988 resultados para ecological adaptation


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Um assunto que requer atenção é a avaliação ecológica da qualidade da água de ecossistemas de água doce. Uma abordagem que surge como promissora é a biomonitorização baseada em biomarcadores, porque pode avaliar a saúde dos organismos e obter sinais de alerta precoce acerca dos riscos ambientais. Até agora, porém, o uso de biomarcadores em espécies de invertebrados, para diagnosticar danos ecológicos nos rios, é escasso. Por essa razão, existe uma necessidade urgente de desenvolver biomarcadores nas principais espécies de macroinvertebrados dos ecossistemas fluviais que são alvo de estudo. Esta tese tem como objectivo averiguar se as respostas in situ, aliadas aos biomarcadores, podem ser um método viável para avaliar os danos ecológicos de contaminantes em ecossistemas de água doce. Numa primeira fase, os biomarcadores foram usados para averiguar os mecanismos fisiológicos de adaptação genética de clones de Daphnia magna ao pesticida organofosforado fenitrothion. Numa segunda fase, os biomarcadores foram usados como ferramentas de diagnóstico de poluição em zonas ribeirinhas. Estes estudos foram realizados com três espécies-chave de macroinvertebrados: Daphnia magna, Corbicula fluminea e Hydropsyche exocellata, nos rios Besós e Llobregat e no Delta do rio Ebro (NE Espanha). Além disso, foram realizados com animais capturados nos rios, ou com ensaios de transplantes, e foram complementados com índices biológicos de macroinvertebrados e análises químicas da água e dos animais. Como os contaminantes químicos têm vários modos toxicológicos de acção e, portanto, afectam várias respostas bioquímicas dos organismos, foram analisados nas três espécies um conjunto de biomarcadores pertencentes a diferentes vias metabólicas. A abordagem experimental indica que o uso combinado de biomarcadores e outras medidas, tais como índices biológicos e testes in situ, contribui para diagnosticar os efeitos prejudiciais de contaminantes nas comunidades ribeirinhas.


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O zooplâncton, particularmente os cladóceros, são organismos de água doce importantes na regulação da produção primária dos ecossistemas de água doce. No entanto, também podem adaptar-se a condições salobras. Tendo em conta as previsões no âmbito das alterações climáticas, a intrusão salina pode ocorrer a par com a subida de temperatura. As populações de água doce podem ficar vulneráveis aos efeitos interativos da salinidade e da temperatura, de acordo com os seus limites de tolerância e capacidade de adaptação ao stress ambiental. Assim, a presente tese analisou as interações resultantes das alterações destes agentes de stress em populações de cladóceros de água doce. Primeiro, comparou-se a halotolerância de diferentes genótipos de Simocephalus vetulus provenientes de populações de água doce e de água salobra de modo a avaliar a existência de uma componente genética de resistência à salinidade. A sensibilidade aguda dos genótipos variou na mesma gama de concentrações; todavia, todos os genótipos da população salobra, exceto um, foram mais tolerantes do que os de água doce, em termos de tempo à imobilização. Contudo, não foi possível estabelecer uma relação entre a performance reprodutiva em condições salobras e o contexto ambiental de origem destes genótipos. Mais, estes ensaios mostraram que as populações de água doce têm potencial para tolerar incrementos de salinidade. Como tal, pode-se concluir que a seleção a que os genótipos estão sujeitos no seu local de origem foi mais fraca do que o esperado. Segundo, investigou-se a capacidade de aclimatação de Daphnia galeata à salinidade e temperatura, de modo a avaliar a halotolerância de Daphnia a duas temperaturas num cenário de aclimatação multigeracional. O objetivo foi compreender se a pré-adaptação ao stress ambiental (20ºC e 25ºC versus 0 g/L e 1 g/L de NaCl) influenciou posteriormente as respostas a estes agentes de stress. Verificou-se uma tendência para um aumento de sensibilidade ao NaCl, a temperaturas mais elevadas. No entanto, este efeito foi anulado após nove gerações, mas apenas quando os organismos foram aclimatados aos dois agentes de stress em simultâneo (salinidade e temperatura elevada). Terceiro, demonstrou-se experimentalmente que a salinidade interferiu com a competição interespecífica, alterando a composição das comunidades zooplanctónicas. Este conjunto de evidências permitiu-nos refletir nos múltiplos impactos de agentes de stress, particularmente os relacionados com as previsões de alterações climáticas. Em paralelo aos estudos de natureza experimental, e numa perspetiva de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), importa também promover o desenvolvimento de competências necessárias à compreensão de mudanças ambientais globais (e.g., o impacto da salinidade e da temperatura) para implementar estratégias de mitigação e adaptação. Neste contexto, foi realizada uma atividade com estudantes do ensino secundário, que se tornou uma boa oportunidade para a sua aprendizagem e aquisição de competências de interpretação de dados experimentais, assim como de sensibilização para as questões ambientais.


