961 resultados para ecological effects


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Based on the results of an analytical assessment, the Atlantic cod stock off Greenland collapsed already in the late 60s and, since then, reached rarely the 10 % level of its size in 1955. Applying the concept of a self-sustaining stock, the drastic harvesting strategy of the past four decades must be considered inadequate. The stock collapse was therefore found consistent with annual exploitation rates being not adjusted to conservative management options and exceeding the productivity of the stock by far. The results of a multiplicative model explained the following recruitment failure based on significant effects of spawning stock size as well as temperature. Certainly, cold periods have negatively affected the recruitment process and consequently contributed to the stock collapse. However, such ecological effects should not be itemized causal but must be taken into account regarding appropriate stock management. Till today, the spawning stock remained severely depleted causing a low probability of a successful recruitment and a substantial stock recovery.


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Rockpools on a tropical f lat reef off the southeastern coast of Brazil were sampled to determine the influence of pool morphometry and water characteristics on fish community structure. The pool closest to the inner fringe of the reef had lower salinity and higher temperature due to inflow of groundwater. The other pools varied only with respect to their morphometric characteristics, algal cover, and bottom composition. Species with a strong affinity for estuarine- like waters characterized the pool closest to the beach and distinguished its fish community from that of the other pools. Instead of being strongly structured by the physicochemical setting and position in the reef, fish communities of the other pools were determined by behavioral preferences and intra- and interspecific interactions. Differences in community structure were related to pool size (the larger sizes permitting the permanency of schooling species), to algal cover (which allowed camouflage for large predatory species), to bottom composition (which provided substrate for turf flora available to territorial herbivores), and to ecological effects (e.g., competition, territoriality, and predation). Although distribution patterns of tidepool fishes have previously been related to the availability of niches, independent of pool position in the reef, our results show synergistic interactions between water properties, presence or absence of niches, and ecological relationships in structuring tidepool fish communities.


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Estudos de longo prazo são essenciais para avaliar efeitos que em pouco tempo não seriam possíveis observá-los. Moluscos límnicos são parte importante dos ecossistemas aquáticos, além se serem vetores de parasitos de importância médica. A comunidade de moluscos do riacho da Vila do Abraão já havia sido estudada, havendo registro de sete espécies, incluindo a exótica Melanoides tuberculata. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi acompanhar a dinâmica das populações de moluscos límnicos, com ênfase em M. tuberculata durante sete anos. Avaliamos as variações na comunidade de moluscos límnicos em um riacho na Vila do Abraão Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brasil. Foram realizadas 42 coletas bimestrais no período de julho/2006 a novembro/2013. O trecho estudado foi dividido em oito pontos de coleta, com três coletores em cada, realizando buscas de 15 minutos, totalizando 45 minutos por ponto. Foram mensurados os fatores abióticos: luminosidade, temperatura do ar e da água, umidade, pH, condutividade, profundidade e oxigênio dissolvido. Para o acompanhamento da comunidade, foi calculada a abundância, abundância relativa, constância, índices de diversidade Simpson e Shannon, assim como equitabilidade e uniformidade, para cada espécie em cada expedição de coleta. Para investigar a associação dos moluscos com a helmintofauna, realizou-se o teste de exposição a luz. Para biomassa, de M. tuberculata foi calculado o peso seco da parte mole, e os valores de abundância foram convertidos para densidade. No total do estudo, foram coletados 90.718 espécimes: oito gastrópodes (M. tuberculata, Heleobia australis, Potamolithus sp., Physa acuta, Biomphalaria tenagophila, Gundlachia ticaga, Ferrissia fragilis e Omalonyx matheroni) e um bivalve (Pisidium punctiferum). As duas espécies mais abundantes foram: M. tuberculata, com 80% e P. acuta, com 8% do total dos indivíduos. Melanoides tuberculata foi a espécie mais constante do estudo, já que após Fevereiro/2009 foi encontrada em todos os pontos de coleta, exceto nas últimas expedições. Os índices de diversidade apresentaram valores diferentes entre Simpson e Shannon, mas com variações semelhantes. A equitabilidade e a uniformidade foram muito baixas, indicando uma dominância de M. tuberculata. Apenas M. tuberculata se apresentou parasitado por Centrocestus formosanus, com a maior prevalência em Abril/2013, quando mais de 50% da população estava parasitada. A biomassa foi calculada em 8155 g durante o estudo, e a produção secundária foi estimada em 423 g m-2year-1 no último ano estudado, sofrendo diminuição de acordo com a queda populacional de M. tuberculata que por sua vez, foi possivelmente influenciada pelo parasitismo. Podemos concluir que a riqueza da comunidade aumentou de sete para nove espécies, sendo seis exóticas e três nativas. A comunidade de moluscos da Vila do Abraão encontra-se dominada por M. tuberculata, este sobrepujando as demais, em abundância e biomassa. Tendo em vista o perigo das introduções, reforçamos a importância dos estudos de longo prazo para o acompanhamento de comunidades, sendo importantes para subsidiar estratégias de conservação principalmente em unidades de conservação.


