952 resultados para factor V Leiden


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The prevalence of factor V (FV) Leiden among normal populations has primarily been determined using blood donors. This control group is carefully selected and therefore may not accurately reflect the true prevalence within the population. We assessed the prevalence of FV Leiden within the Irish population using Guthrie card samples randomly selected from all newborns. We compared this result with the prevalence of FV Leiden within blood donors. A novel nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for FV Leiden was developed for analysis of the Guthrie card samples. There was no significant difference between the allele frequency within the Guthrie card samples and blood donors (2.07% vs. 2.35%, P = 0.66)


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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common disease. Mild disease resolves spontaneously in a few days. Severe forms of the disease can lead to local complications, necrosis, and abscesses in and around the pancreas. Systemic inflammation in severe AP is associated with distant organ failures. The aim of this study is to identify genetically determined prognostic factors involved in the clinical features of AP. The study employs a candidate-gene approach, and the genes are involved in trysinogen activation in the initiation phase of the disease, as well as in the systemic inflammation as the disease proceeds. The last study examines adipokines, fat-derived hormones characterized with the capacity to modify inflammation. SPINK 1 is a gene coding trypsin activation inhibitor. Mutations N34S and P55N were determined by minisequencing methods in 371 AP patients and in 459 controls. The mutation N34S was more common in AP patients (7.8%) than in controls (2.6%). This suggests that SPINK 1 gene mutation N34S is a risk factor for AP. In the fourth study, in 12 matched pairs of patients with severe and mild AP, levels of adipokines, adiponectin, and leptin were evaluated. Plasma adipokine levels did not differ between patients with mild and severe AP. The results suggest that in AP, adipokine plasma levels are not factors predisposing to organ failures. This study identified the SPINK 1 mutation N34S to be a risk factor for AP in the general population. As AP is a multifactorial disease, and extensive genetic heterogeneity is likely, further identification of genetic factors in the disease requires larger future studies with more advanced genetic study models. Further identification of the patient characteristics associated with organ failures offers another direction of the study to achieve more detailed understanding of the severe form of AP.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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All three isoforms of transforming growth factors beta (TGF-betal, TGF-beta2, and TGF-beta3) are secreted as latent complexes and activated extracellularly, leading to the release of the mature cytokines from their noncovalently associated proregions, also known as latency-associated peptides (LAPs). The LAP region of TGF-beta1 was expressed in a baculovirus expression system and purified to homogeneity. In vitro assays of growth inhibition and gene induction mediated by TGF-beta3 demonstrate that recombinant TGF-beta1 LAP is a potent inhibitor of the activities of TGF-betal, -beta2, and -beta3. Effective dosages of LAP for 50% neutralization of TGF-beta activities range from 4.7- to 80-fold molar excess depending on the TGF-beta isoform and activity examined. Using 125I-labeled LAP, we show that the intraperitoneal application route is effective for systemic administration of LAP. Comparison of concentrations of LAP in tissues shows a homogenous pattern in most organs with the exception of heart and muscle, in which levels of LAP are 4- to 8-fold lower. In transgenic mice with elevated hepatic levels of bioactive TGF-betal, treatment with recombinant LAP completely reverses suppression of the early proliferative response induced by TGF-beta1 in remnant livers after partial hepatectomy. The results suggest that recombinant LAP is a potent inhibitor of bioactive TGF-beta both in vitro and in vivo, after intraperitoneal administration. Recombinant LAP should be a useful tool for novel approaches to study and therapeutically modulate pathophysiological processes mediated by TGF-beta3.


