924 resultados para document management


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El artículo que presentamos tiene por objeto analizar la necesaria presencia de un servicio de archivos en las empresas, en aras de la rentabilidad y la eficacia. Para ello, estructuramos el trabajo en dos apartados: por un lado, analizamos las propiedades que hoy caracterizan a la Archivística y proponemos una definición de nuestra disciplina; por otro, nos centramos en la necesaria acción de la gestión documental en las empresas. Tras describir en qué consiste dicha gestión documental, exponemos las fases para la planificación de un sistema archivístico en cualquier organización empresarial (fase de análisis, elaboración y diseño, implantación del sistema y control). Para esto último, realizamos una comparación sistemática de lo que dicen al respecto algunos autores


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Today?s knowledge management (KM) systems seldom account for language management and, especially, multilingual information processing. Document management is one of the strongest components of KM systems. If these systems do not include a multilingual knowledge management policy, intranet searches, excessive document space occupancy and redundant information slow down what are the most effective processes in a single language environment. In this paper, we model information flow from the sources of knowledge to the persons/systems searching for specific information. Within this framework, we focus on the importance of multilingual information processing, which is a hugely complex component of modern organizations.


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El Sistema Integrado de Gestión Académica consiste en una plataforma software modular orientada a apoyar la labor del profesorado en la gestión docente de las asignaturas impartidas por el Departamento de Mecánica de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Durante los últimos 5 años se ha trabajado en la creación de esta plataforma que se encuentra ahora en su recta final. Es necesario aclarar que toda la plataforma desde su inicio ha sido creada por el mismo autor y que debido al tiempo disponible para la realización del TFG, éste se ha centrado en realizar mejoras sobre lo ya desarrollado y en implementar uno de los módulos. El trabajo desarrollado comienza con un estudio de plataformas educativas online. Se han valorado las alternativas de Moodle y ATutor como posibles soluciones a los requisitos planteados llegando a la conclusión de que era necesario realizar un desarrollo a medida. La plataforma consta de 3 módulos principales:  Plataforma de Gestión Docente en Internet (PGDNet)  Aplicación de Notas (AdN)  Plataforma de Entrega de Prácticas Académicas (PEPA) PGDNet está orientado a la realización de pruebas de evaluación online. El profesor tiene a su alcance un conjunto de opciones que le permiten la creación de actividades y ejercicios de diferente índole, gestionar alumnos y establecer periodos de evaluación. El sistema recoge los resultados y corrige automáticamente permitiendo además exportar los resultados, manteniendo de esta manera la compatibilidad con otros sistemas informáticos de la UPM. PGDNet ofrece además un servicio de correo electrónico para realizar comunicaciones con grupos predefinidos de alumnos, un gestor documental enlazado con las diferentes actividades y un gestor de encuestas programable a medida. AdN se integra en la plataforma como un sistema para la gestión de calificaciones y permite mantener un historial del alumno. Las materias pueden dividirse en diferentes evaluaciones con un determinado peso sobre la calificación final. La nota total se calcula en tiempo real y de forma automática. El alumno puede entrar a consultar sus calificaciones en cualquier momento. El módulo ofrece a los profesores acceso simultáneo a introducir las calificaciones e importar notas guardadas de convocatorias pasadas. PEPA es el nuevo módulo que se añade a la plataforma y el que concentra los esfuerzos de desarrollo de este TFG. Se trata de un sistema de entrega de prácticas online que permite al profesor centralizar la recogida de documentación para su posterior corrección. PEPA dispone de un sistema de plantillas de respuestas fijas utilizadas en los laboratorios que son corregidas de forma automática en la entrega. Los 3 módulos se complementan entre sí compartiendo datos y permitiendo realizar importaciones y exportaciones de información con las aplicaciones actuales de Secretaría de alumnos como puede ser la introducción de listas de alumnos.---ABSTRACT---Academic Management Framework (Sistema Integrado de Gestión Académica) is a module‐oriented software application that aims to help teachers from ETSIDI Department from UPM to manage all information related to graduate courses. The software, which has been in continuous developing during the last 5 years, is now about to be finished. It must be pointed out the fact that the entire application has been designed and implemented by the same author. However, due to time schedule restrictions in this TFG (spanish acronym for “Graduation Project”), it has been focused on developing a few improvements in the software already implemented and creating a specific new module. In the beginning, this TFG includes an educational software comparative study. Moodle and ATutor have been selected as plausible assembled solutions that would fit the requirements given. Nonetheless, the conclusion ends up with rejecting both possibilities and moving the project towards a custom‐developed software. The application is divided in 3 modules:  Network Based Academic Management Platform (Plataforma de Gestión Docente en Internet ‐ PGDNet)  Evaluation Aid Tool (Aplicación de Notas ‐ AdN)  Academic Lab‐Work Delivery Platform (Plataforma de Entrega de Prácticas Académicas ‐ PEPA) PGDNet main purpose is handling online tests for students. There are a bunch of tools available for teachers that allow them to create activities and different types of exercises, manage students and set examination schedules. The system gathers the results and marks exercises automatically. Moreover, the teacher is able to export this information which is compatible with other UPM systems. PGDNet offers a mail service, a document management system and a survey application among others. AdN adds new features to the system. It helps teachers to manage student marks by keeping a history over the years. Subjects can be divided into little parts with a different weight in the final mark. Eventually, the mark is automatically calculated and published. The application can be accessed by both students and teachers simultaneously. This module is also ready to import old marks into the current course and allow all teachers to fill in the results at the same time. PEPA, which is a new module added from scratch, concentrate this TFG efforts. It consists of a practice delivery system that gathers all student documentation in a single site for easy correction. Besides, PEPA deploys an answer template repository for laboratory training. Students fill the templates and PEPA corrects them automatically on sending. These 3 modules are integrated in a single system that allows them to share data and import information such as student lists from the Administration Department.