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O presente trabalho é constituído por uma revisão bibliográfica e uma série de estudos científicos experimentais visando a melhoria do conhecimento da ecologia de germinação e resposta ao estresse hídrico em arbustos autóctones. Estes estudos pretendem contribuir para o conhecimento da ecologia de espécies autóctones na fase de germinação e estabelecimento inicial das plântulas através da comparação da resposta de sementes de diferentes proveniências. Os primeiros três capítulos focam-se no estudo dos efeitos de pré-tratamentos na germinação de espécies arbustivas com diferentes estratégias de regeneração e dormência da semente, enquanto os dois últimos capítulos incidem sobre o efeito de diferentes condições de disponibilidade de água na germinação e estabelecimento inicial de plântulas com potencial para restauro ecológico. Este estudo procura abordar aspetos importantes para o estudo e validação do uso de espécies alvo para o restauro ecológico em zonas Mediterrânicas, contribuindo deste modo para a melhoria do conhecimento da ecologia destas espécies. A germinação foi estimulada por pré-tratamentos de calor em quatro das cinco espécies cuja época de dispersão da semente na primavera-verão. As sementes provenientes do sul tenderam a germinar melhor, sendo ao mesmo tempo mais pequenas. Por outro lado, a germinação em espécies cuja dispersão da semente ocorre no outono-inverno variou de acordo com o tipo de dormência da semente. A germinação foi em geral favorecida pela estratificação a frio na espécie apresentando dormência fisiológica mas foi negativamente afetada na espécie que não apresenta dormência. Esta resposta não foi, no entanto, inequívoca pois foi dependente da proveniência estudada. O efeito da estratificação a frio teve em geral um efeito mais positivo ou menos negativo nas sementes provenientes do norte em comparação com as outras proveniências. O stress-osmótico teve um efeito negativo consistente na germinação de Pistacia lentiscus e outro fator que também afetou significativamente a germinação foi a variabilidade intra-populacional entre plantas mãe. As duas proveniências apresentaram diferentes graus de associação entre a germinação e/ou caracteres morfológicos da semente ou planta mãe. Quanto à fase de estabelecimento inicial, o baixo conteúdo em água teve um claro efeito negativo no investimento relativo em biomassa acima do solo e um efeito positivo no investimento relativo em biomassa abaixo do solo em Arbutus unedo. Esta resposta não foi inequívoca, uma vez que as proveniências diferiram em adaptações morfológicas ao baixo conteúdo em água. As plântulas da proveniência mais húmida revelaram uma taxa de crescimento relativo superior mas, ao mesmo tempo, uma fraca adaptação às condições de baixa disponibilidade de água, quando comparadas com as outras proveniências. Ao contrário, as plântulas da proveniência seca com verão mais quente apresentaram semelhantes diâmetro do colo da raiz, peso seco de folhas e performance fisiológica sob os dois regimes de irrigação. Os resultados obtidos revelam diferenças significativas na germinação e desenvolvimento inicial entre as distintas proveniências que poderão estar relacionadas com adaptações ao clima dos locais de origem. Os desenvolvimentos futuros do estudo dos mecanismos subjacentes às adaptações observadas poderiam contribuir para a melhoria das previsões de sucesso do estabelecimento inicial em diferentes populações de plantas, permitindo aumentar a confiança e efetividade de custos nas decisões relacionadas com ações de restauro ecológico em cenários de alterações climáticas.


