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The structural characteristics of raw coal and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-oxidized coals were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectra, and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results indicate that the derivative coals oxidized by H2O2 are improved noticeably in aromaticity and show an increase first and then a decrease up to the highest aromaticity at 24 h. The stacking layer number of crystalline carbon decreases and the aspect ratio (width versus stacking height) increases with an increase in oxidation time. The content of crystalline carbon shows the same change tendency as the aromaticity measured by XRD. The hydroxyl bands of oxidized coals become much stronger due to an increase in soluble fatty acids and alcohols as a result of the oxidation of the aromatic and aliphatic C‐H bonds. In addition, the derivative coals display a decrease first and then an increase in the intensity of aliphatic C‐H bond and present a diametrically opposite tendency in the aromatic C‐H bonds with an increase in oxidation time. There is good agreement with the changes of aromaticity and crystalline carbon content as measured by XRD and Raman spectra. The particle size of oxidized coals (<200 nm in width) shows a significant decrease compared with that of raw coal (1 μm). This study reveals that the optimal oxidation time is ∼24 h for improving the aromaticity and crystalline carbon content of H2O2-oxidized coals. This process can help us obtain superfine crystalline carbon materials similar to graphite in structure.
Fractional differential equations are becoming increasingly used as a powerful modelling approach for understanding the many aspects of nonlocality and spatial heterogeneity. However, the numerical approximation of these models is demanding and imposes a number of computational constraints. In this paper, we introduce Fourier spectral methods as an attractive and easy-to-code alternative for the integration of fractional-in-space reaction-diffusion equations described by the fractional Laplacian in bounded rectangular domains ofRn. The main advantages of the proposed schemes is that they yield a fully diagonal representation of the fractional operator, with increased accuracy and efficiency when compared to low-order counterparts, and a completely straightforward extension to two and three spatial dimensions. Our approach is illustrated by solving several problems of practical interest, including the fractional Allen–Cahn, FitzHugh–Nagumo and Gray–Scott models, together with an analysis of the properties of these systems in terms of the fractional power of the underlying Laplacian operator.
This paper investigates several competing procedures for computing the prices of vanilla European options, such as puts, calls and binaries, in which the underlying model has a characteristic function that is known in semi-closed form. The algorithms investigated here are the half-range Fourier cosine series, the half-range Fourier sine series and the full-range Fourier series. Their performance is assessed in simulation experiments in which an analytical solution is available and also for a simple affine model of stochastic volatility in which there is no closed-form solution. The results suggest that the half-range sine series approximation is the least effective of the three proposed algorithms. It is rather more difficult to distinguish between the performance of the halfrange cosine series and the full-range Fourier series. However there are two clear differences. First, when the interval over which the density is approximated is relatively large, the full-range Fourier series is at least as good as the half-range Fourier cosine series, and outperforms the latter in pricing out-of-the-money call options, in particular with maturities of three months or less. Second, the computational time required by the half-range Fourier cosine series is uniformly longer than that required by the full-range Fourier series for an interval of fixed length. Taken together,these two conclusions make a case for pricing options using a full-range range Fourier series as opposed to a half-range Fourier cosine series if a large number of options are to be priced in as short a time as possible.
The floating-zone method with different growth ambiences has been used to selectively obtain hexagonal or orthorhombic DyMnO3 single crystals. The crystals were characterized by x-ray powder diffraction of ground specimens and a structure refinement as well as electron diffraction. We report magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and specific heat studies of this multiferroic compound in both the hexagonal and the orthorhombic structure. The hexagonal DyMnO3 shows magnetic ordering of Mn3+ (S = 2) spins on a triangular Mn lattice at T-N(Mn) = 57 K characterized by a cusp in the specific heat. This transition is not apparent in the magnetic susceptibility due to the frustration on the Mn triangular lattice and the dominating paramagnetic susceptibility of the Dy3+ (S = 9/2) spins. At T-N(Dy) = 3 K, a partial antiferromagnetic order of Dy moments has been observed. In comparison, the magnetic data for orthorhombic DyMnO3 display three transitions. The data broadly agree with results from earlier neutron diffraction experiments, which allows for the following assignment: a transition from an incommensurate antiferromagnetic ordering of Mn3+ spins at T-N(Mn) = 39 K, a lock-in transition at Tlock-in = 16 K and a second antiferromagnetic transition at T-N(Dy) = 5 K due to the ordering of Dy moments. Both the hexagonal and the orthorhombic crystals show magnetic anisotropy and complex magnetic properties due to 4f-4f and 4f-3d couplings.
