991 resultados para essential hypertension


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Essential, primary, or idiopathic hypertension is defined as high BP in which secondary causes such as renovascular disease, renal failure, pheochromocytoma, hyperaldosteronism, or other causes of secondary hypertension are not present. Essential hypertension accounts for 80-90% of all cases of hypertension; it is a heterogeneous disorder, with different patients having different causal factors that may lead to high BP. Life-style, diet, race, physical activity, smoke, cultural level, environmental factors, age, sex and genetic characteristics play a key role in the increasing risk. Conversely to the essential hypertension, secondary hypertension is often associated with the presence of other pathological conditions such as dyslipidaemia, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity and primary aldosteronism. Amongst them, primary aldosteronism represents one of the most common cause of secondary hypertension, with a prevalence of 5-15% depending on the severity of blood pressure. Besides high blood pressure values, a principal feature of primary aldosteronism is the hypersecretion of mineralcorticoid hormone, aldosterone, in a manner that is fairly autonomous of the renin-angiotensin system. Primary aldosteronism is a heterogeneous pathology that may be divided essentially in two groups, idiopathic and familial form. Despite all this knowledge, there are so many hypertensive cases that cannot be explained. These individuals apparently seem to be healthy, but they have a great risk to develop CVD. The lack of known risk factors makes difficult their classification in a scale of risk. Over the last three decades a good help has been given by the pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics, a new area of the traditional pharmacology that try to explain and find correlations between genetic variation, (rare variations, SNPs, mutations), and the risk to develop a particular disease.


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Hypertension represents a complex, multifactorial disease and contributes to the major causes of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries: ischemic and hypertensive heart disease, stroke, peripheral atherosclerosis and renal failure. Current pharmacological therapy of essential hypertension focuses on the regulation of vascular resistance by inhibition of hormones such as catecholamines and angiotensin II, blocking them from receptor activation. Interaction of G-protein coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) and regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins with activated G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) effect the phosphorylation state of the receptor leading to desensitization and can profoundly impair signaling. Defects in GPCR regulation via these modulators have severe consequences affecting GPCR-stimulated biological responses in pathological situations such as hypertension, since they fine-tune and balance the major transmitters of vessel constriction versus dilatation, thus representing valuable new targets for anti-hypertensive therapeutic strategies. Elevated levels of GRKs are associated with human hypertensive disease and are relevant modulators of blood pressure in animal models of hypertension. This implies therapeutic perspective in a disease that has a prevalence of 65million in the United States while being directly correlated with occurrence of major adverse cardiac and vascular events. Therefore, therapeutic approaches using the inhibition of GRKs to regulate GPCRs are intriguing novel targets for treatment of hypertension and heart failure.


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Renovascular hypertension is due to reduced renal parenchymal perfusion. The correct diagnosis can be difficult. It is important to note that the demonstration of renal artery stenosis in a patient with hypertension does not necessarily constitute renovascular hypertension. Often, clinically nonsignificant and asymptomatic renal artery stenosis are found in patients with essential hypertension, or renal failure of other origin. Renovascular disease is a complex disorder with various clinical presentations. In patients with significant renovascular hypertension plasma renin is increased. For this reason the therapy aims to block the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Bilateral renal artery stenosis causes renal sodium retention. In this situation a diuretic drug has to be added to the therapy. Endovascular or surgical therapy has to be considered in patients with flash pulmonary edema or fibromuscular dysplasia. The control of cardiovascular risk factors is important.


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Secondary hypertension refers to arterial hypertension due to an identifiable cause and affects ∼5-10% of the general hypertensive population. Because secondary forms are rare and work up is time-consuming and expensive, only patients with clinical suspicion should be screened. In recent years, some new aspects gained importance regarding this screening. In particular, increasing evidence suggests that 24 h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring plays a central role in the work up of patients with suspected secondary hypertension. Moreover, obstructive sleep apnoea has been identified as one of the most frequent causes. Finally, the introduction of catheter-based renal denervation for the treatment of patients with resistant hypertension has dramatically increased the interest and the number of patients evaluated for renal artery stenosis. We review the clinical clues of the most common causes of secondary hypertension. Specific recommendations are given as to evaluation and treatment of various forms of secondary hypertension. Despite appropriate therapy or even removal of the secondary cause, BP rarely ever returns to normal with long-term follow-up. Such residue hypertension indicates either that some patients with secondary hypertension also have concomitant essential hypertension or that irreversible vascular remodelling has taken place. Thus, in patients with potentially reversible causes of hypertension, early detection and treatment are important to minimize/prevent irreversible changes in the vasculature and target organs.


