988 resultados para drug testing


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Le dopage fait l’objet d’une intense lutte par les autorités sportives. Cet article s’intéresse à l’encadrement des renseignements personnels des athlètes qui y sont soumis. En effet, la lutte au dopage s’opère principalement par le traitement des nombreuses informations de santé que les athlètes fournissent dans le cadre de certaines procédures. L’article étudie dans une première partie les fondements de la lutte antidopage et la structure du sport aux niveaux international et canadien dans le but de contextualiser l’analyse de la protection des renseignements personnels. La seconde partie porte dans un premier temps sur le cadre général de la protection des renseignements personnels, puis sur les deux « outils » de la lutte au dopage : les autorisations pour usage à des fins thérapeutiques et les contrôles antidopage. Dans le premier cas, la protection des renseignements personnels s’effectue selon le modèle des aires de partage, où plusieurs personnes ont un accès simultané aux renseignements afin de fournir une prestation donnée. Dans le second cas, la protection est plus classique mais a la particularité de se confondre partiellement avec les mesures visant à protéger l’intégrité ­ et la validité ­ des contrôles.


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This paper contributes to critical voices on the issue of organisational responses to employee drug use. It does so by exploring symbolic readings of organisations’ relations with drugs and drug-taking. Our focus is recent coverage of, and organisational responses to, the UK tabloid media’s exposé of fashion supermodel Kate Moss’s alleged cocaine use. We consider that the celebrity endorsement in this particular case highlights the ambiguities created by the symbolic associations between the organisation and the ‘image’ projected by the celebrity. Overall, we use this case to explore symbolic relationships between drugs, sex, femininity and organisation. Through highlighting these connections, we question further the rationality of organisational responses to employee drug use and, utilising Derrida’s (1981) extension of Plato’s notion of the pharmakon, consider whether workforce drug testing might be fruitfully seen as a symbolic mechanism for scapegoating and sacrifice in order to protect the organisation’s (masculine) moral order.


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This paper contributes to critical voices on the issue of organisational responses to drugs and employee drug use. It does so by exploring some of the symbolism residing at the heart of organisations’ relations with drugs and drug taking. Our focus is recent media coverage of, and organisational responses to, the UK tabloid media’s exposé of fashion supermodel Kate Moss’s cocaine use. We use this case to explore symbolic relationships between drugs, sex and femininity, and organisation. Through highlighting these symbolic connections we question further the rationality of organisational responses to the ‘spectre’ of drugs and the issue of employee drug use. We conclude by suggesting that workforce drug testing regimes might be fruitfully seen as mechanisms for scapegoating and sacrifice in order to protect the organizational moral order.


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Risky alcohol consumption is the subject of considerable community concern in Australia and internationally, particularly the risky drinking practices of young people consuming alcohol in the night-time economy. This study will determine some of the factors and correlates associated with alcohol-related risk-taking, offending and harm in and around licensed venues and night-time entertainment precincts across five Australian cities (three metropolitan and two regional). The primary aim of the study is to measure levels of pre-drinking, drinking in venues, intoxication, illicit drug use and potentially harmful drinking practices (such as mixing with energy drinks) of patrons in entertainment areas, and relating this to offending, risky behaviour and harms experienced. The study will also investigate the effects of license type, trading hours, duration of drinking episodes and geographical location on intoxication, offending, risk-taking and experience of harm. Data collection involves patron interviews (incorporating breathalysing and drug testing) with 7500 people attending licensed venues. Intensive venue observations (n=112) will also be undertaken in a range of venues, including pubs, bars and nightclubs. The information gathered through this study will inform prevention and enforcement approaches of policy makers, police and venue staff.


