117 resultados para expropriation


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Cette thèse trace la généalogie culturelle de la jeune fille en Occident en ciblant les moments charnières de son devenir femme au sein de structures de savoir qui ont activement participé à forger cette figure hétéronormative. Mon objectif est de produire une analyse culturelle en forgeant une cartographie des adolescences au féminin. Afin de sortir de la temporalité téléologique de la virginité et de la défloration, j’emprunte un mot étranger, parthénos, qui fait appel à l’idée de la jeune fille, sans nécessairement se limiter à ses connotations conventionnelles. La première partie, intitulée « La virginité, une affaire de jeunes filles », laisse place à une analyse du concept de parthénos à partir d’une lecture au carrefour de la médecine, de la loi et du mythe. Une lecture du traité hippocratique De la maladie des jeunes filles dévoile comment la défloration et la grossesse deviennent une cure érotique, une discipline du corps, qui décide du passage de la jeune fille dans une temporalité utile à la Cité. Un déplacement paradigmatique s’opère au 19e siècle dans les écrits médico-légaux, parce que l’hymen, auparavant inexistant dans la doxa hippocratique, devient le signe matériel par excellence pour examiner le statut de virginité de la fille. L’analyse de ces traités (frères Beck, Ambroise Tardieu, Paulier et Hétet) révèle la configuration de pratiques et de discours d’infantilisation des victimes de viol, et le refus des médecins légistes de reconnaître qu’une femme mariée puisse être violée. À partir d’une lecture contemporaine des tragédies L’Orestie d’Eschyle et Antigone de Sophocle, je montre que les figures d’Antigone et d’Électre constituent des exemples et des symboles convaincants de ce destin funeste de la parthénos qui n’accède jamais au statut de femme mariée. À ces figures mortelles, se télescopent les figures d’Artémis et des Érinyes pour montrer le potentiel de régénération inhérent à la figure de la parthénos. La deuxième partie, qui porte le titre « Le liminaire. Repenser les devenirs de l’adolescence », engage une réflexion à la lisière du contexte contemporain des Girlhood Studies, de la psychanalyse sociale et des études féministes sur le corps et le sexe, pour faciliter le déploiement d’une cartographie plus contextualisée du concept de parthénos. Je montre ici les écueils et les effets du danger qu’engendre la rationalité économique (cf. Henry A. Giroux) pour les espaces de liberté et d’exploration propres à l’adolescence. Cette posture est appuyée sur une lecture des récentes études en psychanalyse sociale (Anne Bourgain, Olivier Douville et Edmond Ortigues). Il est ainsi question d’identifier ce qui marque le passage entre l’adolescence et l’âge adulte : la crainte de la disparition et le fantasme de la naissance de soi. La théorie de la volatilité corporelle qu’élabore Elizabeth Grosz à propos de la sexualité féminine, ainsi que les théories de Michel Foucault, reprises par Judith Butler, en ce qui concerne les disciplines du corps, répondent à mon objectif de sortir de l’écueil d’une