876 resultados para direct heritability
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Weight records of Brazilian Nelore cattle, from birth to 630 d of age, recorded every 3 mo, were analyzed using random regression models. Independent variables were Legendre polynomials of age at recording. The model of analysis included contemporary groups as fixed effects and age of dam as a linear and quadratic covariable. Mean trends were modeled through a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of age. Up to four sets of random regression coefficients were fitted for animals' direct and maternal, additive genetic, and permanent environmental effects. Changes in measurement error variances with age were modeled through a variance function. Orders of polynomial fit from three to six were considered, resulting in up to 77 parameters to be estimated. Models fitting random regressions modeled the pattern of variances in the data adequately, with estimates similar to those from corresponding univariate analysis. Direct heritability estimates decreased after birth and tended to be lowest at ages at which maternal effect estimates tended to be highest. Maternal heritability estimates increased after birth to a peak around 110 to 120 d of age and decreased thereafter. Additive genetic direct correlation estimates between weights at standard ages (birth, weaning, yearling, and final weight) were moderate to high and maternal genetic and environmental correlations were consistently high.
The aim of the present study was to estimate genetic parameters for flight speed and its association with growth traits in Nellore beef cattle. The flight speed (FS) of 7,402 yearling animals was measured, using a device composed of a pair of photoelectric cells. Time interval data (s) were converted to speed (m/s) and faster animals were regarded as more reactive. The growth traits analyzed were weaning weight (WW), ADG from weaning to yearling age, and yearling scrotal circumference (SC). The (co)variance components were estimated using REML in a multitrait analysis applying an animal model. The model included random direct additive genetic and residual effects, fixed effects of contemporary groups, age of dam (classes), and age of animal as covariable. For WW, the model also included maternal genetic and permanent environmental random effects. The direct heritability estimate for FS was 0.26 +/- 0.05 and direct heritability estimates for WW, SC, and ADG were 0.30 +/- 0.01, 0.48 +/- 0.02, and 0.19 +/- 0.01, respectively. Estimates of the genetic correlation between FS and the growth traits were -0.12 +/- 0.07 (WW), -0.13 +/- 0.08 (ADG), and -0.11 +/- 0.07 (SC). Although the values were low, these correlations showed that animals with better temperaments (slower FS) tended to present better performance. It is possible to infer that long-term selection for weight and scrotal circumference can promote a positive genetic response in the temperament of animals. Nevertheless, to obtain faster genetic progress in temperament, it would be necessary to perform direct selection for such trait. Flight speed is an easily measured indicator of temperament and can be included as a selection criterion in breeding programs for Nellore cattle.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic relationship between postweaning weight gain (PWG), heifer pregnancy (HP), scrotal circumference (SC) at 18 months of age, stayability at 6 years of age (STAY) and finishing visual score at 18 months of age (PREC), and to determine the potential of these traits as selection criteria for the genetic improvement of growth and reproduction in Nellore cattle. The HP was defined as the observation that a heifer conceived and remained pregnant, which was assessed by rectal palpation at 60 days. The STAY was defined as whether or not a cow calved every year up to the age of 6 years, given that she was provided the opportunity to breed. The Bayesian linear-threshold analysis via the Gibbs sampler was used to estimate the variance and covariance components applying a multitrait model. Posterior mean estimates of direct heritability were 0.15 +/- 0.00, 0.42 +/- 0.02, 0.49 +/- 0.01, 0.11 +/- 0.01 and 0.19 +/- 0.00 for PWG, HP, SC, STAY and PREC, respectively. The genetic correlations between traits ranged from 0.17 to 0.62. The traits studied generally have potential for use as selection criteria in genetic breeding programs. The genetic correlations between all traits show that selection for one of these traits does not imply the loss of the others.
Indirect and direct models of sexual selection make different predictions regarding the quantitative genetic relationships between sexual ornaments and fitness. Indirect models predict that ornaments should have a high heritability and that strong positive genetic covariance should exist between fitness and the ornament. Direct models, on the other hand, make no such assumptions about the level of genetic variance in fitness and the ornament, and are therefore likely to be more important when environmental sources of variation are large. Here we test these predictions in a wild population of the blue tit (Parus caeruleus), a species in which plumage coloration has been shown to be under sexual selection. Using 3 years of cross-fostering data from over 250 breeding attempts, we partition the covariance between parental coloration and aspects of nestling fitness into a genetic and environmental component. Contrary to indirect models of sexual selection, but in agreement with direct models, we show that variation in coloration is only weakly heritable (h(2) < 0.11), and that two components of offspring fitness-nestling size and fledgling recruitment-are strongly dependent on parental effects, rather than genetic effects. Furthermore, there was no evidence of significant positive genetic covariation between parental colour and offspring traits. Contrary to direct benefit models, however, we find little evidence that variation in colour reliably indicates the level of parental care provided by either males or females. Taken together, these results indicate that the assumptions of indirect models of sexual selection are not supported by the genetic basis of the traits reported on here.
