789 resultados para digitala- och sociala medier
Sedan brjan p 2000-talet har frsljningssiffrorna fr CD-skivan inom musikindustrin varit p nedgng och minskat rligen, samtidigt som de nya digitala formaten har etablerats p den globala marknaden. Men trots mnga spekulationer, dr CD-skivan sedan r tillbaka har stmplats som ett dende musikmedium, tyder frsljningsstatistiken p att CD:n och andra fysiska format fortfarande har en plats p den moderna globala musikmarknaden. I denna underskning sammanstlls frsljningssiffror frn vrldens strsta musikmarknader, samt Sverige, fr att f en tydligare verblick ver hur frsljningsfrdelningen egentligen ser ut mellan de olika musikformaten. Genom sekundranalys, kombinerat med Boltanski och Thnevots teori om de olika typer av vrldar som existerar i vardagen, och deras respektive vrdeordningar, analyseras den insamlade datan fr att f en kad frstelse fr varfr frsljningsfrdelningen ser ut som den gr idag, och hur utvecklingen har sett ut under fregende r. Resultatet visar att den globala frsljningsfrdelningen under 2014 var jmnt frdelad mellan digitala och fysiska format, med en andel p cirka 46% vardera av den totala globala musikmarknaden. Detta visar att fysiska format, trots en rlig minskning, r 2014 hade en roll p musikmarknaden som, ur frsljningsaspekt, var likvrdig digitala format, och CD-skivan (och ven vinylen) kan drfr inte nnu anses vara dd.
Bakgrund: Fr att vrden kring ett barn ska bli s bra som mjlig r frldrarnas nrvaro avgrande. Vrdpersonalen fr arbeta mycket utifrn sin egen kunskap och erfarenhet i arbetet med familjer. Mlsttningen inom barnsjukvrden r att involvera familjen s mycket som mjligt och utg frn varje familjs behov runt den aktuella situationen. Syftet: Studiens syfte var att utifrn ett familjeperspektiv belysa upplevelsen av att ha ett barn inlagt p sjukhus. Metod: Denna litteraturstudie innehller sammanlagt 14 studier inom det valda omrdet och dessa har analyserats med en innehllsanalys. Resultat: Frldrarna upplevde att god kommunikation hade en positiv inverkan p relationen mellan familjen och vrdgivare under sjukhusvistelsen. Under sjukhusvistelsen uppstod psykiska, fysiska och sociala behov som familjen behvde f std med. Familjen upplevde mnga knslor och hela vardagen blev pverkad. Slutsats: Denna litteraturstudie indikerar att det finns ett stort behov av en personlig relation mellan sjukvrdsgivare och familj. Familjen r ven i behov av f std frn sjukskterskan fr att motverka oskerhet hos frldrarna. Nyckelord: Delaktighet, familj, litteraturstudie, omvrdnad, upplevelser
In what way does different stakeholders assess a decision and its consequences, and how do these assessments differ? When a company stands before a big decision, they need to consider aspects that are economic, ecologic and social. To make a good decision they need to consider the society and its different stakeholder groups. This study examined how different groups values and weights different criteria. The study has been done with the project Sundsvall logistics park as a case, with criteria related to that project. The goal of the study was to find a way to value and weight different criteria and then compare how the company and the stakeholders assesses these criteria. This has been done through interviews with relevant people that has got extra knowledge about the project Sundsvall logistics park, and through a survey that has been sent out to residents of Sundsvall. The informants and respondents got to assess values and weights to the criteria relative to an indirect alternative where the logistics park isnt built. The data was then compiled using multi attribute utility theory as a tool to present the comparison. The result of the study suggests that the differences between the valuations and weightings of the criteria is partly due to an uncertainty in how the logistics park would affect the criteria, but that the biggest reason probably depends on what perspective the person is viewing the logistics park from. If the person is viewing the logistics park from an industrial perspective, the criteria related to industrial development is getting more important and is going to take up more room in the analysis. If the person is viewing the logistics park from an individual and social perspective, the criteria related to that is more important and takes up more room in the analysis.
