187 resultados para eMic


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The Immigration Museum Melbourne, Australia, launched the Identity: Yours, Mine, Ours exhibition in 2011. Aimed primarily at secondary school students, this long-term installation seeks to foster reflection on identity and belonging, as well as dialogue about racism, through an interactive, immersive museum experience. This paper describes a multi-method research project, which included narrative interviews, focus groups and video diaries with 47 Year 11–12 students from three secondary schools in Victoria, Australia, and discusses each method's contribution to an overall empirical understanding of the installation's impact on students' experiences. Emerging findings suggest the ways in which the exhibition space supports students to encounter and engage with individual stories and experiences, thus moving beyond an abstract tolerance of cultural diversity by unsettling the self and destabilising stereotyped and prejudiced interpretations of the ‘other’. The paper concludes by discussing the potential for triangulated qualitative approaches to provide rich emic perspectives on multi-sensory exhibitions.


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O consumo como espiritualidade de acordo com Holbrook (1999) e o consumo do luxo de acordo com Alléres (2000) foram os temas iniciais usados neste trabalho como forma de buscar conhecer o que o consumidor tem a dizer a respeito de suas experiências de compras especiais e marcantes. A partir da Taxonomia do Valor de Consumo de Holbrook (1999), este trabalho procurou responder à seguinte pergunta: como a narrativa do mito descreve o consumo enquanto eSpiritualidade? Nas entrevistas realizadas foi usada uma abordagem interpretativa onde os informantes pudessem fazer emergir livremente suas considerações sobre o assunto. Pelos dados levantados, a narrativa do mito parece ser usada como metáfora para descrever o consumo como espiritual idade. As categorias êmicas encontradas sugerem um direcionamento para os esforços de marketing de quem pretende proporcionar uma experiência relevante ao consumidor, principalmente a partir de uma perspectiva metafórica.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da imersão no desinfetante a base de ácido peracético 0,2% (STERILIFE, Lifemed Produtos Médicos Comércio Ltda, São Paulo, SP) sobre as propriedades de resistência flexural, sorção e solubilidade do compósito odontológico BelleGlass HP (Kerr, Orange, USA). Para cada ensaio foram confeccionados dez corpos de prova do compósito, utilizando-se as matrizes determinadas pela especificação no 4049 da International Organization for Standardization (ISO), sendo cinco submetidos a três imersões no desinfetante durante 10 minutos, intercaladas por 10 minutos em água destilada estéril e os outros cinco serviram como grupo controle. Para o ensaio de resistência flexural, após os corpos de prova ficarem imersos em água a 37° C, por 24 horas, foram levados à Máquina de Ensaio Universal DL 2000 (EMIC, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil). A norma ISO n0 4049 exige uma resistência flexural mínima de 100 MPa. Para os ensaios de sorção e solubilidade os corpos de prova foram submetidos a ciclos a 37 C em um dessecador por 22 horas e, 2 horas em um segundo dessecador, a 23C, até a obtenção de uma massa constante (m1). Após 7 dias em banho de água a 37 C, procedeu-se à avaliação da massa do corpo de prova hidratado (m2). Posteriormente as amostras retornaram para o primeiro dessecador e todo o ciclo foi repetido até encontrar-se a terceira massa (m3) recondicionada. A norma ISO n0 4049 exige valores menores ou iguais a 40 g/mm3 e 7,5g/mm3 para a aprovação, em relação à sorção e solubilidade. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que as propriedades de resistência flexural, sorção e solubilidade do compósito BelleGlass HP de todos os corpos de prova dos grupos experimental e controle atenderam às exigências da especificação. Portanto pode se prever que o procedimento da imersão neste desinfetante não trará prejuízo às restaurações indiretas do compósito considerando as propriedades avaliadas.


