efficiently manipulates the host's self-nonself discrimination to successfully establish and maintain persistence and immunotolerance.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is endemic worldwide. Together with classical swine fever and border disease viruses, it belongs to the genus Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae. Most infections with BVDV take a transient, acute, course. Only rarely BVDV persists in its hosts. Due to the early time point of infection in utero, persistently infected (PI) animals are immunotolerant to the infecting non-cytopathic BVDV. In such animals the virus may mutate to a cytopathic biotype, causing lethal mucosal disease. In BVD-endemic regions, approximately 1% of the animals are PI. Removal of all PI animals leads to extinction of BVD. This approach to BVD eradication has been vindicated in Scandinavia. Following the same principles, regional and country-wide eradication programs are run in different parts of the world. These programs differ in the way PI animals are detected and in the role of vaccines. The Scandinavian two-step method of detecting PI animals is based on (i) the high level of seroprevalence in herds where PI animals are present and (ii) on testing all animals for virus in such herds. However, the high average herd seroprevalence in Switzerland made it impossible to define a reasonable threshold for virus testing. Therefore, all animals were directly tested for virus in the year 2008 and all newborn calves until the end of 2012, when the PI prevalence had dropped to 0.02%. Vaccination remains prohibited. Since 2013, surveillance for BVD is accomplished by serology. As a unique consequence of eradication, over 7500 viral strains are available to us for genetic studies.
Bovine viral diarrhea- and Border disease viruses of sheep belong to the highly diverse genus pestivirus of the Flaviviridae. Ruminant pestiviruses may infect a wide range of domestic and wild cloven-hooved mammals (artiodactyla). Due to its economic importance, programs to eradicate bovine viral diarrhea are a high priority in the cattle industry. By contrast, Border disease is not a target of eradication, although the Border disease virus is known to be capable of also infecting cattle. In this work, we compared single dose experimental inoculation of calves with Border disease virus with co-mingling of calves with sheep persistently infected with this virus. As indicated by seroconversion, infection was achieved only in one out of seven calves with a dose of Border disease virus that was previously shown to be successful in calves inoculated with BVD virus. By contrast, all calves kept together with persistently infected sheep readily became infected with Border disease virus. The ease of viral transmission from sheep to cattle and the antigenic similarity of bovine and ovine pestiviruses may become a problem for demonstrating freedom of BVD by serology in the cattle population.
The viral protein Npro is unique to the genus Pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae. After autocatalytic cleavage from the nascent polyprotein, Npro suppresses type I IFN (IFN-α/β) induction by mediating proteasomal degradation of IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3). Previous studies found that the Npro-mediated IRF-3 degradation was dependent of a TRASH domain in the C-terminal half of Npro coordinating zinc by means of the amino acid residues C112, C134, D136 and C138. Interestingly, four classical swine fever virus (CSFV) isolates obtained from diseased pigs in Thailand in 1993 and 1998 did not suppress IFN-α/β induction despite the presence of an intact TRASH domain. Through systematic analyses, it was found that an amino acid mutation at position 40 or mutations at positions 17 and 61 in the N-terminal half of Npro of these four isolates were related to the lack of IRF-3-degrading activity. Restoring a histidine at position 40 or both a proline at position 17 and a lysine at position 61 based on the sequence of a functional Npro contributed to higher stability of the reconstructed Npro compared with the Npro from the Thai isolate. This led to enhanced interaction of Npro with IRF-3 along with its degradation by the proteasome. The results of the present study revealed that amino acid residues in the N-terminal domain of Npro are involved in the stability of Npro, in interaction of Npro with IRF-3 and subsequent degradation of IRF-3, leading to downregulation of IFN-α/β production.
El Dengue es una enfermedad infecciosa, endemo-epidémica, hoy emergente, producida por virus ARN de la familia flaviviridae, que precisa de un vector, mosquitos del género aedes, para ser transmitida al hombre. Los casos que aparecen en nuestro medio son importados, por lo que siempre es importante investigar la epidemiología ante cuadros febriles inespecíficos en pacientes que han estado en zonas endémicas.- Se comunica un caso de dengue hemorrágico importado en una mujer joven con compromiso hepático con el propósito de destacar la importancia de indagar acerca de los antecedentes epidemiológicos y realizar una revisión del tema.
