953 resultados para diarrhea and constipation


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Fluconazole, -(2.4-diflurofenil)--(1H-triazol-1-methyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ethanol, is an antifungal of triazoles class. It shows activity against species of Candida sp., and it is indicated in cases of oropharyngeal candidiasis, esophageal, vaginal, and deep infection. Fluconazole is a selective inhibitor of ergosterol, a steroid exclusive of the cell membrane of fungal cells. Fluconazole is highly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and it spreads easily by body fluids. The main adverse reactions related to the use of fluconazole are nausea, vomiting, headache, rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and alopecia in patients undergoing prolonged treatment with a dose of 400 mg/day. In the form of raw material, pharmaceutical formulations, or biological material, fluconazole can be determined by methods such as titration, spectrophotometry, and thin-layer, gas, and liquid chromatography. This article discusses the pharmacological and physical-chemical properties of fluconazole and also the methods of analysis applied to the determination of the drug.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Irritable bowel syndrome is a high prevalent functional disorder. Its diagnosis is based in symptoms and the Rome Criteria. The treatment takes in account psychosocial and biologic factors. The therapeutic measures aim to correct the predominant symptoms: constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain.


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Byrsonima basiloba A. Juss. species is a native arboreal type from the Brazilian cerrado (tropical American savanna), and the local population uses it to treat diseases, such as diarrhea and gastric ulcer. It belongs to the Malpighiaceae family, and it is commonly known as murici. Considering the popular use of B. basiloba derivatives and the lack of pharmacological potential studies regarding this vegetal species, the mutagenic and antimutagenic effect of methanol (MeOH) and chloroform extracts were evaluated by the Ames test, using strains TA97a, TA98, TA100, and TA102 of Salmonella typhimurium. No mutagenic activity was observed in any of the extracts. To evaluate the antimutagenic potential, direct and indirect mutagenic agents were used: 4 nitro-o-phenylenediamine, sodium azide, mitomycin C, aflatoxin B1, benzo[a]pyrene, and hydrogen peroxide. Both the extracts evaluated showed antimutagenic activity, but the highest value of inhibition level (89%) was obtained with the MeOH extract and strain TA100 in the presence of aflatoxin B1. Phytochemical analysis of the extracts revealed the presence of n-alkanes, lupeol, ursolic and oleanolic acid, (+)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-α-L-arabinopyranoside, gallic acid, methyl gallate, amentoflavone, quercetin, quercetin-3-O-(2″-O-galloyl)-β-D- galactopyranoside, and quercetin-3-O-(2″-O-galloyl)-α-L- arabinopyranoside. © 2008 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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A epidemiologia da amebíase está sendo reavaliada desde que a E. histolytica (patogênica) foi considerada espécie distinta de E. dispar (não patogênica). Neste estudo, investigou-se a freqüência da amebíase em uma amostra de residentes do Pará por diferentes técnicas de diagnóstico e avaliou-se a patogenia do parasito. Os participantes (n = 845) forneceram material fecal e destes, 191 foram entrevistados quanto aos sintomas de diarréia, cólicas intestinais, constipação, náuseas e vômito. Foram também analisados 8 exsudatos de pacientes com suspeita de amebíase hepática. As amostras foram observadas sob microscopia de luz e a confirmação de E. histolytica feita a partir da pesquisa de antígenos. Um total de 98 amostras fecais e todos os exsudatos foram semeados em meio Pavlova para isolamento e posterior caracterização bioquímica e molecular (identificação de espécie e genotipagem). Isolados de outras regiões do Brasil foram também genotipados. A positividade obtida foi de 29,35% (248/845) e não houve correlação com a faixa etária. A microscopia revelou baixa sensibilidade (45,26%; 74/334), porém elevada especificidade (87,03%; 260/334) quando comparada ao ELISA. Houve relação significativa (OR 4,4026) entre a presença de sintomas e a positividade no ELISA, sendo a diarréia (58,82%) e a cólica intestinal (58,82%) os sintomas mais relatados. Nenhum exsudato foi positivo no exame a fresco, porém 7 foram positivos no ELISA. Obteve-se 22 isolados de material fecal e a caracterização da HE foi possível em 13, dos quais 7 E. histolytica e 6 E. dispar. O DNA de 22 isolados e dos exsudatos foram testados para identificação molecular de espécie e genotipagem. Do total, 16 cultivos (9 cepas mistas, 4 E. dispar e 3 E. histolytica) e 5 exsudatos (todos E. histolytica) amplificaram na PCR. A genotipagem identificou adicional positividade para E. histolytica em um exsudato e revelou diferentes polimorfismos de comprimento para o locus 1-2 de E. histolytica e E. dispar do Pará e de outras regiões do Brasil e um caso de co-infecção por diferentes genótipos de E. dispar. Nossos resultados revelam que a amebíase invasiva é um importante problema de saúde pública em nossa população e grande variedade de genótipos de E. histolytica contribuem para a doença no Brasil.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Salmonella Typhi é o agente da febre tifóide (doença caracterizada por febre, cefaléia, mialgia, artralgia, diarréia ou constipação), cujo quadro pode se complicar e levar o paciente a óbito. No Brasil, a febre tifóide é endêmica nas regiões Norte e Nordeste, com surtos ocorridos nos meses de intenso calor. OBJETIVO: Analisar e comparar a variabilidade genética de S. Typhi isoladas de surto e casos esporádicos de febre tifóide ocorridos em determinado período na cidade de Belém (PA). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 20 amostras de S. Typhi: 10 isoladas de um surto ocorrido no bairro do Guamá, Belém, entre os meses de dezembro/2005 e março/2006, e 10 de casos esporádicos ocorridos em diferentes localidades da mesma cidade e no mesmo período do surto. A caracterização genética foi realizada pela análise do perfil de macrorrestrição obtido pela enzima XbaI e definido por eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE). RESULTADOS: A análise de XbaI-PFGE das amostras estudadas demonstrou uma similaridade genética de 83% a 100%. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo pôde demonstrar a relação clonal das amostras S. Typhi causadoras de surto e de casos esporádicos de febre tifóide ocorridos na cidade de Belém no período de dezembro/2005 a março/2006.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Reports on the clinical course of mycophenolic acid (MPA)-related colitis in kidney transplant recipients are scarce. This study aimed at assessing MPA-related colitis incidence, risk factors, and progression after kidney transplantation. All kidney transplant patients taking MPA who had colonic biopsies for persistent chronic diarrhea, between 2000 and 2012, at the Kidney Transplantation Unit of Botucatu Medical School Hospital, Brazil, were included. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) immunohistochemistry was performed in all biopsy specimens. Data on presenting symptoms, medications, immunosuppressive drugs, colonoscopic findings, and follow-up were obtained. Of 580 kidney transplant patients on MPA, 34 underwent colonoscopy. Colonoscopic findings were associated with MPA usage in 16 patients. The most frequent histologic patterns were non-specific colitis (31.3%), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-like colitis (25%), normal/near normal (18.8%), graft-versus-host disease-like (18.8%), and ischemia-like colitis (12.5%). All patients had persistent acute diarrhea and weight loss. Six of the 16 MPA-related diarrhea patients (37.5%) showed acute dehydration requiring hospitalization. Diarrhea resolved when MPA was switched to sirolimus (50%), discontinued (18.75%), switched to azathioprine (12.5%), or reduced by 50% (18.75%). No graft loss occurred. Four patients died during the study period. Late-onset MPA was more frequent, and no correlation with MPA dose or formulation was found.