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Background: Emotional processing in essential hypertension beyond self-report questionnaire has hardly been investigated. The aim of this study is to examine associations between hypertension status and recognition of facial affect. Methods: 25 healthy, non-smoking, medication-free men including 13 hypertensive subjects aged between 20 and 65 years completed a computer-based task in order to examine sensitivity of recognition of facial affect. Neutral faces gradually changed to a specific emotion in a pseudo-continuous manner. Slides of the six basic emotions (fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, anger, surprise) were chosen from the „NimStim Set“. Pictures of three female and three male faces were electronically morphed in 1% steps of intensity from 0% to 100% (36 sets of faces with 100 pictures each). Each picture of a set was presented for one second, ranging from 0% to 100% of intensity. Participants were instructed to press a stop button as soon as they recognized the expression of the face. After stopping a forced choice between the six basic emotions was required. As dependent variables, we recorded the emotion intensity at which the presentation was stopped and the number of errors (error rate). Recognition sensitivity was calculated as emotion intensity of correctly identified emotions. Results: Mean arterial pressure was associated with a significantly increased recognition sensitivity of facial affect for the emotion anger (ß = - .43, p = 0.03*, Δ R2= .110). There was no association with the emotions fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, and surprise (p’s > .0.41). Mean arterial pressure did not relate to the mean number of errors for any of the facial emotions. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that an increased blood pressure is associated with increased recognition sensitivity of facial affect for the emotion anger, if a face shows anger. Hypertensives perceive facial anger expression faster than normotensives, if anger is shown.


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AIM The aim was to elucidate whether essential hypertension is associated with altered capillary morphology and density and to what extent exercise training can normalize these parameters. METHODS To investigate angiogenesis and capillary morphology in essential hypertension, muscle biopsies were obtained from m. vastus lateralis in subjects with essential hypertension (n = 10) and normotensive controls (n = 11) before and after 8 weeks of aerobic exercise training. Morphometry was performed after transmission electron microscopy, and protein levels of several angioregulatory factors were determined. RESULTS At baseline, capillary density and capillary-to-fibre ratio were not different between the two groups. However, the hypertensive subjects had 9% lower capillary area (12.7 ± 0.4 vs. 13.9 ± 0.2 μm(2)) and tended to have thicker capillary basement membranes (399 ± 16 vs. 358 ± 13 nm; P = 0.094) than controls. Protein expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor-2 and thrombospondin-1 were similar in normotensive and hypertensive subjects, but tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase was 69% lower in the hypertensive group. After training, angiogenesis was evident by 15% increased capillary-to-fibre ratio in the hypertensive subjects only. Capillary area and capillary lumen area were increased by 7 and 15% in the hypertensive patients, whereas capillary basement membrane thickness was decreased by 17% (P < 0.05). VEGF expression after training was increased in both groups, whereas VEGF receptor-2 was decreased by 25% in the hypertensive patients(P < 0.05). CONCLUSION Essential hypertension is associated with decreased lumen area and a tendency for increased basement membrane thickening in capillaries of skeletal muscle. Exercise training may improve the diffusion conditions in essential hypertension by altering capillary structure and capillary number.


