814 resultados para due legal process


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The financial crisis of 2007-2009, has precipitated large scale regulatory change. Financial organizations are faced with implementing new regulations of considerable breadth and depth. Firms are faced with engaging in complex and costly change management programs at a time when profits are diminished. Furthermore, investors are becoming increasingly focused on compliance are seeking to ensure that organizations can demonstrate robust compliance practices as part of their due diligence process .The role of IS in underpinning stable, is paramount. IS allows the stable and consistent controls for meeting regulations in order to ensure long term effective compliance. Consequently, our study explores the IS capabilities which support the post crisis regulatory landscape. We identify eight key capabilities: Managing Internal Controls, Measuring Monitoring and Reporting Transactions, IS Development and Procurement, Managing Third Parties, Sharing and Selecting Best Practice, IS Leadership, Data Management and Enabling Cultural Change.


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Purpose – Corporate Occupiers require offices and services which meet their business needs, whilst landlords must attract and retain occupiers in order to maximise occupancy and rental income. The purpose of this research is to help landlords and corporate occupiers understand each other better, in order to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship. Design/methodology/approach - This paper analyses interviews with 1334 office tenants in the UK, conducted over an 11-year period, to investigate determinants of occupier satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy. Structural equation modelling and regressions are performed using respondents’ ratings of satisfaction with many aspects of occupancy as explanatory variables. The dependent variables include satisfaction with property management, value for money, overall occupier satisfaction, lease renewal intentions and occupiers’ willingness to recommend their landlord. Findings - The aspects with most impact on occupiers’ satisfaction are the office building itself, its location and amenities, and also communication with their property manager, a belief that their business needs are understood and the property manager’s responsiveness to occupiers’ requests. Occupiers’ loyalty depends mainly upon feeling that their rent and service charges provide value for money, an amicable leasing process, the professionalism of their property manager and the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Landlord. ‘Empathy’ is crucial to occupiers’ willingness to recommend their landlord, and clear documentation and efficient legal process improve occupiers’ perception of receiving ‘Value for Money’. Research Limitations - The sample is skewed towards occupiers of prime office buildings in the UK, owned by landlords who care sufficiently about their tenants to commission studies into occupier satisfaction. Practical implications - This research should help to improve the landlord – tenant relationship, benefitting the businesses that rent property and helping building managers understand where to focus their efforts to achieve maximum effect on occupier satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy. Originality/value - There has been little academic research into the determinants of satisfaction of occupiers of UK commercial property. This large-scale study enables the most influential factors to be identified and prioritised.


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The Politics of Indonesia is the only book to provide a complete analysis of Indonesian politics, from the declaration of independence until the election of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in late 2004. The book examines the underlying themes and tensions that affect Indonesian politics, from the dichotomy between the small wealthy elite and the poverty in which most of the population live to the system of corruption and patronage within which the political system and armed forces operate. Analyzing the role and impact of the military, separatism, the media, law, and the economy on Indonesia, this book provides a topical and thought-provoking guide to one of the regions most populous countries, and the largest predominantly Muslim country in the world.


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This paper examines the construction of masculinity in judge’s sentencing remarks across seventeen cases of male perpetrated intimate femicide sentenced between March 2005 and May 2007 in the Victorian Supreme Court. Using a narrative analysis of sentencing transcripts it investigates how ideal understandings of hegemonic masculinity are used in judicial decision making to condemn or sympathise with male offenders of intimate femicide. The findings illustrate the profound influence that traditional understandings of masculinity and fatherhood still have on current sentencing practises despite the current climate of homicide law reform both within Australia and overseas. Whilst this paper did not directly assess the impact of recent homicide law reforms, specifically provocation, it is explicitly concerned with the continued influence of gender norms and bias at the sentencing stage of the legal process. As such, it provides a preliminary illustration of the key role that judges play in advocating or rejecting change within the criminal justice system, and more broadly legitimising attitudes about male violence against women throughout society. In condoning the use of extreme violence, in any context, judges send a message to society that such behaviour is either generally or specifically acceptable and accommodated within a legal framework.