Volunteer coaches are critical for the existence of youth sports organizations. They are both leading the activity and are expected to develop the athletes in a technical, psychological, social and cultural way. The mission as a coach requires skills and knowledge from a wide range of fields and the mission as a coach appears complex. Stakeholders like Riksidrottsfrbundet, Gymnastikfrbundet and the sport organization have certain requirements on how to design the activities. Coaches have to follow those guidelines and implement them in practice. The social context is one important factor for understanding the driving force. It affects how coaches perceive their assignment as a volunteer coach. This study aims to contribute to increased understanding of the fenomen volunteer coach mission and increase understanding for the drivers of volunteer coaches in gymnastics. In order to clarify this, 6 interviews with volunteer coaches from gymnastics organizations linked to Riksidrottsfrbundet were conducted. This study indicates that the motive behind the coaching mission is grounded in an intrinsic value of being a coach. The coaching mission itself appears partly contradictory when trying to combine the sport related and the social dimensions. Seeing progress from practice and to follow the development of gymnasts are aspects that drives coaches. That combined with the social interaction is important for understanding the drivers of being a coach.
Intresset fr hur HR och ledning kan pverka medarbetarnas beteendemnster och den sociala strukturen inom organisationer har gett upphov till denna underskning. Med utgngspunkt i teorier om komplexa adaptiva system som perspektiv har jag frskt fnga medarbetarnas frutsttningar att n organisationers vision och drmed frverkliga medarbetarpolicyn i praktiken. Tillsammans med kontaktpersoner frn den underskta kommunen har jag gjort en djupdykning i en offentlig organisation i syfte att frklara byrkratins inverkan p beteendemnstret hos medarbetarna och hur de tillsammans skapar en social struktur vilken speglar organisationens vision. Syftet med studien r att underska hur det adaptiva systemet fungerar i en byrkratisk organisation och vad det betyder fr medarbetarnas mjligheter att frverkliga organisationens vision och medarbetarpolicy. Underskningen har genomfrts p en socialfrvaltning i en kommun i mellan Sverige och med en kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer har sex respondenter deltagit i underskningen. Samtliga respondenter har olika befattningar inom organisationen och bidrar drmed med olika perspektiv p samma fenomen. Underskningens resultat visar att den offentliga verksamhetens byrkratiska organisationsstruktur bidrar till att det bildas olika adaptiva system inom organisationen, dr medarbetarnas beteendemnster bildar en social struktur som leder till att visionen och medarbetarpolicyn inte frverkligas. Underskningen visar ven att de adaptiva systemen inom organisationen inte pverkar varandra, d de inte interagerar med varandra inom organisationen. Det som ligger till grund fr hur medarbetarnas beteendemnster etableras inom organisationen r kraven frn omvrlden, hg arbetsbelastning och avsaknaden av stabilitet i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljn och inte vad tidigare forskning visat; att det skulle vara hg regelstyrning som ligger till grund fr beteendemnstret inom den offentliga sektorn. Slutsatsen r att fr att medarbetarna ska kunna frverkliga organisationens vision och medarbetarpolicy krver det att HR, ledning och medarbetare alla ingr i samma adaptiva system. Fr att det ska vara mjligt behver HR upprtta strategier fr hur samtliga inom organisationen ska interagera med varandra i det dagliga arbetet. Ledningen och medarbetarna behver ven ha goda mjligheter att kommunicera med varandra regelbundet i en strre omfattning n vad de gr idag. Konkreta tgrder fr hur det lmpligen br genomfras presenteras under diskussionen.
Pedagogues in the borderland of their social task: dealing with family law proceedings, threats and violence Drawing upon an explorative study of family law proceedings from a school perspective, the aim of this paper is to examine the school staffs strategies for solving or coping with problematic situations in this context. Gendered conflicts between adults and violence are extreme cases for pedagogues in school and preschool. How do the staff cope with their own and the childrens vulnerability? Based upon interviews with 22 informants, the staffs strategies are outlined and discussed in relation to organizational and professional circumstances and intersecting social relations of power. An analytical construction of six types of proactive and reactive strategies, ranging from distance keeping to normalization of own exposure, is utilized in the analysis. Findings suggest that the staffs strategies to handle challenging events in this context vary with the parents gender, class position and ethnicity. Further, it is argued that creating a sense of safety and promoting learning among the children may be obstructed by lack of support from the schools organization, demands on staff to perform customer oriented attitudes towards parents and lack of clarity concerning the limits of the social task. Conflicts between the organization and profession on the one hand and the educational and the social task on the other hand, are thus illuminated. In conclusion, a further aim of this article is to contribute to broader discussions on mens violence against women and children in families as well as in workplaces and in the intersection between these two areas.