Foram estimados os coeficientes de herdabilidade e a mudança genética para peso à desmama (PD), peso ao sobreano (PS), ganho de peso do nascimento à desmama (GND), ganho de peso da desmama ao sobreano (GDS), perímetro escrotal (PE) e idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) em animais da raça Nelore. Foram utilizados dados de 128.148 animais nascidos entre 1984 e 2006. Os componentes de variância foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, e os valores genéticos foram preditos por modelos mistos aplicando-se modelo animal bicaracterística, incluindo peso à desmama em todas as análises. As tendências genéticas foram estimadas pela regressão dos valores genéticos sobre o ano de nascimento dos animais. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade do efeito direto estimados foram de 0,23 (0,07) (PD); 0,24 (0,02) (PS); 0,21 (0,01) (GND); 0,23 (0,01) (GDS); 0,46 (0,02) (PE) e 0,15 (0,01) (IPP). As tendências genéticas diretas estimadas foram de 0,171 (0,01); 0,219 (0,02); 0,186 (0,03) e 0,224 (0,02) kg/ano para PD, PS, GND e GDS, respectivamente, o que representa incrementos de 0,10; 0,08; 0,13 e 0,22% nas médias das mesmas características ao ano, respectivamente. Para o PE e a IPP no período de 1984 a 1995, as tendências genéticas foram nulas, com valores de 0,011 (0,03) cm/ano e -0,003 (0,06) dias/ano, respectivamente. No segundo período considerado (1996 a 2006), as tendências genéticas para PE e IPP foram de 0,069 (0,01) cm/ano e -3,024 (0,04) dias/ano, respectivamente, indicando melhorias consideráveis em tais características. Esses valores sugerem que características produtivas e reprodutivas, quando utilizadas como critério de seleção, proporcionam progresso genético no rebanho, sendo indicadas para seleção de animais da raça Nelore.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of ten quantitative descriptors of agronomic importance in productivity of 25 maize hybrids and their respective influences of heritability. The experiment in randomized blocks with four replications, was conducted in 2010/2011 crop in a soil under humid subtropical climate. The quantitative descriptors were: ear length, ear diameter, cob diameter, number of rows of grains, stem diameter, plant height, ear height, weight of 100 grains, grain weight per ear and number of grains per ear. The grain weight per ear and ear length showed high correlation with grain yield, and the descriptors with the highest potential for selecting superior genotypes and showing high heritability.
Key life history traits such as breeding time and clutch size are frequently both heritable and under directional selection, yet many studies fail to document micro-evolutionary responses. One general explanation is that selection estimates are biased by the omission of correlated traits that have causal effects on fitness, but few valid tests of this exist. Here we show, using a quantitative genetic framework and six decades of life-history data on two free-living populations of great tits Parus major, that selection estimates for egg-laying date and clutch size are relatively unbiased. Predicted responses to selection based on the Robertson-Price Identity were similar to those based on the multivariate breeder’s equation, indicating that unmeasured covarying traits were not missing from the analysis. Changing patterns of phenotypic selection on these traits (for laying date, linked to climate change) therefore reflect changing selection on breeding values, and genetic constraints appear not to limit their independent evolution. Quantitative genetic analysis of correlational data from pedigreed populations can be a valuable complement to experimental approaches to help identify whether apparent associations between traits and fitness are biased by missing traits, and to parse the roles of direct versus indirect selection across a range of environments.
Direct Visualization Of The Action Of Triton X-100 On Giant Vesicles Of Erythrocyte Membrane Lipids.
The raft hypothesis proposes that microdomains enriched in sphingolipids, cholesterol, and specific proteins are transiently formed to accomplish important cellular tasks. Equivocally, detergent-resistant membranes were initially assumed to be identical to membrane rafts, because of similarities between their compositions. In fact, the impact of detergents in membrane organization is still controversial. Here, we use phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy to observe giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) made of erythrocyte membrane lipids (erythro-GUVs) when exposed to the detergent Triton X-100 (TX-100). We clearly show that TX-100 has a restructuring action on biomembranes. Contact with TX-100 readily induces domain formation on the previously homogeneous membrane of erythro-GUVs at physiological and room temperatures. The shape and dynamics of the formed domains point to liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered (Lo/Ld) phase separation, typically found in raft-like ternary lipid mixtures. The Ld domains are then separated from the original vesicle and completely solubilized by TX-100. The insoluble vesicle left, in the Lo phase, represents around 2/3 of the original vesicle surface at room temperature and decreases to almost 1/2 at physiological temperature. This chain of events could be entirely reproduced with biomimetic GUVs of a simple ternary lipid mixture, 2:1:2 POPC/SM/chol (phosphatidylcholine/sphyngomyelin/cholesterol), showing that this behavior will arise because of fundamental physicochemical properties of simple lipid mixtures. This work provides direct visualization of TX-100-induced domain formation followed by selective (Ld phase) solubilization in a model system with a complex biological lipid composition.