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Aberrant expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) has been implicated in a number of disease processes, particularly those involving fibrotic and inflammatory lesions. To determine the in vivo effects of overexpression of TGF-beta 1 on the function and structure of hepatic as well as extrahepatic tissues, transgenic mice were generated containing a fusion gene (Alb/TGF-beta 1) consisting of modified porcine TGF-beta 1 cDNA under the control of the regulatory elements of the mouse albumin gene. Five transgenic lines were developed, all of which expressed the Alb/TGF-beta 1 transgene selectively in hepatocytes. The transgenic line 25 expressing the highest level of the transgene in the liver also had high (> 10-fold over control) plasma levels of TGF-beta 1. Hepatic fibrosis and apoptotic death of hepatocytes developed in all the transgenic lines but was more pronounced in line 25. The fibrotic process was characterized by deposition of collagen around individual hepatocytes and within the space of Disse in a radiating linear pattern. Several extrahepatic lesions developed in line 25, including glomerulonephritis and renal failure, arteritis and myocarditis, as well as atrophic changes in pancreas and testis. The results from this transgenic model strongly support the proposed etiological role for TGF-beta 1 in a variety of fibrotic and inflammatory disorders. The transgenic model may also provide an appropriate paradigm for testing therapeutic interventions aimed at neutralizing the detrimental effects of this important cytokine.


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Introducción: las enfermedades cardiovasculares (EC) constituyen la principal causa de muerte a nivel mundial. La etiología es multifactorial, pueden influir diversos factores como la dieta, los hábitos de vida, el nivel de ejercicio físico o la carga genética. El gran número de genes implicados, así como sus diversas variantes, pueden influir sobre el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares por medio de distintas vías. Objetivo: determinar la relación existente entre diferentes polimorfismos genéticos y el riesgo individual de EC en población infantil y adulta. Métodos: se llevó a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica utilizando la base de datos PubMed. La búsqueda se limitó a un periodo de diez años y a metaanálisis realizados en humanos. Resultados: se establece relación entre el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y los siguientes polimorfismos genéticos: cromosoma 9p21, apolipoproteína A5, apolipoproteínas E2, E3 y E4, gen PPARG o PPARΥ, genes implicados en el metabolismo lipídico, gen MTHFR, citocromo P450, factor V de coagulación o factor de Leiden (FVL) y gen VKORC. Conclusiones: Se han identificado un gran número de genes relacionados con la enfermedad cardiovascular. La carga genética puede influir de manera directa o indirecta sobre el riesgo cardiovascular, modificando factores de riesgo para enfermedad cardiovascular o actuando sobre la medicación empleada para tratarla.


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Background-Although dyslipoproteinemia is associated with arterial atherothrombosis, little is known about plasma lipoproteins in venous thrombosis patients. Methods and Results-We determined plasma lipoprotein subclass concentrations using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and antigenic levels of apolipoproteins AI and B in blood samples from 49 male venous thrombosis patients and matched controls aged <55 years. Venous thrombosis patients had significantly lower levels of HDL particles, large HDL particles, HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein AI and significantly higher levels of LDL particles and small LDL particles. The quartile-based odds ratios for decreased HDL particle and apolipoprotein AI levels in patients compared with controls were 6.5 and 6.0 (95% CI, 2.3 to 19 and 2.1 to 17), respectively. Odds ratios for apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein AI ratio and LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio were 6.3 and 2.7 (95% CI, 1.9 to 21 and 1.1 to 6.5), respectively. When polymorphisms in genes for hepatic lipase, endothelial lipase, and cholesteryl ester transfer protein were analyzed, patients differed significantly from controls in the allelic frequency for the TaqI B1/B2 polymorphism in cholesteryl ester transfer protein, consistent with the observed pattern of lower HDL and higher LDL. Conclusions-Venous thrombosis in men aged <55 years old is associated with dyslipoproteinemia involving lower levels of HDL particles, elevated levels of small LDL particles, and an elevated ratio of apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein AI. This dyslipoproteinemia seems associated with a related cholesteryl ester transfer protein genotype difference. © 2005 American Heart Association, Inc.


