999 resultados para exhaled fraction of oxygen


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Adsorption of oxygen on Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag, and Au surfaces has been investigated by employing UV and X-ray photoelectron spectrscopy as well as electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Molecularly chemisorbed (singlet) oxygen is found on Ni, Cu, Ag, and Au surfaces showing features such as stabilization of the rB* orbital, destabilization of the .nu orbital, higher O(1s) binding energy than the atomic species, and a band 2-3 eV below the Fermi level due to metal d-O(2p)u* interaction. 0-0 and metal-oxygen stretching frequencies have been observed in EELS. Physical adsorption of O2 is found to occur on Pd and Ni surfaces, only at high exposures in the latter case. Physical adsorption and multilayer condensation of CO, on metal surfaces are distinguished by characteristic relaxation shifts in UPS as well as O(1s) binding energies. Adsorption of CO on a Ni surface covered with presorbed atomic oxygen gives rise to C02.


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The availability of oxygen has a major effect on all organisms. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to adapt its metabolism for growth in different conditions of oxygen provision, and to grow even under complete lack of oxygen. Although the physiology of S. cerevisiae has mainly been studied under fully aerobic and anaerobic conditions, less is known of metabolism under oxygen-limited conditions and of the adaptation to changing conditions of oxygen provision. This study compared the physiology of S. cerevisiae in conditions of five levels of oxygen provision (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.8 and 20.9% O2 in feed gas) by using measurements on metabolite, transcriptome and proteome levels. On the transcriptional level, the main differences were observed between the three level groups, 0, 0.5 2.8 and 20.9% O2 which led to fully fermentative, respiro-fermentative and fully respiratory modes of metabolism, respectively. However, proteome analysis suggested post-transcriptional regulation at the level of 0.5 O2. The analysis of metabolite and transcript levels of central carbon metabolism also suggested post-transcriptional regulation especially in glycolysis. Further, a global upregulation of genes related to respiratory pathways was observed in the oxygen-limited conditions and the same trend was seen in the proteome analysis and in the activities of enzymes of the TCA cycle. The responses of intracellular metabolites related to central carbon metabolism and transcriptional responses to change in oxygen availability were studied. As a response to sudden oxygen depletion, concentrations of the metabolites of central carbon metabolism responded faster than the corresponding levels of gene expression. In general, the genome-wide transcriptional responses to oxygen depletion were highly similar when two different initial conditions of oxygen provision (20.9 and 1.0% O2) were compared. The genes related to growth and cell proliferation were transiently downregulated whereas the genes related to protein degradation and phosphate uptake were transiently upregulated. In the cultures initially receiving 1.0% O2, a transient upregulation of genes related to fatty acid oxidation, peroxisomal biogenesis, response to oxidative stress and pentose phosphate pathway was observed. Additionally, this work analysed the effect of oxygen on transcription of genes belonging to the hexose transporter gene family. Although the specific glucose uptake rate was highest in fully anaerobic conditions, none of the hxt genes showed highest expression in anaerobic conditions. However, the expression of genes encoding the moderately low affinity transporters decreased with the decreasing oxygen level. Thus it was concluded that there is a relative increase in high affinity transport in anaerobic conditions supporting the high uptake rate.


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Zinc micro and nanostructures were synthesized in vacuum by condensing evaporated zinc on Si substrate at different gas pressures. The morphology of the grown Zn structures was found to be dependent on the oxygen partial pressure. Depending on oxygen partial pressure it varied from two-dimensional microdisks to one-dimensional nanowire. The morphology and structural properties of the grown micro and nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on the grown Zn nanowires have shown that they exhibit core/shell-like structures, where a thin ZnO layer forms the shell. A possible growth mechanism behind the formation of different micro and nanostructures has been proposed. In addition, we have synthesized ZnO nanocanal-like structures by annealing Zn nanowires in vacuum at 350 °C for 30 min.