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Objetivo: Trabalho realizado em ratos com o objetivo de estudar o efeito do Fator de Crescimento de Fibroblastos básico (FCFb) na cicatrização da aponeurose abdominal. Métodos: Foram usados 20 ratos Wistar separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos iguais. Os animais foram anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico na dose de 20 mg/Kg por via intraperitoneal e submetidos a laparotomia mediana de 4 cm, cuja camada aponeurótica foi suturada com mononylon 5-0. No grupo I foi aplicada a dose de 5mg de FCFb sobre a sutura da aponeurose. No grupo II (controle) foi aplicada solução salina 0,9% sobre a linha se sutura. Após observação por 7 dias os animais foram mortos com superdose de anestésico. A camada aponeurótica com 1,5 cm de largura foi submetida a teste de resistência à tensão empregando a Máquina de Ensaios EMIC MF500. Biópsias das zonas de sutura foram processadas e coradas com HE e o tricômico de Masson. Os achados histopatológicos foram quantificados através de sistema digital (Image pro-plus) de captura e processamento de imagens. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste T com significância 0,05. Resultados: Nos animais do grupo I (experimental) a zona de sutura da camada aponeurótica suportou a carga de 1.103±103,39gf. A quantificação dos dados histopatológicos desse grupo atingiu a densidade média 226±29,32. No grupo II (controle) a carga suportada pela zona de sutura foi de 791,1±92,77 gf. Quando foram comparadas as médias das resistências à tensão dos dois grupos, observou-se uma diferença significante (p<0,01). O exame histopatológico das lâminas desse grupo relevou densidade média 114,1±17,01, correspondendo a uma diferença significante quando comparadas as médias dos dois grupos (p<0,01). Conclusão: Os dados permitem concluir que o FCFb contribuiu para aumentar a resistência da aponeurose suturada e para melhorar os parâmetros histopatológicos da cicatrização.


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Realizaram-se testes físico-mecânicos e físico-químicos em couro de tilápia vermelha (Oreochromis spp.) a fim de testar a sua resistência. As amostras foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com dois tratamentos: no T1, procedeu-se à retirada do corpo-de-prova no sentido longitudinal e, no T2, à retirada do corpo-de-prova no sentido transversal. Para os testes de determinação da resistência à tração, alongamento e rasgamento progressivo, foi utilizado o dinamômetro EMIC, com velocidade de afastamento entre as cargas de 100 ± 20mm/min, em ambiente climatizado (± 23ºC e UR do ar de 50%), por 24 horas. A espessura do couro variou de 0,61 a 0,75mm, mas não houve diferença entre os sentidos analisados. O couro apresentou maior resistência à tração no sentido transversal, 25,89N/mm², (P<0,01), comparado ao sentido longitudinal, 14,20 N/mm². O alongamento foi significativamente (P<0,05) maior no sentido longitudinal, 80,8%, em relação ao transversal, 62,6%. Não houve diferença para o rasgamento progressivo entre os tratamentos. O couro apresentou teor de óxido de cromo de 3,8%, graxa de 15,1% e pH e cifra diferencial de 3,5 e 0,5, respectivamente. Os valores nos testes de resistência e físico-químicos apresentados pelo couro indicam que ele pode ser utilizado para a confecção de vestuário e artefatos de couro em geral.