The Gibbs energy of formation of V2O3-saturated spinel CoV2O4 has been measured in the temperature range 900–1700 K using a solid state galvanic cell, which can be represented as Pt, Co + CoV2O4 + V2O3/(CaO) ZrO2/Co + CoO, Pt. The standard free energy of formation of cobalt vanadite from component oxides can be represented as CoO (rs) + V2O3 (cor) → CoV2O4 (sp), ΔG° = −30,125 − 5.06T (± 150) J mole−1. Cation mixing on crystallographically nonequivalent sites of the spinel is responsible for the decrease in free energy with increasing temperature. A correlation between “second law” entropies of formation of cubic 2–3 spinels from component oxides with rock salt and corundum structures and cation distribution is presented. Based on the information obtained in this study and trends in the stability of aluminate and chromite spinels, it can be deduced that copper vanadite is unstable.
Current-potential relationships are derived for small-amplitude periodic inputs for linear electrochemical systems using a Fourier synthesis procedure. Specific results have been obtained for a triangular potential waveform for two simple model systems.
Tutkielmassa on analysoitu lukijoiden lukukokemuksia ja sitä, millainen kieli koetaan sopivaksi, hauskaksi, vieraaksi ja läheiseksi nuorille ja nuorille aikuisille suunnatussa käännössarjakuvassa. Tutkimusaineistona on ruotsalaisen Martin Kellermanin Rocky-sarjakuva, joka kertoo nuorten aikuisten elämästä Tukholmassa. Sarjakuva on suunnattu nuorille ja nuorille aikuisille ja se on tyyliltään humoristinen. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty tekstianalyysiä, käännösanalyysiä ja tutkimuskyselyä. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa on käsitelty globaaleja ja paikallisia käännösstrategioita ja keskitytty erityisesti kolmeen globaaliin käännösstrategiaan: normalisoimiseen, vieraannuttamiseen ja kotouttamiseen. Lähtötekstin analyysissä kuvaillaan sarjakuvan yleistä kielimuotoa ja tyyliä. Analyysissä on perehdytty erityisesti puhekielisyyteen ja kulttuurisidonnaisiin elementteihin. Lähtötekstin analyysi keskittyy pääosin neljään sarjakuvastrippiin, jotka on valittu käännettäväksi aineistoksi. Käännösanalyysissa kuvataan käännösaineistosta tehtyä kolmea suomenkielistä käännöstä. Yksi käännöksistä on tehty normalisoivan käännösstrategian mukaan: se sijoittuu neutraaliin ympäristöön ja sen kieli on neutraalia yleiskieltä. Toinen käännöksistä on tehty vieraannuttavan käännösstrategian mukaan: se sijoittuu Tukholmaan ja kieli on yleispuhekieltä. Kolmas käännös on tehty kotouttavan käännösstrategian mukaan: se sijoittuu Helsinkiin ja kieli on helsinkiläistä puhekieltä. Tutkimuskysely toteutettiin käännöksen laatututkimuksena neljässä suomalaisessa lukiossa. Tutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä 102 lukiolaista Helsingistä, Iisalmesta, Tampereelta ja Turusta, joista 59 oli tyttöjä ja 43 poikia. Laatutututkimuksessa keskityttiin erityisesti lukiolaisten kokemuksiin hyvästä, hauskasta vieraasta ja omaa puhetyyliä lähellä olevasta käännöksestä. Tutkimuksessa käy ilmi, että maantieteelliset erot vaikuttavat odotettua vähemmän nuorten vastauksiin, mutta sukupuolella on jossain määrin merkitystä käännöksiä arvioitaessa. Kotouttavaa (helsinkiläistä) käännöstä pidettiin ehdottomasti hauskimpana joka paikkakunnalla (74 % kaikista vastanneista) ja sitä pidettiin myös parhaimpana käännöksenä (45,10 % kaikista vastanneista) Iisalmea lukuun ottamatta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että normalisoiva käännös tuntuu nuorille vieraimmalta (43,63 % kaikista vastanneista), vaikka turkulaisista kotouttava käännös tuntui hieman vieraammalta ja iisalmelaisistakin yhtä oudolta kuin normalisoiva käännös. Vieraannuttava käännös oli lähimpänä nuorten omaa puhetyyliä (58,33 % kaikista vastanneista) joka paikkakunnalla. Tutkimustulos puhuu kotouttavan käännöksen puolesta tätä sarjakuvaa käännettäessä, jos kohderyhmän halutaan pysyvän samana. Tutkimustulosta ei kuitenkaan voida pitää yleispätevänä, niin että se koskisi kaikkea sarjakuvakääntämistä. Avainsanat: kääntäminen, reseptiotutkimus, laatututkimus, puhekieli, slangi, sarjakuvat, normalisointi, vieraannuttaminen, kotouttaminen
The standard Gibbs energy change accompanying the conversion of rare earth oxides to oxysulfides by reaction of rare earth oxides with diatomic sulfur gas has been measured in the temperature range 870 to 1300 K using the solid state cell: Pt/Cu+Cu2S/R2O2S+R2O3‖(CaO)ZrO2‖Ni+NiO, Pt where R=La, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy. The partial pressure of diatomic sulfur over a mixture of rare earth oxide (R2O3) and oxysulfide (R2O2S) is fixed by the dissociation of Cu2S to Cu in a closed system. The buffer mixture of Cu+Cu2S is physically separated from the rare earth oxide and oxysulfide to avoid complications arising from interaction between them. The corresponding equilibrium oxygen partial pressure is measured with an oxide solid electrolyte cell. Gibbs energy change for the conversion of oxide to the corresponding oxysulfide increases monotonically with atomic number of the rare earth element. Second law enthalpy of formation also shows a similar trend. Based on this empirical trend Gibbs energies of formation of oxysulfides of Pr, Eu, Ho, and Er are estimated as a function of temperature.
