971 resultados para epidural drug administration


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PURPOSE: To assess the utility of retigabine (RTG) for epilepsy in clinical practice at a single UK tertiary centre. METHODS: We identified all individuals who were offered RTG from April 2011 to May 2013. We collected demographics, seizure types, previous and current antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), starting and maximum attained daily dose of RTG, clinical benefits, side effects, and reason to discontinue RTG from in- and outpatient encounters until February 28, 2014. RESULTS: 145 people who had failed a median of 11 AEDs took at least one dose of RTG. One year retention was 32% and decreased following the safety alert by the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2013. None became seizure free. 34 people (24%) reported a benefit that was ongoing at last assessment in five (3%). The most relevant benefit was the significant reduction or cessation of drop attacks or seizure-related falls in four women, this persisted at last assessment in two. The presence of simple partial seizures was associated with longer retention, as was a higher attained dose of RTG. Adverse effects were seen in 74% and largely CNS-related or nonspecific and affected the genitourinary system in 13%. CONCLUSION: Retention of RTG was less favourable compared to data from open label extension studies of the regulatory trials. In comparison with historical data on similar retention audits retention of RTG at one year appears to be less than lamotrigine, topiramate, levetiracetam, pregabalin, zonisamide, and lacosamide, and slightly higher than gabapentin.


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The decision-making process regarding drug dose, regularly used in everyday medical practice, is critical to patients' health and recovery. It is a challenging process, especially for a drug with narrow therapeutic ranges, in which a medical doctor decides the quantity (dose amount) and frequency (dose interval) on the basis of a set of available patient features and doctor's clinical experience (a priori adaptation). Computer support in drug dose administration makes the prescription procedure faster, more accurate, objective, and less expensive, with a tendency to reduce the number of invasive procedures. This paper presents an advanced integrated Drug Administration Decision Support System (DADSS) to help clinicians/patients with the dose computing. Based on a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, enhanced with the random sample consensus technique, this system is able to predict the drug concentration values and computes the ideal dose amount and dose interval for a new patient. With an extension to combine the SVM method and the explicit analytical model, the advanced integrated DADSS system is able to compute drug concentration-to-time curves for a patient under different conditions. A feedback loop is enabled to update the curve with a new measured concentration value to make it more personalized (a posteriori adaptation).


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Introduction: The pharmaceutical aspects of drug administration in clinical trials receive poor consideration compared with the important attention devoted to the analytical and mathematical aspects of biological sample exploitation. During PK calculations, many researchers merely use for dose the nominal amount declared, overlooking the noticeable biases that may result in the assessment of PK parameters. The aim of this work was to evaluate the biases related to doses injected of a biosimilar drug in 2 Phase I clinical trials. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: In trial A, 12 healthy volunteers received different doses of a biosimilar of interferon beta-1a by either subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV) injection. The doses were prepared by partially emptying 0.5-mL syringes supplied by the manufacturer (drop count procedure). In trial B, 12 healthy volunteers received 3 different formulations of the drug by IV injection (biosimilar without albumin [HSA], biosimilar with HSA and original brand [Rebif®]) and 2 different formulations as multiple SC injections (biosimilar HSA-free and original brand). In both trials, the actual dose administered was calculated as: D = C·V - losses. The product titer C was assessed by ELISA. The volume administered IV was assessed by weighting. Losses were evaluated by in vitro experiments. Finally, the binding of 125I-interferon to HSA was evaluated by counting the free and HSA complexed molecule fractions separated by gel filtration. Results: Interferon was not significantly adsorbed onto the lines used for its IV administration. In trial A, the titer was very close to the one declared (96 ± 7%). In trial B, it differed significantly (156 ± 10% for biosimilar with/without HSA and 123 ± 5% for original formulation). In trial A, the dose actually administered showed a large variability. The real injected volume could be biased up to 75% compared with the theoretical volume (for the lower dose administered [ie, 0.03 mL]). This was mainly attributed to a partial re-aspiration of the drug solution before withdrawing the syringe needle. A strict procedure was therefore applied in trial B to avoid these inaccuracies. Finally, in trial B, 125I-Interferon beta-1a binding to HSA appeared time dependent and slow, reaching 50% after 16-hour incubation, which is close to steady state reported for the comparator Rebif®. Conclusion: These practical examples (especially biases on actual titer and volume injected) illustrate that actual dose assessment deserves attention to ensure accuracy for estimates of clearance and distribution volume in the scientific literature and for registration purposes, especially for bioequivalence studies.