temporalité téléologique pour saisir les effets et les ramifications du discours sur la matérialité du corps de la jeune fille, sur ce qui lui arrive lorsqu’elle ne correspond pas tout à fait à l’idéal de régulation. Enfin, la dernière partie, qui porte le titre « Temporalités de la parthénos en tant que sujet liminaire », est traversée par les modalités particulières de la parthénia qui semble désincarnée dans la littérature contemporaine. L’objectif est de prouver que la virginité est toujours un marqueur symbolique qui déploie le destin de la fille dans un horizon particulier, trop souvent celui de la disparition. En proposant un éventail de cinq textes littéraires que j’inscris au sein d’une posture généalogique, je souhaite voir dans la littérature contemporaine, une volonté, parfois aussi un échec, dans cette pensée de la parthénos en tant que sujet liminaire. Le récit Vu du ciel de Christine Angot montre que l’ascension vers le statut d’ange concerne seulement les victimes enfants. Le récit d’Angot met donc en lumière la distinction entre la vraie victime, toujours innocente et pré-pubère, et la fausse victime, l’adolescente. Contrairement à Vu du ciel, The Lovely Bones d’Alice Sebold met en scène la possibilité d’une communauté politique de filles qui sera en fait limitée par le refus du potentiel lesbien. La question du viol sera ici centrale et sera abordée à partir de l’insistance sur la voix de la narratrice Susan. La littérature devient un espace propice à la survie de la jeune fille, puisqu’elle admet la reprise de l’expérience de la première relation sexuelle. Si la communauté est convoquée dans The Lovely Bones, elle est associée à l’image de l’identité sororale dans le roman Virgin Suicides de Jeffrey Eugenides. La pathologie virale et la beauté virginale que construit le narrateur polyphonique et anonyme font exister le discours médical sur la maladie des vierges dans un contexte contemporain. Le récit médical rejoint alors le récit érotique puisque le narrateur devient médecin, détective et voyeur. À la différence de ces trois récits, Drames de princesses d’Elfriede Jelinek montre une parthénos, Blanche Neige, qui fait face à son agresseur pour s’inscrire dans une historicité discursive. Cette collision dialogique ranime le cycle tragique (celui d’une Antigone confrontant Créon) et traduit de nouveau le danger d’une superstructure sociétale composée d’images et de discours où la fille est construite comme un accessoire pour le plaisir éphémère de l’homme. À l’inverse de l’image de la vierge sacrée et désincarnée que proposent les récits d’Angot, de Sebold, d’Eugenides et de Jelinek, Virginie Despentes offre une autre réflexion dans Apocalypse bébé. Le personnage de Valentine est configuré comme une sœur des parthénoi qui préfère le suicide et la terreur à la domestication, faisant ainsi appel à une temporalité radicale et inachevable, celle de la fin de la jeune fille. Mon souhait est enfin de souligner la nécessité de penser au mérite autant épistémologique, intime que politique, d’explorer le temps des éclosions sexuelles de la fille par delà l’idée de la première relation sexuelle.


