994 resultados para dielectric-relaxation


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Theoretical and computer simulation studies of orientational relaxation in dense molecular liquids are presented. The emphasis of the study is to understand the effects of collective orientational relaxation on the single-particle orientational dynamics. The theoretical analysis is based on a recently developed molecular hydrodynamic theory which allows a self-consistent description of both the collective and the single-particle orientational relaxation. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can be used to derive a relation between the memory function for the collective orientational correlation function and the frequency-dependent dielectric function. A novel feature of the present work is the demonstration that this collective memory function is significantly different from the single-particle rotational friction. However, a microscopic expression for the single-particle rotational friction can be derived from the molecular hydrodynamic theory where the collective memory function can be used to obtain the single-particle orientational friction. This procedure allows, us to calculate the single-particle orientational correlation function near the alpha-beta transition in the supercooled liquid. The calculated correlation function shows an interesting bimodal decay below the bifurcation temperature as the glass transition is approached from above. Brownian dynamics simulations have been carried out to check the validity of the above procedure of translating the memory function from the dielectric relaxation data. We have also investigated the following two issues important in understanding the orientational relaxation in slow liquids. First, we present an analysis of the ''orientational caging'' of translational motion. The value of the translational friction is found to be altered significantly by the orientational caging. Second, we address the question of the rank dependence of the dielectric friction using both simulation and the molecular hydrodynamic theory.


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Dipolar systems, both liquids and solids, constitute a class of naturally abundant systems that are important in all branches of natural science. The study of orientational relaxation provides a powerful method to understand the microscopic properties of these systems and, fortunately, there are many experimental tools to study orientational relaxation in the condensed phases. However, even after many years of intense research, our understanding of orientational relaxation in dipolar systems has remained largely imperfect. A major hurdle towards achieving a comprehensive understanding is the long range and complex nature of dipolar interactions which also made reliable theoretical study extremely difficult. These difficulties have led to the development of continuum model based theories, which although they provide simple, elegant expressions for quantities of interest, are mostly unsatisfactory as they totally neglect the molecularity of inter-molecular interactions. The situation has improved in recent years because of renewed studies, led by computer simulations. In this review, we shall address some of the recent advances, with emphasis on the work done in our laboratory at Bangalore. The reasons for the failure of the continuum model, as revealed by the recent Brownian dynamics simulations of the dipolar lattice, are discussed. The main reason is that the continuum model predicts too fast a decay of the torque-torque correlation function. On the other hand, a perturbative calculation, based on Zwanzig's projection operator technique, provides a fairly satisfactory description of the single particle orientational dynamics for not too strongly polar dipolar systems. A recently developed molecular hydrodynamic theory that properly includes the effects of intermolecular orientational pair correlations provides an even better description of the single-particle orientational dynamics. We also discuss the rank dependence of the dielectric friction. The other topics reviewed here includes dielectric relaxation and solvation dynamics, as they are intimately connected with orientational relaxation. Recent molecular dynamics simulations of the dipolar lattice are also discussed. The main theme of the present review is to understand the effects of intermolecular interactions on orientational relaxation. The presence of strong orientational pair correlation leads to a strong coupling between the single particle and the collective dynamics. This coupling can lead to rich dynamical properties, some of which are detailed here, while a major part remains yet unexplored.


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The results of the studies on the effect of rare earth Nd doping on the phase formation behavior and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Pb-1.05(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) thin films are presented. The perovskite phase is obtained up to 5 at. % doping and beyond that pyrochlore phase was found to coexist with the perovskite phase in all the films. The transition temperature of undoped lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film was found to be reduced with Nd doping. The Nd doped films also exhibited typical relaxor-type behavior and a diffuse phase transition, similar to that observed in relaxor materials. The introduction of Nd into the PZT lattice probably introduces disorder in the B site of ABO(3) lattice, which causes the observed dielectric relaxation. Efforts were made to isolate the irreversible component contributions in low field dielectric and high field polarization switching behavior. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The frequency and temperature dependences of the dielectric constant and the electrical conductivity of the transparent glasses in the composition Li2O–3B2O3 were investigated in the 100 Hz–10 MHz frequency range. The dielectric constant and the loss in the low frequency regime were electrode material dependent. Dielectric and electrical relaxations were, respectively, analyzed using the Cole–Cole and electric modulus formalisms. The dielectric relaxation mechanism was discussed in the framework of electrode and charge carrier (hopping of the ions) related polarization using generalized Cole–Cole expression. The frequency dependent electrical conductivity was rationalized using Jonscher’s power law. The activation energy associated with the dc conductivity was 0.80±0.02 eV, which was ascribed to the motion of Li+ ions in the glass matrix. The activation energy associated with dielectric relaxation was almost equal to that of the dc conductivity, indicating that the same species took part in both the processes. Temperature dependent behavior of the frequency exponent (n) suggested that the correlated barrier hopping model was the most apposite to rationalize the electrical transport phenomenon in Li2O–3B2O3 glasses. These glasses on heating at 933 K/10 h resulted in the known nonlinear optical phase LiB3O5.


