982 resultados para energy utilization


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Foram utilizados 60 suínos machos castrados (89,1 ± 4,2 kg) para avaliar o uso de níveis (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20%) de restrição qualitativa, resultando em valores de 3.407, 3.240, 3.060, 2.890 e 2.720 kcal de energia digestível por quilo de ração. Dez animais foram abatidos no início do experimento para determinação da composição corporal inicial, enquanto os demais foram alimentados com as dietas experimentais até atingirem 128 kg. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados para controle das diferenças de peso inicial, com dez blocos, cinco tratamentos (dietas experimentais) e um animal por unidade experimental. Dados de características de desempenho, de carcaça e parâmetros séricos dos animais foram submetidos à análise de variância com posterior desdobramento em regressão em função dos níveis de restrição qualitativa das dietas. O aumento nos níveis de restrição qualitativa não alterou o consumo diário de ração, mas reduziu linearmente o consumo diário de energia digestível e o ganho diário de peso, piorando a conversão alimentar e melhorando a eficiência de utilização de energia pelos animais. Os níveis de restrição qualitativa provocaram redução linear dos níveis séricos de triacilgliceróis e da espessura de toucinho e aumento da porcentagem e quantidade de carne magra e do índice de bonificação das carcaças, mas não alteraram o ganho diário de carne magra. A utilização de restrição qualitativa é eficiente para reduzir a ingestão energética e a deposição de gordura em suínos não reduz a capacidade de produção de carne magra.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Testar os efeitos de uma dieta com baixo teor de gordura comparada a uma dieta com gordura de babaçu sobre o estado nutricional em ratos jovens com colestase obstrutiva. MÉTODOS: Submetemos 40 ratos divididos em quatro grupos de 10 animais a partir do P21 (21º dia pós-natal) até o P49 a dois dos seguintes tratamentos: ligadura e ressecção do ducto biliar comum ou operação simulada e dieta com baixo teor de gordura (óleo de milho fornecendo 4,5% da quantidade total de calorias) ou dieta com gordura de babaçu (essa gordura fornecendo 32,7% e óleo de milho fornecendo 1,7% da quantidade total de calorias). Foi mensurado o ganho de peso a cada 4 dias do P25 ao P49. A função de crescimento de Verhulst foi ajustada aos valores de ganho de peso. A velocidade e a aceleração de crescimento nos mesmos momentos foram estimadas usando a mesma equação. Foram mensurados: quantidade de ração ingerida e ingestão energética total do P21 ao P49, utilização de energia do P25 ao P49, gordura absorvida e balanço de nitrogênio (BN) do P42 ao P49. A ANOVA com dois fatores e o método de S.N.K para comparações pareadas foram utilizados para estudar os efeitos, sobre as variáveis, da colestase e das dietas e sua interação (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: em ratos com colestase e dieta com baixo teor de gordura, houve maior velocidade de crescimento no P45, maior aceleração de crescimento no P41 e P45, maior utilização de energia, maior percentual de gordura absorvida e maior BN do que em ratos com colestase e dieta com gordura de babaçu. CONCLUSÃO: A dieta com baixo teor de gordura atenua a restrição de crescimento provocada pela colestase e proporciona melhor aproveitamento da dieta e maior incorporação da proteína ingerida do que a dieta com gordura de babaçu.


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Utilizaram-se 60 leitões mestiços (Large White x Landrace), desmamados com peso inicial médio de 7,9kg, no experimento de desempenho e 20 leitões mestiços, com peso inicial médio de 16,8kg, no experimento de digestibilidade para avaliar a silagem de grãos úmidos de milho com diferentes teores de óleo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em ambos os experimentos avaliou-se o valor nutricional das silagens e dos milhos secos com teor normal (4,3%EE na MS) ou elevado de óleo (5,66%EE na MS). Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o consumo diário de ração e no ganho de peso diário nos períodos de 0 a 9 e 0 a 31 dias. Os leitões apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar em ambos os períodos estudados, quando receberam silagem e no período de 0 a 9 dias, quando foram alimentados com milho com teor mais alto de óleo. As frações digestível e metabolizável da energia foram influenciadas pelo processamento, sendo que a ensilagem proporcionou melhor aproveitamento da energia, independentemente do teor de óleo presente nos grãos.


