969 resultados para election for trial by jury


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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of skate blade radius of hollow (ROH) on anaerobic performance, specifically during the acceleration and stopping phases of an on-ice skating test. Fifteen, male Junior B hockey players (mean age 19 y ± 1.46) were recruited to participate. On-icc testing required each participant to complete an on-ice anaerobic performance test [Reed Repeat Skate (RRS)) on three separate days. During each on-ice test, the participant's skate blades were sharpened to one of three, randomly assigned, ROH values (0.63 cm, 1.27 cm, 1.90 cm). Performance times were recorded during each RRS and used to calculate anaerobic variables [anaerobic power (W), anaerobic capacity (W), and fatigue index (s, %)). Each RRS was video recorded for the purpose of motion analysis. Video footage was imported into Peak Motus™ to measure kinematic variables of the acceleration and stopping phases. The specific variables calculated from the acceleration phase were: average velocity over 6 m (m/s), average stride length (m), and mean stride rate (strides/s). The specific variables calculated from the stopping phase were: velocity at initiation of stopping (rn/s), stopping distance (m), stopping time (s). A repeated measures ANOV A was used to assess differences in mean performance and kinematic variables across the three selected hollows. Further analysis was conducted to assess differences in trial by trial performance and kinematic variables for all hollows. The primary findings of the study suggested that skate blade ROH can have a significant effect on kinematic variables, namely stride length and stride rate during the acceleration phase and stopping distance and stopping time during the stopping phase of an on-ice anaerobic performance test. During the acceleration phase, no significant difdifferences were found in SR and SL across the three selected hollows. Mean SR on the 1.27 cm hollow was significantly slower than both the 0.63 cm and 1.90 cm hollows and SL was significantly longer when skating on the 1.27 cm hollow in comparison to the 1.90 cm hollow. During the stopping phase, stopping distance on the 0.63 cm hollow (4.12 m ± 0.14) was significantly shorter than both the 1.27 cm hollow (4.43 m ± 0.08) (p < 0.05) and the 1.90 cm ho])ow (4.35 m ± 0.12) (p < 0.05). Mean ST was also significantly shorter when stopping on the 0.63 cm hollow then both the 1.27 cm and 1.90 cm hollows. Trial by trial results clearly illustrated the affect of fatigue on kinematic variables; AV, SR, IV decreased from trial 1 to 6. There was no significant effect on anaerobic performance variables during the RRS. Altering the skate blade ROH has a significant and practical affect on accelerating and stopping performance will be discussed in this paper.


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The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of skate blade shape on skating performance. A secondary purpose was to evaluate if a change in hollow shape can create additional effects on skating performance. Thirty-seven male ice hockey players (age=18 years, SD=3.4) participated. The intervention consisted of four sharpening trials assessed using three on-ice tests. Participant feedback was also assessed using a Likert scale questionnaire. Statistical analysis included within-subject repeated measures MANOVA of trial by skating variables (p≤0.05). Results revealed Contour 1 enhanced performance compared to baseline on six variables at varsity level and five variables at midget level. Contour 1 enhanced performance compared to Contour 2 on six variables at the varsity and midget levels. Contour 1 also scored highest on the feedback questionnaire. Findings of this study indicate that contouring is a necessary practice to achieve optimal skating performance.


