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A sample scanning confocal optical microscope (SCOM) was designed and constructed in order to perform local measurements of fluorescence, light scattering and Raman scattering. This instrument allows to measure time resolved fluorescence, Raman scattering and light scattering from the same diffraction limited spot. Fluorescence from single molecules and light scattering from metallic nanoparticles can be studied. First, the electric field distribution in the focus of the SCOM was modelled. This enables the design of illumination modes for different purposes, such as the determination of the three-dimensional orientation of single chromophores. Second, a method for the calculation of the de-excitation rates of a chromophore was presented. This permits to compare different detection schemes and experimental geometries in order to optimize the collection of fluorescence photons. Both methods were combined to calculate the SCOM fluorescence signal of a chromophore in a general layered system. The fluorescence excitation and emission of single molecules through a thin gold film was investigated experimentally and modelled. It was demonstrated that, due to the mediation of surface plasmons, single molecule fluorescence near a thin gold film can be excited and detected with an epi-illumination scheme through the film. Single molecule fluorescence as close as 15nm to the gold film was studied in this manner. The fluorescence dynamics (fluorescence blinking and excited state lifetime) of single molecules was studied in the presence and in the absence of a nearby gold film in order to investigate the influence of the metal on the electronic transition rates. The trace-histogram and the autocorrelation methods for the analysis of single molecule fluorescence blinking were presented and compared via the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulated data. The nearby gold influences the total decay rate in agreement to theory. The gold presence produced no influence on the ISC rate from the excited state to the triplet but increased by a factor of 2 the transition rate from the triplet to the singlet ground state. The photoluminescence blinking of Zn0.42Cd0.58Se QDs on glass and ITO substrates was investigated experimentally as a function of the excitation power (P) and modelled via Monte-Carlo simulations. At low P, it was observed that the probability of a certain on- or off-time follows a negative power-law with exponent near to 1.6. As P increased, the on-time fraction reduced on both substrates whereas the off-times did not change. A weak residual memory effect between consecutive on-times and consecutive off-times was observed but not between an on-time and the adjacent off-time. All of this suggests the presence of two independent mechanisms governing the lifetimes of the on- and off-states. The simulated data showed Poisson-distributed off- and on-intensities, demonstrating that the observed non-Poissonian on-intensity distribution of the QDs is not a product of the underlying power-law probability and that the blinking of QDs occurs between a non-emitting off-state and a distribution of emitting on-states with different intensities. All the experimentally observed photo-induced effects could be accounted for by introducing a characteristic lifetime tPI of the on-state in the simulations. The QDs on glass presented a tPI proportional to P-1 suggesting the presence of a one-photon process. Light scattering images and spectra of colloidal and C-shaped gold nano-particles were acquired. The minimum size of a metallic scatterer detectable with the SCOM lies around 20 nm.


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In this thesis we are going to talk about technologies which allow us to approach sentiment analysis on newspapers articles. The final goal of this work is to help social scholars to do content analysis on big corpora of texts in a faster way thanks to the support of automatic text classification.


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In questo lavoro si introducono i concetti di base di Natural Language Processing, soffermandosi su Information Extraction e analizzandone gli ambiti applicativi, le attività principali e la differenza rispetto a Information Retrieval. Successivamente si analizza il processo di Named Entity Recognition, focalizzando l’attenzione sulle principali problematiche di annotazione di testi e sui metodi per la valutazione della qualità dell’estrazione di entità. Infine si fornisce una panoramica della piattaforma software open-source di language processing GATE/ANNIE, descrivendone l’architettura e i suoi componenti principali, con approfondimenti sugli strumenti che GATE offre per l'approccio rule-based a Named Entity Recognition.


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Iatrogenic atrial septal defects are described in 2 patients. They occurred after implantation of Amplatzer occluders to close a patent foramen ovale. While device erosions to the extra-atrial space have been described, erosion induced atrial septal defects are a new medical entity. They may be fairly common in the situation of an atrial septal aneurysm whipping the rim of the device incessantly. They are clinically silent and benign and require echocardiography for detection. A second device solved the problem in the cases described.


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Der diaplazentare Transport von Vitamin K ist kaum messbar, die Muttermilch ist arm an Vitamin K und die intestinale Flora von Neugeborenen produziert praktisch kein Vitamin K. Deshalb weisen gesunde Neugeborene «physiologischerweise» tiefe Vitamin-K-Spiegel auf, was durch Verminderung der Vitamin-K-abhängigen Gerinnungsfaktoren zu schweren Mangelblutungen führen kann. Die klassische Form der Vitamin-K-Mangelblutung tritt mit einer Inzidenz von bis zu 1.5% bis zum 7. Lebenstag auf, die Spätform wird bis zur 12. Lebenswoche bei bis zu 10 von 100000 Neugeborenen festgestellt. Mit einer adäquaten Vitamin-K-Prophylaxe lassen sich Vitamin-K-Mangelblutungen grösstenteils verhindern. Die heute in der Schweiz empfohlene Prophylaxe von 3 oralen Dosen à 2 mg Konakion® MM in der 4. Lebensstunde, am 4. Lebenstag und in der 4. Lebenswoche ist bezüglich unerwünschter Nebenwirkung äusserst sicher, insbesondere besteht kein erhöhtes Krebsrisiko. Angesichts der dramatischen Folgen der häufig intrakraniell lokalisierten Vitamin-K-Mangelblutungen ist sowohl bei medizinischen Fachpersonen als auch bei den Eltern eine möglichst gute Compliance für diese einfache und sichere Prophylaxe wie auch eine entsprechende Aufklärung anzustreben.


