66 resultados para elevator


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Crop producers make a number of decisions that are market related. They may be categorized as financial decisions, production decisions, or marketing decisions. All three decisions depend on what prices are likely to be at some specific time in the future. The marketing decisions is complex. This research publication discusses the number of alternatives that are available even for the producer who does not directly buy or sell futures or options contracts.


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At the Chair of Logistics Engineering, TU Dresden, a particular focus is research and development of magnetic traction sheaves. Therein the main fundamentals of these special sheaves are determined for applications in different fields such as elevators, several kinds of winches, hoists and cranes. In the current research project “energy balance of magnetic traction sheaves”, the dynamic behaviour of systems with magnetic traction sheaves was investigated. The research focused on theoretical and practical examinations of energy balance. Moreover, a new approach for dimensioning magnetic traction sheave systems is presented. It is a project of the Research Foundation Intralogistics / Material Handling and Logistics (IFL), which is funded through the AiF under the program of Industrial Collective Research for SMEs (IGF) by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).


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Energieeffiziente und leistungsfähige Zug- und Tragmittel aus hochmoduligen (HM) und hochfesten (HT) Fasern rücken seit einigen Jahren in den Fokus von Aufzugherstellern und Betreibern. Hauptgrund dafür ist, das die bisher eingesetzten Stahldrahtseile auf Grund ihrer vergleichsweise hohen Eigenmasse an technische Grenzen stoßen. Seile aus hochfesten Polymerfasern haben gegenüber Stahldrahtseilen eine vergleichbare oder sogar höhere Zugfestigkeit und ein vier- bis sechsfach geringeres Gewicht. Um das Potential dieser Fasern optimal auszunutzen, sind sowohl die Anordnung der Fasern als auch die Schmierstoffeinbringung zu untersuchen. Diesbezüglich wurden verschiedenen Seilkonstruktions- und Schmierstoffvarianten entwickelt und im Dauerbiegeversuch validiert.


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A study to assess possible exposure to carcinogenic metabolites (aflatoxins) from a mold Aspergillus flavus has been made in a rice producing area of Brazoria County, Texas. One hundred samples of unmilled rice were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) for the amount of aflatoxin produced by the mold during rice growth and storage. Two well water samples and two rice elevator dust samples were also checked for possible aflatoxin content. The mortality rates from gastrointestinal and urinary tract cancers in the rice-growing part of the county were compared with mortality rates in the nonrice-producing areas of the same county.^ This study was an outgrowth of an earlier investigation by Cech and co-workers in Brazoria County which focused on environmental differences, specifically on the quality of drinking water in the former residences of decedents from primary liver cancer. It also compared subjects who died from other causes. The author of this dissertation participated in this phase of the overall investigation by performing some of the chemical analyses and by preparing synographic maps of water quality, and thus, part of those results from the early phase is also included in this manuscript.^ No aflatoxin was detected by TLC methods. However, when extracts of rice dust were checked for mutagenesis by the Ames Salmonella-microsome assay as a supplement to the TLC analysis, the result suggested that these dusts might have contained mutagenic material. The age-adjusted mortality rates in the rice-growing area were higher than those in the comparison area for both male and female gastrointestinal tract cancer and for male urinary tract cancer, but the differences were not statistically significant. ^


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Point-of-decision signs to promote stair use have been found to be effective in various environments. However, these signs have been more consistently successful in public access settings that use escalators, such as shopping centers and transportation stations, compared to worksite settings, which are more likely to contain elevators that are not directly adjacent to the stairs. Therefore, this study tested the effectiveness of two point-of-decision sign prompts to increase stair use in a university worksite setting. Also, this study investigated the importance of the message content of the signs. One sign displayed a general health promotion message, while the other sign presented more specific information. Overall, this project examined whether the presence of the point-of-decision signs increases stair use. In addition, this research determined whether the general or specific sign promotes greater stair use. ^ Inconspicuous observers measured stair use both before the signs were present and while they were posted. The study setting was the University of Texas School of Nursing, and the target population was anyone who entered the building, including employees, students, and visitors. The study was conducted over six weeks and included two weeks of baseline measurement, two weeks with the general sign posted, and two weeks with the specific sign posted. Each sign was displayed on a stand in the decision point area near the stairs and the elevator. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. ^ After adjustment for covariates, the odds of stair use were significantly greater during the intervention period than the baseline period. Furthermore, the specific sign period showed significantly greater odds of stair use than the general sign period. These results indicate that a point-of-decision sign intervention can be effective at promoting stair use in a university worksite setting and that a sign with a specific health information message may be more effective at promoting stair use than a sign with a general health promotion message. These findings can be considered when planning future worksite and university based stair promotion interventions.^