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PCR-based cancer diagnosis requires detection of rare mutations in k- ras, p53 or other genes. The assumption has been that mutant and wild-type sequences amplify with near equal efficiency, so that they are eventually present in proportions representative of the starting material. Work on factor IX suggests that this assumption is invalid for one case of near- sequence identity. To test the generality of this phenomenon and its relevance to cancer diagnosis, primers distant from point mutations in p53 and k-ras were used to amplify wild-type and mutant sequences from these genes. A substantial bias against PCR amplification of mutants was observed for two regions of the p53 gene and one region of k-ras. For k-ras and p53, bias was observed when the wild-type and mutant sequences were amplified separately or when mixed in equal proportions before PCR. Bias was present with proofreading and non-proofreading polymerase. Mutant and wild-type segments of the factor V, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and prothrombin genes were amplified and did not exhibit PCR bias. Therefore, the assumption of equal PCR efficiency for point mutant and wild-type sequences is invalid in several systems. Quantitative or diagnostic PCR will require validation for each locus, and enrichment strategies may be needed to optimize detection of mutants.


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La coriza infecciosa es una enfermedad respiratoria aguda de las gallinas domesti- cas causada por la bacteria Haemophilus parugallinarum. Excepcionalmente pueden enfermarse tambien los faisanes y gallinas de Guinea. El H. paragallinarum infecta al ave por via respiratoria y luego de un cor- to periodo de incubation, que varia entre 1 a 3 dias, produce una enfermedad que se manifiesta por inflamacion catarral de los senos paranasales. Este cuadro puede estar asociado a inflamacion de los barbillones, conjuntivitis o queratitis. Los casos de neu- nionia y aerosaculitis son menos frecuentes pero tambien suelen ocurrir en las infeccio- nes puras por estos hemofilos. En las gallinas en produccion causa alta morbilidad, baja o nula mortalidad y una importante perdida en la produccion de huevos, la que generalmente oscila entre 10% y 40%. En pollos parrilleros puede cau- sar un cuadro descrito como «cabeza hin- chada» y ocasionalmente tambien producir septicemia y muerte (48). Esta bacteria ge- neralmente se asocia con otros agentes bacterianos, viricos o parasitarios y cuan- do esto ocurre se agrava el curso de la en- fermedad. Entre los agentes bacterianos mas comunes deben mencionarse los mycoplasinas y las pasteurelas. Cuando H . paragallinarum se asocia con otros agentes esta enfermedad se denomina .«coriza infec- ciosa complicada» (48). En esta recopilacion se aportaran deta- lles sobre la clasificacion, identificacion y serotipificacion del agente causal. Tambien se resumira la informacion disponible sobre nuevos metodos de diagnostico y programas de vacunacion para prevenir esta enferme-dad. A lo largo de esta revision se hara re-ferencia a los hemofilos aviarios que, para el proposito de este trabajo, seran definidos como organisnios gram negativos aislados de aves y que necesariamente requieren factores de crecimiento in vitro. Los dos factores que pueden ser requeridos por los hemofilos para su crecimiento in vitro son hemina (factor X) y/o nicotin-adenin-dinucleirtido (NAD o factor V).


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death and disability in Western countries and a growing health problem in the developing world. The genetic component of both coronary heart disease (CHD) and ischemic stroke events has been established in twin studies, and the traits predisposing to CVD, such as hypertension, dyslipidemias, obesity, diabetes, and smoking behavior, are all partly hereditary. Better understanding of the pathophysiology of CVD-related traits could help to target disease prevention and clinical treatment to individuals at an especially high disease risk and provide novel pharmaceutical interventions. This thesis aimed to clarify the genetic background of CVD at a population level using large Nordic population cohorts and a candidate gene approach. The first study concentrated on the allelic diversity of the thrombomodulin (THBD) gene in two Finnish cohorts, FINRISK-92 and FINRISK-97. The results from this study implied that THBD variants do not substantially contribute to CVD risk. In the second study, three other candidate genes were added to the analyses. The study investigated the epistatic effects of coagulation factor V (F5), intercellular adhesion molecule -1 (ICAM1), protein C (PROC), and THBD in the same FINRISK cohorts. The results were encouraging; we were able to identify several single SNPs and SNP combinations associating with CVD and mortality. Interestingly, THBD variants appeared in the associating SNP combinations despite the negative results from Study I, suggesting that THBD contributes to CVD through gene-gene interactions. In the third study, upstream transcription factor -1 (USF1) was analyzed in a cohort of Swedish men. USF1 was associated with metabolic syndrome, characterized by accumulation of different CVD risk factors. A putative protective and a putative risk variant were identified. A direct association with CVD was not observed. The longitudinal nature of the study also clarified the effect of USF1 variants on CVD risk factors followed in four examinations throughout adulthood. The three studies provided valuable information on the study of complex traits, highlighting the use of large study samples, the importance of replication, and the full coverage of the major allelic variants of the target genes to assure reliable findings. Although the genetic basis of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke remains unknown, single genetic findings may facilitate the recognition of high-risk subgroups.