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Natural disasters are frequently exacerbated by anthropogenic mechanisms and have social and political consequences for communities. The role of community learning in disasters is seen to be increasingly important. However, the ways in which such learning unfolds in a disaster can differ substantially from case to case. This article uses a comparative case study methodology to examine catastrophes and major disasters from five countries (Japan, New Zealand, UK, US and Germany) to consider how community learning and adaptation occurs. An ecological model of learning is considered, where community learning is of small loop (adaptive, incremental, experimental) type or large loop (paradigm changing) type. Using this model we consider that there are three types of community learning that occur in disasters (navigation, organisation, reframing). The type of community learning that actually develops in a disaster depends upon a range of social factors such as stress and trauma, civic innovation and coercion.


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Complex problems of globalized society challenge its adaptive capacity. However, it is precisely the nature of these human induced problems that provide enough evidence to show that adaptability may not be on a resilient path. This thesis explores the ambiguity of the idea of adaptation (and its practice) and illustrates the ways in which adaptability contributes to resilience of social ecological systems. The thesis combines a case study and grounded theory approach and develops an analytical framework to study adaptability in resource users’ organizations: from what it depends on and what the key challenges are for resource management and system resilience. It does so for the specific case of fish producers’ organizations (POs) in Portugal. The findings suggest that while ecological and market context, including the type of crisis, may influence the character of fishers’ adaptation within POs (i.e. anticipatory, maladaptive and reactively adaptive), it does not determine it. Instead, it makes agency even more crucial (i.e. leadership, trust and agent’s perceptions in terms of their impact on fishers’ motivation to learn from each other). In sum, it was found that internal adaptation can improve POs’ contribution to fishery management and resilience, but it is not a panacea and may, in some cases, increase system vulnerability to change. Continuous maladaptation of some Portuguese POs points at a basic institutional problem (fish market regime), which clearly reduces fisheries resilience as it promotes overfishing. However, structural change may not be sufficient to address other barriers to Portuguese fishers’ (PO members) adaptability, such as history (collective memory) and associated problematic self-perceptions. The agency (people involved in structures and practices) also needs to change. What and how institutional change and agency change build on one another (e.g. comparison of fisheries governance in Portugal and other EU countries) is a topic to be explored in further research.


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Analysis of power in natural resources management is important as multiple stakeholders interact within complex, social-ecological systems. As a sub-set of these interactions, community climate change adaptation is increasingly using participatory processes to address issues of local concern. While some attention has been paid to power relations in this respect, e.g. evaluating international climate regimes or assessing vulnerability as part of integrated impact assessments, little attention has been paid to how a structured assessment of power could facilitate real adaptation and increase the potential for successful participatory processes. This paper surveys how the concept of power is currently being applied in natural resources management and links these ideas to agency and leadership for climate change adaptation. By exploring behavioural research on destructive leadership, a model is developed for informing participatory climate change adaptation. The working paper then concludes with a discussion of developing research questions in two specific areas - examining barriers to adaptation and mapping the evolution of specific participatory processes for climate change adaptation.


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Based on a case study of Charazani – Bolivia, this article outlines the understanding of adaptive strategies to cope with climate change and its impact on environmental and socioeconomic conditions that are affecting rural livelihoods. Mainly qualitative methods were used to collect and analyze data following the framework for vulnerability assessments of a socio-ecological system. Climate data reveals an increase of precipitation and temperature during the last decades. Furthermore the occurrence of extreme weather events, particularly drought, frost, hailstorms and consequently landslides and fire are increasing. Local testimonies highlight these events as the principle reasons for agricultural losses. This climatic variability and simultaneous social changes were identified as the drivers of vulnerability. Yet, several adaptive measures were identified at household, community and external levels in order to cope with such vulnerability; e.g. traditional techniques in agriculture and risk management. Gradually, farmers complement these activities with contemporary practices in agriculture, like intensification of land use, diversification of irrigation system and use of artificial fertilizers. As part of a recent trend community members are forced to search for new off-farm alternatives beyond agriculture for subsistence. Despite there is a correspondingly large array of possible adaptation measures that families are implementing, local testimonies point out, that farmers often do not have the capacity and neither the economical resources to mitigate the risk in agricultural production. Although several actions are already considered to promote further adaptive capacity, the current target is to improve existing livelihood strategies by reducing vulnerability to hazards induced by climate change.


