995 resultados para electromechanical actuators


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electrostatic torsional nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS) actuators is analyzed in the paper. The dependence of the critical tilting angle and voltage is investigated on the sizes of structure with the consideration of vdW effects. The pull-in phenomenon without the electrostatic torque is studied, and a critical pull-in gap is derived. A dimensionless equation of motion is presented, and the qualitative analysis of it shows that the equilibrium points of the corresponding autonomous system include center points, stable focus points, and unstable saddle points. The Hopf bifurcation points and fork bifurcation points also exist in the system. The phase portraits connecting these equilibrium points exhibit periodic orbits, heteroclinic orbits, as well as homoclinic orbits.


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The dynamic behaviour for nanoscale electrostatic actuators is studied. A two Parameter mass-spring model is shown to exhibit a bifurcation from the case excluding an equilibrium point to the case including two equilibrium points as the geometrical dimensions of the device are altered. Stability analysis shows that one is a stable Hopf bifurcation point and the other is an unstable saddle point. In addition, we plot the diagram phases, which have periodic orbits around the Hopf point and a homoclinic orbit passing though the unstable saddle point.


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The existing three widely used pull-in theoretical models (i.e., one-dimensional lumped model, linear supposition model and planar model) are compared with the nonlinear beam mode in this paper by considering both cantilever and fixed-fixed type micro and nano-switches. It is found that the error of the pull-in parameters between one-dimensional lumped model and the nonlinear beam model is large because the denominator of the electrostatic force is minimal when the electrostatic force is computed at the maximum deflection along the beam. Since both the linear superposition model and the slender planar model consider the variation of electrostatic force with the beam's deflection, these two models not only are of the same type but also own little error of the pull-in parameters with the nonlinear beam model, the error brought by these two models attributes to that the boundary conditions are not completely satisfied when computing the numerical integration of the deflection.


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The piezoelastodynamic field equations are solved to determine the crack velocity at bifurcation for poled ferroelectric materials where the applied electrical field and mechanical stress can be varied. The underlying physical mechanism, however, may not correspond to that assumed in the analytical model. Bifurcation has been related to the occurrence of a pair of maximum circumferential stress oriented symmetrically about the moving crack path. The velocity at which this behavior prevails has been referred to as the limiting crack speed. Unlike the classical approach, bifurcation will be identified with finite distances ahead of a moving crack. Nucleation of microcracks can thus be modelled in a single formulation. This can be accomplished by using the energy density function where fracture initiation is identified with dominance of dilatation in relation to distortion. Poled ferroelectric materials are selected for this study because the microstructure effects for this class of materials can be readily reflected by the elastic, piezoelectic and dielectric permittivity constants at the macroscopic scale. Existing test data could also shed light on the trend of the analytical predictions. Numerical results are thus computed for PZT-4 and compared with those for PZT-6B in an effort to show whether the branching behavior would be affected by the difference in the material microstructures. A range of crack bifurcation speed upsilon(b) is found for different r/a and E/sigma ratios. Here, r and a stand for the radial distance and half crack length, respectively, while E and a for the electric field and mechanical stress. For PZT-6B with upsilon(b) in the range 100-1700 m/s, the bifurcation angles varied from +/-6degrees to +/-39degrees. This corresponds to E/sigma of -0.072 to 0.024 V m/N. At the same distance r/a = 0.1, PZT-4 gives upsilon(b) values of 1100-2100 m/s; bifurcation angles of +/-15degrees to +/-49degrees; and E/sigma of -0.056 to 0.059 V m/N. In general, the bifurcation angles +/-theta(0) are found to decrease with decreasing crack velocity as the distance r/a is increased. Relatively speaking, the speed upsilon(b) and angles +/-theta(0) for PZT-4 are much greater than those for PZT-6B. This may be attributed to the high electromechanical coupling effect of PZT-4. Using upsilon(b)(0) as a base reference, an equality relation upsilon(b)(-) < upsilon(b)(0) < upsilon(b)(+) can be established. The superscripts -, 0 and + refer, respectively, to negative, zero and positive electric field. This is reminiscent of the enhancement and retardation of crack growth behavior due to change in poling direction. Bifurcation characteristics are found to be somewhat erratic when r/a approaches the range 10(-2)-10(-1) where the kinetic energy densities would fluctuate and then rise as the distance from the moving crack is increased. This is an artifact introduced by the far away condition of non-vanishing particle velocity. A finite kinetic energy density prevails at infinity unless it is made to vanish in the boundary value problem. Future works are recommended to further clarify the physical mechanism(s) associated with bifurcation by means of analysis and experiment. Damage at the microscopic level needs to be addressed since it has been known to affect the macrocrack speeds and bifurcation characteristics. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Cracking of ceramics with tetragonal perovskite grain structure is known to appear at different sites and scale level. The multiscale character of damage depends on the combined effects of electromechanical coupling, prevailing physical parameters and boundary conditions. These detail features are exhibited by application of the energy density criterion with judicious use of the mode I asymptotic and full field solution in the range of r/a = 10(-4) to 10(-2) where r and a are, respectively, the distance to the crack tip and half crack length. Very close to the stationary crack tip, bifurcation is predicted resembling the dislocation emission behavior invoked in the molecular dynamics model. At the macroscopic scale, crack growth is predicted to occur straight ahead with two yield zones to the sides. A multiscale feature of crack tip damage is provided for the first time. Numerical values of the relative distances and bifurcation angles are reported for the PZT-4 ceramic subjected to different electric field to applied stress ratio and boundary conditions that consist of the specification of electric field/mechanical stress, electric displacement/mechanical strain, and mixed conditions. To be emphasized is that the multiscale character of damage in piezoceramics does not appear in general. It occurs only for specific combinations of the external and internal field parameters, elastic/piezoelectric/dielectric constants and specified boundary conditions. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The influences of Casimir and van der Waals forces on the nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) electrostatic torsional varactor are studied. A one degree of freedom, the torsional angle, is adopted, and the bifurcation behaviour of the NEMS torsional varactor is investigated. There are two bifurcation points, one of which is a Hopf bifurcation point and the other is an unstable saddle point. The phase portraits are also drawn, in which periodic orbits are around the Hopf bifurcation point, but the periodic orbit will break into a homoclinic orbit when meeting the unstable saddle point.


