945 resultados para eco-physiological processes


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Cell migration is fundamental to many different physiological processes including embryonic development, inflammation and wound healing. Given the range and importance cell migration plays a number of assays have been developed to measure different aspects of cell migration. Here we describe two different methods to analyze cell migration. The first method analyzes the migration of fluorescently tagged cells using Boyden chambers and FACs and the second looks at migration properties using time-lapse microscopy.


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Why do some people remain lean while others are susceptible to obesity, and why do obese individuals vary in their successes in losing weight? Despite physiological processes that promote satiety and satiation, some individuals are more susceptible to overeating. While the phenomena of susceptibility to weight gain, resistance to treatment or weight loss, and individual variability are not novel, they have yet to be exploited and systematically examined to better understand how to characterise phenotypes of obesity. The identification and characterisation of distinct phenotypes not only highlight the heterogeneous nature of obesity but may also help to inform the development of more tailored strategies for the treatment and prevention of obesity. This review examines the evidence for different susceptible phenotypes of obesity that are characterised by risk factors associated with the hedonic and homeostatic systems of appetite control.


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Ovarian cancer, in particular epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), is commonly diagnosed when the tumor has metastasized into the abdominal cavity with an accumulation of ascites fluid. Combining histopathology and genetic variations, EOC can be sub-grouped into Type-I and Type-II tumors, of which the latter are more aggressive and metastatic. Metastasis and chemoresistance are the key events associated with the tumor microenvironment that lead to a poor patient outcome. Kallikrein-related peptidases (KLKs) are aberrantly expressed in EOC, in particular, in the more metastatic Type-II tumors. KLKs are a family of 15 serine proteases that are expressed in diverse human tissues and involved in various patho-physiological processes. As extracellular enzymes, KLKs function in the hydrolysis of growth factors, proteases, cell membrane bound receptors, adhesion proteins, and cytokines initiating intracellular signaling pathways and their downstream events. High KLK levels are differentially associated with the prognosis of ovarian cancer patients, suggesting that they not only have application as biomarkers but also function in disease progression, and therefore are potential therapeutic targets. Recent studies have demonstrated the function of these proteases in promoting and/or suppressing the invasive behavior of ovarian cancer cells in metastasis in vitro and in vivo. Both conventional cell culture methods and three-dimensional platforms have been applied to mimic the ovarian cancer microenvironment of patients, such as the solid stromal matrix and ascites fluid. Here we summarize published studies to provide an overview of our understanding of the role of KLKs in EOC, and to lay the foundation for future research directions.


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Spreading cell fronts play an essential role in many physiological processes. Classically, models of this process are based on the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation; however, such continuum representations are not always suitable as they do not explicitly represent behaviour at the level of individual cells. Additionally, many models examine only the large time asymptotic behaviour, where a travelling wave front with a constant speed has been established. Many experiments, such as a scratch assay, never display this asymptotic behaviour, and in these cases the transient behaviour must be taken into account. We examine the transient and asymptotic behaviour of moving cell fronts using techniques that go beyond the continuum approximation via a volume-excluding birth-migration process on a regular one-dimensional lattice. We approximate the averaged discrete results using three methods: (i) mean-field, (ii) pair-wise, and (iii) one-hole approximations. We discuss the performace of these methods, in comparison to the averaged discrete results, for a range of parameter space, examining both the transient and asymptotic behaviours. The one-hole approximation, based on techniques from statistical physics, is not capable of predicting transient behaviour but provides excellent agreement with the asymptotic behaviour of the averaged discrete results, provided that cells are proliferating fast enough relative to their rate of migration. The mean-field and pair-wise approximations give indistinguishable asymptotic results, which agree with the averaged discrete results when cells are migrating much more rapidly than they are proliferating. The pair-wise approximation performs better in the transient region than does the mean-field, despite having the same asymptotic behaviour. Our results show that each approximation only works in specific situations, thus we must be careful to use a suitable approximation for a given system, otherwise inaccurate predictions could be made.