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The bioavailability of propranolol depends on the degree of liver metabolism. Orally but not intravenously administered propranolol is heavily metabolized. In the present study we assessed the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sublingual propranolol. Fourteen severely hypertensive patients (diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ³115 mmHg), aged 40 to 66 years, were randomly chosen to receive a single dose of 40 mg propranolol hydrochloride by sublingual or peroral administration. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures, heart rate (HR) for pharmacodynamics and blood samples for noncompartmental pharmacokinetics were obtained at baseline and at 10, 20, 30, 60 and 120 min after the single dose. Significant reductions in BP and HR were obtained, but differences in these parameters were not observed when sublingual and peroral administrations were compared as follows: SBP (17 vs 18%, P = NS), DBP (14 vs 8%, P = NS) and HR (22 vs 28%, P = NS), respectively. The pharmacokinetic parameters obtained after sublingual or peroral drug administration were: peak plasma concentration (CMAX): 147 ± 72 vs 41 ± 12 ng/ml, P<0.05; time to reach CMAX (TMAX): 34 ± 18 vs 52 ± 11 min, P<0.05; biological half-life (t1/2b): 0.91 ± 0.54 vs 2.41 ± 1.16 h, P<0.05; area under the curve (AUCT): 245 ± 134 vs 79 ± 54 ng h-1 ml-1, P<0.05; total body clearance (CLT/F): 44 ± 23 vs 26 ± 12 ml min-1 kg-1, P = NS. Systemic availability measured by the AUCT ratio indicates that extension of bioavailability was increased 3 times by the sublingual route. Mouth paresthesia was the main adverse effect observed after sublingual administration. Sublingual propranolol administration showed a better pharmacokinetic profile and this route of administration may be an alternative for intravenous or oral administration.


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Non-adherence to drug therapy has not been extensively studied in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The objective of the present study was to identify determinants of non-adherence to drug therapy in patients with CKD, not on dialysis. A prospective cohort study involving 149 patients was conducted over a period of 12 months. Adherence to drug therapy was evaluated by the self-report method at baseline and at 12 months. Patients who knew the type of drug(s) and the respective number of prescribed pills in use at the visit preceding the interview were considered to be adherent. Patients with cognitive decline were assessed by interviewing their caregivers. Mean patient age was 51 ± 16.7 years. Male patients predominated (60.4%). Univariate analysis performed at baseline showed that non-adherence was associated with older age, more pills taken per day, worse renal function, presence of coronary artery disease, and reliance on caregivers for the administration of their medications. In multivariate analysis, the factors that were significantly associated with non-adherence were daily use of more than 5 pills and drug administration by a caregiver. Longitudinal evaluation showed an increase in non-adherence over time. Medication non-adherence was lower (17.4%) at the baseline period of the study than after 1 year of the study (26.8%). Compared to the baseline period, the percentage of adherent patients who became non-adherent (22%) was lower than the percentage of non-adherent patients who became adherent (50%). In CKD patients not on dialysis, non-adherence was significantly associated with the number of pills taken per day and drug administration by third parties. Adherence is more frequent than non-adherence over time.