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À l'aide des tout derniers modèles narratologiques développés entre autres par Ansgar Nünning, nous nous penchons sur l'oeuvre d'Eveline Hasler, une voix phare de la littérature alémanique contemporaine. À partir d’un corpus de six romans, nous examinons de façon systématique sa poétique du roman historique au regard 1) des techniques narratives, 2) de la marginalité de ses personnages en société, 3) de la conception de l’Histoire, 4) de l'image critique qu'elle présente de la Suisse. Il en ressort un portrait très nuancé de l'oeuvre de Hasler, puisqu’elle allie un récit principalement réaliste, plutôt traditionnel, mais aussi inspiré du langage cinématographique, à des passages métahistoriographiques postmodernes, où une narratrice assimilable à l’auteure fait part au « je » de ses réflexions sur l'Histoire. Même si ces brefs passages relativement rares rappellent sans contredit la posture de l’historien, ils s’inscrivent toutefois dans la fiction, laquelle actualise le passé dans la perspective historique d’un lecteur contemporain. De fait, l’œuvre de Hasler se présente comme un jeu habile avec la liberté poétique et le souci de véracité historique, ce à quoi concourt l’imbrication de documents originaux en italique dans le roman. Par ailleurs, la question de la marginalité en société joue un rôle prépondérant chez Hasler, car tous ses personnages principaux sont autant de marginaux, de Außenseiter. Cette problématique montre entre autres les limites de l’Aufklärung, étant donné que ses tenants, les adversaires des marginaux, se targuent le plus souvent d’être motivés par la pensée éclairante pour mieux la pervertir. Il en résulte la mise à l’écart des individus dérangeants — la prétendue sorcière, le géant et les femmes qui remettent en cause l’organisation patriarcale. Or, certains marginaux de Hasler parviennent à s’arracher un espace de liberté dans la marge, au prix de leurs racines helvétiques. Ainsi, ces marginaux peinent à s’inscrire dans l’Histoire dite officielle, ce que Hasler tente de rectifier en leur redonnant une voix. Sur le plan individuel, la plupart d’entre eux expérimentent une évolution circulaire, puisqu’ils ne parviennent pas à sortir de la marge (sauf peut-être Henry Dunant). Cette impression de tourner en rond s’oppose à une conception de l’Histoire humaine qui se déroule en continuum, puisque les exclusions d’hier préfigurent celles d’aujourd’hui. Au-delà de cette mesure humaine du temps, l’horizon temporel de la nature s’inscrit pour sa part dans la permanence. Ainsi, Hasler développe une conception historique qui varie selon des points de vue coexistants. Cet amalgame est le plus souvent marqué par un certain pessimisme, comme le dénote la vie d’Emily Kempin associée au mythe d’Icare. Finalement, tous les acteurs historiques de Hasler appartiennent au contexte helvétique et en présentent une image assez rétrograde, laquelle se dévoile non seulement à travers la fictionnalisation des lieux, mais aussi par des références à trois symboles nationaux : les Alpes, le réduit helvétique et la légende de Guillaume Tell. Hasler fait le procès de ces mythes, associés à la liberté et à la sauvegarde de ce « peuple de bergers », en montrant que la Suisse n’apporte pas de solution originale aux défis de l’Occident.


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According to many modern economic theories, actions simply reflect an individual's preferences, whereas a psychological phenomenon called “cognitive dissonance” claims that actions can also create preference. Cognitive dissonance theory states that after making a difficult choice between two equally preferred items, the act of rejecting a favorite item induces an uncomfortable feeling (cognitive dissonance), which in turn motivates individuals to change their preferences to match their prior decision (i.e., reducing preference for rejected items). Recently, however, Chen and Risen [Chen K, Risen J (2010) J Pers Soc Psychol 99:573–594] pointed out a serious methodological problem, which casts a doubt on the very existence of this choice-induced preference change as studied over the past 50 y. Here, using a proper control condition and two measures of preferences (self-report and brain activity), we found that the mere act of making a choice can change self-report preference as well as its neural representation (i.e., striatum activity), thus providing strong evidence for choice-induced preference change. Furthermore, our data indicate that the anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex tracked the degree of cognitive dissonance on a trial-by-trial basis. Our findings provide important insights into the neural basis of how actions can alter an individual's preferences.


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Interview about  the role of social media and 'trial by media' in current high profile cases involving child molestation charges against celebrities.