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Evaluation of protein and metabolite expression patterns in blood using mass spectrometry and high-throughput antibody-based screening platforms has potential for the discovery of new biomarkers for managing breast cancer patient treatment. Previously identified blood-based breast cancer biomarkers, including cancer antigen 15.3 (CA15-3) are useful in combination with imaging (computed tomography scans, magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays) and physical examination for monitoring tumour burden in advanced breast cancer patients. However, these biomarkers suffer from insufficient levels of accuracy and with new therapies available for the treatment of breast cancer, there is an urgent need for reliable, non-invasive biomarkers that measure tumour burden with high sensitivity and specificity so as to provide early warning of the need to switch to an alternative treatment. The aim of this study was to identify a biomarker signature of tumour burden using cancer and non-cancer (healthy controls/non-malignant breast disease) patient samples. Results demonstrate that combinations of three candidate biomarkers from Glutamate, 12-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, Beta-hydroxybutyrate, Factor V and Matrix metalloproteinase-1 with CA15-3, an established biomarker for breast cancer, were found to mirror tumour burden, with AUC values ranging from 0.71 to 0.98 when comparing non-malignant breast disease to the different stages of breast cancer. Further validation of these biomarker panels could potentially facilitate the management of breast cancer patients, especially to assess changes in tumour burden in combination with imaging and physical examination.


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Introduction The identification of the genetic risk factors that could discriminate non-thrombotic from thrombotic antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLA) carriers will improve prognosis of these patients. Several human studies have shown the presence of aPLAs associated with atherosclerotic plaque, which is a known risk factor for thrombosis. Hence, in order to determine the implication of atherosclerosis in the risk of developing thrombosis in aPLA positive patients, we performed a genetic association study with 3 candidate genes, APOH, LDLR and PCSK9. Material & Methods For genetic association study we analyzed 190 aPLA carriers -100 with non-thrombotic events and 90 with thrombotic events-and 557 healthy controls. Analyses were performed by chi(2) test and were corrected by false discovery rate. To evaluate the functional implication of the newly established susceptibility loci, we performed expression analyses in 86 aPLA carrier individuals (43 with thrombotic manifestations and 43 without it) and in 45 healthy controls. Results Our results revealed significant associations after correction in SNPs located in LDLR gene with aPLA carriers and thrombotic aPLA carriers, when compared with healthy controls. The most significant association in LDLR gene was found between SNP rs129083082 and aPLA carriers in recessive model (adjusted P-value = 2.55 x 10(-3); OR = 2.18; 95% CI = 1.49-3.21). Furthermore, our work detected significant allelic association after correction between thrombotic aPLA carriers and healthy controls in SNP rs562556 located in PCSK9 gene (adjusted P-value = 1.03 x 10(-2); OR = 1.60; 95% CI = 1.24-2.06). Expression level study showed significantly decreased expression level of LDLR gene in aPLA carriers (P-value < 0.0001; 95% CI 0.16-2.10; SE 0.38-1.27) in comparison to the control group. Discussion Our work has identified LDLR gene as a new susceptibility gene associated with the development of thrombosis in aPLA carriers, describing for the first time the deregulation of LDLR expression in individuals with aPLAs. Besides, thrombotic aPLA carriers also showed significant association with PCSK9 gene, a regulator of LDLR plasma levels. These results highlight the importance of atherosclerotic processes in the development of thrombosis in patients with aPLA.