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Um estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do método de remoção da pele do filé (com alicate e com máquina) e da técnica de curtimento (com ou sem sais de cromo, bioleather) sobre a resistência da pele de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foram retiradas as peles de 40 tilápias (450 g), 20 com uso de alicates e 20 com auxílio de máquina. Após o curtimento e a retirada dos corpos-de-prova, as peles foram encaminhadas a um laboratório aclimatizado (23ºC e 50% de umidade relativa do ar) para realização dos testes de resistência em dinamômetro EMIC, com velocidade de afastamento entre cargas de 100 ± 20 mm/mm. O método de retirada da pele do filé não afetou os resultados dos testes de tração e rasgamento progressivo. A pele retirada com a máquina apresentou elongação superior (88,48%) à removida com alicate (71,09%). Peles curtidas com sais de cromo (25,54 N/mm; 12,18 N/mm²) foram mais resistentes que as curtidas sem sais de cromo (bioleather) (13,11 N/mm; 9,89 N/mm²). Peles curtidas por estas técnicas (com cromo e bioleather) podem ser utilizadas na confecção de vestuários, pois as médias dos testes de tração, alongamento e rasgamento progressivo foram superiores a 9,80 N/mm², 60% e 14,72 N/mm, respectivamente, valores mínimos recomendados para couros curtidos ao cromo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to assess the behavior and stress distribution of 3 retention systems associated with implant for facial prosthesis by using the photoelasticity method. A photoelastic model was made from the replica of the orbital region on the left side of a dry skull with two 4-mm implants fixed in the superior orbital region. Three facial prosthetic retention systems were made for this study: O'ring, bar-clip, and magnets. The set (model/retention systems/prosthesis) was placed in a polariscope, and then traction began to be applied to the retention systems. The limit values for removal of the retention system were obtained by tests performed in an EMIC Universal test machine. The results were obtained by observation during the experiments and by photographic record of the stress behavior in the photoelastic model, resulting from the traction of the retention systems. In the magnet system, a lowest formation of fringes was verified both around and between the implants; in the O'ring system, the formation of photoelastic fringes was noted between the implants in the apical region; and in the bar-clip system, there was a greater concentration of colored fringes in the regions between the implants and cervical area. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the retention systems produced different stress distribution characteristics that, in general, were concentrated in the area around the implants, and the highest concentration of fringes, in increasing order, occurred ill the retention systems of the magnets, O'ring, and bar-clip.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution of platform switching implants using a photoelastic method. Three models were constructed of the photoelastic resin PL-2, with a single implant and a screw-retained implant-supported prosthesis. These models were Model A, platform 5.0 mm/abutment 4.1 mm; Model B, platform 4.1 mm/abutment 4.1 mm; and Model C, platform 5.00 mm/abutment 5.00 mm. Axial and oblique (45 degrees) loads of 100 N were applied using a Universal Testing Machine (EMIC DL 3000). Images were photographed with a digital camera and visualized with software (AdobePhotoshop) to facilitate the qualitative analysis. The highest stress concentrations were observed at the apical third of the 3 models. With the oblique load, the highest stress concentrations were located at the implant apex, opposite the load application. Stress concentrations decreased in the cervical region of Model A (platform switching), and Models A (platform switching) and C (conventional/wide-diameter) displayed similar stress magnitudes. Finally, Model B (conventional/regular diameter) displayed the highest stress concentrations of the models tested.


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Objectives: To compare the fracture resistance of bovine teeth after intracoronal bleaching with sodium percarbonate (SPC) or sodium perborate (SP) mixed with water or 20% hydrogen peroxide (HP). Materials and methods: Fifty extracted bovine teeth were divided into four experimental groups (G1G4) and one control (n = 10) after endodontic treatment. Following root canal obturation, a glass ionomer barrier was placed at the cementoenamel junction. After that, the pulp chambers were filled with: G1 SP with water; G2 SP with 20% HP; G3 SPC with water; and G4 SPC with 20% HP. No bleaching agent was used in the control group. Coronal access cavities were sealed with glass ionomer and specimens were immersed in artificial saliva. The bleaching agents were replaced after 7 days, and teeth were kept in artificial saliva for an additional 7 days, after which the pastes were removed and the coronal access cavities were restored with glass ionomer. Crowns were subjected to compressive load at a cross head speed of 0.5 mm min-1 applied at 135 degrees to the long axis of the root by an EMIC DL2000 testing machine, until coronal fracture. Data were statistically analysed by anova and Tukey test. Results: No differences in fracture resistance were observed between the experimental groups (P > 0.05). However, all experimental groups presented lower fracture resistance than the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: SPC and SP led to equal reduction on fracture resistance of dental crowns, regardless of being mixed with water or 20% HP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose: This study evaluated the bond strength of two etch-and-rinse adhesive systems (two- and three-step) and a self-etching system to Coronal and root canal dentin.Materials and Methods: The root canals of 30 human incisors and canines were instrumented and prepared with burs. The posts used for luting were duplicated with dual resin cement (Duo-link) inside Aestheti Plus #2 molds. Thus, three groups were formed (n = 10) according to the adhesive system employed: All-Bond 2 (TE3) + resin cement post (rcp) + Duo-link (DI); One-Step Plus (TE2) + rcp + DI; Tyrian/One-Step Plus (SE) + rcp + DI. Afterwards, 8 transverse sections (1.5 mm) were cut from 4 mm above the CEJ up to 4 mm short of the root canal apex, comprising coronal and root canal dentin. The sections were submitted to push-out testing in a universal testing machine EMIC (1 mm/min). Bond strength data were analyzed with two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05).Results: The relationship between the adhesives was not the same in the different regions (p < 0.05). Comparison of the means achieved with the adhesives in each region (Tukey; p < 0.05) revealed that TE3 (mean standard deviation: 5.22 +/- 1.70) was higher than TE2 (2.60 +/- 1.74) and SE (1.68 +/- 1.85).Conclusion: Under the experimental conditions, better bonding to dentin was achieved using the three-step etch-and-rinse system, especially in the coronal region. Therefore, the traditional etch-and-rinse three-step adhesive system seems to be the best choice for teeth needing adhesive endodontic restorations.