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Nachdem sich in der Kolonialkrise von 1906 das Scheitern der ersten Periode deutscher Kolonialherrschaft (1885-1906) offenbarte, wurde Bernhard Dernburg die grundlegende Reorganisation der Kolonialpolitik anvertraut. Als Mann aus der Welt der Banken und Finanzen sollte er die stagnierende Entwicklung der Kolonien mit Hilfe von administrativen und wirtschaftlichen Reformmaßnahmen vorantreiben und gleichzeitig der indigenen Bevölkerung eine humane Behandlung zu garantieren. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, verabschiedete er Reformen, die eine Rationalisierung und Humanisierung der Arbeiterpolitik vorsahen. Sowohl in der zeitgenössischen Literatur als auch in der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Forschung wird der Amtsantritt Bernhard Dernburgs zum Leiter der Kolonialabteilung im Jahre 1906 als der „Beginn einer neuen humanen Ära“ deutscher Kolonialpolitik oder als „Wandel zum Besseren“ bezeichnet. Die Dissertation „Schwarzer Untertan versus Schwarzer Bruder. Bernhard Dernburgs Reformen in den Kolonien Deutsch-Ostafrika, Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Togo und Kamerun“ untersucht die Intention, Akzeptanz, Umsetzung und Auswirkung der reformatorischen Eingeborenenpolitik und klärt, ob die Beurteilung der Ära Dernburg (1906-1910) in der zeitgenössischen und aktuellen Forschung eine Berechtigung hat. Obwohl zumindest in der Theorie sein Konzept einer rationalen und humanen Kolonialpolitik sicherlich eine Abkehr von der bisher betriebenen Kolonialpolitik bedeutete, zeigt sich jedoch bei der Umsetzung der Reformen eine deutliche Diskrepanz zwischen Intention und Realität. Auch wenn zumindest die Bestrebung Dernburgs zur Verrechtlichung der indigenen Arbeitsverhältnisse gewürdigt werden sollte, so muss doch konstatiert werden, dass es in der „Ära Dernburg“ definitiv nicht zu einer grundlegenden Verbesserung der indigenen Lebenssituation in den deutschen Kolonien kam. Im Gegenteil, die Dernburgsche Reformpolitik beschleunigte vielmehr den Verelendungsprozess der indigenen Bevölkerung. In allen afrikanischen Kolonien verschlechterten sich mit der Intensivierung der Verwaltung die sozialen und menschlichen Beziehungen zwischen Afrikanern und Europäern. Vieles von dem, was Dernburg in seinem Programm propagierte, konnte nicht erreicht werden. Zwar führte Dernburg in Deutsch-Ostafrika, Deutsch-Südwestafrika und in Kamerun eine rechtlich bindende Arbeiterverordnung ein, jedoch unterschieden sich die Bestimmungen zum Teil erheblich voneinander, so dass von einer einheitlichen Modernisierung des kolonialen Arbeitsrechts nicht die Rede sein kann. Viele arbeitsrechtliche Bereiche, wie z.B. die Arbeiteranwerbung, Lohnzahlung, Minderjährigenschutz, Vertragsdauer, Arbeitszeit, Verpflegung und Unterkunft wurden nur unzureichend geregelt. Ähnlich negativ muss auch die Reformierung der Strafrechtspflege bewertet werden. Die Kodifizierung eines Eingeborenenstrafrechts scheiterte sowohl am Widerstand der lokalen Verwaltung als auch am Grundkonsens der Rechtmäßigkeit einer Rassenjustiz. Kolonialpolitik war auch in der „Ära Dernburg“ nichts anderes als „rohe Ausbeutungspolitik“, die zur Lösung der Arbeiterfrage beitragen sollte. Aber gerade hier, bei der Mobilisierung von afrikanischen Lohnarbeitern, war der Kolonialstaatssekretär nicht etwa mit einer „Arbeiterfürsorgepolitik“, sondern mit der Fortführung der Enteignungs- und Zwangsmaßnahmen erfolgreich gewesen. Insgesamt ist ein deutlicher Anstieg an afrikanischen Arbeitern in europäischen Unternehmen zu verzeichnen, was darauf schließen lässt, dass Dernburgs Verordnungen einen günstigen Einfluss auf die Arbeiterfrage ausgeübt haben. Obwohl nicht von einem grundlegenden Neuanfang der Kolonialpolitik gesprochen werden kann, sollte ebenso wenig bezweifelt werden, dass sich die deutsche Kolonialpolitik nicht unter Dernburg veränderte. Größere indigene Aufstände und Unruhen blieben aus, so dass während seiner Amtszeit eine systematische wirtschaftliche Erschließung der Kolonien beginnen konnte.