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A novel plasminogen activator from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom (TSV-PA) has been identified and purified to homogeneity. It is a single chain glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 33,000 and an isoelectric point of pH 5.2. It specifically activates plasminogen through an enzymatic reaction. The activation of human native GIu-plasminogen by TSV-PA is due to a single cleavage of the molecule at the peptide bond Arg(561)-Val-(562). Purified TSV-PA, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of several tripeptide p-nitroanilide substrates, does not activate nor degrade prothrombin, factor X, or protein C and does not clot fibrinogen nor show fibrino(geno)lytic activity in the absence of plasminogen. The activity of TSV-PA was readily inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and by p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate. Oligonucleotide primers designed on the basis of the N-terminal and the internal peptide sequences of TSV-PA were used for the amplification of cDNA fragments by polymerase chain reaction. This allowed the cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding TSV-PA from a cDNA library prepared from the venom glands. The deduced complete amino acid sequence of TSV-PA indicates that the mature TSV-PA protein is composed of 234 amino acids and contains a single potential N-gIycosylation site at Asn(1G1). The sequence of TSV-PA exhibits a high degree of sequence identity with other snake venom proteases: 66% with the protein C activator from Aghistrodon contortrix contortrix venom, 63% with batroxobin, and 60% with the factor V activator from Russell's viper venom. On the other hand, TSV-PA shows only 21-23% sequence similarity with the catalytic domains of u-PA and t-PA. Furthermore, TSV-PA lacks the sequence site that has been demonstrated to be responsible for the interaction of t-PA (KHRR) and u-PA (RRHR) with plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1.


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INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Adult orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is associated with considerable blood product requirements. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of preoperative information to predict intraoperative red blood cell (RBC) transfusion requirements among adult liver recipients. METHODS: Preoperative variables with previously demonstrated relationships to intraoperative RBC transfusion were identified from the literature: sex, age, pathology, prothrombin time (PT), factor V, hemoglobin (Hb), and platelet count (plt). These variables were then retrospectively collected from 758 consecutive adult patients undergoing OLT from 1997 to 2007. Relationships between these variables and intraoperative blood transfusion requirements were examined by both univariate analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Univariate analysis confirmed significant associations between RBC transfusion and PT, factor V, Hb, Plt, pathology, and age (P values all < .001). However, stepwise backward multivariate analysis excluded variables Plt and factor V from the multiple regression linear model. The variables included in the final predictive model were PT, Hb, age, and pathology. Patients suffering from liver carcinoma required more blood products than those suffering from other pathologies. Yet, the overall predictive power of the final model was limited (R(2) = .308; adjusted R(2) = .30). CONCLUSION: Preoperative variables have limited predictive power for intraoperative RBC transfusion requirements even when significant statistical associations exist, identifying only a small portion of the observed total transfusion variability. Preoperative PT, Hb, age, and liver pathology seem to be the most significant predictive factors but other factors like severity of liver disease, surgical technique, medical experience in liver transplantation, and other noncontrollable human variables may play important roles to determine the final transfusion requirements.


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The longitudinal dipole response of a quantum dot has been calculated in the far-infrared regime using local-spin-density-functional theory. We have studied the coupling between the collective spin and density modes as a function of the magnetic field. We have found that the spin dipole mode and single-particle excitations have a sizable overlap, and that the magnetoplasmon modes can be excited by the dipole spin operator if the dot is spin polarized. The frequency of the dipole spin edge mode presents an oscillation which is clearly filling factor (v) related. We have found that the spin dipole mode is especially soft for even-n values. Results for selected numbers of electrons and confining potentials are discussed.