780 resultados para elastic property


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Micro-tools offer significant promise in a wide range of applications Such as cell Manipulation, microsurgery, and micro/nanotechnology processes. Such special micro-tools consist of multi-flexible structures actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that must generate output displacements and forces lit different specified points of the domain and at different directions. The micro-tool Structure acts as a mechanical transformer by amplifying and changing the direction of the piezoceramics Output displacements. The design of these micro-tools involves minimization of the coupling among movements generated by various piezoceramics. To obtain enhanced micro-tool performance, the concept of multifunctional and functionally graded materials is extended by, tailoring elastic and piezoelectric properties Of the piezoceramics while simultaneously optimizing the multi-flexible structural configuration using multiphysics topology optimization. The design process considers the influence of piezoceramic property gradation and also its polarization sign. The method is implemented considering continuum material distribution with special interpolation of fictitious densities in the design domain. As examples, designs of a single piezoactuator, an XY nano-positioner actuated by two graded piezoceramics, and a micro-gripper actuated by three graded piezoceramics are considered. The results show that material gradation plays an important role to improve actuator performance, which may also lead to optimal displacements and coupling ratios with reduced amount of piezoelectric material. The present examples are limited to two-dimensional models because many of the applications for Such micro-tools are planar devices. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In this work, a series of two-dimensional plane-strain finite element analyses was conducted to further understand the stress distribution during tensile tests on coated systems. Besides the film and the substrate, the finite element model also considered a number of cracks perpendicular to the film/substrate interface. Different from analyses commonly found in the literature, the mechanical behavior of both film and substrate was considered elastic-perfectly plastic in part of the analyses. Together with the film yield stress and the number of film cracks, other variables that were considered were crack tip geometry, the distance between two consecutive cracks and the presence of an interlayer. The analysis was based on the normal stresses parallel to the loading axis (sigma(xx)), which are responsible for cohesive failures that are observed in the film during this type of test. Results indicated that some configurations studied in this work have significantly reduced the value of sigma(xx) at the film/substrate interface and close to the pre-defined crack tips. Furthermore, in all the cases studied the values of sigma(xx) were systematically larger at the film/substrate interface than at the film surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective rheological assessment of fluids given to dysphagic patients at mealtime and during videofluoroscopy was carried out using a multicenter format. Thin, quarter-thick, half-thick and full-thick fluids were examined for the degree of correlation between mealtime fluids and their allegedly matched videofluoroscopy counterparts. The study was carried out to determine whether perceived subjective differences between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids could be quantified using the rheological parameters of viscosity, density, and yield stress. The results showed poor correlation between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids over all parameters. In general, the videofluoroscopy fluids were more viscous, more dense, and showed higher yield stress values than their mealtime counterparts. Given these results, it is reasonable to assume that the fluids used during videofluoroscopy do not provide an accurate indication of swallowing ability at mealtime. Therefore, it is suggested that clinicians use objective methods to theologically match videofluoroscopy fluids to mealtime fluids.


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A model for finely layered visco-elastic rock proposed by us in previous papers is revisited and generalized to include couple stresses. We begin with an outline of the governing equations for the standard continuum case and apply a computational simulation scheme suitable for problems involving very large deformations. We then consider buckling instabilities in a finite, rectangular domain. Embedded within this domain, parallel to the longer dimension we consider a stiff, layered beam under compression. We analyse folding up to 40% shortening. The standard continuum solution becomes unstable for extreme values of the shear/normal viscosity ratio. The instability is a consequence of the neglect of the bending stiffness/viscosity in the standard continuum model. We suggest considering these effects within the framework of a couple stress theory. Couple stress theories involve second order spatial derivatives of the velocities/displacements in the virtual work principle. To avoid C-1 continuity in the finite element formulation we introduce the spin of the cross sections of the individual layers as an independent variable and enforce equality to the spin of the unit normal vector to the layers (-the director of the layer system-) by means of a penalty method. We illustrate the convergence of the penalty method by means of numerical solutions of simple shears of an infinite layer for increasing values of the penalty parameter. For the shear problem we present solutions assuming that the internal layering is oriented orthogonal to the surfaces of the shear layer initially. For high values of the ratio of the normal-to the shear viscosity the deformation concentrates in thin bands around to the layer surfaces. The effect of couple stresses on the evolution of folds in layered structures is also investigated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper provides a detailed analysis of patterns of income generation among 202 active heroin users in South West Sydney. We explore both sources of income and the relative contribution of different types of income generating activities, including drug sales and related activities, property crime, prostitution, legitimate income and avoided expenditures. Despite claims that heroin use leads inevitably to property crime, drug market activities accounted for a greater proportion of drug user income in this sample. Results indicate that law enforcement crackdowns that reduce opportunities for generating income from the drug market may increase property crime by heroin users.


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Shear deformation of fault gouge or other particulate materials often results in observed strain localization, or more precisely, the localization of measured deformation gradients. In conventional elastic materials the strain localization cannot take place therefore this phenomenon is attributed to special types of non-elastic constitutive behaviour. For particulate materials however the Cosserat continuum which takes care of microrotations independent of displacements is a more appropriate model. In elastic Cosserat continuum the localization in displacement gradients is possible under some combinations of the generalized Cosserat elastic moduli. The same combinations of parameters also correspond to a considerable dispersion in shear wave propagation which can be used for independent experimental verification of the proposed mechanism of apparent strain localization in fault gouge.