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La douleur post-opératoire chez les patients constitue un défi thérapeutique important pour les cliniciens. Le traitement de la douleur post-opératoire n’est pas accessoire ni optionnel, puisqu’il permet de donner un congé de l’hôpital plus rapide aux patients et ainsi, il contribue à des économies importantes pour notre système de santé. Parmi les approches thérapeutiques utilisées pour la prise en charge de la douleur post-opératoire, cette thèse s’intéresse particulièrement aux blocs de nerfs périphériques par les anesthésiques locaux et à l’administration de la néostigmine par voie épidurale. Ces médicaments sont utilisés en clinique sans avoir préalablement établi, en se basant sur leur propriétés pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques spécifiques, leurs doses optimales. Ces doses devraient également tenir en considération les particularités anatomiques du site d’injection par rapport au site d’action. Cette thèse inclut des études exploratoires qui ont contribué à caractériser la pharmacocinétique de la ropivacaïne et de la bupivacaïne ainsi que la pharmacocinétique et la pharmacodynamie de la néostigmine. La première étude portait sur seize patients subissant une chirurgie orthopédique avec un bloc combiné des nerfs fémoral et sciatique par la ropivacaïne (n=8) ou la bupivacaïne (n=8). C’était la première étude qui a inclu des temps d’échantillons pharmacocinétiques allant jusqu’à 32 h après le bloc et ces résultats ont démontré une variabilité interindividuelle considérable. La modélisation par approche de population a aidé à expliquer les sources de la variabilité et démontré que l’absorption systémique des anesthésiques locaux était très lente. De plus, les concentrations plasmatiques demeuraient mesurables, et dans certains cas présentaient un plateau, 32 h après le bloc. Dans les prochaines études, un échantillonnage allant jusqu’à 4 ou 5 jours sera nécessaire afin d’atteindre la fin de l’absorption. La deuxième étude a établi le développement d’un modèle animal en étudiant la pharmacocinétique de la ropivacaïne après administration intraveineuse ainsi que son degré de liaison aux protéines plasmatiques chez le lapin (n=6). Les résultats ont démontré que, chez le lapin la ropivacaïne est beaucoup moins liée aux protéines plasmatiques comparativement à l’humain. Ce résultat important sera utile pour planifier les prochaines études précliniques. La troisième étude a exploré, pour la première fois, la pharmacocinétique et la pharmacodynamie de la néostigmine administrée par voie épidurale et a essayé de caractériser la courbe dose-réponse en utilisant trois doses différentes : 0.5, 1 et 1.5 mg. Bien que les concentrations de la néostigmine dans le liquide céphalo-rachidien fussent très variables une relation inverse entre la consommation de mépéridine et la dose de néostigmine a été démontrée. La dose de 1.5 mg a donné une meilleure réponse pharmacodynamique sur la douleur, mais elle a été considérée comme dangereuse puisqu’elle a résulté en deux cas d’hypertension. Nous avons conclu que des doses plus faibles que 1.5 mg devront être utilisées lors de l’utilisation de la néostigmine par voie épidurale. En conclusion, les études rapportées dans cette thèse ont exploré les propriétés pharmacocinétiques et/ou pharmacodynamiques de certains médicaments utilisés pour le traitement de la douleur post-opératoire. Ceci mènera au but ultime qui est la meilleure prise en charge de la douleur post-opératoire chez les patients.


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In the current study, epidemiology study is done by means of literature survey in groups identified to be at higher potential for DDIs as well as in other cases to explore patterns of DDIs and the factors affecting them. The structure of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database is studied and analyzed in detail to identify issues and challenges in data mining the drug-drug interactions. The necessary pre-processing algorithms are developed based on the analysis and the Apriori algorithm is modified to suit the process. Finally, the modules are integrated into a tool to identify DDIs. The results are compared using standard drug interaction database for validation. 31% of the associations obtained were identified to be new and the match with existing interactions was 69%. This match clearly indicates the validity of the methodology and its applicability to similar databases. Formulation of the results using the generic names expanded the relevance of the results to a global scale. The global applicability helps the health care professionals worldwide to observe caution during various stages of drug administration thus considerably enhancing pharmacovigilance


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Recorded in 2011 these narrated slides summarise rules and legislation at time of recordng


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Objectives: To assess the impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing, automated dispensing, barcode patient identification and electronic medication administration record (EMAR) system on prescribing and administration errors, confirmation of patient identity before administration, and staff time. Design, setting and participants: Before-and-after study in a surgical ward of a teaching hospital, involving patients and staff of that ward. Intervention: Closed-loop electronic prescribing, automated dispensing, barcode patient identification and EMAR system. Main outcome measures: Percentage of new medication orders with a prescribing error, percentage of doses with medication administration errors (MAEs) and percentage given without checking patient identity. Time spent prescribing and providing a ward pharmacy service. Nursing time on medication tasks. Results: Prescribing errors were identified in 3.8% of 2450 medication orders pre-intervention and 2.0% of 2353 orders afterwards (p<0.001; χ2 test). MAEs occurred in 7.0% of 1473 non-intravenous doses pre-intervention and 4.3% of 1139 afterwards (p = 0.005; χ2 test). Patient identity was not checked for 82.6% of 1344 doses pre-intervention and 18.9% of 1291 afterwards (p<0.001; χ2 test). Medical staff required 15 s to prescribe a regular inpatient drug pre-intervention and 39 s afterwards (p = 0.03; t test). Time spent providing a ward pharmacy service increased from 68 min to 98 min each weekday (p = 0.001; t test); 22% of drug charts were unavailable pre-intervention. Time per drug administration round decreased from 50 min to 40 min (p = 0.006; t test); nursing time on medication tasks outside of drug rounds increased from 21.1% to 28.7% (p = 0.006; χ2 test). Conclusions: A closed-loop electronic prescribing, dispensing and barcode patient identification system reduced prescribing errors and MAEs, and increased confirmation of patient identity before administration. Time spent on medication-related tasks increased.