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Settlements are an important part of a program of cartel deterrence, particularly when the likelihood of conviction and the litigation costs are higher. This type of negotiated procedure to reach finality is in essence complementary to the fully adversarial procedures associated to the trial by the administrative or judicial courts, and to other investigative instruments, such as the leniency agreement. The Brazilian experience provides some insights about the different models of direct settlement in cartel cases and the complex interaction among settlements, leniency agreements, and trial outcome. First, there is leeway for the complementary models of settlements, the first oriented mainly to increasing the likelihood of detection, and the second oriented to saving social costs of litigation. Second, the concern with the preservation of the demand for leniency agreements led the competition authority to restrict the use of settlements, which are effectively designed for the defendants that are likely guilty and give higher value to finality. The recent experience illustrates that the current settlement policy has not caused any adverse effect on leniency agreements, while reducing litigation costs and granting finality in some cases.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A utilização racional da energia elétrica é um tema bastante discutido na atualidade. Uma das principais preocupações é com o setor industrial brasileiro, o qual é responsável pela maior parte do consumo desse tipo de energia, devido à utilização de sistemas motrizes. Aliado a esse fato, a falta de uma abordagem adequada ao ensino de eficiência energética e conservação de energia, em muitos cursos de Engenharia das universidades brasileiras, contribui para o aumento do desperdício de energia elétrica. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta um laboratório remoto voltado a realização de ensaios de eficiência energética em um sistema motriz de bombeamento d’água. Para isto, foi desenvolvido um software que permite acionar e monitorar o protótipo de bombeamento d’água pertencente ao LAMOTRIZ da Universidade Federal do Pará. Ainda, foi elaborado um ensaio piloto para testar a experimentação remota com alunos de graduação e pós-graduação da referida universidade e foi realizada uma avaliação desta experimentação pelos referidos alunos.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a entropia conjunta do sistema visual humano no domínio do espaço e no domínio das freqüências espaciais através de funções psicométricas. Estas foram obtidas com testes de discriminação de estímulos com luminância ou cromaticidade moduladas por funções de Gábor. A essência do método consistiu em avaliar a entropia no domínio do espaço, testando-se a capacidade do sujeito em discriminar estímulos que diferiam apenas em extensão espacial, e avaliar a entropia no domínio das freqüências espaciais, testando-se a capacidade do sujeito em discriminar estímulos que diferiam apenas em freqüência espacial. A entropia conjunta foi calculada, então, a partir desses dois valores individuais de entropia. Três condições visuais foram estudadas: acromática, cromática sem correção fina para eqüiluminância e cromática com correção para eqüiluminância através de fotometria com flicker heterocromático. Quatro sujeitos foram testados nas três condições, dois sujeitos adicionais foram testados na condição cromática sem eqüiluminância fina e um sétimo sujeito também fez o teste acromático. Todos os sujeitos foram examinados por oftalmologista e considerados normais do ponto de vista oftálmico, não apresentando relato, sintomas ou sinais de disfunções visuais ou de moléstias potencialmente capazes de afetar o sistema visual. Eles tinham acuidade visual normal ou corrigida de no mínimo 20/30. O trabalho foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa do Núcleo de Medicina Tropical da UFPA e obedeceu às recomendações da Declaração de Helsinki. As funções de Gábor usadas para modulação de luminância ou cromaticidade compreenderam redes senoidais unidimensionais horizontais, moduladas na direção vertical, dentro