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Stability of matchings was proved to be a new cooperative equilibrium concept in Sotomayor (Dynamics and equilibrium: essays in honor to D. Gale, 1992). That paper introduces the innovation of treating as multi-dimensional the payoff of a player with a quota greater than one. This is done for the many-to-many matching model with additively separable utilities, for which the stability concept is defined. It is then proved, via linear programming, that the set of stable outcomes is nonempty and it may be strictly bigger than the set of dual solutions and strictly smaller than the core. The present paper defines a general concept of stability and shows that this concept is a natural solution concept, stronger than the core concept, for a much more general coalitional game than a matching game. Instead of mutual agreements inside partnerships, the players are allowed to make collective agreements inside coalitions of any size and to distribute his labor among them. A collective agreement determines the level of labor at which the coalition operates and the division, among its members, of the income generated by the coalition. An allocation specifies a set of collective agreements for each player.


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In this work we report the interaction effects of the local anesthetic dibucaine (DBC) with lipid patches in model membranes by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Supported lipid bilayers (egg phosphatidylcholine, EPC and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, DMPQ were prepared by fusion of unilamellar vesicles on mica and imaged in aqueous media. The AFM images show irregularly distributed and sized EPC patches on mica. On the other hand DMPC formation presents extensive bilayer regions on top of which multibilayer patches are formed. In the presence of DBC we observed a progressive disruption of these patches, but for DMPC bilayers this process occurred more slowly than for EPC. In both cases, phase images show the formation of small structures on the bilayer surface suggesting an effect on the elastic properties of the bilayers when DBC is present. Dynamic surface tension and dilatational surface elasticity measurements of EPC and DMPC monolayers in the presence of DBC by the pendant drop technique were also performed, in order to elucidate these results. The curve of lipid monolayer elasticity versus DBC concentration, for both EPC and DMPC cases, shows a maximum for the surface elasticity modulus at the same concentration where we observed the disruption of the bilayer by AFM. Our results suggest that changes in the local curvature of the bilayer induced by DBC could explain the anesthetic action in membranes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experimental investigation of mechanical properties of thin films using nanoindentation was reported. Silicon nitride thin films with different thicknesses were deposited using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) on Si substrate. Nanoindentation was used to measure their elastic modulus and hardness. The results indicated that for a film/substrate bilayer system, the measured mechanical properties are significantly affected by the substrate properties. Empirical formulas were proposed for deconvoluting the film properties from the measured bilayer properties.


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Collapsed skin folds after bariatric weight loss are often managed by plastic procedures, but changes in dermal composition and architecture have rarely been documented. Given the potential consequences on surgical outcome, a prospective histochemical study was designed. The hypothesis was that a deranged dermal fiber pattern would accompany major changes in adipose tissue. Female surgical candidates undergoing postbariatric abdominoplasty (n = 40) and never obese women submitted to control procedures (n = 40) were submitted to double abdominal biopsy, respectively in the epigastrium and hypogastrium. Histomorphometric assessment of collagen and elastic fibers was executed by the Image Analyzer System (Kontron Electronic 300, Zeiss, Germany). Depletion of collagen, but not of elastic fibers, in cases with massive weight loss was confirmed. Changes were somewhat more severe in epigastrium (P = 0.001) than hypogastrium (P = 0.007). Correlation with age did not occur. (1) Patients displayed lax, soft skin lacking sufficient collagen fiber network. (2) Elastic fiber content was not damaged, and was even moderately increased in epigastrium; (3) Preoperative obesity negatively correlated with hypogastric collagen concentration; (4) Future studies should pinpoint the roles of obesity, and especially of massive weight loss, on dermal architecture and response to surgery.


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Cutaneous asthenia is a hereditary connective tissue disease, primarily of dogs and cats, resembling Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in man. Collagen dysplasia results in skin hyperextensibility, skin and vessel fragility, and poor wound healing. The purpose of this study was to describe the histological findings in a dog with a collagenopathy consistent with cutaneous asthenia. An 8-month-old crossbreed female dog presented with lacerations and numerous atrophic and irregular scars. The skin was hyperextensible and easily torn by the slightest trauma. Ultrastructurally, the dermis was comprised of elaunin and oxytalan microfibrils. These are immature fibres in which the fibrillar component is increased but elastin is reduced. Collagen fibres were profoundly disorganized. The fibrils had a highly irregular outline and a corroded appearance when viewed in cross-section, and were spiralled and fragmented in a longitudinal view. Dermal fibroblasts displayed a conspicuous thickening of the nuclear lamina. Nuclear lamins form a fibrous nucleoskeletal network of intermediate-sized filaments underlying the inner nuclear membrane. Mutations in lamins or lamin-associated proteins cause a myriad of genetic diseases collectively called laminopathies. Disruption of the nuclear lamina seems to affect chromatin organization and transcriptional regulation of gene expression. A common link among all laminopathies may be a failure of stem cells to regenerate mesenchymal tissue. This could contribute to the connective tissue dysplasia seen in cutaneous asthenia.


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Objectives: We describe the distribution of elastic system fibers in the superficial layer of the lamina propria of Reinke`s edema, as compared with normal vocal folds. Methods: Weigert`s resorcin-fuchsin stain after oxidation with 10% oxone was used to study the arrangement of elastic fibers. The findings were categorized and afterward compared with the severity of Reinke`s edema. Results: Analysis of 20 specimens of vocal folds with Reinke`s edema showed that the network of thin elastic fibers in Reinke`s space lost their undulated appearance and had a tangled aspect. In addition, these fibers were no longer parallel to the epithelial basement membrane, but had a random distribution scattered throughout Reinke`s space. The elastic fiber network immediately below the epithelial basement membrane also appeared more fragmented in Reinke`s edema because of some alteration in organization combined with the 5-mu m-thick histologic sectioning plane. No significant difference in the degree of elastic system fiber disarrangement was observed between severity grades II and III (p = 0.382). Large areas of disarrangement were predominant (80% of cases). Conclusions: The disarrangement of elastic fibers in Reinke`s edema may cause insufficient tissue resistance and resilience, contributing to the hypermobility observed in Reinke`s edema.