995 resultados para differential-nonlinear cryptanalysis


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We study the existence of nonnegative solutions of elliptic equations involving concave and critical Sobolev nonlinearities. Applying various variational principles we obtain the existence of at least two nonnegative solutions.


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We study difference equations which arise as discrete approximations to two-point boundary value problems for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. We formulate conditions which guarantee a priori bounds on first differences of solutions to the discretized problem. We establish existence results for solutions to the discretized boundary value problems subject to nonlinear boundary conditions. We apply our results to show that solutions to the discrete problem converge to solutions of the continuous problem in an aggregate sense. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the observability of linear and nonlinear fractional differential systems of order 0 < α < 1 by using the Mittag-Leffler matrix function and the application of Banach’s contraction mapping theorem. Several examples illustrate the concepts.


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An improved class of nonlinear bidirectional Boussinesq equations of sixth order using a wave surface elevation formulation is derived. Exact travelling wave solutions for the proposed class of nonlinear evolution equations are deduced. A new exact travelling wave solution is found which is the uniform limit of a geometric series. The ratio of this series is proportional to a classical soliton-type solution of the form of the square of a hyperbolic secant function. This happens for some values of the wave propagation velocity. However, there are other values of this velocity which display this new type of soliton, but the classical soliton structure vanishes in some regions of the domain. Exact solutions of the form of the square of the classical soliton are also deduced. In some cases, we find that the ratio between the amplitude of this wave and the amplitude of the classical soliton is equal to 35/36. It is shown that different families of travelling wave solutions are associated with different values of the parameters introduced in the improved equations.


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A coercive estimate for a solution of a degenerate second order di fferential equation is installed, and its applications to spectral problems for the corresponding dif ferential operator is demonstrated. The suffi cient conditions for existence of the solutions of one class of the nonlinear second order diff erential equations on the real axis are obtained.


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In this paper we study the existence and qualitative properties of travelling waves associated to a nonlinear flux limited partial differential equation coupled to a Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov type reaction term. We prove the existence and uniqueness of finite speed moving fronts of C2 classical regularity, but also the existence of discontinuous entropy travelling wave solutions.


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We study nonstationary non-Markovian processes defined by Langevin-type stochastic differential equations with an OrnsteinUhlenbeck driving force. We concentrate on the long time limit of the dynamical evolution. We derive an approximate equation for the correlation function of a nonlinear nonstationary non-Markovian process, and we discuss its consequences. Non-Markovicity can introduce a dependence on noise parameters in the dynamics of the correlation function in cases in which it becomes independent of these parameters in the Markovian limit. Several examples are discussed in which the relaxation time increases with respect to the Markovian limit. For a Brownian harmonic oscillator with fluctuating frequency, the non-Markovicity of the process decreases the domain of stability of the system, and it can change an infradamped evolution into an overdamped one.


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Laser systems can be used to detect very weak optical signals. The physical mechanism is the dynamical process of the relaxation of a laser from an unstable state to a steady stable state. We present an analysis of this process based on the study of the nonlinear relaxation time. Our analytical results are compared with numerical integration of the stochastic differential equations that model this process.


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A stochastic nonlinear partial differential equation is constructed for two different models exhibiting self-organized criticality: the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) sandpile model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987); Phys. Rev. A 38, 364 (1988)] and the Zhang model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 470 (1989)]. The dynamic renormalization group (DRG) enables one to compute the critical exponents. However, the nontrivial stable fixed point of the DRG transformation is unreachable for the original parameters of the models. We introduce an alternative regularization of the step function involved in the threshold condition, which breaks the symmetry of the BTW model. Although the symmetry properties of the two models are different, it is shown that they both belong to the same universality class. In this case the DRG procedure leads to a symmetric behavior for both models, restoring the broken symmetry, and makes accessible the nontrivial fixed point. This technique could also be applied to other problems with threshold dynamics.