de envelopes gaussianos bidimensionais cuja extensão espacial era medida pelo desvio padrão da gaussiana. Os estímulos foram gerados usando-se uma rotina escrita em Pascal num ambiente Delphi 7 Enterprise. Foi utilizado um microcomputador Dell Precision 390 Workstation e um gerador de estímulos CRS VSG ViSaGe para exibir os estímulos num CRT de 20”, 800 x 600 pixels, 120 Hz, padrão RGB, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB. Nos experimentos acromáticos, os estímulos foram gerados pela modulação de luminância de uma cor branca correspondente à cromaticidade CIE1931 (x = 0,270; y = 0,280) ou CIE1976 (u’ = 0,186; v’= 0,433) e tinha luminância média de 44,5 cd/m2. Nos experimentos cromáticos, a luminância média foi mantida em 15 cd/m2 e foram usadas duas series de estímulos verde-vermelhos. Os estímulos de uma série foram formados por duas cromaticidades definidas no eixo M-L do Espaço de Cores DKL (CIE1976: verde, u’=0,131, v’=0,380; vermelho, u’=0,216, v’=0,371). Os estímulos da outra série foram formados por duas cromaticidades definidas ao longo de um eixo horizontal verde-vermelho definido no Espaço de Cores CIE1976 (verde, u’=0,150, v’=0,480; vermelho, u’=0,255, v’=0,480). Os estímulos de referência eram compostos por redes de três freqüências espaciais diferentes (0,4, 2 e 10 ciclos por grau) e envelope gaussiano com desvio padrão de 1 grau. Os estímulos de testes eram compostos por uma entre 19 freqüências espaciais diferentes em torno da freqüência espacial de referência e um entre 21 envelopes gaussianos diferentes com desvio padrão em torno de 1 grau. Na condição acromática, foram estudados quatro níveis de contraste de Michelson: 2%, 5%, 10% e 100%. Nas duas condições cromáticas foi usado o nível mais alto de contraste agregado de cones permitidos pelo gamut do monitor, 17%. O experimento consistiu numa escolha forçada de dois intervalos, cujo procedimento de testagem compreendeu a seguinte seqüência: i) apresentação de um estímulo de referência por 1 s; ii) substituição do estímulo de referência por um fundo eqüiluminante de mesma cromaticidade por 1 s; iii) apresentação do estímulo de teste também por 1 s, diferindo em relação ao estímulo de referência seja em freqüência espacial, seja em extensão espacial, com um estímulo sonoro sinalizando ao sujeito que era necessário responder se o estímulo de teste era igual ou diferente do estímulo de referência; iv) substituição do estímulo de teste pelo fundo. A extensão espacial ou a freqüência espacial do estímulo de teste foi mudada aleatoriamente de tentativa para tentativa usando o método dos estímulos constantes. Numa série de 300 tentativas, a freqüencia espacial foi variada, noutra série também de 300 tentativas, a extensão espacial foi variada, sendo que cada estímulo de teste em cada série foi apresentado pelo menos 10 vezes. A resposta do indivíduo em cada tentativa era guardada como correta ou errada para posterior construção das curvas psicométricas. Os pontos experimentais das funções psicométricas para espaço e freqüência espacial em cada nível de contraste, correspondentes aos percentuais de acertos, foram ajustados com funções gaussianas usando-se o método dos mínimos quadrados. Para cada nível de contraste, as entropias para espaço e freqüência espacial foram estimadas pelos desvios padrões dessas funções gaussianas e a entropia conjunta foi obtida multiplicando-se a raiz quadrada da entropia para espaço pela entropia para freqüência espacial. Os valores de entropia conjunta foram comparados com o mínimo teórico para sistemas lineares, 1/4π ou 0,0796. Para freqüências espaciais baixas e intermediárias, a entropia conjunta atingiu níveis abaixo do mínimo teórico em contrastes altos, sugerindo interações não lineares entre dois ou mais mecanismos visuais. Este fenômeno occorreu em todas as condições (acromática, cromática e cromática eqüiluminante) e foi mais acentuado para a frequência espacial de 0,4 ciclos / grau. Uma possível explicação para este fenômeno é a interação não linear entre as vias visuais retino-genículo-estriadas, tais como as vias K, M e P, na área visual primária ou em níveis mais altos de processamento neural.