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Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are a relatively recently defined class of proteins which, under native conditions, lack a unique tertiary structure whilst maintaining essential biological functions. Functional classification of IDPs have implicated such proteins as being involved in various physiological processes including transcription and translation regulation, signal transduction and protein modification. Actinidia DRM1 (Ade DORMANCY ASSOCIATED GENE 1), represents a robust dormancy marker whose mRNA transcript expression exhibits a strong inverse correlation with the onset of growth following periods of physiological dormancy. Bioinformatic analyses suggest that DRM1 is plant specific and highly conserved at both the nucleotide and protein levels. It is predicted to be an intrinsically disordered protein with two distinct highly conserved domains. Several Actinidia DRM1 homologues, which align into two distinct Actinidia-specific families, Type I and Type II, have been identified. No candidates for the Arabidopsis DRM1-Homologue (AtDRM2) an additional family member, has been identified in Actinidia.


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Many data have emerged in support of the concept that the promotion of a migratory phenotype in epithelial cells is the result of an EMT, which leads to the loss of differentiation and to the acquisition of several mesenchymal features. Such an event is likely to occur during the metastatic conversion enabling the metastatic cell to invade the connective tissue and disseminate. Even though it cannot be excluded that some cancer cells might constitutively express a metastatic phenotype, the EMT implicated in the tumor progression process would rather be transient, induced in certain cells of the primary tumor by different factors, and reversed when the cells settle down in secondary organs (as schematically represented in Figure 1). However, it is clear that the phenotype that would emerge from the EMT occurring during tumor progression would also be modulated by the genetic background of the cells and must be to some extent different than the ones observed in normal physiological processes, and must also vary from one tumor to another.


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The effects of a range of different sublethal salinities were assessed on physiological processes and growth performance in the freshwater ‘tra’ catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) juveniles over an 8-week experiment. Fish were distributed randomly among 6 salinity treatments [2, 6, 10, 14 and 18 g/L of salinity and a control (0 g/L)] with a subsequent 13-day period of acclimation. Low salinity conditions from 2 to 10 g/L provided optimal conditions with high survival and good growth performance, while 0 g/L and salinities[14 g/L gave poorer survival rates (p\0.05). Salinity levels from freshwater to 10 g/L did not have any negative effects on fish weight gain, daily weight gain, or specific growth rate. Food conversion ratio, however, was lowest in the control treatment (p\0.05) and highest at the maximum salinities tested (18 g/L treatment). Cortisol levels were elevated in the 14 and 18 g/L treatments after 6 h and reached a peak after 24-h exposure, and this also led to increases in plasma glucose concentration. After 14 days, surviving fish in all treatments appeared to have acclimated to their respective conditions with cortisol levels remaining under 5 ng/ mL with glucose concentrations stable. Tra catfish do not appear to be efficient osmoregulators when salinity levels exceed 10 g/L, and at raised salinity levels, growth performance is compromised. In general, results of this study confirm that providing culture environments in the Mekong River Basin do not exceed 10 g/L salinity and that cultured tra catfish can continue to perform well.


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Seeking new biomarkers for epithelial ovarian cancer, the fifth most common cause of death from all cancers in women and the leading cause of death from gynaecological malignancies, we performed a meta-analysis of three independent studies and compared the results in regard to clinicopathological parameters. This analysis revealed that GAS6 was highly expressed in ovarian cancer and therefore was selected as our candidate of choice. GAS6 encodes a secreted protein involved in physiological processes including cell proliferation, chemotaxis, and cell survival. We performed immunohistochemistry on various ovarian cancer tissues and found that GAS6 expression was elevated in tumour tissue samples compared to healthy control samples (P < 0.0001). In addition, GAS6 expression was also higher in tumours from patients with residual disease compared to those without. Our data propose GAS6 as an independent predictor of poor survival, suggesting GAS6, both on the mRNA and on the protein level, as a potential biomarker for ovarian cancer. In clinical practice, the staining of a tumour biopsy for GAS6 may be useful to assess cancer prognosis and/or to monitor disease progression.


