979 resultados para family needs


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A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é um setor do hospital destinado ao atendimento de pacientes em estado crítico, que requer cuidados complexos e controles rígidos e, por isso sempre gera um ambiente estressante, não só para a equipe que atende ao paciente mas também aos familiares e portanto induz muitas vezes ao processo de depressão. Estes fatores leva-nos a abordar a necessidade de humanização, no atendimento ao paciente, bem como de seus familiares. A preocupação com a humanização deve estar presente nas equipes de enfermagem como filosofia-diretriz e deve ser um indicador de qualidades desses serviços. Humanizar a UTI significa cuidar do paciente como um todo, englobando o contexto bio-psico-social, incorporando os valores sociais e da família, as esperanças, os culturais e as preocupações pessoais. A humanização deve fazer parte da filosofia da enfermagem. O ambiente físico, os recursos materiais e tecnológicos são importantes, porém não mais significativos do que a natureza humana. O pensamento em ações da equipe de enfermagem, alimentam a reflexão crítica e a construção de uma realidade mais humana e menos agressiva e hostil para as pessoas que diariamente convivem no hospital. A hospitalização altera a rotina não só do paciente mas também dos familiares. De certa forma, a própria hospitalização pode ser vivida como abandono ou morte, à medida que implica um afastamento das pessoas queridas, da casa, como também uma invasão de privacidade. Este trabalho procurou Identificar as necessidades dos familiares ou visitantes, frente à equipe de saúde durante o período de internação na UTI e avaliar o grau de satisfação em relação à qualidade das informações e ao suporte dados à família ou visitante. Os resultados indicam que no Hospital Heliópolis, onde o trabalho foi conduzido, os entrevistados estavam satisfeitos com a equipe multiprofissional pois os pacientes eram bem cuidados, havendo preocupação com os pacientes, e que os médicos, além de compreensivos e competentes, forneceram as informações de modo que eles pudessem compreender,. Porém deve-se ressaltar que 48% dos entrevistados apontam a necessidade de apoio psicológico.(AU)


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Dissertação de apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional


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The therapeutic, social and economic benefits of organ transplantation are irrefutable; however, organ shortages contribute to avoidable patient deaths and burgeoning health care costs. This problem can be addressed by increasing family consent to deceased organ donation. There are high levels of community support for deceased organ donation in Australia and yet, almost fifty percent of families decline the request to donate. Increasing the number of families who agree to deceased organ donation is key to increasing national and international transplantation rates. The purpose of this study was to identify the major factors that influence a family to agree or decline deceased organ donation during the process of decision-making. The aims of the study were three-fold: to identify the key stages and the major influencers’ in the decisionmaking process; to determine if hope, deep hope and trust played a role in the decision, and to explore families’ perceptions of their decision-making experience. The study utilised an exploratory case study approach to examine the family decisionmaking process of deceased organ donation. Following ethics approval, recruitment was conducted utilising a qualitative purposive snowball strategy across Australia. A pilot study was conducted to test the study procedures prior to the main data collection, and 22 participants who had been involved in a deceased organ donation decision from nine families were interviewed. In five deaths family members had agreed to organ donation, and in four deaths the family declined. A theoretical framework based on the Precaution Adoption Process Model of decision-making was applied to propose trust, hope and deep hope underpin family organ donation decisions. Thematic analysis was conducted and three key themes comprising ‘In the fog drowning’, ‘Harvesting humanity’, and ‘It’s all up to Mum’ were revealed. The study found women, and in particular mothers, played a significant role in organ donation decision-making, and that the decision-making is bounded by family needs of trust, hope and deep hope across the continuum of time. It also found families who had their trust, hope and deep hope needs met expressed satisfaction about their decision-making experience and agreed to organ donation. Some families perceived that organ donation was a sacrifice that was too great to endure, even if the deceased had previously indicated intent to donate, and therefore declined donation. This study found that families’ ideas of a peaceful death and organ donation are not mutually exclusive. It concludes that when decision-makers’ trust and deep hope needs are met they are more willing to agree to donation. This study recommends that the idea of a ‘right’ to a peaceful death should be aligned with deceased organ donation practices and normalised.