We have determined the crystal structure of the core (C) protein from the Kunjin subtype of West Nile virus (WNV), closely related to the NY99 strain of WNV, currently a major health threat in the U.S. WNV is a member of the Flaviviridae family of enveloped RNA viruses that contains many important human pathogens. The C protein is associated with the RNA genome and forms the internal core which is surrounded by the envelope in the virion. The C protein structure contains four a. helices and forms dimers that are organized into tetramers. The tetramers form extended filamentous ribbons resembling the stacked alpha helices seen in HEAT protein structures.
All single-stranded 'positive-sense' RNA viruses that infect mammalian, insect or plant cells rearrange internal cellular membranes to provide an environment facilitating virus replication. A striking feature of these unique membrane structures is the induction of 70-100 nm vesicles (either free within the cytoplasm, associated with other induced vesicles or bound within a surrounding membrane) harbouring the viral replication complex (RC). Although similar in appearance, the cellular composition of these vesicles appears to vary for different viruses, implying different organelle origins for the intracellular sites of viral RNA replication. Genetic analysis has revealed that induction of these membrane structures can be attributed to a particular viral gene product, usually a non-structural protein. This review will highlight our current knowledge of the formation and composition of virus RCs and describe some of the similarities and differences in RNA-membrane interactions observed between the virus families Flaviviridae and Picornaviridae.
Comparative mechanistic studies of de novo RNA synthesis by flavivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerases
Flavivirus protein NS5 harbors the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) activity. In contrast to the RdRps of hepaci- and pestiviruses, which belong to the same family of Flaviviridae, NS5 carries two activities, a methyltransferase (MTase) and a RdRp. RdRp domains of Dengue virus (DV) and West Nile virus (WNV) NS5 were purified in high yield relative to full-length NS5 and showed full RdRp activity. Steady-state enzymatic parameters were determined on homopolymeric template poly(rC). The presence of the MTase domain does not affect the RdRp activity. Flavivirus RdRp domains might bear more than one GTP binding site displaying positive cooperativity. The kinetics of RNA synthesis by four Flaviviridae RdRps were compared. In comparison to Hepatitis C RdRp, DV and WNV as well as Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus RdRps show less rate limitation by early steps of short-product fort-nation. This suggests that they display a higher conformational flexibility upon the transition from initiation to elongation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Dengue is an acute infectious disease, usually transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The etiologic agents belong to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, and occur as four antigenically related but distinct serotypes designated DENV-1, 2, 3, and 4. In Brazil, the disease represents a national public health problem. The purpose of the present study was to describe epidemiological aspects of dengue in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2013 to 2014. A total of 483 blood or serum samples, collected from January 2013 to December 2014, were studied by RT-PCR for viral detection and typing. The infection was confirmed in 36.44% (176/483) of the cases studied. This study detected the circulation of three serotypes of dengue virus in Rio Grande do Norte, DENV-1, 2, and 4. The predominant serotype in 2013-2014 was the DENV-4, representing 83.51% (81/97) and 68.35% (54/79) of the positive cases, respectively. Regarding the spatial distribution, most of the cases occurred in Natal and Caicó, with 9.28% (9/97) and 18.99% (15/79), respectively. The months with the biggest viral circulation in RN were March 2013 and May 2014. The female gender was the most affected, representing 69.07% (67/97) in 2013 and 54.43% (43/79) in 2014. The most affected age groups were 21-30 years (2013) and 11-20 years (2014) with 25.77% (25/97) and 20.25% (16/79) positive cases, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that genotype V (DENV-1) and genotype II (DENV-4) circulated in the State. Our results provide information about the dynamics of DENV in the Rio Grande do Norte, important for the development of disease control strategies.
El virus dengue pertenece a la familia Flaviviridae, es transmitido entre humanos en general por mosquitos del género Aedes. Uruguay estuvo libre de la enfermedad de adquisición autóctona en los últimos 100 años. En febrero del año 2016 se produjo la confirmación de los primeros casos autóctonos en Montevideo y con ello evidencia de un brote local. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los aspectos prácticos del manejo clínico de los pacientes con dengue presuntivo o confirmado, contribuyendo así a la discusión del tema y a la formación del equipo de salud en nuestro país. Se revisan desde un punto de vista práctico los aspectos clínicos de presentación de la infección, clasificación, diagnóstico de laboratorio, manejo inicial, y situaciones especiales como embarazo y comorbilidades.