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Nutrient overenrichment from human activities is one of the major stresses affecting coastal ecosystems. There is increasing concern in many areas around the world that an oversupply of nutrients from multiple sources is having pervasive ecological effects on shallow coastal and estuarine areas. These effects include reduced light penetration, loss of aquatic habitat, harmfid algal blooms, a decrease in dissolved oxygen (or hypoxia), and impacts on living resources. The largest zone of oxygen-depleted coastal waters in the United States, and the entire western Atlantic Ocean, is found in the northern Gulf of Mexico on the Louisiana-Texas continental shelf. This zone is influenced by the freshwater discharge and nutrient flux of the Mississippi River system. This report describes the seasonal, interannual, and long-term variability in hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico and its relationship to nutrient loading. It also documents the relative roles of natural and human-induced factors in determining the size and duration of the hypoxic zone.


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Using artificial systems to simulate natural lake environments with cyanobacterial blooms, we investigated plankton community succession by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting and morphological method. With this approach, we explored potential ecological effects of a newly developed cyanobacterial blooms removal method using chitosan-modified soils. Results of PCR-DGGE and morphological identification showed that plankton communities in the four test systems were nearly identical at the beginning of the experiment. After applying the newly developed and standard removal methods, there was a shift in community composition, but neither chemical conditions nor plankton succession were significantly affected by the cyanobacteria removal process. The planted Vallisneria natans successfully recovered after cyanobacteria removal, whereas that in the box without removal process did not. Additionally, canonical correspondence analysis indicated that other than for zooplankton abundance, total phosphorus was the most important environmental predictor of planktonic composition. The present study and others suggest that dealing with cyanobacteria removal using chitosan-modified soils can play an important role in controlling cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophicated freshwater systems.


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道路生态影响评价是道路生态学的重要组成部分。鉴于目前国内缺乏对自然保护区内道路的生态学影响评价方面的研究现状,本研究采用综合指数法建立道路的生态学影响评价指标体系,通过评价等级隶属度方法将道路生态影响划分为从轻度影响(Ⅰ)到极强度影响(Ⅴ)5个级别,通过主观赋权法请国内30位专家针对长白山自然保护区给出各指标的权重,并通过资料调研及野外调查取得各评价指标的评分标准。在此基础上, 利用该评价指标体系,结合长白山自然保护区的调研资料和通过野外调查获得的数据, 针对长白山自然保护区内道路的生态学影响进行了评价。其研究结果如下: 1.为了反映道路生态影响的综合性,能够将道路的生态影响作为整体来评价,本研究选择道路对环境的影响、对植被的影响、对动物的影响及对微生物的影响这4项来构成评价体系子系统层。子系统中包含空气污染、道路对草本层的影响、道路对鸟类的影响等15个分类。分类层中选择了空气中氮氧化物含量、植物物种丰富度、动物种类和数量等60个有明确的生态学意义、容易理解、可以量化的指标。 2.针对5条通过长白山自然保护区白桦次生林的道路,应用建立的评价体系中的部分指标评价了其对植被和动物的影响。其中,道路对白桦次生林植被的影响为轻度影响,影响级别为Ⅱ级。草本层受道路影响最大,为中度影响;灌木层和乔木层受影响较弱,均为轻度影响。 3.所选5条道路对白桦次生林内动物的影响 2号道路对动物影响为轻度影响,其他4条道路对动物的影响为中度影响,影响级别为Ⅲ级。不同宽度及路面基质的道路对动物有不同程度的影响。 4.两栖类动物是受道路交通运营影响最大的类群,在所选的5条道路中受影响程度均达中度以上,道路的交通量和使用时间是两栖类动物减少的主要原因。道路对兽类和鸟的影响也比较大,达中度或中度以上影响。