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Changes in water quality parameters such as pH and salinity can have a significant effect on productivity of aquaculture species. Similarly, relative osmotic pressure influences various physiological processes and regulates expression of a number of osmoregulatory genes. Among those, carbonic anhydrase (CA) plays a key role in systemic acid–base balance and ion regulation. Redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) are unique in their ability to thrive in environments with naturally varied pH levels, suggesting unique adaptation to pH stress. To date, however, no studies have focused on identification and characterisation of CA or other osmoregulatory genes in C. quadricarinatus. Here, we analysed the redclaw gill transcriptome and characterized CA genes along with a number of other key osmoregulatory genes that were identified in the transcriptome. We also examined patterns of gene expression of these CA genes when exposed to three pH treatments. In total, 72,382,710 paired end Illumina reads were assembled into 36,128 contigs with an average length of 800 bp. Approximately 37% of contigs received significant BLAST hits and 22% were assigned gene ontology terms. Three full length CA isoforms; cytoplasmic CA (ChqCAc), glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-linked CA (ChqCAg), and β-CA (ChqCA-beta) as well as two partial CA gene sequences were identified. Both partial CA genes showed high similarity to ChqCAg and appeared to be duplicated from the ChqCAg. Full length coding sequences of Na+/K+-ATPase, V-type H+-ATPase, sarcoplasmic Ca+-ATPase, arginine kinase, calreticulin and Cl− channel protein 2 were also identified. Only the ChqCAc gene showed significant differences in expression across the three pH treatments. These data provide valuable information on the gill expressed CA genes and their expression patterns in freshwater crayfish. Overall our data suggest an important role for the ChqCAc gene in response to changes in pH and in systemic acid–base balance in freshwater crayfish.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to explore whether there is a relationship between the degree of MR-defined inflammation using ultra small super-paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) particles, and biomechanical stress using finite element analysis (FEA) techniques, in carotid atheromatous plaques. Methods and Results: 18 patients with angiographically proven carotid stenoses underwent multi-sequence MR imaging before and 36 h after USPIO infusion. T2 * weighted images were manually segmented into quadrants and the signal change in each quadrant normalised to adjacent muscle was calculated after USPIO administration. Plaque geometry was obtained from the rest of the multi-sequence dataset and used within a FEA model to predict maximal stress concentration within each slice. Subsequently, a new statistical model was developed to explicitly investigate the form of the relationship between biomechanical stress and signal change. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for USPIO enhanced signal change and maximal biomechanical stress was -0.60 (p = 0.009). Conclusions: There is an association between biomechanical stress and USPIO enhanced MR-defined inflammation within carotid atheroma, both known risk factors for plaque vulnerability. This underlines the complex interaction between physiological processes and biomechanical mechanisms in the development of carotid atheroma. However, this is preliminary data that will need validation in a larger cohort of patients.


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In coastal waters and estuaries, seagrass meadows are often subject to light deprivation over short time scales (days to weeks) in response to increased turbidity from anthropogenic disturbances. Seagrasses may exhibit negative physiological responses to light deprivation and suffer stress, or tolerate such stresses through photo-adaptation of physiological processes allowing more efficient use of low light. Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometery has been used to rapidly assess changes in photosynthetic responses along in situ gradients in light. In this study, however, light is experimentally manipulated in the field to examine the photosynthesis of Halophila ovalis and Zostera capricorni. We aimed to evaluate the tolerance of these seagrasses to short-term light reductions. The seagrasses were subject to four light treatments, 0, 5, 60, and 90% shading, for a period of 14 days. In both species, as shading increased the photosynthetic variables significantly (P < 0.05) decreased by up to 40% for maximum electron transport rates (ETRmax) and 70% for saturating irradiances (Ek). Photosynthetic efficiencies (a) and effective quantum yields (ΔF/Fm′ ) increased significantly (P < 0.05), in both species, for 90% shaded plants compared with 0% shaded plants. H. ovalis was more sensitive to 90% shading than Z. capricorni, showing greater reductions in ETR max, indicative of a reduced photosynthetic capacity. An increase in Ek, Fm′ and ΔF/Fm′ for H. ovalis and Z. capricorni under 90% shading suggested an increase in photochemical efficiency and a more efficient use of low-photon flux, consistent with photo-acclimation to shading. Similar responses were found along a depth gradient from 0 to10 m, where depth related changes in ETRmax and Ek in H. ovalis implied a strong difference of irradiance history between depths of 0 and 5-10 m. The results suggest that H. ovalis is more vulnerable to light deprivation than Z. capricorni and that H. ovalis, at depths of 5-10 m, would be more vulnerable to light deprivation than intertidal populations. Both species showed a strong degree of photo-adaptation to light manipulation that may enable them to tolerate and adapt to short-term reductions in light. These consistent responses to changes in light suggest that photosynthetic variables can be used to rapidly assess the status of seagrasses when subjected to sudden and prolonged periods of reduced light