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Firms’ compensation practices affect the protection of investors’ interests and the degree of economic inequality by changing the stakes of engaging in appropriation activities versus respecting the status quo. We use a general equilibrium model where workers can either work peacefully or join a guerrilla movement that expropriates entrepreneurs. If workers are peaceful, they receive a competitive wage. If they join a guerrilla movement, they receive a share of the appropriated wealth, which depends positively on the number of guerrilla members. In this framework, we find one low-income, low-wage equilibrium with guerrilla activity and one peaceful, high-income, high-wage equilibrium. The peaceful equilibrium can be reached through redistribution policies, which can be implemented at the firm level. In essence, through their compensation policies entrepreneurs, not the state might be able to protect their assets against expropriation and simultaneously control the internal principal-agent problem.


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La globalización de mercados ha generado una serie de cambios en la estructura del comercio internacional, como el surgimiento de áreas de libre comercio, que son el resultado de las integraciones económicas, las cuales han facilitado los flujos de capital, recursos y personas. La internacionalización no solamente se ha convertido en una estrategia para aprovechar las oportunidades que se dan en los mercados internacionales, sino también en un medio de diversificación del riesgo para reducir la dependencia del mercado doméstico. Sin embargo, para emprender un proceso de internacionalización, es necesario conocer muy bien el contexto dentro del cual se desarrollan los clientes, puesto que la falta de conocimiento del entorno puede perjudicar la salud financiera de la empresa. De ahí la importancia de utilizar una definición de comunidad y unas estrategias comunitarias con las cuales se identifiquen las necesidades, objetivos e intereses de la comunidad, para establecer un relación a largo plazo que procure el desarrollo de ambas partes. La relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing impactan positivamente la salud financiera de la empresa, en la medida en que este desarrollo mutuo, tanto de la comunidad como de la empresa, no solamente incrementa el interés y el compromiso por seguir interactuando; también crea vínculos afectivos entre ambas partes, lo cual consolida aún más la perdurabilidad de la relación, logrando así una fidelización de los clientes y por ende aumentando la rentabilidad de la empresa.


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It was decided in the De Beers v Ataqua Mining (Pty) Ltd that ''tailings dumps'' created by mining companies before the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 28 of 2002 ("the MPRDA") came into operation are not governed by its provisions because such dumps are not "residue stockpiles" or "residue deposits" for purposes of the MPRDA. Ownership of tailings dumps is determined by the common law principles of accession. Ownership of a movable dump has to be transferred by one of the recognised forms of delivery of movables. Processing of these dumps will, however, still be subject to compliance with South African environmental, health and safety laws in general. It is submitted that mine dumps or tailings dumps created upon the exercise of "old order mining rights" before the commencement of the MPRDA and even after commencement of the MPRDA until eventual termination of the "old order mining rights" are not subject to the extensive, mining, environmental, empowerment provisions of the MPRDA. Termination of "old order mining rights" takes place upon: (i) refusal of an application for conversion of a mining right during (or even after) the period of transition, (ii) conversion into and registration of new order mining rights during (or even after) the period of transition or (iii) termination of unconverted "old order mining rights" on 30 April 2009. To the extent that this decision has made it possible to embark on a shorter and less cumbersome route in the reprocessing and eventual disappearance of most tailings dumps, it is to be welcomed from an economical, environmental, job creation and aesthetic perspective. Proposed amendments to the MPRDA to undo the impact of the De Beers decision should be carefully considered against these mentioned benefits and a possible finding that it may amount to an expropriation without compensation.


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We investigate the impact of board independence on earnings management on a sample of family controlled firms listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Using panel data over the period 2000–2004, we find evidence of earnings management among family controlled firms in Australia, an environment of high investor protection and private benefits of control. Findings show that a higher proportion of independent directors on boards is effective in reducing earnings management, thereby mitigating agency problems associated with entrenchment and expropriation in family firms. We also find that managers of family firms are less aggressive in managing earnings via discretionary long-term accruals compared to non-family firms.


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A comparison will be made between the decision of the High Court of Australia in Newcrest Mining (WA) Ltd v The Commonwealth1 (“Newcrest”) and the decisions of the South African Courts in the Agri South Africa line of cases.2 Although the mineral law systems of the two countries differ insofar as historical development and content,3 the simplified facts of the Newcrest and Agri SA decisions and principles of expropriation law are similar enough to draw an interesting comparison between the respective cases. Both cases dealt with the issue of whether the mineral rights/mining rights of private holders were expropriated by legislation which prohibited mining in one way or another. A comparison between the cases shows the approaches towards the issues and what exactly constitutes deprivation and/or acquisition of property for purposes of expropriation and whether deprivation and/or acquisition actually took place.The differences between the mineral law systems of Australia and South Africa (before the enactment of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (hereafter “MPRDA”)) and the protection afforded against the resumption/expropriation of mineral rights or mining rights will be set as background information for a better understanding of the respective decisions. The facts of the two cases will first be set out and simplified for comparative purposes before the respective decisions are discussed. At the end, a comparison will be made between the decisions and a conclusion reached about the similarity of principles and the correctness of the respective decisions.