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Lo scopo di questa dissertazione è quello di costruire un modello di promozione della salute nel contesto di lavoro in relazione al consumo di sostanze psicoattive fra lavoratori, attraverso il confronto tra la situazione italiana e inglese. L’ipotesi di fondo rimanda all’idea che i luoghi di lavoro possano rappresentare setting d’elezione per i progetti di prevenzione non solo perché alcuni studi dimostrano l’esistenza di fattori di rischio connessi alla mansione rispetto alle condotte relative allo stile di vita, ma anche perché il consumo di alcol e droghe è altamente diffuso tra i lavoratori e questo comporta rischi per la sicurezza e la salute personale nonché quella dei colleghi di lavoro. Si tratta quindi di indagare il rapporto tra contesto lavorativo e utilizzo di sostanze al fine di suggerire  alla luce degli studi internazionali in materia e delle riflessioni condotte dai soggetti coinvolti nella ricerca che si andrà a presentare  linee guida e indicazioni operative per la realizzazione di interventi di promozione alla salute nei contesti professionali. A tal fine, saranno analizzati gli esiti di 13 focus group che hanno coinvolto esperti italiani e 6 interviste somministrate a esperti inglesi volti a definire la situazione attuale in Italia e Gran Bretagna in materia di prevenzione del consumo di alcol e droghe nei luoghi di lavoro. In particolare, l’analisi verterà sulle seguenti aree: - Percezione circa la diffusione dei consumi nei luoghi di lavoro - Presentazione delle politiche adottate, in logica comparativa, tra i due paesi. - Analisi critica degli interventi e problematiche aperte. L’analisi del materiale empirico permette di delineare due modelli costruiti sulla base dei focus group e delle interviste: - in Italia si può affermare che prevalga il cd. modello della sicurezza: di recente trasformazione, questo sistema enfatizza la dimensione del controllo, tanto che si parla di sorveglianza sanitaria. É orientato alla sicurezza concepita quale rimozione dei fattori di rischio. Il consumo di sostanze (anche sporadico) è inteso quale espressione di una patologia che richiede l’intervento sanitario secondo modalità previste dal quadro normativo: una procedura che annulla la discrezionalità sia del datore di lavoro sia del medico competente. Si connota inoltre per contraddizioni interne e trasversali rispetto alle categorie lavorative (i controlli non si applicano alle professioni associate a maggiore prestigio sociale sebbene palesemente associate a rischio, come per esempio i medici) e alle sostanze (atteggiamento repressivo soprattutto verso le droghe illegali); - in Gran Bretagna, invece, il modello si configura come responsabilità bilaterale: secondo questo modello, se è vero che il datore di lavoro può decidere in merito all’attuazione di misure preventive in materia di alcol e droghe nei luoghi di lavoro, egli è ritenuto responsabile della mancata vigilanza. D’altro canto, il lavoratore che non rispetta quanto previsto nella politica scritta può essere soggetto a licenziamento per motivi disciplinari. Questo modello, particolarmente attento al consumo di tutte le sostanze psicoattive (legali e illegali), considera il consumo quale esito di una libera scelta individuale attraverso la quale il lavoratore decide di consumare alcol e droghe così come decide di dedicarsi ad altre condotte a rischio. Si propone di ri-orientare le strategie analizzate nei due paesi europei presi in esame attraverso la realizzazione di un modello della promozione della salute fondato su alcuni punti chiave: – coinvolgimento di tutti i lavoratori (e non solo coloro che svolgono mansioni a rischio per la sicurezza) al fine di promuovere benessere secondo un approccio olistico di salute, orientato ad intervenire non soltanto in materia di consumo di sostanze psicoattive (legali e illegali), ma più in generale sulle condotte a rischio; – compartecipazione nelle diverse fasi (programmazione, realizzazione e valutazione del progetto) del lavoratore, datore di lavoro e medico competente secondo una logica di flessibilità, responsabilizzazione condivisa fra i diversi attori, personalizzazione e co-gestione dell’intervento; – azione volta a promuovere i fattori di protezione agendo simultaneamente sul contrasto dei fattori di rischio (stress, alienazione, scarso riconoscimento del ruolo svolto), attraverso interventi che integrano diverse strategie operative alla luce delle evidenze scientifiche (Evidence-Based Prevention); – ricorso a strumenti di controllo (drug testing) subordinato all’esigenza di tutelare l’incolumità fisica del lavoratore e dei colleghi, da attuarsi sempre e comunque attraverso prassi che non violino la privacy e attraverso strumenti in grado di verificare l’effettivo stato di alterazione psico-fisica sul luogo di lavoro; – demedicalizzazione delle situazioni di consumo che non richiedono un intervento prettamente sanitario, ma che al contrario potrebbero essere affrontate attraverso azioni incentrate sul care anziché la cure; – messa a disposizione di servizi ad hoc con funzione di supporto, counselling, orientamento per i lavoratori, non stigmatizzanti e con operatori di formazione non solamente sanitaria, sull’esempio degli EAPs (Employee Assistence Programs) statunitensi. Si ritiene che questo modello possa trasformare i contesti di lavoro da agenzie di controllo orientate alla sicurezza a luoghi di intervento orientati al benessere attraverso un’azione sinergica e congiunta volta a promuovere i fattori di protezione a discapito di quelli di rischio in modo tale da intervenire non soltanto sul consumo di sostanze psicotrope, ma più in generale sullo stile di vita che influenza la salute complessiva.