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Aim: This paper addresses issues arising in the literature regarding the environmental design of inpatient healthcare settings and their impact on care.

Background: Environmental design in healthcare settings is an important feature of the holistic delivery of healthcare. The environmental influence of the delivery of care is manifested by such things as lighting, proximity to bedside, technology, family involvement, and space. The need to respond rapidly in places such as emergency and intensive care can override space needs for family support. In some settings with aging buildings, the available space is no longer appropriate to the needs—for example, the need for privacy in emergency departments. Many aspects of care have changed over the last three decades and the environment of care appears not to have been adapted to contemporary healthcare requirements nor involved consumers in ascertaining environmental requirements. The issues found in the literature are addressed under five themes: the design of physical space, family needs, privacy considerations, the impact of technology, and patient safety.

Conclusion: There is a need for greater input into the design of healthcare spaces from those who use them, to incorporate dignified and expedient care delivery in the care of the person and to meet the needs of family.


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Caring for a dying relative is demanding, and family caregivers have acknowledged many unmet needs associated with their caregiver role. Consistently, caregivers of dying patients with cancer have reported that they need more support and information from health care professionals. Moreover, a number of palliative care clinicians and researchers have called for interventions to enhance the support offered to family caregivers. However, before researchers can develop and test palliative care interventions directed to families, it is important to identify barriers that may confront health care professionals with regard to the provision of supportive family care. For new interventions to be feasible they must be applicable within the constraints of current palliative care service delivery environments. This paper provides an account of issues that may impinge on optimal transference of supportive strategies from health care professionals to family caregivers of patients receiving palliative care. By acknowledging these barriers to supportive care, researchers and health care professionals can begin to design and implement interventions that are clinically relevant and more likely to be effective.


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The present study examined the support needs for urban and rural family caregivers of a palliative family member using a cross-sectional telephone survey in northeastern Ontario, Canada (n = 140; 70 urban, 70 rural). Support needs identified as most important by both the groups were informational. Rural caregivers reported greater unmet needs in tangible support (P =.01). No differences were observed between the groups for emotional or informational support needs (P =.25 and P =.35, respectively). Rural and urban caregivers perceived care for care recipients as accessible (mean accessibility score 1.9, standard deviation [SD] = 0.09 and 1.7, SD = 0.7, respectively, P =.20); the majority indicated that when needed, services were easily and quickly obtained. Although there are similarities in the formal care experiences, rural caregivers experience greater unmet needs in receiving support for instrumental activities. © The Author(s) 2013.


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This report outlines a small-scale consultation with families of children attending Special Schools, in order to understand their unmet needs in terms of family emotional wellbeing. The research was commissioned by a consortium of organisations that provide emotional wellbeing services:
1. Niamh (Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health);
2. Barnardo’s NI ‘Time 4 Me’ school counselling service; and
3. TakeTen Limited.


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Meeting the needs of young parents and their children more effectively will improve their life and long term health. This paper examines the Family Nurse Partnership as a public health initiative in supporting young women and improving the outcomes of themselves and their child(ren). It explores evidence of effectiveness, cost benefit and resource implications and discusses the role of the midwife within the context of public health initiatives and specifically to the delivery of the Family Nurse Partnership.


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This is the first in a short series that presents case study examples of the positive work achieved by trusts who participated in the Royal College of Nursing's development programme to improve dementia care in acute hospitals. When a person with dementia is in hospital, poor understanding of individual needs and preferences can contribute to a lack of person-centred care. Similarly, the needs of family carers can often be overlooked and staff do not always appreciate these needs at such a stressful time. This article illustrates how three NHS trusts have addressed these issues. To help staff get to know patients with dementia, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust has implemented a patient passport. Similarly, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust has implemented a carer passport that overcomes the restrictions imposed by hospital visiting hours. Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust also focused on carers, holding a workshop to elicit feedback on what was important to them. This was a useful means of engaging with carers and helped staff to realise that even simple changes can have a significant effect.


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This paper studies the acceptance strategies used by family members of hearing-impaired children. The study looks at how parents view conferences, counseling and meetings with hearing professionals and other parents of deaf children.