The social constructions of old age and ability the example of intellectual disability The aim of this article is to analyse and discuss constructions of old age as they are reflected in disability research with the focus on ageing and what it means to be elderly. The results of this study show three tendencies. First, the consequences of the impairment tend to be at forefront in studies of experiences of ageing among persons with intellectual disabilities. This obscures the fact that people with intellectual disabilities partake in a common idealisation of youthfulness that often contains ambivalence towards old age. Second, the concept of old age in disability research embraces significantly wider chronological age groups than those considered in ageing studies. Third, both disability and ageing research tend to use a late modern perspective of individualization as a way to illustrate new options and strategies, including resistance against stigmatisation. This article illustrates that social constructions of disability and old age are tightly interwoven, and constitute negations of normatively defined ideals of normality in a society where ability are highly regarded.
Play and empowerment: the role of alternative spaces in social movements The article examines the role played by alternative space in social movements and argues that it plays a crucial role in counter-acting feelings of powerlessness and facilitating the empowerment of subaltern groups. Alternative space is defined using Benjamins notions ofshock, nature and history as constituted by forms of interaction in which society is made to appear as history. To facilitate empowerment, alternative space must, firstly, provide a place for subaltern groups in which they are no longer subordinated; secondly, instill hope that social change is possible and encourage such change; and, thirdly, expand or consolidate alternative space itself. These tasks can easily enter into conflict with each other, since they sometimes appear to require alternative space to adopt more abstract forms of interaction in which aspects of the social situation are bracketed and sometimes more concreteones in which such aspects are again given attention. In order to study how movements may relate to this difficulty, the article looks at three contemporary Japanese social movements with NAM, New Start / New Start Kansai and the General Freeter Union as central organizations. Only the third successfully combines the three tasks, in large measure through its skillful use of the play-element.
<p>Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p>
Sociology, hybrids and social reality: the case of nuclear waste The continuing technological transformation of nature means that sociologys traditional vision of a sharp divide between nature and society is becoming ever harder to defend. Starting from Bruno Latours critique of modernity, and Nikolas Roses explorations of political power beyond the state, this article presents a framework for analysing the expanding wealth of hybrids of nature and society surrounding us today, and the problems of government they pose. These hybrids confront us with the need to rethink sociologys conception of the social. With Latours help, the interplay of nature and society can be understood as subject to technical mediation, opening the way for studies of the varying arrangements through which different configurations of nature and society are produced. Rather than alternative social constructions of nature, what sociologists should be at pains to analyse and question are different programmes and strategies for bringing together natural and social forces in durable combinations. In the article, the geological disposal of nuclear waste serves as a useful example for exploring the fruitfulness of the analytical framework put forward. This complex undertaking constitutes just one component in a larger field of technoscientific endeavour that has irrevocably transformed nature while simultaneously re-making society. Addressing this case, we seek to reveal the promise of a sociology that does not bound the social in advance, but rather makes the co-production of technology and society one of its most important objects of study.
Emergence in the sociology of Mead: Process, interaction and the conditions ofsocial life. Within sociology, and especially in the symbolic interaction genre thereof, emergence have been used in order to analyze the process between different dichotomies such as structure and agency, individual and collective, improvisation and the pre-determined as well as the relationship between a now, a past and a present. The aim of this article is to, based on mentioned dichotomies, discuss the possibilities and the limitations of emergence. In terms of possibilities emergence can be used as an analytical and theoretical tool for analyzing the process between different social phenomena. In terms of limitations, emergence could (and have been) criticized for not acknowledging the pre-conditioned aspects of social life. Hence, this article is concluded in a discussion on how to integrate pre-conditioned aspects of social life, such as power, dominance and subordination in the analysis of the emergent and dynamic social life.