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This paper uses a sample of Chinese firms to examine the impact of corporate opacity on the relationship between family control and firms’ cost of debt. We find that family control is associated with a lower cost of debt on average, and a negative impact exists mainly in firms with relatively low corporate opacity. We further provide evidence that the moderating effect of corporate opacity becomes more pronounced when investors’ perception of controlling families’ moral hazard of expropriation is higher. Our results are robust to alternative opacity proxies and controlling for endogeneity of family control using the instrumental variable method. Our study highlights that controlling families are heterogeneous in their impact on the shareholder–debtholder relationship in family firms, and debtholders view corporate opacity as an important reference in assessing the extent of potential agency conflicts in China.


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Is the capital structure choice of a foreign subsidiary different from the choice of a comparable company controlled by nationals? If so, what are the differences? In this paper we shed some light on these questions by looking at a sample of foreign subsidiaries in Brazil over the period 1985 to 1994. We find that the foreign subsidiaries in our sample are more levered than their Brazilian counterparts. This difference, however, has declined over time. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that foreign subsidiaries increase leverage as a hedge against an expropriation of assets in a nationalization process.


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Este artigo examina o impacto das recentes programas de recompra de ações sobre a expropriação de acionistas minoritários. Recentemente, houve 12 ofertas de recompra de ações cujo controle foi adquirido por investidores estratégicos estrangeiros ou por consórcios para comprar empresas privatizadas. Dois exemplos são: (i) a compra do controle da Lojas Renner, empresa de varejo da família Renner pela J. C. Penney; e (ii) Cargill comprando o controle da Solorrico, uma empresa de fertilizantes controlada por uma família. Paralelamente, a CVM emitiu a resolução #299 para evitar a expropriação de acionistas minoritários. Nós conjeturamos que pequenas e médias empresas com baixo crescimento, baixa alavancagem, e propriedade concentrada são candidatos mais prováveis para um "takeover" com maior probabilidade de expropriação. Isto explica parcialmente a falta de liquidez e o alto desconto na oferta pública de ações no mercado acionário brasileiro.


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Democracy became the preferred and consolidated form of government only in the twentieth century. It is not sufficient to explain this change solely by reference to rational motives, nor by detecting processes and leadership. A historical approach is required. The new historical fact that led to the change of preference from aristocratic rule to democracy is the capitalist revolution, which changed the manner of appropriating the economic surplus from violence to the market. This is the first necessary condition for democracy. The disappearance of the fear of expropriation, the rise of middle classes and the pressures of the poor or of the workers are the second, third and fourth new historical facts that opened the way for the transition from the liberal to the liberal-democratic regime. After these four conditions were fulfilled, the elites ceased to fear that they would be expropriated if universal suffrage was granted. Eventually, after the transition, the democratic regime became the rational choice for all classes. The theory presented here does not predict transitions, since countries often turn democratic without fully realized historical conditions, but it predicts democratic consolidation, since no country that has completed its capitalist revolution falls back into authoritarianism.