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This paper restricts itself to crimes involving corporate fiduciaries taking bad decisions at the expense of shareholders (corporate governance offenses). The arguments do not apply to fraud as moral wrongfulness exists in that case. To the extent that the actions covered by this paper are blameworthy, I argue that this determination must be disentangled from punishment. Disentanglement of blame from deserts suggests a via-media between criminalization and decriminalization - criminalization without incarceration. Accordingly, the legal process stops at the determination of guilt. The paper advances the criminalization debate because it does not get bogged down in the irreconcilable quarrel about whether corporate governance misbehavior ought to be criminalized for deterrence, retribution, or rehabilitation reasons, and whether it achieves any of these purposes. For these offenses, I argue that whichever theoretical justification underpins the decision to criminalize, imprisonment must not follow conviction. The conviction, despite the lack of incarceration, and the consequential sanctions likely to be imposed on the wrongdoer are sufficient to satisfy the three main justifications for criminalization. In appropriate cases, disgorgement of the offender’s gains will aid in the achievement of these objectives. The model proposed by this paper would yield significant savings by reducing prison costs. It would also allow the state to take advantage of the disproportionate cost/burden of conviction on corporate governance offenders. Owing to the offenders’ high earning potential, deterrence can be achieved at lower cost by conviction alone because the cost of incarceration does not have to be borne by the state whereas the destruction of capacity to generate similar (or indeed, any) income has to be suffered by the offender even without going to jail. If the cost of incarceration is the same for offenders with different earning capacities, imprisoning those with very high earning capacities is a waste of social capital if the objectives sought to be achieved by incarceration can be achieved through other means. Further, the cost of a conviction can be predicted with sufficient certainty in the case of white-collar criminals by looking at their earnings history, and in many cases this can be a significant sum. Unlike the common criminal who may not have a similarly predictable earning capacity and therefore suffer the same extent of monetary loss from a conviction, this loss ought to serve the deterrence function without the need for the state to spend money imprisoning the offender. In addition to loss of earning capacity, clawing back ill-gotten gains significantly adds to disutility. The paper is set out as follows: Part II briefly outlines the scope of the wrongs tackled as stemming from the principal-agent relationship in corporate law, and the inability of the law to overcome effectively problems resulting from the collectivization of the principal in that relationship. In Part III, I argue that conviction without imprisonment is a second-best alternative to decriminalization in cases where the conduct is blameworthy, and results in non-consensual harm. Part IV demonstrates the disutility caused by conviction alone to show that the objectives of criminalization can be satisfied without the need for imprisonment. Part V asserts that consequential sanctions like shaming add to the disutility of conviction. Part VI ties the thesis to Skilling’s conviction for bad business judgment devoid of moral wrongfulness to illustrate the problems with conflating blame and punishment. Part VII concludes.


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O presente trabalho analisa a aplicabilidade dos regimes de responsabilidade civil para indenizar os investidores por danos decorrentes de infrações do coordenador líder de oferta pública de ações. A responsabilização desse agente tem por base o dever de agir com elevado padrão de diligência para: (i) assegurar a qualidade das informações; (ii) divulgar informações de forma que permita o investidor tomar uma decisão fundamentada; e (iii) atuar em conformidade com o princípio da boa-fé. Para tanto, serão estudados os regimes de responsabilidade civil subjetiva, fundado na conduta culposa do coordenador líder, e de responsabilidade objetiva, com base no Código de Defesa do Consumidor e no risco da atividade de intermediação financeira em ofertas públicas de ações. Pretende-se, por fim, identificar o regime mais apropriado para a reparação de danos dos investidores.