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The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a model of essential hypertension. During the early development of hypertension, the SHR demonstrates increased proximal tubule (PT) Na+ reabsorption. I hypothesized that the increased PT Na+ reabsorption exhibited by the young SHR was due to altered sub-cellular distribution of Na+, K +-ATPase compared to the normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY). The hypothesis is supported, herein, by observations of greater Na+, K +-ATPase α 1 abundance in PT plasma membrane and lower abundance in late endosomes of 4wk SHR despite no difference in total PT α 1 abundance. There is a greater amount of Ser-18 unphosphorylated α 1 in the 4wk SHR PT. Total PT Na+, K+-ATPase γ abundance is greater in SHR at 4wk and 16wk but γ abundance in plasma membrane is greater only at 4wk. The phosphatase, calcineurin, was chosen for study because it is involved in the stimulation of Na+, K +-ATPase. No difference in calcineurin coding sequence, expression, or activity was observed in SHR. Gene expression arrays were next used to find candidate genes involved in the regulation of Na+, K +-ATPase. The first candidate analyzed was soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH). The gene encoding sEH (EPHX2) showed lower expression in SHR. There was also a reduction in sEH protein abundance but there was no correlation between protein abundance and blood pressure in F2 progeny. Two EPHX2 alleles were identified, an ancestral allele and a variant allele containing four polymorphisms. sEH activity was greater in animals carrying the variant allele but the inheritance of the variant allele did not correlate with blood pressure. Gene expression arrays also led to the examination of genes involved in redox balance/Na+, K+-ATPase regulation. A pattern of lower expression of genes involved in reactive radical detoxification in SHR was discerned. Six transcription factor binding sites were identified that occurred more often in these genes. Three transcription factors that bind to the HNF1 site were expressed at lower levels in SHR. This points to the HNF1 transcriptional complex as an important trans-acting regulator of a wide range of genes involved in altered redox balance in SHR. ^


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Hypertension is a common trait of multifactorial determination imparting an increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and end-stage renal disease. The primary determinants of hypertension, as well as the factors which determine specific morbid sequelae, remain unknown in the vast majority of subjects. Knowledge that a large fraction of the interindividual variation in this trait is genetically determined motivates the application of genetic approaches to the identification of these primary determinants. Success in this effort will afford insights into pathophysiology, permit preclinical identification of subjects with specific inherited susceptibility, and provide opportunities to tailor therapy to specific underlying abnormalities. To date, mutations in three genes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of human hypertension: mutations resulting in ectopic expression of aldosterone synthase enzymatic activity cause a mendelian form of hypertension known as glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism; mutations in the beta subunit of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel cause constitutive activation of this channel and the mendelian form of hypertension known as Liddle syndrome; finally, common variants at the angiotensinogen locus have been implicated in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension in Caucasian subjects, although the nature of the functional variants and their mechanism of action remain uncertain. These early findings demonstrate the feasibility and utility of the application of genetic analysis to dissection of this trait.


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Essential hypertension is one of the most common diseases in the Western world, affecting about 26.4% of the adult population, and it is increasing (1). Its causes are heterogeneous and include genetic and environmental factors (2), but several observations point to an important role of the kidney in its genesis (3). In addition to variations in tubular transport mechanisms that could, for example, affect salt handling, structural characteristics of the kidney might also contribute to hypertension. The burden of chronic kidney disease is also increasing worldwide, due to population growth, increasing longevity, and changing risk factors. Although single-cause models of disease are still widely promoted, multideterminant or multihit models that can accommodate multiple risk factors in an individual or in a population are probably more applicable (4,5). In such a framework, nephron endowment is one potential determinant of disease susceptibility. Some time ago, Brenner and colleagues (6,7) proposed that lower nephron numbers predispose both to essential hypertension and to renal disease. They also proposed that hypertension and progressive renal insufficiency might be initiated and accelerated by glomerular hypertrophy and intraglomerular hypertension that develops as nephron number is reduced (8). In this review, we summarize data from recent studies that shed more light on these hypotheses. The data supply a new twist to possible mechanisms of the Barker hypothesis, which proposes that intrauterine growth retardation predisposes to chronic disease in later life (9). The review describes how nephron number is estimated and its range and some determinants and morphologic correlates. It then considers possible causes of low nephron numbers. Finally, associations of hypertension and renal disease with reduced nephron numbers are considered, and some potential clinical implications are discussed.