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Escalator and moving walkway are multibody systems with a design of more than a century. Developed methodology allows studying and improving any subsystem of both systems. In addition, new concepts can be developed and tested without the necessity and cost of a real construction. CITEF (Railway Technologies Research Centre) has been modelling escalators for more than four years. Several complex and innovative models has been developed to characterize static, kinematic and dynamic escalator behaviour. The high number of mechanical elements that are part of escalators complicate modelling task. In this way, methodologies and tools have been developed in order to automate these task and saving computational and time costs. Developed methodologies have been validated with the results of comparing real measurements and simulated outputs from a dynamic model.


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Damages -reduced in fruit packing lines is a major cause of grace reduction and quality loos in fresh marks: fruit. Fruit must be treated gently during in sir handling to improve their qualityin order to get a good price in a competitive market. The correct post-hardvest handling in fruit packing lines is a prerequisite to cut down the heavy post-harvest losses. Fruit packing lines must be evaluated, studying their design, the impacts applied to the fruits, the characteristics of the materials, etc. This study establishes the possibility of carrying out modifications and tests in a packing line during a long period of time. For this purpose, an experimental fruit packing line has been designed and located in the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Polythecnic University of Madrid with the aim of improving mechanical devices and fruit handling conditions to minimize damage to fruit. The experimental line consists of several transporting belts, one rollers transporter, one sizer, one elevator, one singularizer, and three trays to receive the calibrated fruit. The line has a length of 6.15 m and a width cf 1.9 m. Movement of the different components is regulated by electric motors with variable velocity electronically controlled. The height of the transfer points is variable and can be easily modified. The experimental line has been calibrated using two instrumented spheres IS 100 (8.8 cm Ø and6.2cm Ø). Average acceleration values obtained in all the transfers of the experimental line lay under 80 g's, although there is big variation for some of them being some values above 100 g's.


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Professor of Latin and acting president of the University of Michigan. On verso: North & Oswald Photographers. Toledo, Ohio. Established 1864. Take the Passenger Elevator at St. Clair Street Entrance, and Visit our New Studios, 45 Hall Block. Largest and finest in the West. All negatives preserved and Registered. Duplicates of this picture may be had at any time.


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President of the University of Michigan, minister to China and Turkey. On verso: North & Oswald Photographers, Toledo, Ohio. Established 1864. Take the Passenger Elevator at St. Clair Street Entrance, and Visit our New Studios, 45 Hall Block. Largest and finest in the West. All negatives preserved and Registered...


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"The design of this publication is to give to the co-workers of the Otis Elevator Company a more comprehensive knowledge of the industry, to encourage individual effort and to unite in closer co-operation all those actively engaged in promoting the growth of the company."


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"Contained herein are general conditions, forms of proposal, agreements and bonds, State Architect's standard specifications for mechanical, electric and elevator works."


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"The audit was conducted pursuant to Legislative Audit Commission Resolution Number 125, which was adopted December 11, 2002. This audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards and the audit standards promulgated by the Office of the Auditor General at 74 Ill. Adm. Code 420.310. This audit report is transmitted in conformance with Section 3-14 of the Illinois State Auditing Act."--Cover letter.


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Building site, tower and elevator. No. 1 of chronological series of construction photographs, numbered 1 to 32. Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects. W.B. Wood Co., construction. Frieze Building in background