969 resultados para diet supplementation


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Aims: To evaluate mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) and threonine effects on performance, small intestine morphology and Salmonella spp. counts in Salmonella Enteritidis-challenged birds. Methods and Results: One-day-old chicks (1d) were distributed into five treatments: nonchallenged animals fed basal diet (RB-0), animals fed basal diet and infected with Salmonella Enteritidis (RB-I), animals fed high level of threonine and infected (HT-I), birds fed basal diet with MOS and infected (MOS-I), birds fed high level of threonine and MOS and infected (HT+MOS-I). Birds were inoculated at 2d with Salmonella Enteritidis, except RB-0 birds. Chicks fed higher dietary threonine and MOS showed performance similar to RB-0 and intestinal morphology recovery at 8 dpi. Salmonella counts and the number of Salmonella-positive animals were lower in HT+MOS-I compared with other challenged groups. Conclusion: Mannan oligosaccharides and threonine act synergistically, resulting in improved intestinal environment and recovery after Salmonella inoculation. Significance and Impact of the Study: Nutritional approaches may be useful to prevent Salmonella infection in the first week and putative carcass contamination at slaughter. This is the first report on the possible synergistic effect of mannan oligosaccharides and threonine, and further studies should be performed including performance, microbiota evaluation, composition of intestinal mucins and immune assessment. © 2012 The Society for Applied Microbiology.


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Zinc has been proposed as a promising chemopreventive candidate against colon cancer. However, few studies on the potential beneficial effects of this trace element on cancer chemoprevention are available. The present study was designed to investigate the potential modifying influence of zinc gluconate (ZnGly) on the initiation step of colon carcinogenesis induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). Male Wistar rats received orally ZnGly (15 mg elemental zinc/kg, 3 times per wk) 2 wk before and during DMH treatment (3 × 40 mg/kg, once a wk). The animals were euthanized at the end of 4th and 16th wk. Colons were analyzed for aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and tumor development. Blood and colon zinc levels, cell proliferation, and apoptosis indexes in colonic crypts were analyzed 24 h after the last DMH administration. Oral treatment with ZnGly did neither alter the number of ACF nor the indexes of cell proliferation and apoptosis in the colonic mucosa. The incidence and multiplicity of colon tumors induced by DMH and their histopathological patterns were not modified by previous treatment with ZnGly. These findings indicate a lack of chemopreventive action of zinc gluconate supplementation on the initiation step of rat colon carcinogenesis induced by DMH. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Background: The aim of this study was to identify dietary strategies for physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia based on a systematic literature review. Method. References were included if the study population consisted of adults over 18 years old who were physically active in fitness centers. We identified reports through an electronic search ofScielo, Lilacs and Medline using the following keywords: muscle dysmorphia, vigorexia, distorted body image, and exercise. We found eight articles in Scielo, 17 in Medline and 12 in Lilacs. Among the total number of 37 articles, only 17 were eligible for inclusion in this review. Results: The results indicated that the feeding strategies used by physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia did not include planning or the supervision of a nutritionist. Diet included high protein and low fat foods and the ingestion of dietary and ergogenic supplements to reduce weight. Conclusion: Physically active subjects with muscle dysmorphia could benefit from the help of nutritional professionals to evaluate energy estimation, guide the diet and its distribution in macronutrient and consider the principle of nutrition to functional recovery of the digestive process, promote liver detoxification, balance and guide to organic adequate intake of supplemental nutrients and other substances. © 2013 Contesini et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Obesity and osteoporosis are important global health problems characterized by increasing prevalence with high impact on morbidity and mortality. The objective of this review was to determine whether excess weight during adolescence interferes with bone mass accumulation. If bone mineral gain can be optimized during puberty, adults are less likely to suffer from the devastating complications of osteoporosis. The increased fracture risk in obese children has also been attributed to a lower bone mass for weight compared to non-obese children. Thus, adiposity present in this age group may not result in the protection of bone mass, in contrast to what has been observed in adults. However, studies involving adolescents have reported both protective and detrimental effects of obesity on bone. The results and mechanisms of these interactions are controversial and have not been fully elucidated, a fact highlighting the extreme relevance of this topic and the need to monitor intervening and interactive variables. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Estudou-se a suplementação de dietas de cordeiros confinados com resíduo de biodiesel, utilizando-se 25 ovinos, SRD, machos, castrados, com média de peso de 20kg. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições por tratamento e esquema de parcelas subdivididas para os dados de biometria. O experimento teve a duração de 70 dias. As dietas eram compostas de 34% de volumoso e 61% de concentrado, à base de milho, soja, minerais e 5% de óleo de dendê ou resíduo de biodiesel, em percentagens crescentes – zero, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. Os animais foram abatidos ao final do experimento para avaliação da carcaça. Foram observados efeitos significativos (P<0,05) de percentagem de inclusão do resíduo, para as variáveis de desempenho e biometria demonstrados nos efeitos lineares crescentes das equações de regressão, assim como para peso da carcaça quente (PCQ) –, com médias de 14; 15,92; 16,14; 16,42 e 18,02% – e peso da carcaça fria (PCF) –, com médias de 13,12; 14,78; 15,06; 15,70 e 17,25% –, para dietas com, respectivamente, 0, 25, 50, 100% de resíduo de biodiesel de dendê. A utilização de resíduo de biodiesel de dendê na alimentação de cordeiros em crescimento é alternativa para aumentar a densidade energética de suas dietas.