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Dielectric measurements carried out on drop casted from solution of emeraldine base form of polyaniline films in the temperature range 30-300 degrees C revealed occurrence of two maxima in the loss tangent as a function of temperature. The activation energies corresponding to these two relaxation processes were found to be similar to 0.5 eV and similar to 1.5 eV. The occurrence of one relaxation peak in the dispersion curve of the imaginary part of the electric modulus suggests the absence of microphase separation in the film. Thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopic measurements showed that the films retained its integrity up to 300 degrees C. The dielectric relaxation at higher temperatures with large activation energy of 1.5 eV is attributed to increase in the barrier potential due to decrease in the polymer conjugation as a result of wide amplitude motion of the chain segments well above the glass transition temperature. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) on the concentration fluctuations, interfacial driven elasticity, phase morphology, and local segmental dynamics of chains for near-critical compositions of polystyrene/poly(vinyl to methyl ether) (PS/PVME) blends were systematically investigated using dynamic shear rheology and dielectric spectroscopy. The contribution of the correlation length (xi) of the concentration fluctuations to the evolving stresses was monitored in situ to probe the different stages of demixing in the blends. The classical upturn in the dynamic moduli was taken as the rheological demixing temperature (T-rheo), which was also observed to be in close agreement with those obtained using concentration fluctuation variance, <(delta phi)(2)>, versus temperature curves. Further, Fredrickson and Larson's approach involving the mean-field approximation and the double-reptation self-concentration (DRSC) model was employed to evaluate the spinodal decomposition temperature (T-s). Interestingly, the values of both T-rheo and T-s shifted upward in the blends in the presence of MWNTs, manifesting in molecular-level miscibility. These phenomenal changes were further observed to be a function of the concentration of MWNTs. The evolution of morphology as a function of temperature was studied using polarized optical microscopy (POM). It was observed that PVME, which evolved as an interconnected network during the early stages of demixing, coarsened into a matrix-droplet morphology in the late stages. The preferential wetting of PVME onto MWNTs as a result of physicochemical interactions retained the interconnected network of PVME for longer time scales, as supported by POM and atomic force microscopy (AFM) images. Microscopic heterogeneity in macroscopically miscible systems was studied by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. The slowing of segmental relaxations in PVME was observed in the presence of both ``frozen'' PS and MWNTs interestingly at temperatures much below the calorimetric glass transition temperature (T-g). This phenomenon was observed to be local rather than global and was addressed by monitoring the evolution of the relaxation spectra near and above the demixing temperature.


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Results of frequency-dependent and temperature-dependent dielectric measurements performed on the double-perovskite Tb2NiMnO6 are presented. The real (epsilon(1)(f,T)) and imaginary (epsilon(2)(f,T)) parts of dielectric permittivity show three plateaus suggesting dielectric relaxation originating from the bulk, grain boundaries and the sample-electrode interfaces, respectively. The epsilon(1)(f,T) and epsilon(2)(f,T) are successfully simulated by a RC circuit model. The complex plane of impedance, Z'-Z `', is simulated using a series network with a resistor R and a constant phase element. Through the analysis of epsilon(f,T) using the modified Debye model, two different relaxation time regimes separated by a characteristic temperature, T*, are identified. The temperature variation of R and C corresponding to the bulk and the parameter alpha from modified Debye fit lend support to this hypothesis. Interestingly, the T* compares with the Griffiths temperature for this compound observed in magnetic measurements. Though these results cannot be interpreted as magnetoelectric coupling, the relationship between lattice and magnetism is markedly clear. We assume that the observed features have their origin in the polar nanoregions which originate from the inherent cationic defect structure of double perovskites. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2013