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The experiment was conducted to evaluate pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) protein in broiler chicks (up to 28 days of age) feeding, as compared to soybean (Glycine mar) protein, In the experiment the effects of temperature and autoclaving on antinutritional factors on pigeon pea meal were studied. Temperatures of 100, 110 e 120 degrees C and times of autoclaving of 10, 20 and 30 minutes were applied using a two-way factorial design, replicated in four times. Underheating and overheating during the process of inactivation of proteases inhibiting were evaluated by ureatic activity and protein solubility analysis, after the grains were dried and ground. After 28 days, the best time of autoclaving was 20 minutes (p<,05) irrespectively of temperature, which lead to a lower feed consuption. There were no histopathological alterations in kidney, liver, pancreas, heart and intestines of the broilers.


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This study evaluated the effect of diets containing sorghum silages with higher (HT) and lower-tannin (LT) concentrations supplemented with concentrate or urea on intake, digestibility, ruminal digestibility, methane emission and rumen parameters in beef cattle. Four treatments were distributed according to a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement in a duplicate 4 x 4 Latin square: LT sorghum silage + urea, LT sorghum silage + concentrate, HT sorghum silage + urea, and HT sorghum silage + concentrate. Total digestibility of the organic matter was higher when concentrate was included in the diet (0.749 and 0.753 in the LT and HT treatments, respectively). It was observed lower ruminal apparent digested matter of neutral detergent fiber in HT diets. There was no effect of tannin levels on digestibility and methane emission. The supplementation with concentrate in the LT diet decreased gas losses as a function of gross energy intake in comparison to the supplementation of the diet with urea. These results suggest the potential of concentrate supplementation to minimize energy loss as methane emission by ruminants and increase the efficiency of energy utilization. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thermoeconomic Functional Analysis is a method developed for the analysis and optimal design of improvement of thermal systems (Frangopoulos, 1984). The purpose of this work is to discuss the cogeneration system optimization using a condensing steam turbine with two extractions. This cogeneration system is a rational alternative in pulp and paper plants in regard to the Brazilian conditions. The objective of this optimization consists of minimizing the global cost of the system acquisition and operation, based on the parametrization of actual data from a cellulose plant with a daily production of 1000 tons. Among the several possible decision variables, the pressure and temperature of live steam were selected. These variables significantly affect the energy performance of the cogeneration system. The conditions which determine a lower cost for the system are presented in conclusion.


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In this paper we present technical and economic studies of cogeneration systems utilizing combustion engines and gas turbines, applied in two establishments of the tertiary sector, regarding Brazilian conditions (according to Silveria, 1994). In the first step cogeneration systems utilizing combustion engines associated to absorption refrigeration systems are studied, in which electricity and cold air for a university building rate produced. In the second step some possibilities of the use of the gas turbine in cogeneration systems for a hospital are shown. In this case, the exhaust gases are utilized for the production of steam in a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) or cold water in an absorption refrigeration system (for air conditioning) for the hospital building. The dynamic increment of the energy demand of Brazilian tertiary sector in last years can increase the installation of these cogeneration system (in compact version) as well as strengthen the development of the decentralized energy generation in Brazil.


