1000 resultados para diffraction and scattering measurements


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The velocity scale inside an acoustically levitated droplet depends on the levitator and liquid properties. Using Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV), detailed velocity measurements have been made in a levitated droplet of different diameters and viscosity. The maximum velocity and rotation are normalized using frequency and amplitude of acoustic levitator, and droplet viscosity. The non-dimensional data are fitted for micrometer- and millimeter-sized droplets levitated in different levitators for different viscosity fluids. It is also shown that the rotational speed of nanosilica droplets at an advanced stage of vaporization compares well with that predicted by exponentially fitted parameters. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The layered double hydroxides (LDH) or anionic clays are an important class of ion-exchange materials. They consist of positively charged brucite-like inorganic sheets with charge-compensating exchangeable anions in the interlamellar space. Here we show how neutral TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) molecules can be included within the galleries of an LDH. To do so, we exploit the fact that TCNQ is a good electron acceptor that forms donor acceptor complexes with a variety of donors. The electron donor aniline was intercalated into a Mg-Al LDH as p-aminobenzoate (AB) ions by a conventional ion-exchange reaction. We show here that neutral TCNQ molecules may be driven into the galleries of the layered solid by charge-transfer complex formation with the intercalated p-aminobenzoate anions. We use diffraction and spectroscopic measurements in combination with molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations to establish the nature of interactions and arrangement of the charge-transfer complex within the galleries of the layered double hydroxide. Electrostatic interactions between the TCNQ molecules and the anchored AB ions, subsequent to charge transfer, are the driving force for the inclusion of TCNQ molecules in the galleries of the LDH.


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Stochastic modelling is a useful way of simulating complex hard-rock aquifers as hydrological properties (permeability, porosity etc.) can be described using random variables with known statistics. However, very few studies have assessed the influence of topological uncertainty (i.e. the variability of thickness of conductive zones in the aquifer), probably because it is not easy to retrieve accurate statistics of the aquifer geometry, especially in hard rock context. In this paper, we assessed the potential of using geophysical surveys to describe the geometry of a hard rock-aquifer in a stochastic modelling framework. The study site was a small experimental watershed in South India, where the aquifer consisted of a clayey to loamy-sandy zone (regolith) underlain by a conductive fissured rock layer (protolith) and the unweathered gneiss (bedrock) at the bottom. The spatial variability of the thickness of the regolith and fissured layers was estimated by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles, which were performed along a few cross sections in the watershed. For stochastic analysis using Monte Carlo simulation, the generated random layer thickness was made conditional to the available data from the geophysics. In order to simulate steady state flow in the irregular domain with variable geometry, we used an isoparametric finite element method to discretize the flow equation over an unstructured grid with irregular hexahedral elements. The results indicated that the spatial variability of the layer thickness had a significant effect on reducing the simulated effective steady seepage flux and that using the conditional simulations reduced the uncertainty of the simulated seepage flux. As a conclusion, combining information on the aquifer geometry obtained from geophysical surveys with stochastic modelling is a promising methodology to improve the simulation of groundwater flow in complex hard-rock aquifers. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cementite dissolution in cold-drawn pearlitic steel (0.8 wt.% carbon) wires has been studied by quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Mossbauer spectroscopy up to drawing strain 1.4. Quantification of cementite-phase fraction by Rietveld analysis has confirmed more than 50% dissolution of cementite phase at drawing strain 1.4. It is found that the lattice parameter of the ferrite phase determined by Rietveld refinement procedure remains nearly unchanged even after cementite dissolution. This confirms that the carbon atoms released after cementite dissolution do not dissolve in the ferrite lattice as Fe-C interstitial solid solution. Detailed analysis of broadening of XRD line profiles for the ferrite phase shows high density of dislocations (approximate to 10(15)/m(2)) in the ferrite matrix at drawing strain 1.4. The results suggest a dominant role of 111 screw dislocations in the cementite dissolution process. Post-deformation heat treatment leads to partial annihilation of dislocations and restoration of cementite phase. Based on these experimental observations, further supplemented by TEM studies, we have suggested an alternative thermodynamic mechanism of the dissolution process.