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1 Adaptation of plant populations to local environments has been shown in many species but local adaptation is not always apparent and spatial scales of differentiation are not well known. In a reciprocal transplant experiment we tested whether: (i) three widespread grassland species are locally adapted at a European scale; (ii) detection of local adaptation depends on competition with the local plant community; and (iii) local differentiation between neighbouring populations from contrasting habitats can be stronger than differentiation at a European scale. 2 Seeds of Holcus lanatus, Lotus corniculatus and Plantago lanceolata from a Swiss, Czech and UK population were sown in a reciprocal transplant experiment at fields that exhibit environmental conditions similar to the source sites. Seedling emergence, survival, growth and reproduction were recorded for two consecutive years. 3 The effect of competition was tested by comparing individuals in weeded monocultures with plants sown together with species from the local grassland community. To compare large-scale vs. small-scale differentiation, a neighbouring population from a contrasting habitat (wet-dry contrast) was compared with the 'home' and 'foreign' populations. 4 In P. lanceolata and H. lanatus, a significant home-site advantage was detected in fitness-related traits, thus indicating local adaptation. In L. corniculatus, an overall superiority of one provenance was found. 5 The detection of local adaptation depended on competition with the local plant community. In the absence of competition the home-site advantage was underestimated in P. lanceolata and overestimated in H. lanatus. 6 A significant population differentiation between contrasting local habitats was found. In some traits, this small-scale was greater than large-scale differentiation between countries. 7 Our results indicate that local adaptation in real plant communities cannot necessarily be predicted from plants grown in weeded monocultures and that tests on the relationship between fitness and geographical distance have to account for habitat-dependent small-scale differentiation. Considering the strong small-scale differentiation, a local provenance from a different habitat may not be the best choice in ecological restoration if distant populations from a more similar habitat are available.


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Evolutionary theory suggests that divergent natural selection in heterogeneous environments can result in locally adapted plant genotypes. To understand local adaptation it is important to study the ecological factors responsible for divergent selection. At a continental scale, variation in climate can be important while at a local scale soil properties could also play a role. We designed an experiment aimed to disentangle the role of climate and ( abiotic and biotic) soil properties in local adaptation of two common plant species. A grass (Holcus lanatus) and a legume ( Lotus corniculatus), as well as their local soils, were reciprocally transplanted between three sites across an Atlantic-Continental gradient in Europe and grown in common gardens in either their home soil or foreign soils. Growth and reproductive traits were measured over two growing seasons. In both species, we found significant environmental and genetic effects on most of the growth and reproductive traits and a significant interaction between the two environmental effects of soil and climate. The grass species showed significant home site advantage in most of the fitness components, which indicated adaptation to climate. We found no indication that the grass was adapted to local soil conditions. The legume showed a significant home soil advantage for number of fruits only and thus a weak indication of adaptation to soil and no adaptation to climate. Our results show that the importance of climate and soil factors as drivers of local adaptation is species-dependent. This could be related to differences in interactions between plant species and soil biota.


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Natural resource-dependent societies in developing countries are facing increased pressures linked to global climate change. While social-ecological systems evolve to accommodate variability, there is growing evidence that changes in drought, storm and flood extremes are increasing exposure of currently vulnerable populations. In many countries in Africa, these pressures are compounded by disruption to institutions and variability in livelihoods and income. The interactions of both rapid and slow onset livelihood disturbance contribute to enduring poverty and slow processes of rural livelihood renewal across a complex landscape. We explore cross-scale dynamics in coping and adaptation response, drawing on qualitative data from a case study in Mozambique. The research characterises the engagements across multiple institutional scales and the types of agents involved, providing insight into emergent conditions for adaptation to climate change in rural economies, The analysis explores local responses to climate shocks, food security and poverty reduction, through informal institutions, forms of livelihood diversification and collective land-use systems that allow reciprocity, flexibility and the ability to buffer shocks. However, the analysis shows that agricultural initiatives have helped to facilitate effective livelihood renewal, through the reorganisation of social institutions and opportunities for communication, innovation and micro-credit. Although there are challenges to mainstreaming adaptation at different scales, this research shows why it is critical to assess how policies can protect conditions for emergence of livelihood transformation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A useful way of summarizing genetic variability among different populations is through estimates of the inbreeding coefficient, F-st. Several recent studies have tried to use the distribution of estimates of F-st from individual genetic loci to detect the effects of natural selection. However, the promise of this approach has yet to be fully realized owing to the pervasive dogma that this distribution is highly dependent on demographic history. Here, I review recent theoretical results that indicate that the distribution of estimates of F-st is generally expected to be robust to the vagaries of demographic history. I suggest that analyses based on it provide a useful first step for identifying candidate genes that might be under selection, and explore the ways in which this information can be used in ecological and evolutionary studies.