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Here, we present the results of temperature dependent dielectric studies on chemical solution processed Zr-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films deposited on Pt/Si substrates. We find that in contrast to the undoped BFO films, Zr doping at Fe-site suppresses the low frequency dielectric relaxation originating from the grain boundaries, attributed to the increased dipolar rigidity due to stronger Zr-O bonds. Temperature dependent dc conductivity obtained from impedance and modulus analyses shows two distinct conduction processes occurring inside the grains. At temperature below similar to 423K, conductivity is nearly temperature independent, while in the high temperature regime (above similar to 423K), conduction is governed by the long range movement of oxygen vacancies with an activation energy of similar to 1eV. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The magneto-dielectric coupling in (l00) oriented LaMn0.5Co0.5O3 single crystals has been investigated using temperature, frequency, and magnetic field dependent dielectric response. Electronic transport data divulges that polaronic hopping arises due to Emin-Holstein adiabatic small polarons. Spin realignment through external magnetic field favors faster polaronic hopping by lowering activation energy for dielectric relaxation. Finally, positive magneto-dielectricity and magnetoloss under increasing magnetic field at high frequency of the exciting ac field confirms intrinsic magneto-dielectric effect in disordered ferromagnetic-insulator LaMn0.5Co0.5O3. This study also emphasizes the need to use single crystals as well as the frequencies higher than the corresponding inverse relaxation time. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We have carried out dielectric and transport measurements in NdFe1-xMnxO3 (0 <= x <= 1) series of compounds and studied the variation of activation energy due to a change in Mn concentration. Despite similar ionic radii in Mn3+ and Fe3+, large variation is observed in the lattice parameters and a crossover from dynamic to static Jahn-Teller distortion is discernible. The Fe/Mn-O-Fe/Mn bond angle on the ab plane shows an anomalous change with doping. With an increase in the Mn content, the bond angle decreases until x = 0.6; beyond this, it starts rising until x = 0.8 and again falls after that. A similar trend is observed in activation energies estimated from both transport and dielectric relaxation by assuming a small polaron hopping (SPH) model. Impedance spectroscopy measurements delineate grain and grain boundary contributions separately both of which follow the SPH model. Frequency variation of the dielectric constant is in agreement with the modified Debye law from which relaxation dispersion is estimated.


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A simple molecular analytical theory of dielectric relaxation in strongly polar fluids is considered in terms of a semi- phenomenological approach. Theoretical spectra epsilon(v), a(v) of complex permittivity and absorption coefficient are fully determined by a form of intermolecular potential well, in which a dipole reorients. In a recent publication by VI. Gaiduk, O.F. Nielsen, and T.S. Perova [J. Molliq 95 (1002) 1-25] the wideband spectra of liquid H2O and D2O were described in terms of a composite model comprising the rectangular and the cosine squared potential wells. Much better results are achieved in this work, where the rectangular well is replaced by a well with a rounded bottom termed the hat-curved well. The spectrum of the auto-correlation function (ACF) is calculated for such a potential. The proposed theory of a composite model, comprising hat-curved and parabolic wells, is applied for liquid water. This model is capable for describing the Debye relaxation region, the second relaxation region in the submillimeter wavelength range, and the far infra-red (FIR) e(v), a(v) spectra, where an intense librational band and an additional weak band are placed, respectively, near 700 cm(-1) and 200 cm(-1). The latter band reflects the features of so-called specific (viz. directly related to H-bonds) interactions and the former band reflects the features of unspecific interactions. The physical mechanisms connected with these types of interactions are discussed in terms of two relevant types of water structure (types of molecular rotation). The proposed theory is also applied to a non-associated liquid in terms of one hat-curved potential well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanocomposites based on natural rubber and nano-sized nickelwere synthesized by incorporating nickel nanoparticles in a natural rubber matrix for various loadings of the filler. Structural, morphological, magnetic and mechanical properties of the compositeswere evaluated along with a detailed study of dielectric properties. Itwas found that nickel particleswere uniformly distributed in the matrix without agglomeration resulting in a magnetic nanocomposite. The elastic properties showed an improvement with increase in filler content but breaking stress and breaking strain were found to decrease. Dielectric permittivity was found to decrease with increase in frequency, and found to increase with increase in nickel loading. The decrease in permittivity with temperature is attributed to the high volume expansivity of rubber at elevated temperatures. Dielectric loss of blank rubber as well as the composites was found to increase with temperature.


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The temperature and frequency dependence of dielectric permittivity and dielectric loss of nanosized Mn1−xZnxFe2O4 (for x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1) were investigated. The impact of zinc substitution on the dielectric properties of the mixed ferrite is elucidated. Strong dielectric dispersion and broad relaxation were exhibited by Mn1−xZnxFe2O4. The variation of dielectric relaxation time with temperature suggests the involvement of multiple relaxation processes. Cole–Cole plots were employed as an effective tool for studying the observed phenomenon. The activation energies were calculated from relaxation peaks and Cole–Cole plots and found to be consistent with each other and indicative of a polaron conduction


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A study of the room-temperature ionic liquid N-methyl-N-ethylpyrrolidinium dicyanamide by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy over the frequency range 0.2 GHz ≤ ν ≤ 89 GHz has revealed that, in addition to the already known lower frequency processes, there is a broad featureless dielectric loss at higher frequencies. The latter is probably due to the translational (oscillatory) motions of the dipolar ions of the IL relative to each other, with additional contributions from their fast rotation.


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Dielectric relaxation measurements as a function of temperature, and of concentration in a non-coordinating solvent, the first reported for an ionic liquid, indicate a crossover in the relaxation mechanism due to varying levels of ion aggregation and the interplay of formation kinetics and relaxation dynamics of associates.