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Monogenic mutations leading to excessive activation of the mineralocorticoid pathway result, almost always, in suppressed renin and hypertension in adult life and sometimes in hypokalaemia and alkalosis, which can be severe. In most of these syndromes, precise molecular changes in specific steroidogenic or effector genes have been identified, permitting appreciation of (1) pathophysiology, (2) great diversity of phenotype and (3) possibility of genetic methods of diagnosis. Yet to be achieved elucidation of the genetic basis of familial hyperaldosteronism type 11, the most common and clinically significant of them, will enhance detection of primary aldosteronism, currently the commonest specifically treatable and potentially curable form of hypertension. While classic, complete-phenotype presentations of monogenic forms of mineralocorticoid hypertension are rarely recognised, more subtle genetic expression causing less florid manifestations could represent a significant proportion of so-called 'essential hypertension.'


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Migraine is a neurological disorder that is associated with increased levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in plasma. CGRP, being one of the mediators of neurogenic inflammation and a phenomenon implicated in the pathogenesis of migraine headache, is thus suggested to have an important role in migraine pathophysiology. Polymorphisms of the CALCA gene have been linked to Parkinson's disease, ovarian cancer and essential hypertension, suggesting a functional role for these polymorphisms. Given the strong evidence linking CGRP and migraine, it is hypothesised that polymorphisms in the CALCA gene may play a role in migraine pathogenesis. Seemingly non functional intronic polymorphisms are capable of disrupting normal RNA processing or introducing a splice site in the transcript. A 16 bp deletion in the first intron of the CALCA gene has been reported to be a good match for the binding site for a transcription factor expressed strongly in neural crest derived cells, AP-2. This deletion also eliminates an intron splicing enhancer (ISE) that may potentially cause exon skipping. This study investigated the role of the 16 bp intronic deletion in the CALCA gene in migraineurs and matched control individuals. Six hundred individuals were genotyped for the deletion by polymerase chain reaction followed by fragment analysis on the 3130 Genetic Analyser. The results of this study showed no significant association between the intronic 16 bp deletion in the CALCA gene and migraine in the tested Australian Caucasian population. However, given the evidence linking CGRP and migraine, further investigation of variants with this gene may be warranted.


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Most of the diseases affecting public health, like hypertension, are multifactorial by etiology. Hypertension is influenced by genetic, life style and environmental factors. Estimation of the influence of genes to the risk of essential hypertension varies from 30 to 50%. It is plausible that in most of the cases susceptibility to hypertension is determined by the action of more than one gene. Although the exact molecular mechanism underlying essential hypertension remains obscure, several monogenic forms of hypertension have been identified. Since common genetic variations may predict, not only to susceptibility to hypertension, but also response to antihypertensive drug therapy, pharmacogenetic approaches may provide useful markers in finding relations between candidate genes and phenotypes of hypertension. The aim of this study was to identify genetic mutations and polymorphisms contributing to human hypertension, and examine their relationships to intermediate phenotypes of hypertension, such as blood pressure (BP) responses to antihypertensive drugs or biochemical laboratory values. Two groups of patients were investigated in the present study. The first group was collected from the database of patients investigated in the Hypertension Outpatient Ward, Helsinki University Central Hospital, and consisted of 399 subjects considered to have essential hypertension. Frequncies of the mutant or variant alleles were compared with those in two reference groups, healthy blood donors (n = 301) and normotensive males (n = 175). The second group of subjects with hypertension was collected prospectively. The study subjects (n=313) underwent a protocol lasting eight months, including four one-month drug treatment periods with antihypertensive medications (thiazide diuretic, β-blocker, calcium channel antagonist, and an angiotensin II receptor antagonist). BP responses and laboratory values were related to polymorphims of several candidate genes of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In addition, two patients with typical features of Liddle’s syndrome were screened for mutations in kidney epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) subunits. Two novel mutations causing Liddle’s syndrome were identified. The first mutation identified located in the beta-subunit of ENaC and the second mutation found located in the gamma-subunit, constituting the first identified Liddle mutation locating in the extracellular domain. This mutation showed 2-fold increase in channel activity in vitro. Three gene variants, of which two are novel, were identified in ENaC subunits. The prevalence of the variants was three times higher in hypertensive patients (9%) than in reference groups (3%). The variant carriers had increased daily urinary potassium excretion rate in relation to their renin levels compared with controls suggesting increased ENaC activity, although in vitro they did not show increased channel activity. Of the common polymorphisms of the RAS studied, angiotensin II receptor type I (AGTR1) 1166 A/C polymorphism was associated with modest changes in RAS activity. Thus, patients homozygous for the C allele tended to have increased aldosterone and decreased renin levels. In vitro functional studies using transfected HEK293 cells provided additional evidence that the AGTR1 1166 C allele may be associated with increased expression of the AGTR1. Common polymorphisms of the alpha-adducin and the RAS genes did not significantly predict BP responses to one-month monotherapies with hydroclorothiazide, bisoprolol, amlodipin, or losartan. In conclusion, two novel mutations of ENaC subunits causing Liddle’s syndrome were identified. In addition, three common ENaC polymorphisms were shown to be associated with occurrence of essential hypertension, but their exact functional and clinical consequences remain to be explored. The AGTR1 1166 C allele may modify the endocrine phenotype of hypertensive patients, when present in homozygous form. Certain widely studied polymorphisms of the ACE, angiotensinogen, AGTR1 and alpha-adducin genes did not significantly affect responses to a thiazide, β-blocker, calcium channel antagonist, and angiotensin II receptor antagonist.