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We report our pediatric experience with lacosarnide, a new antiepileptic drug, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as adjunctive therapy in focal epilepsy in patients more than 17 years old. We retrospectively reviewed charts for lacosamide use and seizure frequency outcome in patients with focal epilepsy (Wilcoxon signed rank test). Sixteen patients (7 boys) were identified (median dose 275 mg daily, 4.7 mg/kg daily; mean age 14.9 years, range 8-21 years). Patients were receiving a median of 2 antiepileptic drugs (interquartile range [IQR] 1.7-3) in addition to having undergone previous epilepsy surgery (n = 3), vagus nerve stimulation (n = 9), and ketogenic diet (n = 3). Causes included structural (encephalomalacia and diffuse encephalitis, 1 each; stroke in 2) and genetic abnormalities (Aarskog and Rett syndromes, 1 each) or cause not known (n = 10). Median seizure frequency at baseline was 57 per month (IQR 7-75), and after a median follow-up of 4 months (range 1-13 months) of receiving lacosamide, it was 12.5 per month (IQR 3-75), (P < 0.01). Six patients (37.5%; 3 seizure free) were classified as having disease that responded to therapy (>= 50% reduction seizure frequency) and 10 as having disease that did not respond to therapy (<50% in 3; increase in 1; unchanged in 6). Adverse events (tics, behavioral disturbance, seizure worsening, and depression with suicidal ideation in 1 patient each) prompted lacosamide discontinuation in 4/16 (25%). This retrospective study of 16 children with drug-resistant focal epilepsy demonstrated good response to adjunctive lacosamide therapy (median seizure reduction of 39.6%; 37.5% with >= 50% seizure reduction) without severe adverse events. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We compared the pharmacokinetics of intraosseous (IO) drug delivery via tibia or sternum, with central venous (CV) drug delivery during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).Methods: CPR of anesthetized KCl arrest swine was initiated 8 min post arrest. Evans blue and indocyanine green, each were simultaneously injected as a bolus with adrenaline through IO sternal and tibial needles, respectively, n = 7. In second group (n = 6) simultaneous IO sternal and IV central venous (CV) injections were made.Results: Peak arterial blood concentrations were achieved faster for sternal IO vs. tibial IO administration (53 +/- 11 s vs. 107 +/- 27 s, p = 0.03). Tibial IO dose delivered was 65% of sternal administration (p = 0.003). Time to peak blood concentration was similar for sternal IO and CV administration (97 +/- 17 s vs. 70 +/- 12 s, respectively; p = 0.17) with total dose delivered of sternal being 86% of the dose delivered via CV (p = 0.22).Conclusions: IO drug administrations via either the sternum or tibia were effective during CPR in anesthetized swine. However, IO drug administration via the sternum was significantly faster and delivered a larger dose. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fencamfamine (FCF) is a CNS stimulant that facilitates central dopaminergic transmission primarily through blockade of dopamine uptake. In the present study we evaluated the relationship between plasma FCF concentration and behavioral sensitization effect. Adult male Wistar rats (250-300 g) received FCF (10 mg/kg, kg, ip) or saline once or daily for 10 consecutive days (N = 10 for each group). Blood samples were collected 30 min after injections and plasma FCF was measured by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector. FCF treatment enhanced sniffing duration (16.8 +/- 0.8 vs 26.6 +/- 0.9 s) and decreased rearing behavior (8.2 +/- 0.8 vs 3.7 +/- 0.6 s) when days 1 and 10 of drug administration were compared. Comparison of pair of means by the Student t-test did not show significant differences in plasma FCF concentration (390 +/- 40 vs 420 +/- 11 ng/ml) when blood samples were collected 30 min after acute FCF administration or after daily administration of 10 mg/kg for 10 days. In conclusion, the behavioral sensitization to FCF could not be correlated with plasma drug levels, and changes in the activity of dopaminergic systems should be considered to explain the sensitization to the effect of FCF.