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The following review investigates the term and concept of the globulomaxillary cyst as a correct clinico-pathological diagnosis to describe a so-called fissural cyst said to be caused by epithelial entrapment between the nasal and maxillary process. After analyzing the available literature it has to be concluded that neither from an embryologic nor from a clinical or pathohistological standpoint the term globulomaxillary cyst represents a real entity by itself. Therefore, globulomaxillary cysts have to be diagnosed alternatively after a thorough clinical, radiological and histological examination as other odontogenic cysts like dentigerous cysts or odontogenic keratocysts, odontogenic tumors like ameloblastoma, central giant cell tumors, solitary bone cysts, etc.


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A neonatal case of umbilical evagination of the bladder combined with a small omphalocele is presented. This rare congenital malformation has previously been described in only three cases. Umbilical evagination can be understood as a disturbance of development of both the vitelline and allantoic ducts, resulting in a non-descended but otherwise normal bladder opening to the inferior margin of a small omphalocele. Diagnosis is made by clinical inspection and ultrasound. Since other malformations are not present, this entity may be regarded as a minor form of a lower midline defect with excellent prognosis.


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Primary perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) of the liver is a very rare example of an emerging family of hepatic PEC tumors. Only few cases have been described so far. We report the case of a large but benign hepatic PEComa in a 53-year-old man without signs of tuberous sclerosis. In contrast to recently described PEC-derived liver tumors in children and young adults, this neoplasm was not related to the hepatic ligaments but had developed deeply within the liver substance. The neoplastic cells displayed the complete phenotype typical for PEComas, i.e. reactivity for several melanoma markers and for smooth muscle actin. The unique relationship of myoid tumor cells to the adventitia of blood vessels prompted us, in comparison with published findings obtained with angiomyolipomas, to comment on the possible origin of the still enigmatic perivascular epithelioid cells.


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Tumors of the pineal region are uncommon, comprising approximately 0.4-1% of all intracranial tumors in adults in European and American series. Histopathologically, they are a very heterogeneous group of tumors. Of genuine pineal tumors, pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation (PPTIDs) are the least frequently found type. In this paper, we report on the case of a patient with an unexpected and difficult-to-diagnose PPTID. A 2.2 x 2.2-cm midline mass within the posterior part of the third ventricle with consecutive obstructive hydrocephalus was found in a 44-year-old man presenting with diplopia and gait disturbances. There was no clear connection of the tumor to the pineal gland. Differential diagnosis included all intraventricular and midline tumors, therefore a biopsy was taken. Preliminary histopathological diagnosis was germinoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor, and the tissue sample was reexamined by a referential neuropathological institute. Final diagnosis was PPTID. The tumor was then resected through a transventricular/transchoroidal approach. Histopathological examination of tumor specimen confirmed the diagnosis of a PPTID. Postoperatively, the patient received gamma-knife radiosurgery. At 1-year follow-up, there are no signs of tumor regrowth. Diagnosis of pineal parenchymal tumors in general and PPTIDs in particular can be troublesome. Their histopathological features are still being defined, as is the biological behavior of the different tumor entities. Thus, treatment options including surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy remain controversial. We recommend surgical removal of PPTID, preferably in toto whenever the size of the tumor permits that kind of excision.


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Two groups of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease were studied. The first group consisted of 23 patients with an onset age before 40 years; in the second group of 21 patients the onset was after age 50. The clinical findings and the course of the disease were very similar in each group. In spite of a longer disease duration in the patients with early onset of the disease there was no difference in motor impairment; the younger patients did better in mental testing and they were taking less dopaminergic medication. These differences are thought to be due to the age difference rather than to the existence of different disease entities. In the early onset group more familial cases (mostly affecting siblings) were found than in the older ones. The points in favour of there being a hereditary subgroup of early onset Parkinson's disease or of environmental factors causing the disease are reviewed.


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Actualmente existe una gran cantidad de empresas ofreciendo servicios para el análisis de contenido y minería de datos de las redes sociales con el objetivo de realizar análisis de opiniones y gestión de la reputación. Un alto porcentaje de pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) ofrecen soluciones específicas a un sector o dominio industrial. Sin embargo, la adquisición de la necesaria tecnología básica para ofrecer tales servicios es demasiado compleja y constituye un sobrecoste demasiado alto para sus limitados recursos. El objetivo del proyecto europeo OpeNER es la reutilización y desarrollo de componentes y recursos para el procesamiento lingüístico que proporcione la tecnología necesaria para su uso industrial y/o académico.


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"June 6, 1995."


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Immunohistochemical analysis of E-cadherin has changed the way lobular neoplasia is perceived. It has helped to classify difficult cases of carcinoma in situ with indeterminate features and led to the identification of new variants of lobular carcinoma. Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma (PLC) and pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ (PLCIS), recently described variants of invasive and in situ classic lobular carcinoma, are reported to be associated with more aggressive clinical behaviour. Although PLC/PLCIS show morphological features of classic lobular neoplasia and lack E-cadherin expression, it is still unclear whether these lesions evolve through the same genetic pathway as lobular carcinomas or are high-grade ductal neoplasms that have lost E-cadherin. Here we have analysed a case of extensive PLCIS and invasive PLC associated with areas of E-cadherin-negative carcinoma in situ with indeterminate features, using immunohistochemistry, chromogenic in situ hybridization, high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and array-based CGH. We observed that all lesions lacked E-cadherin and beta-catenin and showed gain of 1q and loss of 16q, features that are typical of lobular carcinomas but are not seen in high-grade ductal lesions. In addition, amplifications of c-myc and HER2 were detected in the pleomorphic components, which may account for the high-grade features in this case and the reported aggressive clinical behaviour of these lesions. Taken together, these data suggest that at least some PLCs may evolve from the same precursor or through the same genetic pathway as classic lobular carcinomas. Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.