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The main research problem of this study was to explain how and why background music is used in Finnish department stores and how it is related to their marketing. The problem was investigated through the opinions, attitudes, and conceptions of the managers of Anttila, Sokos and Stockmann department stores. The data of study (N = 31) constituted of a www-survey to which the managers were asked to answer. In the first chapter of the study s theoretical section, the relationship between background music and an enterprise was examined. It was found that background music can serve as an aid in seeking competitive advantage. In the second chapter, the service encounter s environment and atmosphere in relation to marketing was examined and it was found that they are a part of customer s product or service experience. In the third chapter, the interaction process between service encounter atmosphere and consumer behaviour was examined and the essential finding was that atmospheric stimuli affects an individual through emotional, cognitive, and physiological processes, in which individual s personal characteristics are also in a great role. In the fourth chapter, the significance of background music s musical features was examined but the research results were found so contradictory that only the complexity of the studied phenomenon became clear. Findings from the study s empirical section showed that all examined department stores play background music and the usage of music is chain-controlled. The respondents considered background music in department stores as a fundamental element and they understood its significance in enterprise s marketing. The respondents also believed that customers consider background music important and pleasant. Respondents views on background music s effects to purchasing behaviour divided opinions more, but the majority however believed that background music has effects to purchasing behaviour. The main conclusion of the study was that background music is an important marketing tool, at least in a department store type service encounter.


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Since 1989, researchers with the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) in Queensland, Australia, have successfully used controlled low-water exchange green-water cultures to rear the larvae of estuarine fishes and crustaceans through to metamorphosis. High survivals and excellent fry condition have been achieved for several commercially important endemic species produced for various projects. They include barramundi or sea bass, Lates calcarifer, Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata, dusky flathead, Platycephalus fuscus, sand whiting, Sillago ciliata, red sea bream or snapper, Pagrus auratus, banana prawn, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis, and others. The consistent success of our standardised and relatively simple approach at different localities has led to it being incorporated into general fingerling production practices at several establishments in Australia. Although post-metamorphosis rearing methods have differed for each species investigated, due to various biological and behavioural traits and project requirements, these larval rearing methods have been successful with few species-specific modifications. Initially modelled on the Taiwanese approach to rearing Penaeids in aerated low-water exchange cultures, the approach similarly appears to rely on a beneficial assemblage of micro-organisms. Conceptually, these micro-organisms may include a mixture of the air-borne primary invaders of pure phytoplankton cultures when exposed to outdoor conditions. Whilst this would vary with different sites, our experiences with these methods have consistently been favourable. Mass microalgal cultures with eco-physiological youth are used to regularly augment larval fish cultures so that rearing conditions simulate an exponential growth-phase microalgal bloom. Moderate to heavy aeration prevents settlement of particulate matter and encourages aerobic bacterial decomposition of wastes. The green-water larval rearing approach described herein has demonstrated high practical utility in research and commercial applications, and has greatly simplified marine finfish hatchery operations whilst generally lifting production capacities for metamorphosed fry in Australia. Its potential uses in areas of aquaculture other than larviculture are also discussed.