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The situation normally encountered in the high-resolution refinement of protein structures is one in which the inaccurate positions of P out of a total of N atoms are known whereas those of the remaining atoms are unknown. Fourier maps with coefficients (FN -- F'P) × exp (i[alpha]'P) and (mFN -- nF'P) exp (i[alpha]'P), where FN is the observed structure factor and F'P and [alpha]'P are the magnitude and the phase angle of the calculated structure factor corresponding to the inaccurate atomic positions, are often used to correct the positions of the P atoms and to determine those of the Q unknown atoms. A general theoretical approach is presented to elucidate the effect of errors in the positions of the known atoms on the corrected positions of the known atoms and the positions of the unknown atoms derived from such maps. The theory also leads to the optimal choice of parameters used in the different syntheses. When the errors in the positions of the input atoms are systematic, their effects are not taken care of automatically by the syntheses.
Quantization formats of four digital holographic codes (Lohmann,Lee, Burckhardt and Hsueh-Sawchuk) are evaluated. A quantitative assessment is made from errors in both the Fourier transform and image domains. In general, small errors in the Fourier amplitude or phase alone do not guarantee high image fidelity. From quantization considerations, the Lee hologram is shown to be the best choice for randomly phase coded objects. When phase coding is not feasible, the Lohmann hologram is preferable as it is easier to plot.
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was investigated as a potential rapid method of estimating fish age from whole otoliths of Saddletail snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus). Whole otoliths from 209 Saddletail snapper were extracted and the NIR spectral characteristics were acquired over a spectral range of 800–2780 nm. Partial least-squares models (PLS) were developed from the diffuse reflectance spectra and reference-validated age estimates (based on traditional sectioned otolith increments) to predict age for independent otolith samples. Predictive models developed for a specific season and geographical location performed poorly against a different season and geographical location. However, overall PLS regression statistics for predicting a combined population incorporating both geographic location and season variables were: coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.94, root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) = 1.54 for age estimation, indicating that Saddletail age could be predicted within 1.5 increment counts. This level of accuracy suggests the method warrants further development for Saddletail snapper and may have potential for other fish species. A rapid method of fish age estimation could have the potential to reduce greatly both costs of time and materials in the assessment and management of commercial fisheries.
Purpose – This paper seeks to demonstrate that a truly learner-centred enterprise education programme can be developed within a traditional business school environment. Design/methodology/approach – This paper unites the broad teaching philosophy of Alfred Whitehead with that of Allan Gibbs’s enterprise specific teaching philosophies to consider the fitness of the recently developed hic et nunc enterprise framework. This is largely achieved by testing the framework for constructive alignment. Findings – It is argued that the hic et nunc framework is consistent with the philosophies of both Whitehead and Gibb. Further, the framework illustrates a process through which enterprise education programmes can be developed independently of any pressures to conform to more traditional pedagogy. Practical implications – Through careful consideration of the process of constructive alignment, an analytical approach to developing and/or refining an enterprise education program exists. Importantly, it represents an approach that is explicitly learner-centred, and therefore free from the constraints of the environment within which the programme is delivered. Originality/value – This paper brings to life the wonderful ideas of the great philosopher, Alfred Whitehead, combining them with the contemporary ideas of Allan Gibb. In doing so, the complementary nature of their thoughts helps to illustrate the minimal requirements of a learner-centred approach to enterprise education