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La tesi tratta dell'analisi e della riprogettazione dei processi in un'azienda di global service. Vengono pertanto illustrati le principali metodologie e teorie riguardanti il process management e gli strumenti di supporto più utilizzati per la modellazione dei processi. Viene inoltre presentato il caso riguardante l'azienda ACR SpA, in cui si è eseguita la riprogettazione dei processi critici al fine di migliorare sensibilmente i principali parametri di performance del sistema. Tale riprogettazione è stata finalizzata all'introduzione di un sistema di document management all'interno delle principali funzioni aziendali, grazie a cui si è potuto razionalizzare e automatizzare i processi ritenuti critici ottenendo una sensibile riduzione dei relativi lead time e costi di processo, quantificata attraverso KPI definiti ad hoc. In conclusione la tesi ha permesso di illustrare con un caso pratico l'applicazione degli strumenti di business process reengineering, evidenziandone i pregi e ribadendo l'importanza della continua ricerca di efficienza all'interno dei processi di business aziendali.


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Taxonomies have gained a broad usage in a variety of fields due to their extensibility, as well as their use for classification and knowledge organization. Of particular interest is the digital document management domain in which their hierarchical structure can be effectively employed in order to organize documents into content-specific categories. Common or standard taxonomies (e.g., the ACM Computing Classification System) contain concepts that are too general for conceptualizing specific knowledge domains. In this paper we introduce a novel automated approach that combines sub-trees from general taxonomies with specialized seed taxonomies by using specific Natural Language Processing techniques. We provide an extensible and generalizable model for combining taxonomies in the practical context of two very large European research projects. Because the manual combination of taxonomies by domain experts is a highly time consuming task, our model measures the semantic relatedness between concept labels in CBOW or skip-gram Word2vec vector spaces. A preliminary quantitative evaluation of the resulting taxonomies is performed after applying a greedy algorithm with incremental thresholds used for matching and combining topic labels.