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The multi-target screening method described in this work allows the simultaneous detection and identification of 700 drugs and metabolites in biological fluids using a hybrid triple-quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer in a single analytical run. After standardization of the method, the retention times of 700 compounds were determined and transitions for each compound were selected by a "scheduled" survey MRM scan, followed by an information-dependent acquisition using the sensitive enhanced product ion scan of a Q TRAP hybrid instrument. The identification of the compounds in the samples analyzed was accomplished by searching the tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) spectra against the library we developed, which contains electrospray ionization-MS/MS spectra of over 1,250 compounds. The multi-target screening method together with the library was included in a software program for routine screening and quantitation to achieve automated acquisition and library searching. With the help of this software application, the time for evaluation and interpretation of the results could be drastically reduced. This new multi-target screening method has been successfully applied for the analysis of postmortem and traffic offense samples as well as proficiency testing, and complements screening with immunoassays, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and liquid chromatography-diode-array detection. Other possible applications are analysis in clinical toxicology (for intoxication cases), in psychiatry (antidepressants and other psychoactive drugs), and in forensic toxicology (drugs and driving, workplace drug testing, oral fluid analysis, drug-facilitated sexual assault).


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Background: Basophils constitute a rare leukocyte population known for their effector functions in inflammation and allergy, as well as more recently described immunoregulatory roles. Besides their low frequency, functional analysis of basophils is hindered by a short life span, inefficient ex vivo differentiation protocols, and lack of suitable cell models. A method to produce large quantities of basophils in vitro would facilitate basophil research and constitute a sought-after tool for diagnostic and drug testing purposes. Methods: A method is described to massively expand bone marrow–derived basophils in vitro. Myeloid progenitors are conditionally immortalized using Hoxb8 in the presence of interleukin-3 (IL-3) and outgrowing cell lines selected for their potential to differentiate into basophils upon shutdown of Hoxb8 expression. Results: IL-3-dependent, conditional Hoxb8-immortalized progenitor cell lines can be expanded and maintained in culture for prolonged periods. Upon shutdown of Hoxb8 expression, near-unlimited numbers of mature functional basophils can be differentiated in vitro within six days. The cells are end-differentiated and short-lived and express basophil-specific surface markers and proteases. Upon IgE- as well as C5a-mediated activation, differentiated basophils release granule enzymes and histamine and secrete Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, IL-13) and leukotriene C4. IL-3-deprivation induces apoptosis correlating with upregulation of the BH3-only proteins BCL-2-interacting mediator of cell death (BIM) and p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) and downregulation of proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus 1 kinase (PIM-1). Conclusion: A novel method is presented to generate quantitative amounts of mouse basophils in vitro, which moreover allows genetic manipulation of conditionally immortalized progenitors. This approach may represent a useful alternative method to isolating primary basophils.