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Molybdenum oxide films (MoO3) were deposited on glass and crystalline silicon substrates by sputtering of molybdenum target under various oxygen partial pressures in the range 8 × 10−5–8 × 10−4 mbar and at a fixed substrate temperature of 473 K employing dc magnetron sputtering technique. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the composition stoichiometry, chemical binding configuration, crystallographic structure and electrical and optical properties was systematically studied. X-ray photoelectron spectra of the films formed at 8 × 10−5 mbar showed the presence of Mo6+ and Mo5+ oxidation states of MoO3 and MoO3−x. The films deposited at oxygen partial pressure of 2 × 10−4 mbar showed Mo6+ oxidation state indicating the films were nearly stoichiometric. It was also confirmed by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the films formed at oxygen partial pressure of 2 × 10−4 mbar showed the presence of (0 k 0) reflections indicated the layered structure of α-phase MoO3. The electrical conductivity of the films decreased from 3.6 × 10−5 to 1.6 × 10−6 Ω−1 cm−1, the optical band gap of the films increased from 2.93 to 3.26 eV and the refractive index increased from 2.02 to 2.13 with the increase of oxygen partial pressure from 8 × 10−5 to 8 × 10−4 mbar, respectively.


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There is a growing interest in management of MSW through micro-treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) in many cities of India. The OFMSW fraction is high (> 80%) in many pockets within South Indian cities like Bangalore, Chikkamagalur, etc. and is largely represented by vegetable, fruit, packing and garden wastes. Among these, the last three have shown problems for easy decomposition. Fruit wastes are characterized by a large pectin supported fraction that decomposes quickly to organic acids (becomes pulpy) that eventually slow down anaerobic and aerobic decomposition processes. Paper fraction (newsprint and photocopying paper) as well as paddy straw (packing), bagasse (from cane juice stalls) and tree leaf litter (typical garden waste and street sweepings) are found in reasonably large proportions in MSW. These decompose slowly due to poor nutrients or physical state. We have examined the suitability of these substrates for micro-composting in plastic bins by tracking decomposition pattern and physical changes. It was found that fruit wastes decompose rapidly to produce organic acids and large leachate fraction such that it may need to be mixed with leachate absorbing materials (dry wastes) for good composting. Leaf litter, paddy straw and bagasse decompose to the tune of 90, 68 and 60% VS and are suitable for composting micro-treatment. Paper fractions even when augmented with 10% leaf compost failed to show appreciable decomposition in 50 days. All these feedstocks were found to have good biological methane potential (BMP) and showed promise for conversion to biogas under a mixed feed operation. Suitability of this approach was verified by operating a plug-flow type anaerobic digester where only leaf litter gathered nearby (as street sweepings) was used as feedstock. Here only a third of the BMP was realized at this scale (0.18 m(3) biogas/kg VS 0.55 m(3)/kg in BMP). We conclude that anaerobic digestion in plug-flow like digesters appear a more suitable micro-treatment option (2-10 kg VS/day) because in addition to compost it also produces biogas for domestic use nearby.


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Although several authors have implicated 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-OHA) as an intermediate in tryptophaniacin pathway in animals (Kaplan, 1961), alternative pathways of metabolism of this compound have not been fully explored. Madhusudanan Nair obtained an enzyme from spinach leaves which could convert 3-OHA to cinnabarinic acid (private communication). Viollier and Süllmann (1950) reported the conversion of 3-OHA to an unidentified red compound by rat liver homogenates. The present investigation describes the identification of this product as cinnabarinic acid (2-amino-3-H-isophenoxazine-3-one-1,9-dicarboxylic acid). Cinnabarinic acid is known to occur in nature along with cinnabarin is olated from the fungus Polystictus sanguineus (Gripenberg et al., 1957; Gripenberg, 1958).


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The catalytic activity of cobalt phthalocyanine monomer and some of its polymeric derivatives towards the electroreduction of molecular oxygen in salt and alkaline solutions is examined. It is found that most of these complexes exhibit a higher catalytic activity than the cobalt phthalocyanine monomer.


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The oxygen potentials corresponding to fayalite-quartz-iron (FQI) and fayalite-quartz-magnetite (FQM) equilibria have been determined using solid-state galvanic cells: Pt,Fe + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Fe + \r"FeO,\l"Pt and Pt, Fe3O4 + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Ni + NiO, Pt in the temperature ranges 900 to 1400 K and 1080 to 1340 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. Silica used in this study had the quartz structure. The emf of both cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature. From the emf, Gibbs energy changes were deduced for the reactions: 0.106Fe (s) + 2Fe0.947O (r.s.) + SiO2 (qz) → Fe2SiO4 (ol) δG‡= -39,140+ 15.59T(± 150) J mol-1 and 3Fe2SiO4 (ol) + O2 (g) → 2Fe3O4 (sp) + 3SiO2 (qz) δG‡ = -471,750 + 160.06 T±} 1100) J mol-1 The “third-law≓ analysis of fayalite-quartz-wustite and fayalite-quartz-magnetite equilibria gives value for δH‡298 as -35.22 (±0.1) and -528.10 (±0.1) kJ mol-1, respectively, independent of temperature. The Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel form of Fe2SiO4 is derived by com-bining the present results on FQI equilibrium with the high-pressure data on olivine to spinel transformation of Fe2SiO4.