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Test av mjukvara görs i syfte att se ifall systemet uppfyller specificerade krav samt för att hitta fel. Det är en viktig del i systemutveckling och involverar bland annat regressionstestning. Regressionstester utförs för att säkerställa att en ändring i systemet inte medför att andra delar i systemet påverkas negativt. Dokumenthanteringssystem hanterar ofta känslig data hos organisationer vilket ställer höga krav på säkerheten. Behörigheter i system måste därför testas noggrant för att säkerställa att data inte hamnar i fel händer. Dokumenthanteringssystem gör det möjligt för flera organisationer att samla sina resurser och kunskaper för att nå gemensamma mål. Gemensamma arbetsprocesser stöds med hjälp av arbetsflöden som innehåller ett antal olika tillstånd. Vid dessa olika tillstånd gäller olika behörigheter. När en behörighet ändras krävs regressionstester för att försäkra att ändringen inte har gjort inverkan på andra behörigheter. Denna studie har utförts som en kvalitativ fallstudie vars syfte var att beskriva utmaningar med regressionstestning av roller och behörigheter i arbetsflöden för dokument i dokumenthanteringssystem. Genom intervjuer och en observation så framkom det att stora utmaningar med dessa tester är att arbetsflödens tillstånd följer en förutbestämd sekvens. För att fullfölja denna sekvens så involveras en enorm mängd behörigheter som måste testas. Det ger ett mycket omfattande testarbete avseende bland annat tid och kostnad. Studien har riktat sig mot dokumenthanteringssystemet ProjectWise som förvaltas av Trafikverket. Beslutsunderlag togs fram för en teknisk lösning för automatiserad regressionstestning av roller och behörigheter i arbetsflöden åt ProjectWise. Utifrån en kravinsamling tillhandahölls beslutsunderlag som involverade Team Foundation Server (TFS), Coded UI och en nyckelordsdriven testmetod som en teknisk lösning. Slutligen jämfördes vilka skillnader den tekniska lösningen kan utgöra mot manuell testning. Utifrån litteratur, dokumentstudie och förstahandserfarenheter visade sig testautomatisering kunna utgöra skillnader inom ett antal identifierade problemområden, bland annat tid och kostnad.


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SD card (Secure Digital Memory Card) is widely used in portable storage medium. Currently, latest researches on SD card, are mainly SD card controller based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Most of them are relying on API interface (Application Programming Interface), AHB bus (Advanced High performance Bus), etc. They are dedicated to the realization of ultra high speed communication between SD card and upper systems. Studies about SD card controller, really play a vital role in the field of high speed cameras and other sub-areas of expertise. This design of FPGA-based file systems and SD2.0 IP (Intellectual Property core) does not only exhibit a nice transmission rate, but also achieve the systematic management of files, while retaining a strong portability and practicality. The file system design and implementation on a SD card covers the main three IP innovation points. First, the combination and integration of file system and SD card controller, makes the overall system highly integrated and practical. The popular SD2.0 protocol is implemented for communication channels. Pure digital logic design based on VHDL (Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language), integrates the SD card controller in hardware layer and the FAT32 file system for the entire system. Secondly, the document management system mechanism makes document processing more convenient and easy. Especially for small files in batch processing, it can ease the pressure of upper system to frequently access and process them, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of systems. Finally, digital design ensures the superior performance. For transmission security, CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm is for data transmission protection. Design of each module is platform-independent of macro cells, and keeps a better portability. Custom integrated instructions and interfaces may facilitate easily to use. Finally, the actual test went through multi-platform method, Xilinx and Altera FPGA developing platforms. The timing simulation and debugging of each module was covered. Finally, Test results show that the designed FPGA-based file system IP on SD card can support SD card, TF card and Micro SD with 2.0 protocols, and the successful implementation of systematic management for stored files, and supports SD bus mode. Data read and write rates in Kingston class10 card is approximately 24.27MB/s and 16.94MB/s.


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This cross disciplinary study was conducted as two research and development projects. The outcome is a multimodal and dynamic chronicle, which incorporates the tracking of spatial, temporal and visual elements of performative practice-led and design-led research journeys. The distilled model provides a strong new approach to demonstrate rigour in non-traditional research outputs including provenance and an 'augmented web of facticity'.


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This consultation document sets out the proposed future licensing strategy for the Lune Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) area. Following the three month consultation period, the Environment Agency will determine the final licensing strategy and publish it in the CAMS document. The strategy will provide an indication of whether new abstraction licences are likely to be available and the conditions that should be expected on licences. Water plays a vital role in the Lune catchment, providing water for public supply, supporting recreation, such as angling and canoeing, and providing sustainable flows to preserve numerous designated sites. There is minimal abstraction throughout much of the catchment, apart from the lower reaches of the River Lune. The document is split into five sections relating to the CAMS process. Sections 1 to 4 outline the CAMS process, and Section 5 outlines the proposed licensing strategy for the Lune CAMS areas. It is important to note that this strategy deals with groundwater and surface water abstractions separately; Sections 4 and 5 are split to differentiate between the surface water and groundwater results and strategy.