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Estima-se que aproximadamente 30 milhões de brasileiros apresentem hipertensão arterial e a despeito da grande quantidade de hipotensores disponíveis, acredita-se que apenas 2,7 milhões estejam sendo tratados adequadamente. Recentemente vários estudos clínicos, epidemiológicos e experimentais têm mostrado uma associação entre o consumo de alimentos ricos em cacau e a redução da pressão arterial assim como relacionando este efeito a uma possível ação dos flavonóides do cacau sobre a função endotelial. Objetivos: avaliar em pacientes hipertensos primários, estágio 1, o efeito da administração dos flavonóides do chocolate amargo 70% de cacau sobre: a pressão arterial; a função endotelial e as possíveis correlações entre as variações da pressão arterial e da função endotelial. Tipo de estudo: experimental, clínico e aberto. Casuística: 20 pacientes, sem distinção de raça ou sexo, com hipertensão arterial primária no estágio 1, sem tratamento anti-hipertensivo prévio, eutróficos, com sobrepeso ou obesos grau I, com idades entre 18 e 60 anos. Local do estudo: Disciplina de Fisiopatologia Clínica e Experimental Clinex. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Variáveis estudadas: pressão arterial, PCR-US, IL-6, TNF-α, VCAM, ICAM, E-selectina, LDL-OX, colesterol total, LDL-colesterol, HDL-colesterol, triglicérides, glicemia, insulina, HOMA, índice de massa corporal, circunferência de cintura, circunferência de quadril, relação cintura quadril e percentual de gordura corporal. Resultados: o chocolate-cacau 70% reduziu de forma significativa a pressão arterial avaliada pelo método oscilométrico casual. Através deste método observamos que a pressão arterial sistólica reduziu de forma significativa após 4 semanas de tratamento, (V0: 146,50 1,28; V1: 140,40 3,02; V2: 138,50 2,44; V3: 140,60 2,50; V4: 136,90 2,60; V4 vs. V0, p<0,001) enquanto a pressão arterial diastólica apresentou redução significativa a partir de 2 semanas de tratamento e assim permanecendo até o final do estudo (V0: 93,2 0,74; V1: 87,50 1,8; V2: 86,05 1,67; V3: 88,35 1,48; V4: 87,45 1,78; V2 vs. V0, p< 0,05 e V4 vs. V0, p<0,03). A pressão arterial avaliada pelo método de monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial durante 24h (MAPA) não modificou de maneira significativa após a intervenção. Observamos reduções expressivas, embora não estatisticamente significativas nas concentrações de PCR-US, TNF-α, LDL-OX, IL-6, VCAM, ICAM e E-selectina As correlações da PCR-US com IL-6 e ICAM foram significativas (r=0,3; p=0,05 e r=0.45, p=0,04) e de IL-6 com ICAM forte mas sem significância (r=0,42, p=0,06). As demais variáveis avaliadas não se modificaram de forma significativa após 4 semanas de consumo de chocolate-cacau 70%. Conclusões: os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que o chocolate-cacau 70% tem efeito benéfico sobre a função endotelial e controverso em relação ao comportamento da pressão arterial