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This study investigated the influence of cueing on the performance of untrained and trained complex motor responses. Healthy adults responded to a visual target by performing four sequential movements (complex response) or a single movement (simple response) of their middle finger. A visual cue preceded the target by an interval of 300, 1000, or 2000 ms. In Experiment 1, the complex and simple responses were not previously trained. During the testing session, the complex response pattern varied on a trial-by-trial basis following the indication provided by the visual cue. In Experiment 2, the complex response and the simple response were extensively trained beforehand. During the testing session, the trained complex response pattern was performed in all trials. The latency of the untrained and trained complex responses decreased from the short to the medium and long cue-target intervals. The latency of the complex response was longer than that of the simple response, except in the case of the trained responses and the long cue-target interval. These results suggest that the preparation of untrained complex responses cannot be completed in advance, this being possible, however, for trained complex responses when enough time is available. The duration of the 1st submovement, 1st pause and 2nd submovement of the untrained and the trained complex responses increased from the short to the long cue-target interval, suggesting that there is an increase of online programming of the response possibly related to the degree of certainty about the moment of target appearance.


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The doctorate’s theme of research - Abstract My doctorate’s theme of research is about the Investigation in the Italian criminal proceedings. The Italian Code of criminal procedure of 1988 is the fruit of a new ideology that marks a departure from Italy’s prior inquisitorial tradition. According to criminal procedure Code of 1988, an accusatorial system separates the investigation and trial stages and the judge’s decision is based only on evidence collected in oral form in his presence in a public trial containing adversarial dynamics. The Italian Code of 1988 created a separation between criminal investigations and trial. Investigations are conducted by Public Prosecutor: he conducts the investigation phase in order to deem whether to file a formal charge against the defendant or to dismiss the case and the investigative evidence collected should serve only for this purpose. According to so called “inutilizzabilità fisiologica”’s rule, the evidence collected during investigations by prosecutor is not usable during trial by the judge: the results of the investigative efforts displayed by the parties should be kept outside of court. If the proceedings go on to trial, the case shall be deemed with only evidence collected in front of the judge. To create the separation of the trial phase from the investigation stage, there is the double-dossier system. During the investigations, evidence are collected in an investigation dossier. The trial judge will never see the investigation dossier and the trial judge’s decision is based on a new dossier, the trial dossier, with the evidence collected during the trial. The issue of my research is about the investigation, the so called “inutilizzabilità fisiologica”’s rule and also the exclusionary rules that concern the investigative phase and the decisions pronounced during the investigations (for example, the decisions concerning pre-trial confinement). 2 In fact, the exclusionary rule system (so called “inutilizzabilità patologica”) provides that evidence cannot be used in Italian criminal proceedings if it was the result of illegal inquiry.


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Few studies have explored factors related to participation in cancer chemoprevention trials. The purpose of this dissertation was to conduct investigations in this emerging field by studying aspects of participation at three phases of cancer chemoprevention trials: at enrollment, during a placebo run-in period, and post-trial. In all three studies, subjects had a history of cancer and were at high risk of recurrence or second primary tumors.^ The first study explored correlates of enrollment in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial by comparing participants and eligible nonparticipants. Of 148 subjects who met the trial's preliminary eligibility criteria, 40% enrolled. In multivariate analysis, enrollment was positively associated with being male (OR 2.36) and being employed (OR 2.73). The most commonly cited reason for declining participation among nonparticipants was transportation.^ The second study examined outcomes of an eight-week placebo run-in period in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial. Of 391 subjects, 91.3% were randomized after the run-in. Adherence to drug capsules ranged from 0% to 120.3% (mean $\pm$ SD, 95.8% $\pm$ 15.1). In multivariate analysis, the main variable predicting run-in outcome was race; white subjects were 3.45 times more likely to be randomized than non-white subjects. Subjects with Karnofsky scores of 100 were 2.13 times more likely to be randomized than were subjects with lower scores.^ The third study used post-trial questionnaires to assess subjects' (n = 64) perceptions of participation in a cancer chemoprevention trial. The most highly rated trial benefit was the perception of potential colon cancer prevention, and the most troublesome barrier was erroneous billing for study visits. Perceived benefits were positively associated with interest in participating in future trials of the same (p = 0.05) and longer (p = 0.02) duration, and difficulty with trial pills and procedures was inversely related to interest in future placebo-controlled trials (p = 0.01).^ These are among the first behavioral studies to be completed in the rapidly growing field of cancer chemoprevention. Much work has yet to be done, however, to advance our understanding of the complex issues relating to chemoprevention trial participation. ^


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Functional neuroimaging studies in human subjects using positron emission tomography or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are typically conducted by collecting data over extended time periods that contain many similar trials of a task. Here methods for acquiring fMRI data from single trials of a cognitive task are reported. In experiment one, whole brain fMRI was used to reliably detect single-trial responses in a prefrontal region within single subjects. In experiment two, higher temporal sampling of a more limited spatial field was used to measure temporal offsets between regions. Activation maps produced solely from the single-trial data were comparable to those produced from blocked runs. These findings suggest that single-trial paradigms will be able to exploit the high temporal resolution of fMRI. Such paradigms will provide experimental flexibility and time-resolved data for individual brain regions on a trial-by-trial basis.


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In this article we investigate voter volatility and analyze the causes and motives of switching vote intentions. We test two main sets of variables linked to volatility in literature; political sophistication and ‘political (dis)satisfaction’. Results show that voters with low levels of political efficacy tend to switch more often, both within a campaign and between elections. In the analysis we differentiate between campaign volatility and inter-election volatility and by doing so show that the dynamics of a campaign have a profound impact on volatility. The campaign period is when the lowly sophisticated switch their vote intention. Those with higher levels of interest in politics have switched their intention before the campaign has started. The data for this analysis are from the three wave PartiRep Belgian Election Study (2009).