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Purpose: To evaluate the bond strength of indirect restorations to dentin using self-adhesive cements with and without the application of adhesive systems.Material and Methods: Seventy-two bovine incisors were used, in which the buccal surfaces were ground down to expose an area of dentin measuring a minimum of 4 x 4 mm. The indirect resin composite Resilab was used to make 72 blocks, which were cemented onto the dentin surface of the teeth and divided into 4 groups (n = 18): group 1: self-adhesive resin cement BiFix SE, applied according to manufacturer's recommendations; group 2: self-adhesive resin cement RelyX Unicem, used according to manufacturer's recommendations; group 3: etch-and-rinse Solobond M adhesive system + BiFix SE; group 4: etch-and-rinse Single Bond 2 adhesive system + RelyX Unicem. The specimens were sectioned into sticks and subjected to microtensile testing in a universal testing machine (EMIC DL-200MF). Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%).Results: The mean values (+/- standard deviation) obtained for the groups were: group 1: 15.28 (+/- 8.17)(a), group 2: 14.60 (+/- 5.21)(a), group 3: 39.20 (+/- 9.98)(c), group 4: 27.59 (+/- 6.57)(b). Different letters indicate significant differences (ANOVA; p = 0.0000).Conclusion: The application of adhesive systems before self-adhesive cements significantly increased the bond strength to dentin. In group 2, RelyX Unicem associated with the adhesive system Single Bond 2 showed significantly lower mean tensile bond strengths than group 3 (BiFix SE associated with the etch-and-rinse Solobond M adhesive system).


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Purpose: To evaluate the cohesive strength between composite and different light-curing characterizing materials (LCCM), which were prepared using the intrinsic technique.Materials and Methods: One hundred composite specimens were made by using a prefabricated Teflon device, and a layer of LCCM was applied at the interface. The specimens were divided into 5 groups (n = 20): group 1 (control), no LCCM was used; group 2: application of White Kolor Plus Pigment (Kerr) LCCM; group 3: White Tetric Color Pigment (Ivoclar/Vivadent) LCCM; group 4: Brown Kolor Plus Pigment (Kerr) LCCM; group 5: Black Tetric Color Pigment (Ivoclar/Vivadent) LCCM. All materials were used according to the manufacturers' instructions. Specimens were submitted to a tensile test in a universal testing machine (EMIC DL-200MF) to evaluate the cohesive strength at the composite interface. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%).Results: ANOVA showed a p-value = 0.0001, indicating that there were significant differences among the groups. The mean values in MPa (+/- standard deviation) obtained for the groups were: G1: 28.5 (+/-2.74)a; G2: 23.5 (+/-2.47)b; G3: 20.3 (+/-2.49)b; G4: 10.5 (+/-2.40)c; G5: 9.66 (+/-3.06)c. The groups with the same letters presented no significant differences. The control group presented statistically significantly higher cohesive strengths when compared to the other groups. The groups in which Brown Kolor Plus Pigment and Black Tetric Color Pigment LCCM were used showed significantly lower cohesive strengths when compared to the groups in which White Kolor Plus Pigment and White Tetric Color Pigment LCMM were used.Conclusion: The use of LCCM produced with the intrinsic technique reduced the cohesive strength of composite.