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In this paper we address the problem of consistently constructing Langevin equations to describe fluctuations in nonlinear systems. Detailed balance severely restricts the choice of the random force, but we prove that this property, together with the macroscopic knowledge of the system, is not enough to determine all the properties of the random force. If the cause of the fluctuations is weakly coupled to the fluctuating variable, then the statistical properties of the random force can be completely specified. For variables odd under time reversal, microscopic reversibility and weak coupling impose symmetry relations on the variable-dependent Onsager coefficients. We then analyze the fluctuations in two cases: Brownian motion in position space and an asymmetric diode, for which the analysis based in the master equation approach is known. We find that, to the order of validity of the Langevin equation proposed here, the phenomenological theory is in agreement with the results predicted by more microscopic models


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Yksi keskeisimmistä tehtävistä matemaattisten mallien tilastollisessa analyysissä on mallien tuntemattomien parametrien estimointi. Tässä diplomityössä ollaan kiinnostuneita tuntemattomien parametrien jakaumista ja niiden muodostamiseen sopivista numeerisista menetelmistä, etenkin tapauksissa, joissa malli on epälineaarinen parametrien suhteen. Erilaisten numeeristen menetelmien osalta pääpaino on Markovin ketju Monte Carlo -menetelmissä (MCMC). Nämä laskentaintensiiviset menetelmät ovat viime aikoina kasvattaneet suosiotaan lähinnä kasvaneen laskentatehon vuoksi. Sekä Markovin ketjujen että Monte Carlo -simuloinnin teoriaa on esitelty työssä siinä määrin, että menetelmien toimivuus saadaan perusteltua. Viime aikoina kehitetyistä menetelmistä tarkastellaan etenkin adaptiivisia MCMC menetelmiä. Työn lähestymistapa on käytännönläheinen ja erilaisia MCMC -menetelmien toteutukseen liittyviä asioita korostetaan. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa tarkastellaan viiden esimerkkimallin tuntemattomien parametrien jakaumaa käyttäen hyväksi teoriaosassa esitettyjä menetelmiä. Mallit kuvaavat kemiallisia reaktioita ja kuvataan tavallisina differentiaaliyhtälöryhminä. Mallit on kerätty kemisteiltä Lappeenrannan teknillisestä yliopistosta ja Åbo Akademista, Turusta.


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The integrability problem consists in finding the class of functions a first integral of a given planar polynomial differential system must belong to. We recall the characterization of systems which admit an elementary or Liouvillian first integral. We define {\it Weierstrass integrability} and we determine which Weierstrass integrable systems are Liouvillian integrable. Inside this new class of integrable systems there are non--Liouvillian integrable systems.


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Bakgrunden och inspirationen till föreliggande studie är tidigare forskning i tillämpningar på randidentifiering i metallindustrin. Effektiv randidentifiering möjliggör mindre säkerhetsmarginaler och längre serviceintervall för apparaturen i industriella högtemperaturprocesser, utan ökad risk för materielhaverier. I idealfallet vore en metod för randidentifiering baserad på uppföljning av någon indirekt variabel som kan mätas rutinmässigt eller till en ringa kostnad. En dylik variabel för smältugnar är temperaturen i olika positioner i väggen. Denna kan utnyttjas som insignal till en randidentifieringsmetod för att övervaka ugnens väggtjocklek. Vi ger en bakgrund och motivering till valet av den geometriskt endimensionella dynamiska modellen för randidentifiering, som diskuteras i arbetets senare del, framom en flerdimensionell geometrisk beskrivning. I de aktuella industriella tillämpningarna är dynamiken samt fördelarna med en enkel modellstruktur viktigare än exakt geometrisk beskrivning. Lösningsmetoder för den s.k. sidledes värmeledningsekvationen har många saker gemensamt med randidentifiering. Därför studerar vi egenskaper hos lösningarna till denna ekvation, inverkan av mätfel och något som brukar kallas förorening av mätbrus, regularisering och allmännare följder av icke-välställdheten hos sidledes värmeledningsekvationen. Vi studerar en uppsättning av tre olika metoder för randidentifiering, av vilka de två första är utvecklade från en strikt matematisk och den tredje från en mera tillämpad utgångspunkt. Metoderna har olika egenskaper med specifika fördelar och nackdelar. De rent matematiskt baserade metoderna karakteriseras av god noggrannhet och låg numerisk kostnad, dock till priset av låg flexibilitet i formuleringen av den modellbeskrivande partiella differentialekvationen. Den tredje, mera tillämpade, metoden kännetecknas av en sämre noggrannhet förorsakad av en högre grad av icke-välställdhet hos den mera flexibla modellen. För denna gjordes även en ansats till feluppskattning, som senare kunde observeras överensstämma med praktiska beräkningar med metoden. Studien kan anses vara en god startpunkt och matematisk bas för utveckling av industriella tillämpningar av randidentifiering, speciellt mot hantering av olinjära och diskontinuerliga materialegenskaper och plötsliga förändringar orsakade av “nedfallande” väggmaterial. Med de behandlade metoderna förefaller det möjligt att uppnå en robust, snabb och tillräckligt noggrann metod av begränsad komplexitet för randidentifiering.