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Understanding complex social-ecological systems, and anticipating how they may respond to rapid change, requires an approach that incorporates environmental, social, economic, and policy factors, usually in a context of fragmented data availability. We employed fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) to integrate these factors in the assessment of future wildfire risk in the Chiquitania region, Bolivia. In this region, dealing with wildfires is becoming increasingly challenging due to reinforcing feedbacks between multiple drivers. We conducted semi-structured interviews and constructed different FCMs in focus groups to understand the regional dynamics of wildfire from diverse perspectives. We used FCM modelling to evaluate possible adaptation scenarios in the context of future drier climatic conditions. Scenarios also considered possible failure to respond in time to the emergent risk. This approach proved of great potential to support decision-making for risk management. It helped identify key forcing variables and generate insights into potential risks and trade-offs of different strategies. All scenarios showed increased wildfire risk in the event of more droughts. The ‘Hands-off’ scenario resulted in amplified impacts driven by intensifying trends, affecting particularly the agricultural production. The ‘Fire management’ scenario, which adopted a bottom-up approach to improve controlled burning, showed less trade-offs between wildfire risk reduction and production compared to the ‘Fire suppression’ scenario. Findings highlighted the importance of considering strategies that involve all actors who use fire, and the need to nest these strategies for a more systemic approach to manage wildfire risk. The FCM model could be used as a decision-support tool and serve as a ‘boundary object’ to facilitate collaboration and integration of different forms of knowledge and perceptions of fire in the region. This approach has also the potential to support decisions in other dynamic frontier landscapes around the world that are facing increased risk of large wildfires.


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We investigated the evolution of anuran locomotor performance and its morphological correlates as a function of habitat use and lifestyles. We reanalysed a subset of the data reported by Zug (Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 1978; 276: 1-31) employing phylogenetically explicit statistical methods (n = 56 species), and assembled morphological data on the ratio between hind-limb length and snout-vent length (SVL) from the literature and museum specimens for a large subgroup of the species from the original paper (n = 43 species). Analyses using independent contrasts revealed that classifying anurans into terrestrial, semi-aquatic, and arboreal categories cannot distinguish between the effects of phylogeny and ecological diversification in anuran locomotor performance. However, a more refined classification subdividing terrestrial species into `fossorials` and `non-fossorials`, and arboreal species into `open canopy`, `low canopy` and `high canopy`, suggests that part of the variation in locomotor performance and in hind-limb morphology can be attributed to ecological diversification. In particular, fossorial species had significantly lower jumping performances and shorter hind limbs than other species after controlling for SVL, illustrating how the trade-off between burrowing efficiency and jumping performance has resulted in morphological specialization in this group.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences are;directly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can play a major role in this process,;because selective mating is often mediated by sexual signals: bright colours, complex song, pheromone blends and so on. When;divergent sensory adaptation affects the perception of such signals, mating patterns may change as an immediate consequence.;Alternatively, mating preferences can diverge as a result of indirect effects: assortative mating may be promoted by selection;against intermediate phenotypes that are maladapted to their (sensory) environment. For Lake Victoria cichlids, the visual environment;constitutes an important selective force that is heterogeneous across geographical and water depth gradients. We investigate;the direct and indirect effects of this heterogeneity on the evolution of female preferences for alternative male nuptial colours;(red and blue) in the genus Pundamilia. Here, we review the current evidence for divergent sensory drive in this system, extract;general principles, and discuss future perspectives