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A CMOS audio-equalizer based on a parallel-array of 2nd-order bandpass-sections is presented and realized with triode transconductors. It has a programmable 12db-boost/cut on each of its three decade-bands, easily achieved through the linear dependence of gm on VDS. In accordance with a 0.8μm n-well double-metal fabrication process, a range of simulations supports theoretical analysis and circuit performance at different boost/cut scenarios. For VDD=3.3V, fullboosting stand-by prover consumption is 1.05mW. THD=-42.61dB@1Vpp and may be improved by balanced structures. Thermal- and I/f-noise spectral densities are 3.2μV/Hz12 and 18.2μV/Hz12@20Hz, respectively, for a dynamic range of 52.3dB@1Vpp. The equalizer effective area is 2.4mm2. The drawback of the existing transmission-zero due to the feedthrough-capacitance of a triode input-device is also addressed. The proposed topology can be extended to the design of more complex graphic-equalizers and hearing-aids.


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The present paper evaluated, through hepatosomatic/mesenteric fat indexes and body composition, the pacu energy utilization when submitted to alternated food restriction/refeeding cycles during the growout period. Juveniles were distributed in three pounds and submitted to different feeding programs: A (ad libitum daily feeding), B (4-week feeding restriction and 9-week refeeding) and C (6-week feeding restrictions and 7-week refeeding), totaling 13 weeks for each cycle (4 experimental cycles). At the end of the periods, fish were sampled to obtain biometrics and biochemical data. The results showed that, during the first two cycles, C treatment obtained the best compensatory growth. Carcass lipid and water contents were inversely related, with body fat decrease. Fishes under B and C treatment during food restriction utilized liver and mesentery energy stores. These parameters were re-established in the refeeding phase, in all cycles.


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The paper explains the conceptual design of instrumentation that measures electric quantities defined in the trial-use Std. 1459-2000. It is shown how the Instantaneous-Space-Phasor (ISP) approach, based on α, β, 0 components, can be used to monitor electric energy flow, evaluate the utilization of transmission line and quantify the level of harmonic pollution injected by nonlinear loads.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Incentives for using wind power and the increasing price of energy might generate in a relatively short time a scenario where low voltage customers opt to install roof-top wind turbines. This paper focuses on evaluating the effects of such situation in terms of energy consumption, loss reduction, reverse power flow and voltage profiles. Various commercially-available roof-top wind turbines are installed in two secondary distribution circuits considering real-life wind speed data and seasonal load demand. Results are presented and discussed. © 2006 IEEE.


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The Brazilian National Electricity Conservation Program - PROCEL - runs regular surveys in the electric-energy-consumption market. These studies are used as valuable data to better plan the actions of this program. These data also evaluate the program's performance by identifying the level of penetration of the most efficient electric equipment within the residential sector. PROCEL's main lines of action is to promote and make available the most efficient technologies. Based on the results from the latest survey, it is estimated that 24% of the electric-energy consumption of the residential sector is used by electric shower devices, which instantaneously heat the water that flows through them, normally using an electric resistance of 5 kW. These are an important factor in a country where electric-heating devices are present in about 73% of Brazilian households. Keeping that in mind, the purpose of this work is to present the main results of the Brazilian Solar-Water-Heating-Systems Evaluation, finished in 2010, where 535 installations were visited and more than 50 researchers from different universities participated in the project. Moreover, seven Brazilian cities were selected to be studied. The information was collected from field research and statistically treated. The collected information focused on the adequacy of the project to the household, installation, operation and life cycle of the systems, as well as the users' satisfaction level. Technical questionnaires were developed to summarize all the required information, such as a Web site designed to organize and manage the data collected and a Matlab application that performed the dimensioning and F-chart systems evaluation. Quality indicators were created through a full system monitoring, with thermographic analysis and evaluation of shading influence at the system's efficiency, using the Ecotect software.


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The main concern in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) algorithms and protocols are the energy consumption. Thus, the WSN lifetime is one of the most important metric used to measure the performance of the WSN approaches. Another important metric is the WSN spatial coverage, where the main goal is to obtain sensed data in a uniform way. This paper has proposed an approach called (m,k)-Gur Game that aims a trade-off between quality of service and the increasement of spatial coverage diversity. Simulation results have shown the effectiveness of this approach. © 2012 IEEE.