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农药对土壤微生物区系结构和功能的影响以及潜在的生态风险成为人们关注的热点之一。本文以中科院海伦生态站农田黑土作为实验土壤,采用室内模拟的方法,利用传统的(CFU和ergosterol)及分子微生物生态学技术(DGGE,real-time PcR,clolle library)研究了乙草胺、甲胺磷及其复合对黑土真菌的生态效应,并得出以下结果:经8周处理,中、高浓度乙草胺(150和250mgkg-1)对土壤真菌数量、生物量和可培养真菌种群多样性具有长期抑制效应。乙草胺处理8周后可培养真菌和土壤固氮微生物n州基因的种群结构不能得到恢复,而总的真菌结构可基本恢复。甲胺磷对土壤可培养真菌数量和生物量具有促进作用,以高浓度(250mgkg~(-1))尤为显著。高浓度甲胺磷(25omgkg~(-1))对nifH基因多样性有长期抑制效应。甲胺磷处理8周后可培养真菌种群结构不可恢复,而总的真菌和n积基因种群结构可部分恢复。两者复合后对真菌数量,生物量,多样性及n担基因多样性的影响无论是促进还是抑制其作用强度都大于单因子。处理8周后可培养真菌、总的真菌和n州基因三者的种群结构均不可恢复。克隆测序分析发现乙草胺、甲胺磷及其复合可明显促进植物致病真菌(colletolrichum;truncatum,Rhizoctonia zeae,Fusarium oxysporum)的生长,同时使土壤中常见的青霉菌数量减少,使农药处理后具有潜在的植物病害爆发的风险。本试验结果表明,乙草胺、甲胺磷及其复合对土壤真菌数量、结构、多样性和功能基因nifH的多样性及其种群组成有不同程度的影响,甚至产生某些不可逆的长期生态效应。复合处理对土壤真菌的影响要大于两个单因子作用,表现了明显的复合生态效应。一般来说受到午扰的真菌种群结构不容易自然恢复,因此建议在施用这两种农药过程中要避免大量、频繁的单独或复合施用。