Excessive occlusal surface wear can result in occlusal disharmony, functional and esthetic impairment. As a therapeutic approach, conventional single crowns have been proposed, but this kind of treatment is complex, highly invasive and expensive. This case report describes the clinical outcomes of an alternative minimally invasive treatment based on direct adhesive-pin retained restorations. A 64-year-old woman with severely worn dentition, eating problems related to missing teeth and generalized tooth hypersensitivity was referred for treatment. Proper treatment planning based on the diagnostic wax-up simulation was used to guide the reconstruction of maxillary anterior teeth with direct composite resin over self-threading dentin pins. As the mandibular remaining teeth were extremely worn, a tooth-supported overdenture was installed. A stabilization splint was also used to protect the restorations. This treatment was a less expensive alternative to full-mouth rehabilitation with positive esthetic and functional outcomes after 1.5 years of follow-up.
Using a desorption/ionization technique, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization coupled to mass spectrometry (EASI-MS), documents related to the 2nd generation of Brazilian Real currency (R$) were screened in the positive ion mode for authenticity based on chemical profiles obtained directly from the banknote surface. Characteristic profiles were observed for authentic, seized suspect counterfeit and counterfeited homemade banknotes from inkjet and laserjet printers. The chemicals in the authentic banknotes' surface were detected via a few minor sets of ions, namely from the plasticizers bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), most likely related to the official offset printing process, and other common quaternary ammonium cations, presenting a similar chemical profile to 1st-generation R$. The seized suspect counterfeit banknotes, however, displayed abundant diagnostic ions in the m/z 400-800 range due to the presence of oligomers. High-accuracy FT-ICR MS analysis enabled molecular formula assignment for each ion. The ions were separated by 44 m/z, which enabled their characterization as Surfynol® 4XX (S4XX, XX=40, 65, and 85), wherein increasing XX values indicate increasing amounts of ethoxylation on a backbone of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (Surfynol® 104). Sodiated triethylene glycol monobutyl ether (TBG) of m/z 229 (C10H22O4Na) was also identified in the seized counterfeit banknotes via EASI(+) FT-ICR MS. Surfynol® and TBG are constituents of inks used for inkjet printing.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a fast, low-cost, nondestructive, and truly multielement analytical technique. The objectives of this study are to quantify the amount of Na(+) and K(+) in samples of table salt (refined, marine, and light) and to compare three different methodologies of quantification using XRF. A fundamental parameter method revealed difficulties in quantifying accurately lighter elements (Z < 22). A univariate methodology based on peak area calibration is an attractive alternative, even though additional steps of data manipulation might consume some time. Quantifications were performed with good correlations for both Na (r = 0.974) and K (r = 0.992). A partial least-squares (PLS) regression method with five latent variables was very fast. Na(+) quantifications provided calibration errors lower than 16% and a correlation of 0.995. Of great concern was the observation of high Na(+) levels in low-sodium salts. The presented application may be performed in a fast and multielement fashion, in accordance with Green Chemistry specifications.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the color change of three types of composite resins exposed to coffee and cola drink, and the effect of repolishing on the color stability of these composites after staining. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen specimens (15 mm diameter and 2 mm thick) were fabricated from microhybrid (Esthet-X; Dentsply and Filtek Z-250; 3M ESPE) and high-density hybrid (Surefil; Dentsply) composites, and were finished and polished with aluminum oxide discs (Sof-Lex; 3M ESPE). Color of the specimens was measured according to the CIE L*a*b* system in a refection spectrophotometer (PCB 6807; BYK Gardner). After baseline color measurements, 5 specimens of each resin were immersed in different staining solutions for 15 days: G1 - distilled water (control), G2 - coffee, G3 - cola soft drink. Afterwards, new color measurement was performed and the specimens were repolished and submitted to new color reading. Color stability was determined by the difference (ΔE) between the coordinates L*, a*, and b* obtained from the specimens before and after immersion into the solutions and after repolishing. RESULTS: There was no statistically signifcant difference (ANOVA, Tukey's test; p>0.05) among the ΔE values for the different types of composites after staining or repolishing. For all composite resins, coffee promoted more color change (ΔE>3.3) than distilled water and the cola soft drink. After repolishing, the ΔE values of the specimens immersed in coffee decreased to clinically acceptable values (ΔE<3.3), but remained signifcantly higher than those of the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: No signifcant difference was found among composite resins or between color values before and after repolishing of specimens immersed in distilled water and cola. Immersing specimens in coffee caused greater color change in all types of composite resins tested in this study and repolishing contributed to decrease staining to clinically acceptable ΔE values.