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Arterio-venous malformations (AVMs) are congenital vascular malformations (CVMs) that result from birth defects involving the vessels of both arterial and venous origins, resulting in direct communications between the different size vessels or a meshwork of primitive reticular networks of dysplastic minute vessels which have failed to mature to become 'capillary' vessels termed "nidus". These lesions are defined by shunting of high velocity, low resistance flow from the arterial vasculature into the venous system in a variety of fistulous conditions. A systematic classification system developed by various groups of experts (Hamburg classification, ISSVA classification, Schobinger classification, angiographic classification of AVMs,) has resulted in a better understanding of the biology and natural history of these lesions and improved management of CVMs and AVMs. The Hamburg classification, based on the embryological differentiation between extratruncular and truncular type of lesions, allows the determination of the potential of progression and recurrence of these lesions. The majority of all AVMs are extra-truncular lesions with persistent proliferative potential, whereas truncular AVM lesions are exceedingly rare. Regardless of the type, AV shunting may ultimately result in significant anatomical, pathophysiological and hemodynamic consequences. Therefore, despite their relative rarity (10-20% of all CVMs), AVMs remain the most challenging and potentially limb or life-threatening form of vascular anomalies. The initial diagnosis and assessment may be facilitated by non- to minimally invasive investigations such as duplex ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MR angiography (MRA), computerized tomography (CT) and CT angiography (CTA). Arteriography remains the diagnostic gold standard, and is required for planning subsequent treatment. A multidisciplinary team approach should be utilized to integrate surgical and non-surgical interventions for optimum care. Currently available treatments are associated with significant risk of complications and morbidity. However, an early aggressive approach to elimiate the nidus (if present) may be undertaken if the benefits exceed the risks. Trans-arterial coil embolization or ligation of feeding arteries where the nidus is left intact, are incorrect approaches and may result in proliferation of the lesion. Furthermore, such procedures would prevent future endovascular access to the lesions via the arterial route. Surgically inaccessible, infiltrating, extra-truncular AVMs can be treated with endovascular therapy as an independent modality. Among various embolo-sclerotherapy agents, ethanol sclerotherapy produces the best long term outcomes with minimum recurrence. However, this procedure requires extensive training and sufficient experience to minimize complications and associated morbidity. For the surgically accessible lesions, surgical resection may be the treatment of choice with a chance of optimal control. Preoperative sclerotherapy or embolization may supplement the subsequent surgical excision by reducing the morbidity (e.g. operative bleeding) and defining the lesion borders. Such a combined approach may provide an excellent potential for a curative result. Conclusion. AVMs are high flow congenital vascular malformations that may occur in any part of the body. The clinical presentation depends on the extent and size of the lesion and can range from an asymptomatic birthmark to congestive heart failure. Detailed investigations including duplex ultrasound, MRI/MRA and CT/CTA are required to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Appropriate management is best achieved via a multi-disciplinary approach and interventions should be undertaken by appropriately trained physicians.


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An expert multidisciplinary panel in the treatment of type B aortic dissection reviewed available literature to develop treatment algorithms using a consensus method. Data from 63 studies published from 2006 to 2012 were retrieved for a total of 1,548 patients treated medically, 1,706 patients who underwent open surgery, and 3,457 patients who underwent thoracic endovascular repair (TEVAR). For acute (first 2 weeks) type B aortic dissection, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.4% with medical treatment and increased to 10.2% with TEVAR and 17.5% with open surgery, mostly for complicated cases. Limited data for treatment of subacute (2 to 6 weeks after onset) type B aortic dissection showed an early mortality rate of 2.8% with TEVAR. In chronic (after 6 weeks) type B aortic dissection, 5-year survival of 60% to 80% was expected with medical therapy because complications were likely. If interventional treatment was applied, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.6% with TEVAR and 8.0% with open surgery. Medical treatment of uncomplicated acute, subacute, and chronic type B aortic dissection is managed with close image monitoring. Hemodynamic instability, organ malperfusion, increasing periaortic hematoma, and hemorrhagic pleural effusion on imaging identify patients with complicated acute type B aortic dissection requiring urgent aortic repair. Recurrence of symptoms, aortic aneurysmal dilation (>55 mm), or a yearly increase of >4 mm after the acute phase are predictors of adverse outcome and need for delayed aortic repair ("complicated chronic aortic dissections"). The expert panel is aware that this consensus document provides proposal for strategies based on nonrobust evidence for management of type B aortic dissection, and that literature results were largely heterogeneous and should be interpreted cautiously.