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Synthesis and structural characterization of two novel symmetrical banana mesogens built from resorcinol with seven phenyl rings linked by ester and imine with a terminal dodecyl/dodecyloxy chain has been carried out. Density functional theory (DFT) has been employed for obtaining the geometry optimized structures, the dipole moments and C-13 NMR chemical shifts. The HOPM and DSC studies revealed enantiotropic B-2 and B-7 phases for the dodecyl and dodecyloxy homologs respectively. The powder X-ray studies of both the mesogens indicate the presence of layer ordering. The polarization measurements reveal an anti-ferroelectric switching for the B-2 phase of the dodecyl homolog whose structure has been identified as SmCSPA. The B-7 phase of the dodecyloxy homolog was found to be non-switchable. High resolution C-13 NMR study of the dodecyl homolog in its mesophase has been carried out. C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings obtained from the 2-dimensional separated local field spectroscopy experiment were used to obtain the orientational order parameters of the different segments of the mesogen. Very large C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings observed for the carbons of the central phenyl ring (9.7-12.3 kHz) in comparison to the dipolar couplings of those of the side arm phenyl rings (less than 3 kHz) are a direct consequence of the ordering in the banana phase and the shape of the molecule. From the ratio of the local order parameter values, the bent-angle of the mesogen could be determined in a straight forward manner to be 120.5 degrees.


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We report on the resonant frequency modulation of inertial microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures due to squeeze film stiffness over a range of working pressures. Squeeze film effects have been studied extensively, but mostly in the context of damping and Q-factor determination of dynamic MEMS structures, typically suspended over a fixed substrate with a very thin air gap. Here, we show with experimental measurements and analytical calculations how the pressure-dependent air springs (squeeze film stiffness) change the resonant frequency of an inertial MEMS structure by as much as five times. For capturing the isolated effect of the squeeze film stiffness, we first determine the static stiffness of our structure with atomic force microscope probing and then study the effect of the air spring by measuring the dynamic response of the structure, thus finding the resonant frequencies while varying the air pressure from 1 to 905 mbar. We also verify our results by analytical and Finite Element Method calculations. Our findings show that the pressure-dependent squeeze film stiffness can affect a rather huge range of frequency modulation (>400%) and, therefore, can be used as a design parameter for exploiting this effect in MEMS devices. 2014-0310]


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The diffraction and reflection of planar shock wave around a dusty square cavity is investigated numerically, which is embedded in the net bottom surface of a two-dimensional channel, and the induced gas-particle two-phase now. The wave patterns at different times are obtained for three different values of the particle diameter. The computational results show that the existence of particles affects appreciably the shock wave diffraction and cavity flow.


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We provide an overview of the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis, followed by a review of some of the recent work on applying these concepts to modeling instrumented indentation measurements. Specifically, we examine conical and pyramidal indentation in elastic-plastic solids with power-law work-hardening, in power-law creep solids, and in linear viscoelastic materials. We show that the scaling approach to indentation modeling provides new insights into several basic questions in instrumented indentation, including, what information is contained in the indentation load-displacement curves? How does hardness depend on the mechanical properties and indenter geometry? What are the factors determining piling-up and sinking-in of surface profiles around indents? Can stress-strain relationships be obtained from indentation load-displacement curves? How to measure time dependent mechanical properties from indentation? How to detect or confirm indentation size effects? The scaling approach also helps organize knowledge and provides a framework for bridging micro- and macroscales. We hope that this review will accomplish two purposes: (1) introducing the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis to materials scientists and engineers, and (2) providing a better understanding of instrumented indentation measurements.


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We consider a straight cylindrical duct with a steady subsonic axial flow and a reacting boundary (e.g. an acoustic lining). The wave modes are separated into ordinary acoustic duct modes, and surface modes confined to a small neighbourhood of the boundary. Many researchers have used a mass-spring-damper boundary model, for which one surface mode has previously been identified as a convective instability; however, we show the stability analysis used in such cases to be questionable. We investigate instead the stability of the surface modes using the Briggs-Bers criterion for a Flügge thin-shell boundary model. For modest frequencies and wavenumbers the thin-shell has an impedance which is effectively that of a mass-spring-damper, although for the large wavenumbers needed for the stability analysis the thin-shell and mass-spring-damper impedances diverge, owing to the thin shell's bending stiffness. The thin shell model may therefore be viewed as a regularization of the mass-spring-damper model which accounts for nonlocally-reacting effects. We find all modes to be stable for realistic thin-shell parameters, while absolute instabilities are demonstrated for extremely thin boundary thicknesses. The limit of vanishing bending stiffness is found to be a singular limit, yielding absolute instabilities of arbitrarily large temporal growth rate. We propose that the problems with previous stability analyses are due to the neglect of something akin to bending stiffness in the boundary model. Our conclusion is that the surface mode previously identified as a convective instability may well be stable in reality. Finally, inspired by Rienstra's recent analysis, we investigate the scattering of an acoustic mode as it encounters a sudden change from a hard-wall to a thin-shell boundary, using a Wiener-Hopf technique. The thin-shell is considered to be clamped to the hard-wall. The acoustic mode is found to scatter into transmitted and reflected acoustic modes, and surface modes strongly linked to the solid waves in the boundary, although no longitudinal or transverse waves within the boundary are excited. Examples are provided that demonstrate total transmission, total reflection, and a combination of the two. This thin-shell scattering problem is preferable to the mass-spring-damper scattering problem presented by Rienstra, since the thin-shell problem is fully determined and does not need to appeal to a Kutta-like condition or the inclusion of an instability in order to avoid a surface-streamline cusp at the boundary change.