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Whilst the topic of soil salinity has received a substantive research effort over the years, the accurate measurement and interpretation of salinity tolerance data remain problematic. The tolerance of four perennial grass species (non-halophytes) to sodium chloride (NaCl) dominated salinity was determined in a free-flowing sand culture system. Although the salinity tolerance of non-halophytes is often represented by the threshold salinity model (bent-stick model), none of the species in the current study displayed any observable salinity threshold. Further, the observed yield decrease was not linear as suggested by the model. On re-examination of earlier datasets, we conclude that the threshold salinity model does not adequately describe the physiological processes limiting growth of non-halophytes in saline soils. Therefore, the use of the threshold salinity model is not recommended for non-halophytes, but rather, a model which more accurately reflects the physiological response observed in these saline soils, such as an exponential regression curve.


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Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) metabolizes catecholamines such as dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline, which are vital neurotransmitters and hormones that play important roles in the regulation of physiological processes. COMT enzyme has a functional Val158Met polymorphism in humans, which affects the subjects COMT activity. Increasing evidence suggests that this functional polymorphism may play a role in the etiology of various diseases from schizophrenia to cancers. The aim of this project was to provide novel biochemical information on the physiological and especially pathophysiological roles of COMT enzyme as well as the effects of COMT inhibition in the brain and in the cardiovascular and renal system. To assess the roles of COMT and COMT inhibition in pathophysiology, we used four different study designs. The possible beneficial effects of COMT inhibition were studied in double-transgenic rats (dTGRs) harbouring human angiotensinogen and renin genes. Due to angiotensin II (Ang II) overexpression, these animals exhibit severe hypetension, cardiovascular and renal end-organ damage and mortality of approximately 25-40% at the age of 7-weeks. The dTGRs and their Sprague-Dawley controls tissue samples were assessed with light microscopy, immunohistochemistry, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) to evaluate the tissue damages and the possible protective effects pharmacological intervention with COMT inhibitors. In a second study, the consequence of genetic and pharmacological COMT blockade in blood pressure regulation during normal and high-sodium was elucidated using COMT-deficient mice. The blood pressure and the heart rate were measured using direct radiotelemetric blood pressure surveillance. In a third study, the effects of acute and subchronic COMT inhibition during combined levodopa (L-DOPA) + dopa decarboxylase inhibitor treatment in homocysteine formation was evaluated. Finally, we assessed the COMT enzyme expression, activity and cellular localization in the CNS during inflammation-induced neurodegeneration using Western blotting, HPLC and various enzymatic assays. The effects of pharmacological COMT inhibition on neurodegeneration were also studied. The COMT inhibitor entacapone protected against the Ang II-induced perivascular inflammation, renal damage and cardiovascular mortality in dTGRs. COMT inhibitors reduced the albuminuria by 85% and prevented the cardiovascular mortality completely. Entacapone treatment was shown to ameliorate oxidative stress and inflammation. Furthermore, we established that the genetic and pharmacological COMT enzyme blockade protects against the blood pressure-elevating effects of high sodium intake in mice. These effects were mediated via enhanced renal dopaminergic tone and suggest an important role of COMT enzyme, especially in salt-sensitive hypertension. Entacapone also ameliorated the L-DOPA-induced hyperhomocysteinemia in rats. This is important, since decreased homocysteine levels may decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases in Parkinson´s disease (PD) patients using L-DOPA. The Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation and subsequent delayed dopaminergic neurodegeneration were accompanied by up-regulation of COMT expression and activity in microglial cells as well as in perivascular cells. Interestingly, similar perivascular up-regulation of COMT expression in inflamed renal tissue was previously noted in dTGRs. These results suggest that inflammation reactions may up-regulate COMT expression. Furthermore, this increased glial and perivascular COMT activity in the central nervous system (CNS) may decrease the bioavailability of L-DOPA and be related to the motor fluctuation noted during L-DOPA therapy in PD patients.