977 resultados para dimethyl ether synthesis


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Ni catalysts supported on gamma-Al2O3 modified by Rh and La were prepared and evaluated on the reforming of a model biogas. The catalysts were characterized by EDS, XRD, TPR, XANES and surface area estimation (BET). The results showed that in the original Ni catalyst, the Ni interacted strongly with the alumina support, exhibiting high reduction temperatures in TPR tests. In the catalytic tests, the addition of Rh on Ni catalysts improved CH4 conversion but also increased carbon deposition, possible by causing the segregation of Ni species under the reaction conditions. The presence of La on Ni catalysts reduced the carbon deposition by favoring the gasification of carbon species. Addition of synthetic air to the process improved the CH4 conversion and also decreased the carbon formation. The catalysts Ni, Rh-NiLa, and Rh showed good results in the conversion of model sulfur-free biogas, which suggests that they are promising catalysts to be tested in conversion of real biogas. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reaction between LaCl_3 and LiCl in THF at room temperature, with hexane as precipitant and glycol dimethyl ether as complexing agent, has been studied. A complex with the composition of (LaCl)DME(μ_2-Cl)_5(μ_3-Cl)(La·DME)Li(THF)_2 has been synthesized, its structure was studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The diffraction intensities were collected at about —100℃. The complex belongs to the triclinic space group P1 with α=11.123(3), 6=16.564(5), c=8.653(3)A, α=95.16(3), β=...


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This article discusses the potential of bio-dimethyl ether (DME) as a promising fuel for India in the transportation sector where a majority of imported petroleum in the form of diesel is used. Specifically, the suitability of DME in terms of its properties vis-a-vis those of diesel, ability to liquefy DME at low pressures similar to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and ease of production from renewable feedstock (biomass), and most importantly, very low emissions including near-zero soot levels are some of the features that make it an attractive option. A detailed review presents the state-of-the-art on various aspects such as estimates of potential bio-DME production, methods of synthesis of bio-DME, important physicochemical properties, fuel-injection system-related concerns (both conventional and common-rail system), fuel spray characteristics which have a direct bearing on the engine performance, and finally, exhaust emissions. Future research directions covering all aspects from production to utilization are summarized (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3489529]


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With naphthalene as biomass tar model compound, partial oxidation reforming (with addition of O-2) and dry reforming of biomass fuel gas were investigated over nickel-based monoliths at the same conditions. The results showed that both processes had excellent performance in upgrading biomass raw fuel gas. Above 99% of naphthalene was converted into synthesis gases (H-2+CO). About 2.8 wt% of coke deposition was detected on the catalyst surface for dry reforming process at 750 degrees C during 108 h lifetime test. However, no Coke deposition was detected for partial oxidation reforming process, which indicated that addition of O-2 can effectively prohibit the coke formation. O-2 Can also increase the CH4 conversion and H-2/CO ratio of the producer gas. The average conversion of CH4 in dry and partial oxidation reforming process was 92% and 95%, respectively. The average H-2/CO ratio increased from 0.95 to 1.1 with the addition of O-2, which was suitable to be used as synthesis gas for dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis.


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A promising application for biomass is liquid fuel synthesis, such as methanol or dimethyl ether (DME). Previous studies have studied syngas production from biomass-derived char, oil and gas. This study intends to explore the technology of syngas production from direct biomass gasification, which may be more economically viable. The ratio of H-2/CO is an important factor that affects the performance of this process. In this study, the characteristics of biomass gasification gas, such as H-2/CO and tar yield, as well as its potential for liquid fuel synthesis is explored. A fluidized bed gasifier and a downstream fixed bed are employed as the reactors. Two kinds of catalysts: dolomite and nickel based catalyst are applied, and they are used in the fluidized bed and fixed bed, respectively. The gasifying agent used is an air-steam mixture. The main variables studied are temperature and weight hourly space velocity in the fixed bed reactor. Over the ranges of operating conditions examined, the maximum H-2 content reaches 52.47 vol%, while the ratio of H-2/CO varies between 1.87 and 4.45. The results indicate that an appropriate temperature (750 degrees C for the current study) and more catalyst are favorable for getting a higher H-2/CO ratio. Using a simple first order kinetic model for the overall tar removal reaction, the apparent activation energies and pre-exponential factors are obtained for nickel based catalysts. The results indicate that biomass gasification gas has great potential for liquid fuel synthesis after further processing.