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The electrochemical reduction of oxygen has been studied on gold, boron-doped diamond (BDD) and glassy carbon (GC) electrodes in a ternary eutectic mixture of acetamide (CH3CONH2), urea (NH2CONH2) and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), chronoamperometry and rotating disk electrode (RDE) voltammetry techniques have been employed to follow oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The mechanism for the electrochemical reduction of oxygen on polycrystalline gold involves 2-step. 2-electron pathways of O-2 to H2O2 and further reduction of H2O2 to H2O. The first 2-electron reduction of O-2 to H2O2 passes through superoxide intermediate by 1-electron reduction of oxygen. Kinetic results suggest that the initial 1-electron reduction of oxygen to HO2 is the rate-determining step of ORR on gold surfaces. The chronoamperometric and ROE studies show a potential dependent change in the number of electrons on gold electrode. The oxygen reduction reaction on boron-doped diamond (BOO) seems to proceed via a direct 4-electron process. The reduction of oxygen on the glassy carbon (GC) electrode is a single step, irreversible, diffusion limited 2-electron reduction process to peroxide. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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X.p.s. studies on the adsorption of oxygen on a barium-covered Pb surface have shown the presence of two distinct types of oxygen species: oxidic, O2–, and the peroxo-like O2–2(ads), and the surface has been identified as a composite of PbO and BaPbO3. On a barium pre-covered surface, the sticking probability of oxygen on Pb is increased. The O2–(ads) species preferentially reacts with HCl forming PbCl2(ads)via proton abstraction, whereas O2–2(ads) is not reactive with HCl vapour. On the Pb surface, the PbCl2 overlayer reacts with excess HCl, forming a volatile compound believed to be Pb(ClHCl)2, while in the presence of coadsorbed barium, the stability of PbCl2 is increased and the activation energy for the reaction: PbCl2(ads)+ 2HCl(g) Pb(ClHCl)2(g) is increased. Stronger intermetallic interaction is suggested to be the reason for higher PbCl2 stability.


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Oxygen storage/release (OSC) capacity is an important feature common to all three-way catalysts to combat harmful exhaust emissions. To understand the mechanism of improved OSC for doped CeO2, we undertook the structural investigation by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), H-2-TPR (temperature-programmed hydrogen reduction) and density functional theoretical (DFT) calculations of transition-metal-, noble-metal-, and rare-earth (RE)-ion-substituted ceria. In this report, we present the relationship between the OSC and structural changes induced by the dopant ion in CeO2. Transition metal and noble metal ion substitution in ceria greatly enhances the reducibility of Ce1-xMxO2-delta (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Ru), whereas rare-earth-ion-substituted Ce(1-x)A(x)O(2-delta) (A = La, Y) have very little effect in improving the OSC. Our simulated optimized structure shows deviation in cation oxygen bond length from ideal bond length of 2.34 angstrom (for CeO2). For example, our theoretical calculation for Ce28Mn4O62 structure shows that Mn-O bonds are in 4 + 2 coordination with average bond lengths of 2.0 and 3.06 angstrom respectively. Although the four short Mn-O bond lengths spans the bond distance region of Mn2O3, the other two Mn-O bonds are moved to longer distances. The dopant transition and noble metal ions also affects Ce coordination shell and results in the formation of longer Ce-O bonds as well. Thus longer cation oxygen bonds for both dopant and host ions results in enhanced synergistic reduction of the solid solution. With Pd ion substitution in Ce1-xMxO2-delta (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) further enhancement in OSC is observed in H-2-TPR. This effect is reflected in our model calculations by the presence of still longer bonds compared to the model without Pd ion doping. The synergistic effect is therefore due to enhanced reducibility of both dopant and host ion induced due to structural distortion of fluorite lattice in presence of dopant ion. For RE ions (RE = Y, La), our calculations show very little deviation of bonds lengths from ideal fluorite structure. The absence of longer Y-O/La-O and Ce-O bonds make the structure much less susceptible to reduction.