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本文考察了若尔盖高寒泥炭湿地公路对高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)、倭蛙(Narorana pleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufo minshanicus)的生态影响。分析了公路对两栖动物空间分布和栖息地利用的影响,并用IBM模型探讨其可能作用机制,考察了两栖动物公路死亡的季节差异及影响公路死亡空间分布的景观因素。最后通过对若尔盖高寒湿地两栖动物陆地核心栖息地的分析,为若尔盖路域栖息地的管理提供依据。 1. 对公路周边6个沼泽水凼群进行了调查,每个样地设置5条样线(距离公路10m、20m、50m、100m和150m)。调查表明,在繁殖季节(5月),距离公路距离对高原林蛙和倭蛙的相对数量都有显著作用,其效应明显大于其他各项栖息地环境参数。公路导致高原林蛙和倭蛙在公路周边种群密度降低,其相对数量从距离公路100m处到公路边缘一直呈现逐渐降低的趋势。在繁殖季节,若尔盖高寒湿地的公路生态影响域大约在100-150m之间,这一距离远远大于森林栖息地中公路对两栖类的生态影响域(35-40 m)。 在繁殖后期(9月),对公路周边16个草地样点的样线调查表明,公路对周边高原林蛙和倭蛙密度分布并未造成显著影响。 2. 二次模型的拟合表明繁殖季节高原林蛙和倭蛙在公路周边的密度分布符合钟型曲线。前人对森林公路两侧两栖类分布的研究也显示了类似的规律。我们通过基于个体的模型,模拟在了公路边缘100单位距离内的栖息地空间,栖息地环境质量呈梯度变化,动物个体在其中通过随机运动寻找适宜的栖息地。拟合结果表明,动物个体仅仅依照简单的运动规则寻找适宜栖息地,这种活动就可以导致公路周边栖息地中的动物分布曲线出现3个局部峰。公路周边两栖动物的钟型分布曲线可能仅仅是个体寻找适宜栖息地过程中出现的临时性群体分布模式。 3. 在若尔盖高寒湿地,公路交通造成了大量两栖类死亡。但是公路两栖类动物死亡的季节分布很不均匀:5月、8月和9月死亡数量很高,而7月和10月死亡数量却很低。这种季节性差异和两栖类各个生活史阶段的迁移运动有密切的关系。利用景观参数的逻辑斯蒂回归模型显示,距离公路1000-2000m范围内的湿草地比例对三种两栖类公路死亡概率均有很强的贡献。湿草地这一栖息地类型分类中有大量的沼泽水体,是两栖类重要的繁殖点和取食点。两栖类公路死亡概率湿草地的关系从一个侧面表明,要维持一个区域较高的两栖类种群数量,需要1000-2000m半径范围内存在大面积的湿草地。 4. 高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍不同性别和年龄个体分布点的水体距离存在显著差异。不同种类、年龄的两栖类分布点距离水体距离的差异可能是由于对水体的依赖性造成的。而相同种类、年龄段的个体中,高原林蛙雌性、岷山蟾蜍亚成体和雌性的体重与分布点距水体距离有显著负相关,这可能是因为体重更大的个体对水体的依赖性更弱。考虑到过大的陆地核心栖息地面积在实际保护工作中存在操作上的困难,因此我们认为可以以水体周边90%个体的分布区为低限确定3种两栖类的最小陆地核心栖息地。但是,在同样的水体距离-两栖类密度分布格局下,水体的面积和分形参数对最小陆地核心栖息地半径的确定有一定影响。 Ecological effects of alpine wetland road on Rana kukunoris, Narorana pleskei, Bufo minshanicus was studied in Zoige wetland. The effects of road on distribution of amphibians and its possible underline mechanism was discussed based on empirical data and computer simulation. Road killed amphibians was surveyed in different season and those landscape factor which could have impact on road killing distribution was analyses. Core terrestrial habitat of amphibians in Zoige wetland was discussed in the consideration of conservation management. 1. Six pool groups was investigated in breeding season (May) of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei. Five transects at distance of 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m and 150m from road edge was surveyed in each pool groups. There was a significant effects of distance from road edge on relative counts of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei, which is much important than effects of other environmental factors. Road caused the density of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei decreased from distance of 100m from road to 10m from road. Road ecological effect zone of alpine wetland for amphibians is about 100-150m. It is much wider than those of forest roads, which is about 35-40m. However, studies on 16 grassland near road showed no significant effect of road on amphibians after breeding season (Sep.). 2. Quadratic model fit indicated that the distribution of R. kukunoris and N. Pleskei followed a hump like curve. Previous studies on forest road showed similar results. A 100×100 habitat with gradual environment besides road was simulated with a individual-based model, and animal seek for suitable habitat with stochastic locomotion in it. Simulation results indicated that 3 density peak of animal distribution can emergent followed a simply rules. The hump like density cure could be a temporal swarm pattern during the process of individual seeking for habitat. 3. Road traffic caused mass death of amphibians in Zoige wetland. There was much road killed amphibians in May, Aug and Sep than those in July and Oct. The fluctuation of road kill could be related with migration of amphibians between seasons. Logistic regression of landscape variables indicated that wet grassland in 1000-2000m is essential to predict the probability of road kill. Wet grassland is an important breeding and forage habitat for amphibians. It also indicated that mass wet grassland in 1000-2000m is essential for maintain a big amphibian population. 4. There was significant differences among distance from aquatic site of subadults, female and males of R. kukunoris and B. Minshanicus. Possibly, it was because of their dependence on water. There was a significant negative relationship between distance from aquatic site and individuals body mass. Estimates of core habitat that are too large may make it difficult to establish protective regulations. The smallest suitable terrestrial core habitats were defined as the terrestrial habitats used during migration to and from the wetlands, and for foraging by 90% of any life stage (adults, and subadults) in a season. However, even with the same amphibian distribution pattern along the distance from aquatic sites, the radii of smallest suitable terrestrial core habitats will be varied with the fractal parameters of aquatic site.