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The range of novel psychoactive substances (NPS) including phenethylamines, cathinones, piperazines, tryptamines, etc. is continuously growing. Therefore, fast and reliable screening methods for these compounds are essential and needed. The use of dried blood spots (DBS) for a fast straightforward approach helps to simplify and shorten sample preparation significantly. DBS were produced from 10 µl of whole blood and extracted offline with 500 µl methanol followed by evaporation and reconstitution in mobile phase. Reversed-phase chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detection (RP-LC-MS/MS) was achieved within a run time of 10 min. The screening method was validated by evaluating the following parameters: limit of detection (LOD), matrix effect, selectivity and specificity, extraction efficiency, and short-term and long-term stability. Furthermore, the method was applied to authentic samples and results were compared with those obtained with a validated whole blood method used for Routine analysis of NPS. LOD was between 1 and 10 ng/ml. No interference from Matrix compounds was observed. The method was proven to be specific and selective for the analytes, although with limitations for 3-FMC/flephedrone and MDDMA/MDEA. Mean extraction efficiency was 84.6 %. All substances were stable in DBS for at least a week when cooled. Cooling was essential for the stability of cathinones. Prepared samples were stable for at least 3 days. Comparison to the validated whole blood method yielded similar results. DBS were shown to be useful in developing a rapid screening method for NPS with simplified sample preparation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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During the last few years γ-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and γ-butyrolactone (GBL) have attracted much interest as recreational drugs and knock-out drops in drug-facilitated sexual assaults. This experiment aims at getting an insight into the pharmacokinetics of GHB after intake of GBL. Therefore Two volunteers took a single dose of 1.5 ml GBL, which had been spiked to a soft drink. Assuming that GBL was completely metabolized to GHB, the corresponding amount of GHB was 2.1 g. Blood and urine samples were collected 5 h and 24 h after ingestion, respectively. Additionally, hair samples (head hair and beard hair) were taken within four to five weeks after intake of GBL. Samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) after protein precipitation with acetonitrile. The following observations were made: spiked to a soft drink, GBL, which tastes very bitter, formed a liquid layer at the bottom of the glass, only disappearing when stirring. Both volunteers reported weak central effects after approximately 15 min, which disappeared completely half an hour later. Maximum concentrations of GHB in serum were measured after 20 min (95 µg/ml and 106 µg/ml). Already after 4-5 h the GHB concentrations in serum decreased below 1 µg/ml. In urine maximum GHB concentrations (140 µg/ml and 120 µg/ml) were measured after 1-2 h, and decreased to less than 1 µg/ml within 8-10 h. The Ratio of GHB in serum versus blood was 1.2 and 1.6


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Hepatic angiosarcoma (AS) is a rare and highly aggressive tumor of endothelial origin with dismal prognosis. Studies of the molecular biology of AS and treatment options are limited as animal models are rare. We have previously shown that inducible knockout of Notch1 in mice leads to spontaneous formation of hepatic AS. The aims of this study were to: (1) establish and characterize a cell line derived from this murine AS, (2) identify molecular pathways involved in the pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets, and (3) generate a tumor transplantation model. AS cells retained specific endothelial properties such as tube formation activity, as well as expression of CD31 and Von Willebrand factor. However, electron microscopy analysis revealed signs of dedifferentiation with loss of fenestrae and loss of contact inhibition. Microarray and pathway analysis showed substantial changes in gene expression and revealed activation of the Myc pathway. Exposing the AS cells to sorafenib reduced migration, filopodia dynamics, and cell proliferation but did not induce apoptosis. In addition, sorafenib suppressed ERK phosphorylation and expression of cyclin D2. Injection of AS cells into NOD/SCID mice resulted in formation of undifferentiated tumors, confirming the tumorigenic potential of these cells. In summary, we established and characterized a murine model of spontaneous AS formation and hepatic AS cell lines as a useful in vitro tool. Our data demonstrate antitumor activity of sorafenib in AS cells with potent inhibition of migration, filopodia formation, and cell proliferation, supporting further evaluation of sorafenib as a novel treatment strategy. In addition, AS cell transplantation provides a subcutaneous tumor model useful for in vivo preclinical drug testing.Laboratory Investigation advance online publication, 24 November 2014; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2014.141.