Bakgrunden till avhandlingen r att andelen ldre kar i Finland, vilket medfr ett behov av nya ekonomiska lsningar samtidigt som vrdkvaliteten tryggas. Nrstendevrd r en fr samhllet frmnlig vrdform som mjliggr att ldre fr bo hemma lngre samtidigt som institutionsvrden minskar. Det r i enlighet med den finlndska regeringens mlsttningar och nrstendevrden ska drfr utkas. I forskning om nrstendevrd har man frmst fokuserat p vrdarens upplevelser och det finns ett behov av att ka kunskapen om vrdtagarnas upplevelser. Avhandlingens syfte r sledes att underska ldre vrdtagares upplevelser av nrstendevrd och ldrande genom att tillmpa livsloppsperspektivet och den sociala utbytesteorin. Avhandlingens fyra frgestllningar r ifall nrstendevrd upplevs som en god vrdform sett ur vrdtagarens synvinkel, vad som upplevs som positivt och negativt med vrdformen, vilken betydelse reciprocitet har fr vrdtagaren och vilka mjligheter hon eller han har till reciprocitet i relationen till nrstendevrdaren samt vilken betydelse vrdtagarens tidigare livsskeden har fr hans eller hennes upplevelser av nrstendevrd. I avhandlingen behandlas ven utvecklingen inom socialgerontologiska teorier. Tv av de mest anvnda socialgerontologiska teorierna p 2000-talet r livsloppsperspektivet och den sociala utbytesteorin. Livsloppsperspektivet innebr att man tar i beaktande mnga olika faktorer ssom t.ex. samhlleliga frndringar och en individs tidigare livsskeden nr man studerar ldrande. Den sociala utbytesteorin utgr frn att det en mnniska ger t en annan, frvntar hon sig tillbaka. I en obalanserad utbytesrelation uppstr missnje och en knsla av maktlshet hos den som enbart r mottagare. Det r en situation som ldre riskerar att hamna i, d deras resurser inte alltid vrdestts av den yngre, arbetsfra generationen. I denna kvalitativa studie har semistrukturerade temaintervjuer genomfrts. Sju svensksprkiga nrstendevrdtagare i ldern 71-80 har intervjuats i sterbotten. Materialet har analyserats med hjlp av kvalitativ innehllsanalys. Resultaten visar att vrdtagarna verlag upplever nrstendevrd som en god vrdform med mnga frdelar. Vrdtagarna uppskattar framfr allt att f bo hemma och tryggheten i att vrdas av ngon anhrig som knner dem vl och hela tiden r tillgnglig. Flera vrdtagare upplever oro infr framtiden, eftersom de inte vet vad som hnder om eller nr nrstendevrdarens hlsa frsmras. Flera vrdtagare upplever frustration ver sitt hlsotillstnd och hade inte frvntat sig att ldrandet skulle se ut p det stt som det gr. Missnjet tycks inte vara en fljd av avsaknad av reciprocitet i relationen till nrstendevrdaren, utan de negativa knslorna handlar om att acceptera det frsmrade hlsotillstndet efter att tidigare ha levt ett aktivare liv.
De neuropsykiatriska funktionshindren kar. Efter att ha arbetat som resurs i skolan samt varit kontaktfamilj, vcktes mitt intresse fr diagnosticeringsprocessen av neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. Jag ville genom studien underska vilken instllning tv representanter som finns med i diagnosticeringsprocessen har till denna och deras roll i denna process. Jag ville f en bred bild, som beskriver mina informanters instllning ur s mnga aspekter som mjligt och anvnde mig drfr ett flertal olika teorier. Mina teoretiska grunder bygger p de generella begreppen; Maktprocesser, Sociala konstruktioner, Medikalisering samt stmpling. De teoretiker jag anvnder mig av r Foucault, Gillberg, Krfve, Brante, Bourdieu, Johannisson, Conrad, Lemert, Scheff och Goldberg.Jag anvnder mig av kvalitativ metod dr tv nyckelinformanter intervjuades, en psykolog och en specialpedagog. Dessa personer kan inte representera sina yrkesprofessioner och min avsikt var inte att generalisera. Studien som jag gjort r relaterade till just mina informanter.Informanterna r till stor del medvetna om medikaliseringen, de ser bde fr- och nackdelar med diagnosticeringsprocessen och de ser ocks riskerna i diagnosticeringen som stmmer vl verens med mina teorier.