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A vitamina C é essencial para dietas de peixe porque muitas espécies não conseguem sintetizá-la. Esta vitamina é necessária par a formação de cartilagem e matriz óssea. Além disso, age como antioxidante e melhora as resposta do sistema imunológico. O presente trabalho investigou os efeitos da suplementação de vitamina C em dietas para alevinos de pintado (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) pela incidência de deformidades na estrutura óssea e cartilaginosa. O ascorbil polifosfato (AP) foi utilizado como fonte de vitamina C em dietas para alevinos de pintado durante o período de três meses. Seis dietas foram formuladas: uma dieta controle (0 mg de vitamina C / kg) e cinco dietas 500, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000 e 2.500 mg de AP / kg. Os peixes alimentados sem suplementação de vitamina C apresentaram deformidades óssea na cabeça e mandíbula e fragilidade de nadadeiras. Assim, a dieta de 500 mg de AP/kg foi suficiente para prevenir a ocorrência de deformidades, e a ausência desta vitamina prejudica o desenvolvimento ósseo de juvenis de pintados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To obtain a probiotic caprine Coalho cheese naturally enriched in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), goats' diet was supplemented with soybean oil to produce CLA-enhanced milk, and Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 was incorporated into cheeses. CLA concentration and probiotic viability were evaluated during 60 days. Four pilot-scale cheese-making trials were manufactured, in triplicates. Cheeses T1 and T2 were produced with control milk, and T3 and T4 with CLA-enhanced milk. L. acidophilus was added to cheeses T2 and T4 during processing. The CLA content (isomer C18:2 cis-9, trans-11) in T3 and T4 was 246% to 291% higher than in T1 and T2 (P < 0.01). Populations of L. acidophilus were around 7.5 log cfu g(-1) in T2 and T4 during the study, and the highest CLA content in T4 did not influence the probiotic viability (P > 0.01). The CLA-enriched probiotic caprine Coalho cheese obtained is proposed as a vehicle for beneficial microorganisms and fatty acids. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A reduced cancer risk associated with fruit and vegetable phytochemicals initially dictated chemopreventive approaches focused on specific green variety consumption or even single nutrient supplementations. However, these strategies not only failed to provide any health benefits but gave rise to detrimental effects. In parallel, public-health chemoprevention programmes were developed in the USA and Europe to increase whole vegetable consumption. Among these, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) sponsored plan “5 to 9 a day for a better health” was one of the most popular. This campaign promoted wide food choice through the consumption of at least 5 to 9 servings a day of colourful fruits and vegetables. In this study the effects of the diet suggested by NCI on transcription, translation and catalytic activity of both xenobiotic metabolizing (XME) and antioxidant enzymes were studied in the animal model. In fact, the boost of both antioxidant defences and “good” phase-II together with down-regulation of “bad” phase-I XMEs is still considered one of the most widely-used strategies of cancer control. Six male Sprague Dawley rats for each treatment group were used. According to the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, a serving of fruit, vegetables and leafy greens corresponds to 150, 250 and 50 g, respectively, in a 70 kg man. Proportionally, rats received one or five servings of lyophilized onion, tomato, peach, black grape or lettuce – for white, red, yellow, violet or green diet, respectively - or five servings of each green (“5 a day” diet) by oral gavage daily for 10 consecutive days. Liver subcellular fractions were tested for various cytochrome P450 (CYP) linked-monooxygenases, phase-II supported XMEs such as glutathione S-transferase (GST) and UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT) as well as for some antioxidant enzymes. Hepatic transcriptional and translational effects were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis, respectively. dROMs test was used to measure plasmatic oxidative stress. Routine haematochemical parameters were also monitored. While the five servings administration didn’t significantly vary XME catalytic activity, the lower dose caused a complex pattern of CYP inactivation with lettuce exerting particularly strong effects (a loss of up to 43% and 45% for CYP content and CYP2B1/2-linked XME, respectively; P<0.01). “5 a day” supplementation produced the most pronounced modulations (a loss of up to 60% for CYP2E1-linked XME and a reduction of CYP content of 54%; P<0.01). Testosterone hydroxylase activity confirmed these results. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that the “5 a day” diet XMEs inactivations were a result of both a transcriptional and a translational effect while lettuce didn’t exert such effects. All administrations brought out none or fewer modulation of phase-II supported XMEs. Apart from “5 a day” supplementation and the single serving of lettuce, which strongly induced DT- diaphorase (an increase of up to 141 and 171%, respectively; P<0.01), antioxidant enzymes were not significantly changed. RT-PCR analysis confirmed DT-diaphorase induction brought about by the administration of both “5 a day” diet and a single serving of lettuce. Furthermore, it unmasked a similar result for heme-oxygenase. dROMs test provided insight into a condition of high systemic oxidative stress as a consequence of animal diet supplementation with “5 a day” diet and a single serving of lettuce (an increase of up to 600% and 900%, respectively; P<0.01). Haematochemical parameters were mildly affected by such dietary manipulations. According to the classical chemopreventive theory, these results could be of particular relevance. In fact, even if antioxidant enzymes were only mildly affected, the phase-I inactivating ability of these vegetables would be a worthy strategy to cancer control. However, the recorded systemic considerable amount of reactive oxygen species and the complexity of these enzymes and their functions suggest caution in the widespread use of vegan/vegetarian diets as human chemopreventive strategies. In fact, recent literature rather suggests that only diets rich in fruits and vegetables and poor in certain types of fat, together with moderate caloric intake, could be associated with reduced cancer risk.