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The effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids, ECs) are both mediated by activation of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Exogenous activation of these receptors by THC could therefore alter EC levels. We tested this hypothesis in healthy volunteers (n = 25) who received a large intravenous dose of THC (0.10 mg/kg). Effects on the EC system were quantified by serial measurements of plasma ECs after THC administration. Eleven blood samples were drawn during the first 5 h after THC administration and two more samples after 24 and 48 h. THC, its metabolites THC-OH (biologically active) and THC-COOH (non-active), and the ECs anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) were quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. EC-plasma levels showed a biphasic response after THC injection reaching maximal values at 30 min. Anandamide increased slightly from 0.58 ± 0.21 ng/ml at baseline to 0.64 ± 0.24 ng/ml (p < 0.05) and 2-AG from 7.60 ± 4.30 ng/ml to 9.50 ± 5.90 ng/ml (p < 0.05). After reaching maximal concentrations, EC plasma levels decreased markedly to a nadir of 300 min after THC administration (to 0.32 ± 0.15 ng/ml for anandamide and to 5.50 ± 3.01 ng/ml for 2-AG, p < 0.05). EC plasma concentrations returned to near baseline levels until 48 h after the experiment. THC (0.76 ± 0.16 ng/ml) and THC-OH (0.36 ± 0.17 ng/ml) were still measurable at 24 h and remained detectible until 48 h after THC administration. Although the underlying mechanism is not clear, high doses of intravenous THC appear to influence endogenous cannabinoid concentrations and presumably EC-signalling.


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ExxonMobil, a Fortune 500 oil and gas corporation, has a global workforce with employees assigned to projects in areas at risk for infectious diseases, particularly malaria. As such, the corporation has put in place a program to protect the health of workers and ensure their safety in malaria endemic zones. This program is called the Malaria Control Program (MCP). One component of this program is the more specific Malaria Chemoprophylaxis Compliance Program (MCCP), in which employees enroll following consent to random drug testing for compliance with the company's chemoprophylaxis requirements. Each year, data is gathered on the number of employees working in these locations and are selected randomly and tested for chemoprophylaxis compliance. The selection strives to test each eligible worker once per year. Test results that come back positive for the chemoprophylaxis drug are considered "detects" and tests that are negative for the drug and therefore show the worker is non-compliant at risk for severe malaria infection are considered "non-detect". ^ The current practice report used aggregate data to calculate statistics on test results to reflect compliance among both employees and contractors in various malaria-endemic areas. This aggregate, non-individualized data has been compiled and reflects the effectiveness and reach of ExxonMobil's Malaria Chemoprophylaxis Compliance Program. In order to assess compliance, information on the number of non-detect test results was compared to the number of tests completed per year. The data shows that over time, non-detect results have declined in both employee and contractor populations, and vary somewhat by location due to size and scope of the MCCP implemented in-country. Although the data indicate a positive trend for the corporation, some recommendations have been made for future implementation of the program.^


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Cultivation technologies promoting organization of mammalian cells in three dimensions are essential for gene-function analyses as well as drug testing and represent the first step toward the design of tissue replacements and bioartificial organs. Embedded in a three-dimensional environment, cells are expected to develop tissue-like higher order intercellular structures (cell-cell contacts, extracellular matrix) that orchestrate cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis with unmatched quality. We have refined the hanging drop cultivation technology to pioneer beating heart microtissues derived from pure primary rat and mouse cardiomyocyte cultures as well as mixed populations reflecting the cell type composition of rodent hearts. Phenotypic characterization combined with detailed analysis of muscle-specific cell traits, extracellular matrix components, as well as endogenous vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression profiles of heart microtissues revealed (1) a linear cell number-microtissue size correlation, (2) intermicrotissue superstructures, (3) retention of key cardiomyocyte-specific cell qualities, (4) a sophisticated extracellular matrix, and (5) a high degree of self-organization exemplified by the tendency of muscle structures to assemble at the periphery of these myocardial spheroids. Furthermore (6), myocardial spheroids support endogenous VEGF expression in a size-dependent manner that will likely promote vascularization of heart microtissues produced from defined cell mixtures as well as support connection to the host vascular system after implantation. As cardiomyocytes are known to be refractory to current transfection technologies we have designed lentivirus-based transduction strategies to lead the way for genetic engineering of myocardial microtissues in a clinical setting.