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The static and dynamic instabilities of a torsional MEMS/NEMS actuator caused by capillary effects are studied, respectively. An instability number, eta, is defined, and the critical gap distance, g(cr), between the mainplate and the substrate is derived. According to the values of eta and g, the instability criteria of the actuator are presented. The dimensionless motion equation of the MEMS/NEMS torsional actuator is derived when it makes nonlinear oscillation under capillary force. The qualitative analysis of the nonlinear equation is made, and the phase portraits are presented on the phase plane. In addition, the bifurcation phenomena in the system are also analyzed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Experimental demonstrations and theoretical analyses of a new electromechanical energy conversion process which is made feasible only by the unique properties of superconductors are presented in this dissertation. This energy conversion process is characterized by a highly efficient direct energy transformation from microwave energy into mechanical energy or vice versa and can be achieved at high power level. It is an application of a well established physical principle known as the adiabatic theorem (Boltzmann-Ehrenfest theorem) and in this case time dependent superconducting boundaries provide the necessary interface between the microwave energy on one hand and the mechanical work on the other. The mechanism which brings about the conversion is another known phenomenon - the Doppler effect. The resonant frequency of a superconducting resonator undergoes continuous infinitesimal shifts when the resonator boundaries are adiabatically changed in time by an external mechanical mechanism. These small frequency shifts can accumulate coherently over an extended period of time to produce a macroscopic shift when the resonator remains resonantly excited throughout this process. In addition, the electromagnetic energy in s ide the resonator which is proportional to the oscillation frequency is al so accordingly changed so that a direct conversion between electromagnetic and mechanical energies takes place. The intrinsically high efficiency of this process is due to the electromechanical interactions involved in the conversion rather than a process of thermodynamic nature and therefore is not limited by the thermodynamic value.

A highly reentrant superconducting resonator resonating in the range of 90 to 160 MHz was used for demonstrating this new conversion technique. The resonant frequency was mechanically modulated at a rate of two kilohertz. Experimental results showed that the time evolution of the electromagnetic energy inside this frequency modulated (FM) superconducting resonator indeed behaved as predicted and thus demonstrated the unique features of this process. A proposed usage of FM superconducting resonators as electromechanical energy conversion devices is given along with some practical design considerations. This device seems to be very promising in producing high power (~10W/cm^3) microwave energy at 10 - 30 GHz.

Weakly coupled FM resonator system is also analytically studied for its potential applications. This system shows an interesting switching characteristic with which the spatial distribution of microwave energies can be manipulated by external means. It was found that if the modulation was properly applied, a high degree (>95%) of unidirectional energy transfer from one resonator to the other could be accomplished. Applications of this characteristic to fabricate high efficiency energy switching devices and high power microwave pulse generators are also found feasible with present superconducting technology.