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We present solutions to scattering problems for unsteady disturbances to a mean swirling flow in an annular duct with a rigid 'splitter'. This situation has application to rotor-stator interaction noise in aeroengines, where the flow downstream of the fan is swirling and bifurcates into the by-pass duct and the engine core. We also consider the trailing edge extension of this problem. Inviscid mean flow in a cylindrical annulus is considered, with both axial and swirling (azimuthal) velocity components. The presence of vorticity in the mean flow couples the acoustic and vorticity modes of irrotational flow. Instead we have one combined spectrum of acoustic-vorticity waves in which the 'sonic' and 'nearly-convected' modes are fully coupled. In addition to the aeroacoustics application the results offer insight into the behaviour of these acoustic-vorticity waves, and the precise nature of the coupling between the two types of mode. Two regimes are discussed in which progress has been made, one for a specialised mean flow, uniform axial flow and rigid body swirl, and a second regime in which the frequency is assumed large, valid for any axisymmetric mean flow. The Wiener-Hopf technique is used to solve the scattering problems mathematically, and we present numerical evaluations of these solutions. Several new effects are seen to arise due to the mean vorticity, in particular the generation of sound at a trailing edge due to the scattering of a nearly convected disturbance, in contrast to the way a convected gust silently passes a trailing edge in uniform mean flow.


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Elkhorn Slough was first exposed to direct tidal forcing from the waters of Monterey Bay with the construction of Moss Landing Harbor in 1946. Elkhorn Slough is located mid-way between Santa Cruz and Monterey close to the head of Monterey Submarine Canyon. It follows a 10 km circuitous path inland from its entrance at Moss Landing Harbor. Today, Elkhorn Slough is a habitat and sanctuary for a wide variety of marine mammals, fish, and seabirds. The Slough also serves as a sink and pathway for various nutrients and pollutants. These attributes are directly or indirectly affected by its circulation and physical properties. Currents, tides and physical properties of Elkhorn Slough have been observed on an irregular basis since 1970. Based on these observations, the physical characteristics of Elkhorn Slough are examined and summarized. Elkhorn Slough is an ebb-dominated estuary and, as a result, the rise and fall of the tides is asymmetric. The fact that lower low water always follows higher high water and the tidal asymmetry produces ebb currents that are stronger than flooding currents. The presence of extensive mud flats and Salicornia marsh contribute to tidal distortion. Tidal distortion also produces several shallow water constituents including the M3, M4, and M6 overtides and the 2MK3 and MK3 compound tides. Tidal elevations and currents are approximately in quadrature; thus, the tides in Elkhorn Slough have some of the characters of a standing wave system. The temperature and salinity of lower Elkhorn Slough waters reflect, to a large extent, the influence of Monterey Bay waters, whereas the temperature and salinity of the waters of the upper Slough (>5 km from the mouth) are more sensitive to local processes. During the summer, temperature and salinity are higher in the upper slough due to local heating and evaporation. Maximum tidal currents in Elkhorn Slough have increased from approximately 75 to 120 cm/s over the past 30 years. This increase in current speed is primarily due to the change in tidal prism which has increased from approximately 2.5 to 6.2 x 106 m3 between 1956 and 1993. The increase in tidal prism is the result of both 3 rapid man-made changes to the Slough, and the continuing process of tidal erosion. Because of the increase in the tidal prism, the currents in Elkhorn Slough exhibit positive feedback, a process with uncertain consequences. [PDF contains 55 pages]