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Este estudo faz uma análise crítica da educação e do trabalho nos Planos Nacionais de Desenvolvimento, via açoes coordenadas pela Superintendência do Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (Sudam), com sua política de desenvolvimento regional, que significa expansão da acumulação capitalista - desenvolvimento em nome da região. A natureza "verdadeira" desta relação (educação e trabalho), no plano real, está contida muito mais nos programas econômicos do que nos formalmente enquadrados como educativos. Se a Amazônia dependesse do ensino formal para modificação das estruturas dominantes e para transformação das relações antagônicas de apropriação e expropiaçao, permaneceria inalterada, como ocorreu até 1960, antes da construção da rodovia Belém-Brasília e implantação dos grandes projetos de desenvolvimento deslanchados pelo Estado. A política de desenvolvimento regional dirigiu-se a favor da classe dominante, que tem seu locus hegemônico no Centro-Sul do Brasil. A ação pedagógica dos grandes projetos econômicos - pedagogia do capital - foi tão ou mais efetiva do que a da escola, exatamente pela "ausência" desta na Amazônia. A rede escolar da região está em torno de 11.626 escolas para atender a uma população escolarizável de cerca de 2 milhões de crianças. Na zona rural se atende a 37% da demanda. Hoje, pouco ou quase nada se tem de uma típica comunidade amazônica: o espaço-homem ou homem-espaço é outro, com pletamente diferente; novos hábitos foram incorporados, há novas maneiras de viver e/ou morrer, próprias do "urbano"; os tipos e formas de produção também se transformaram, as culturas de subsistência, por exemplo, estão sendo gradativamente substituídas por outras de maior valor para exportação, corno café, cacau, pimenta-do-reino, juta etc.; as tradições culturais estão sendo vilipendiadas, até no tratamento de doenças, através da alopatia convencional; há descaracterização das manifestações folclóricas etc. Todas essas transformações ocorridas se integram ao projeto maior de desenvolvimento, como produto da entrada da Amazônia no mundo do "progresso". As ações implementadas pelo Estado se articulam e se completam nos empreendimentos econômicos da iniciativa privada. Em suma, trata-se de um "progresso" que, ao contrário de representar um meio de melhoria das condições de vida, representa para a grande maioria dos trabalhadores urna radicalização da degradação destas condições.


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O grau de influência política ao qual o judiciário está submetido tem profusas implicações sobre desenvolvimento econômico. Para que o compromisso de não expropriação pelo executivo seja crível, é necessário que o judiciário seja livre para intermediar imparcialmente as disputas entre o Estado e seus cidadãos. Se há muita influência política no judiciário, a credibilidade de tal comprometimento está maculada, o que desencoraja investimentos privados, assim prejudicando o crescimento econômico. No Brasil, uma peculiaridade institucional permite que seja feita uma comparação inédita na literatura. Como há duas cortes, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), que versam sobre matérias similares e tem distintas restrições à indicação de seus membros, é possível comparar o grau de influência política ao qual elas estão submetidas. Desta forma, propõe-se testar: 1- se há efeito da indicação política nas decisões dos ministros das duas cortes; 2- se há diferenças do grau de influência política de acordo com as restrições à indicação presidencial de cada corte; 3- se os ministros de ambas as cortes fazem uso estratégico de seus cargos, ou seja, ativamente beneficia o partido que o indicou. Dos efeitos testados, encontra-se evidências do segundo e, parcialmente, do terceiro.


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We extend the standard price discovery analysis to estimate the information share of dual-class shares across domestic and foreign markets. By examining both common and preferred shares, we aim to extract information not only about the fundamental value of the rm, but also about the dual-class premium. In particular, our interest lies on the price discovery mechanism regulating the prices of common and preferred shares in the BM&FBovespa as well as the prices of their ADR counterparts in the NYSE and in the Arca platform. However, in the presence of contemporaneous correlation between the innovations, the standard information share measure depends heavily on the ordering we attribute to prices in the system. To remain agnostic about which are the leading share class and market, one could for instance compute some weighted average information share across all possible orderings. This is extremely inconvenient given that we are dealing with 2 share prices in Brazil, 4 share prices in the US, plus the exchange rate (and hence over 5,000 permutations!). We thus develop a novel methodology to carry out price discovery analyses that does not impose any ex-ante assumption about which share class or trading platform conveys more information about shocks in the fundamental price. As such, our procedure yields a single measure of information share, which is invariant to the ordering of the variables in the system. Simulations of a simple market microstructure model show that our information share estimator works pretty well in practice. We then employ transactions data to study price discovery in two dual-class Brazilian stocks and their ADRs. We uncover two interesting ndings. First, the foreign market is at least as informative as the home market. Second, shocks in the dual-class premium entail a permanent e ect in normal times, but transitory in periods of nancial distress. We argue that the latter is consistent with the expropriation of preferred shareholders as a class.