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在糖化学中,糖原酸酯是一类重要的合成中间体,广泛运用于1,2-反式糖苷的合成,尤其对于寡糖的立体选择性合成具有重要的价值。目前文献报道的制备糖原酸酯的方法大多存在对环境不友好的问题。本文对传统的糖原酸酯制备方法进行了改进,通过研究发现无机碱也能够有效地催化合成糖原酸酯。以溴代糖和醇(或糖基受体)为原料,在无机碱、四丁基溴化铵、乙腈的体系中,合成了一系列简单醇糖原酸酯和糖-糖原酸酯。 聚乙二醇及其衍生物作为有机反应的溶剂和催化剂在有机化学中有广泛的应用。本文阐述了一种以溴代糖和醇(或糖基受体)为原料,在无机碱和聚乙二醇二甲醚反应体系中合成糖原酸酯的方法。该方法中,聚乙二醇二甲醚即作为绿色溶剂又作为催化剂,反应条件温和、环保、高效。 糖胺是一类重要的糖苷酶抑制剂,已在糖尿病和其他代谢紊乱等疾病的治疗中发挥了极其重要的作用。本文提供了一种合成一类具有潜在的糖苷酶抑制活性、结构新颖的二环糖胺的途径。该合成思路是以1-叠氮基-2-C-乙酰甲基-3,4,6-三-O-苄基-2-脱氧-β-D-葡萄糖为原料,经二环糖亚胺中间体,通过二环糖亚胺还原或加成得到一类二环糖胺。 Sugar orthoesters as one of the most important intermediates in carbohydrate chemistry, are used extensively in the synthesis of sugar 1,2-trans-glycosides, especially oligosaccharide. These methods in the literature are mostly eco-unfriendly. Herein we described a modified protocol for the preparation of sugar orthoesters using inorganic base, by improving the conventional method. Our method involves the treatment of peracetylated or perbenzotlated glycosyl bromides with alcohols in the presence of a quaternary ammonium salt and an inorganic alkali in acetonitrile solvent, affording both simple sugar orthoesters and sugar-sugar orthoesters. Polyethylene glycol and their derivatives as solvents or catalysts play a significant role in the organic reaction. We developed a novel and environmentally benign methodology towards the synthesis of sugar orthoesters, which are prepared by the reaction of peracetylated or perbenzotlated glycosyl bromides and alcohols in the presence of dimethyl ether of polyethylene glycol as either the reaction medium or catalyst. Glycosylamines and pseudo-glycosylamines have been tested against various glycosidases, and applied to the treatment of diabetes and other metabolic disorders. We presented a route of the synthesis of a bicyclic glycosylamine as a potential glycosidases inhibitor with unique structure. Reduction of 2-C-acetlymethyl-β-glucopyranosyl azide derivative firstly produced a bicyclic glycosylimine intermediate, and subsequently the bicyclic glycosylamine and its derivatives would be prepared through the selective reduction or addition the C=N double bond of the bicyclic glycosylimine intermediate.


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Conversion of agricultural biomass such as wood chips, wheat straw and forest residue for the production of fuels can help in reducing GHG emissions since they are considered as nearly carbon neutral. Around the world there is a significant amount of forest and agricultural-biomass available which could be used for the production of liquid fuels that can be blended with the petroleum-based diesel. Oxymethylene ethers (OMEs) can be derived from biomass via gasification, water-gas shift reaction and methanol production. The addition of OMEs to conventional diesel fuel has great potential to reduce soot formation during the combustion in diesel engines. Unlike methanol and dimethyl ether (DMM) which can also reduce soot formation, the physical properties of OMEs allow the use in modern diesel engines without significant change of the engines infrastructure. In this study, a detailed and data intensive process simulation model was developed to simulate all the unit operations involved in the production of OMEs from biomass. The unit operation considered include biomass drying, gasification, gas cleaning, water gas shift reaction, methanol production and OMEs synthesis. The simulation results were then utilized to conduct a detailed techno-economic assessment study of the whole biomass conversion chain to determine the most attractive pathways for OMEs production. Our recent study shows that the key parameters affecting the OMEs production are equivalence ratio, H2/CO ratio and optimal air flow. Overall, the cost of production ($/liter) of OMEs from different biomass feedstock in Alberta will be determined