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A hipertensão é uma das mais importantes causas de morte prematura no mundo. Estudos sobre a Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí), uma planta típica do Brasil e rica em polifenóis, têm mostrado grande potencial terapêutico contra a hipertensão, uma vez que seus benefícios podem ser associados às ações antioxidante, vasodilatadora e anti-hipertensiva. O rato espontaneamente hipertenso (SHR) é um modelo experimental utilizado para o estudo da hipertensão essencial. Neste estudo, investigamos o efeito do tratamento crônico do extrato hidroalcoólico do caroço de açaí (ASE) sobre a hipertensão de SHR. Animais SHR e Wistar receberam tratamento com ASE (200 mg/Kg/dia) na água de beber, ou veículo, desde 21 dias até 4 meses de idade e tiveram a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) aferida por pletismografia de cauda. Os efeitos vasodilatadores da acetilcolina (ACh) e nitroglicerina (NG) foram estudados em leito arterial mesentérico (LAM) perfundido e pré-contraído com norepinefrina. A atividade das enzimas superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutationa peroxidase (GPx), os níveis de malondialdeído (MDA), a carbonilação de proteínas e os níveis de nitrito foram avaliados em plasma, LAM, coração e rim por espectrofotometria. A expressão das proteínas SOD e eNOS foram avaliadas por western blot em LAM e as alterações vasculares pela espessura da túnica média em aorta. A PAS foi maior (p<0.05) nos animais SHR, e reduzida pelo tratamento com ASE. O efeito vasodilatador reduzido da ACh em SHR foi recuperado pelo ASE e o da NG não foi diferente entre os grupos. Não houve diferença nos níveis de glicose e insulina em SHR comparados aos controles. Entretanto, a insulina se apresentou reduzida no grupo SHR+ASE. O nível de renina foi maior nos SHR e normalizado pelo ASE (p<0.05). Os níveis de MDA não foram diferentes entre SHR e controles, entretanto o tratamento com ASE reduziu esses níveis em rim de SHR (p<0.05). Os níveis de carbonilação de proteínas foram maiores em amostras de rim e coração de SHR e o ASE reduziu o dano sobre proteínas (p<0.05), não tendo diferença em plasma e LAM. A atividade da SOD foi menor em amostras de rim nos animais SHR e aumentada pelo tratamento com ASE (p<0.05). Entretanto, a atividade aumentada da SOD em coração e LAM dos SHR, foi reduzida pelo tratamento com ASE, não havendo diferença em amostras de plasma. Não houve diferença na atividade da GPx em amostras de LAM e coração dos diferentes grupos, porém sua atividade foi aumentada em rim dos SHR, e o tratamento com ASE normalizou essa atividade. Em plasma, a atividade da GPx foi reduzida em SHR e aumentada pelo tratamento (p<0.05). A atividade da enzima CAT foi reduzida em plasma e rim de SHR e o ASE aumentou sua atividade. Não houve diferença em amostras de LAM, entretanto em amostras de coração o tratamento aumentou a atividade da CAT em SHR (p<0.05). Em amostras de plasma, coração e rim, não houve diferença nos níveis de nitrito entre os diferentes grupos, porém em amostras de LAM foram menores em SHR e SHR+ASE (p<0.05). A expressão das proteínas eNOS e SOD apresentaram-se aumentadas em SHR (p<0.05) sem alteração com o tratamento. Os SHR apresentaram um aumento na espessura da camada média da aorta que foi reduzido (p<0.05) pelo ASE. Este estudo demonstrou que o tratamento crônico com ASE em SHR reduziu a hipertensão, preveniu a disfunção endotelial e o remodelamento vascular. O aumento da defesa antioxidante e redução do dano oxidativo devem contribuir para os efeitos benéficos de ASE. Portanto, sugerimos que o ASE pode ser uma ferramenta importante para o tratamento das alterações cardiovasculares associadas à hipertensão essencial.