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Serious concerns have been raised about the ecological effects of industrialized fishing1, 2, 3, spurring a United Nations resolution on restoring fisheries and marine ecosystems to healthy levels4. However, a prerequisite for restoration is a general understanding of the composition and abundance of unexploited fish communities, relative to contemporary ones. We constructed trajectories of community biomass and composition of large predatory fishes in four continental shelf and nine oceanic systems, using all available data from the beginning of exploitation. Industrialized fisheries typically reduced community biomass by 80% within 15 years of exploitation. Compensatory increases in fast-growing species were observed, but often reversed within a decade. Using a meta-analytic approach, we estimate that large predatory fish biomass today is only about 10% of pre-industrial levels. We conclude that declines of large predators in coastal regions5 have extended throughout the global ocean, with potentially serious consequences for ecosystems5, 6, 7. Our analysis suggests that management based on recent data alone may be misleading, and provides minimum estimates for unexploited communities, which could serve as the ‘missing baseline’8 needed for future restoration efforts.


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概述了黄土高原森林各层次的水文生态功能和水土保持效益。在此基础上 ,根据自然条件、地形地貌和国民经济发展要求 ,提出了为保护生态环境和协调经济发展的适宜林草覆盖指标


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Eutrophication is becoming a serious problem in coastal waters in many parts of the world. It induces the phytoplankton blooms including 'Red Tides', followed by heavy economic losses to extensive aquaculture area. Some cultivated seaweeds have very high productivity and could absorb large quantities of N, P, CO2, produce large amount of O-2 and have excellent effect on decreasing eutrophication. The author believes that seaweed cultivation in large scale should be a good solution to the eutrophication problem in coastal waters. To put this idea into practice, four conditions should be fulfilled: (a) Large-scale cultivation could be conducted within the region experiencing eutrophication. (b) Fundamental scientific and technological problems for cultivation should have been solved. (c) Cultivation should not impose any harmful ecological effects. (d) Cultivation must be economically feasible and profitable. In northern China, large-scale cultivation of Laminaria japonica Aresch. has been encouraged for years to balance the negative effects from scallop cultivation. Preliminary research in recent years has shown that Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) Daws. and Porphyra haitanensis Chang et Zheng are the two best candidates for this purpose along the Chinese southeast to southern coast from Fujian to Guangdong, Guangxi and Hong Kong. Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui Chang et Xia is promising for use in pond culture condition with shrimps and fish.


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沉积物再悬浮作为一个比较普遍的物理现象,对浅海生态系统污染物的生物地球化学循环具有强烈的干扰作用。本研究以我国北方重要养殖海湾——桑沟湾为研究对象,从物理、化学、生物三个角度出发,研究了沉积物再悬浮的发生过程以及再悬浮介质-沉积物的源汇转换角色及其与养殖藻类的关系,构建了波流耦合模型和再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。主要研究结果如下: 1)桑沟湾的海湾动力比约为1.54,沉积物具有发生再悬浮的潜在动力条件;推导出波流耦合切应力的计算公式。 2)悬浮颗粒物浓度(SSC)与浊度(NTU)之间符合线性方程SSC=15.908×ln(NTU)+7.0888(n=33,R2=0.7209);碎屑有机碳库是桑沟湾养殖生态系统中最大的有机碳库,占总POC库储量的81.87%。 3)沉积物再悬浮的临界切应力在0.059 N/m2左右,耦合切应力与悬浮颗粒物浓度符合方程= 238.06 SSC + 25.215(n=25,R2 = 0.7298);最大剪切深度可达8.81 cm;桑沟湾沉积物再悬浮通量的数量级在10-5~10-6 kg·m-2·s-1之间,再悬浮临界风速约为5.51 m/s,全年约有171天沉积物处于再悬浮状态;构建了沉积物再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。 4)桑沟湾表层沉积物总氮的含量范围313.09~1094.44µg/g,有机氮是总氮的主要形态,平均占总氮的60.86%;交换态氮是无机氮的主要形式,平均占无机氮的71.40%,交换态氮中NO3--N的含量最大;桑沟湾表层沉积物的TOC/TN比值为9.38,表明沉积物中有机质具有混合来源的特征;无机磷是桑沟湾表层沉积物中磷的主要形态,平均占总磷的73.33%,钙结合磷是无机磷的主要赋存形态;表层沉积物中潜在生物有效性磷的含量占总磷的86.54%,具有很强的释磷潜力。桑沟湾重金属的潜在生态危害指数RI约为36.17,表明重金属的潜在生态危害轻微。 5)再悬浮过程中沉积物春季表现为氮磷源,释放溶解无机氮和磷酸盐;夏、秋季表现为氮汇磷源,释放磷酸盐而吸附溶解无机氮;冬季表现为氮磷汇,吸附磷酸盐和溶解无机氮。


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