963 resultados para digital libraries
This volume examines the social, cultural, and political implications of the shift from traditional forms of print-based libraries to the delivery of online information in educational contexts. Despite the central role of libraries in literacy and learning, research of them has, in the main, remained isolated within the disciplinary boundaries of information and library science. By contrast, this book problematizes and thereby mainstreams the field. It brings together scholars from a wide range of academic fields to explore the dislodging of library discourse from its longstanding apolitical, modernist paradigm. Collectively, the authors interrogate the presuppositions of current library practice and examine how library as place and library as space blend together in ways that may be both complementary and contradictory. Seeking a suitable term to designate this rapidly evolving and much contested development, the editors devised the word “libr@ary,” and use the term arobase to signify the conditions of formation of new libraries within contexts of space, knowledge, and capital.
Special collections, because of the issues associated with conservation and use, a feature they share with archives, tend to be the most digitized areas in libraries. The Nineteenth Century Schoolbooks collection is a collection of 9000 rarely held nineteenth-century schoolbooks that were painstakingly collected over a lifetime of work by Prof. John A. Nietz, and donated to the Hillman Library at the University of Pittsburgh in 1958, which has since grown to 15,000. About 140 of these texts are completely digitized and showcased in a publicly accessible website through the University of Pittsburgh’s Library, along with a searchable bibliography of the entire collection, which expanded the awareness of this collection and its user base to beyond the academic community. The URL for the website is http://digital.library.pitt.edu/nietz/. The collection is a rich resource for researchers studying the intellectual, educational, and textbook publishing history of the United States. In this study, we examined several existing records collected by the Digital Research Library at the University of Pittsburgh in order to determine the identity and searching behaviors of the users of this collection. Some of the records examined include: 1) The results of a 3-month long user survey, 2) User access statistics including search queries for a period of one year, a year after the digitized collection became publicly available in 2001, and 3) E-mail input received by the website over 4 years from 2000-2004. The results of the study demonstrate the differences in online retrieval strategies used by academic researchers and historians, archivists, avocationists, and the general public, and the importance of facilitating the discovery of digitized special collections through the use of electronic finding aids and an interactive interface with detailed metadata.
While the phrase “six degrees of separation” is widely used to characterize a variety of humanderived networks, in this study we show that in patent citation network, related patents are connected with an average distance of 6, whereas an average distance for a random pair of nodes in the graph is approximately 15. We use this information to improve the recall level in prior-art retrieval in the setting of blind relevance feedback without any textual knowledge.
Technologies such as smart meters and electricity feedback are becoming an increasingly compelling focus for HCI researchers in light of rising power prices and peak demand. We argue, however, that a pre-occupation with the goal of demand management has limited the scope of design for these technologies. In this paper we present our work-in-progress investigating the potential value of socially sharing electricity information as a means of broadening the scope of design for these devices. This paper outlines some preliminary findings gathered from a design workshop and a series of qualitative interviews with householders in Brisbane, Australia, regarding their attitudes towards electricity feedback and sharing consumption information. Preliminary findings suggest that; (1) the social sharing of electricity feedback information has the potential to be of value in better informing consumption decisions, however; (2) the potential for sharing may be constrained by attitudes towards privacy, trust and the possibility of misinformation being shared. We conclude by outlining ideas for our future research on this topic and invite comments on these ideas.
In this paper we describe the design of DNA Jewellery, which is a wearable tangible data representation of personal DNA profile data. An iterative design process was followed to develop a 3D form-language that could be mapped to standard DNA profile data, with the aim of retaining readability of data while also producing an aesthetically pleasing and unique result in the area of personalized design. The work explores design issues with the production of data tangibles, contributes to a growing body of research exploring tangible representations of data and highlights the importance of approaches that move between technology, art and design.
Researchers are increasingly grappling with ways of theorizing social media and its use. This review essay proposes that the theory of Information Grounds (IG) may provide a valuable lens for understanding how social media fosters collaboration and social engagement among information professionals. The paper presents literature that helps us understand how social media can be seen as IG, and maps the characteristics of social media to the seven propositions of IG theory. This work is part of a wider study investigating the ways in which Information Technology (IT) professionals experience social media.
Open Access -liike pyrkii vapauttamaan tieteellisen tiedon kaupallisuuden rajoitteista edesauttamalla artikkeleiden rinnakkaisversioiden avointa ja esteetöntä verkkotallennusta. Sen mahdollistamiseksi verkkoon perustetaan julkaisuarkistoja, joiden toiminta-ajatuksena on säilöä taustayhteisönsä tieteellinen tuotanto avoimesti ja keskitetysti yhteen paikkaan. Avoimen lähdekoodin arkistosovellukset jakavat sisältönsä OAI-protokollan avulla ja muodostavat näin globaalin virtuaalisen tietoverkon. Suurten tietomäärien käsittelyssä on huomioitava erityisesti kuvailutiedon rooli tehokkaiden hakujen toteuttamisessa sekä tiedon yksilöiminen verkossa erilaisten pysyvien tunnisteiden, kuten Handle:n tai URN:n avulla. Tieteellisen tiedon avoimella saatavuudella on merkittävä vaikutus myös oppimisen näkökulmasta. Julkaisuarkistot tarjoavat oppimateriaalin lisäksi uusia mahdollisuuksia julkaisukanavan ja oppimisymp äristön integroimiseen. Työssä esitellään avoimen saatavuuden keskeisiä teemoja sekä sen käytännön toteutusta varten kehitettyjä teknisiä ratkaisuja. Näiden pohjalta toteutetaan Meilahden kampuksen avoin julkaisuarkisto. Työssä pohditaan myös julkaisuarkistojen soveltuvuutta oppimisprosessin tukemiseen tutkivan- ja sulautuvan oppimisen viitekehyksessä. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): H.3 [INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL], H.3.7 [Digital Libraries], H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval], H.3.5 [Online Information Services], K.3 [COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION], K.3.1 [Computer Uses in Education]
This paper describes three novel techniques to automatically evaluate sentence extract summaries. Two of these techniques called FuSE and DeFuSE evaluate the quality of the generated extract summary based on the degree of similarity to the model summary. They use a fuzzy set theoretic basis to generate a match score. DeFuSE is an enhancement to FuSE and uses WordNet based hypernymy structures to detect similarity between sentences at abstracted levels. The third technique focuses on quantifying the quality of an extract summary based on the difficulty in generating such a summary. Advantages of these techniques are described with examples.
Bilbao, Gidor y Ricardo Gómez, «Textos antiguos vascos en Internet», en Humanidades Digitales: desafíos, logros y perspectivas de futuro, Sagrario López Poza y Nieves Pena Sueiro (editoras), Janus [en línea], Anexo 1 (2014), 111-121, publicado el 11/04/2014, consultado el 12/04/2014. URL:
Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Fenton, R. & Armstrong, C. (2004). JUSTEIS: JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services Final report 2003/2004 Cycle Five. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: JISC
Tedd, L.A., Dahl, K., Francis, S.,Tet?evov?, M.& ?ihlavn?kov?, E.(2002).Training for professional librarians in Slovakia by distance-learning methods: an overview of the PROLIB and EDULIB projects. Library Hi Tech, 20(3), 340-351. Sponsorship: European Union and the Open Society Institute
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
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