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The Private Equity Market in Brazil has flourished in the last two decades, and international Funds have been entering the market since then. The activity of these enterprises and how they deal with institutional voids that are present in the brazilian market and the all spheres of distances they have with Brazil are investigated in this research. What are the main challenges for those players in the local market and how private equity functions in Brazil? The first chapter reviews all the literature that concerns private equity in their home countries, such as the United States and Spain (Europe) and Brazil. It also discourses about the concept of private equity in all its different senses, the routine of investees and how is the relationship between Private Equity Fund and Investee. In addition to that, the due diligence process is also explained as well as the private equity sector in Brazil and its regulation. Moreover, the distance between countries and how it affects business is presented followed by the concepts of institutional voids. For the inquiry proposed interviews were conducted in order to capture the perspective of International Private Equity Funds on the Brazilian market. Advent International, The Carlyle Group and Mercapital replied to the inquiries and provided the tools so a picture of the sector was developed. This sector has a range of challenges and opportunities and requires the International Fund to establish a local branch in order to really succeed in the market. The results of this project pointed out to the challenges the market presents and how International Private Funds are coming about it. There are definitely gaps that need to be fulfilled however the industry is going in the right direction. Revenues may change its nature in the next couple of years, however from the Private Equity Fund perspective Brazil has been a worthwhile investment. Nonetheless, it is important to question the vision also of the investee and institutional investor so one can have the entire picture of the sector.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo trata da realidade da prisão provisória dentro do contexto processual brasileiro e da consagração do direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo. A morosidade judicial faz parte do cotidiano de quem lida com o poder judiciário no Brasil. Uma questão, porém, sobressai-se no momento atual: o que fazer com os milhares de presos que dependem de uma resposta jurisdicional, os chamados presos provisórios “permanentes”? E o que fazer quando as prisões provisórias estão sendo aplicadas de uma forma completamente arbitrária, sem respeitar nenhum critério a não ser o de um termo vago e impreciso denominado “ordem pública”? Processos arrastam-se por anos, às vezes décadas, enquanto isso sujeitos ficam esquecidos dentro de estabelecimentos prisionais, tendo violados direitos constitucionais como a presunção de inocência, o devido processo legal, a razoável duração do processo e a liberdade de ir e vir. Foi feita uma análise do estigma que esses presos carregam, mais especificamente as presas, bem como dos prejuízos que advêm desse tipo de prisão. Atualmente, condena-se, antes mesmo de julgar, segregando de todas as formas essas mulheres do convívio familiar e social.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Introduction: The formation of Oral Health Team, healthy and ergonomic work conditions influence on quality of dental attendance to patient. Objective: In this observational and cross-sectional study, it was observed the participation of the dental assistants (ASB) on dental team on public health, to verify the items related to health legislation, the existence and distribution of equipment in dental offices. Material and method: The data collection was performed using questionnaires and observations on locals for consultation. It were interviewed 75 dentists from 9 cities of Health Regional Department (DRS) – XV – São José do Rio Preto City and it was evaluated 34 dental offices. Result: Of total 75 dentists, 21 (28%) worked alone and among them, 6 (29%) worked at school and 15(71%) at Health Basic Unit (UBS). From 34 dental offices, 2 (6%) did not show any equipment for sterilization and among those that had it, the autoclave was the most used method (44%). Among the analyzed dental offices, 31 (91%) had dustbin for common waste and 23 (68%) of contaminated waste was inadequate. It was noted that 13 (38%) did not have local to wash de hands; in 23 (68%) there was paper towel; in 20 (59%) there was ideal soap dishes, and the compressor was installed into dental offices in 5 (15%) of local for attendance. In relation to dental offices adequacy for the help work, all of them (n = 19) were dissatisfied. Conclusion: The existence of ASB was present in the Centers of Dental Specialties (CEO) and Units of Family Health due legal exigencies and it were found inadequate healthy and ergonomic conditions, suggesting the necessity of reorganization of w


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After the collapse of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, a number of actors started to engage in the power struggle for the opportunities to shape the new order in successive nation-states. In Serbia and Georgia historically hegemonic Orthodox Christian churches were among the firsts in the frontlines for political and economic power. More than a decade has passed since the so-called Coloured Revolutions in Georgia and Serbia, and the Orthodox churches still remain participants of an ongoing socio-political transition of these states. The revival of public role of religion appeared temporary in Serbia followed by a gradual decline of an influence of the Orthodox Church over political life and legal process. However, in Georgia the public and political role of religion increased rather than declined albeit changed shape. Examining the degree to which the two Orthodox churches can influence the political agenda in Serbia and Georgia, the paper attempts to understand how church-State relations work in practice. By bringing rich empirical data from the field (70 interviews with (arch)bishops, priests and religious clerics in Georgia and Serbia added to field observations), the paper reflects on the themes under which the two Orthodox churches mobilize public protest in Serbia and Georgia. The paper further looks at varying State responses and their broader implication for church-state problematique.