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The effects of the clinical and dietetics in patient managements on the protein-energy status of hospitalized patients were retrospectively (four yr) investigated in 243 adult (49 +/- 16 yr), male (168) and female (75) patients suffering from chronic liver diseases (42%), intestinal diseases with diarrhea (14%), digestive cancers (11%), chronic pancreatitis (10%), stomach and duodenum diseases (7%), acute pancreatitis (7%), primary protein-energy malnutrition (3%), esophagus diseases (3%), intestinal diseases with constipation 14 (2%) and chronic alcoholism (2%). The protein-energy nutritional status assessed by combinations of anthropometric and blood parameters showed 75% of protein energy malnutrition at the hospital entry mostly (4/5) in severe and moderate grades. The overall average of hospitalization was 20 +/- 15 days being the shortest (13 +/- 5,7 days) for esophagus diseases and the longest (28 +/- 21 days) for the intestinal diseases with diarrhea patients which also received mostly (42%) of the enteral and/or parenteral feedings followed by acute pacreatitis (41%) and digestive cancers (31%) patients. When compared to the entry the protein-energy malnutrition rate at the discharge decreased only 5% despite the increasing of 30% found on the protein-energy intake. The main improvement of the protein-energy nutritional status were attained to those patients showing protein-energy malnutrition milder degrees at the entry which belonged mostly to primary protein-energy malnutrition, acute pancreatitis and intestinal diseases with diarrhea diseases. The later two groups showed protein-energy nutritional status improvement only after the second week of hospitalization. The digestive cancers patients had their protein-energy nutritional status worsened throughout the hospitalization whereas it happened only in the first week for the intestinal diseases with diarrhea and chronic liver diseases patients, improving thereafter up to the discharge. The protein-energy nutritional status improvement found in few patients could be attributed to some complementary factors such as theirs mild degree of protein-energy malnutrition at entry and/or non-invasive propedeutics and/or enteral-parenteral feddings and/or longer hospitalization staying. The institutional causes for the unexpected lack of nutritional responses by the patients were probably the high demand for the few available beds which favour the hospitalization of the most severed patients and the university-teaching pressure for the high rotation of the available beds. Both often resulting in early discharging. In persisting the current physical area and attendance demand one could suggest an aggressive support early at the entry preceding and/or accompanying the more invasive propedeutical procedures.


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In the neotropical savannah, Astronium species are used in popular medicine to treat allergies, inflammation, diarrhea and ulcers. Given that natural products are promising starting points for the discovery of novel potentially therapeutic agents, the aim of the present study was to investigate the mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of hydroalcoholic extracts of Astronium spp. The mutagenicity was determined by the Ames test on Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA97a, TA100 and TA102. The antimutagenicity was tested against the direct-acting and indirect-acting mutagens. The results showed that none of the extracts induce any increase in the number of revertants, demonstrating the absence of mutagenic activity. On the other hand, the results on the antimutagenic potential showed a moderate inhibitory effect against NPD and a strong protective effect against B[a]P and AFB1. This study highlights the importance of screening species of Astronium for new medicinal compounds. The promising results obtained open up new avenues for further study and provide a better understanding the mechanisms by which these species act in protecting DNA from damage. However, further pharmacological and toxicological investigations of crude extracts of Astronium spp., as well as of its secondary metabolites, are necessary to determine the mechanism(s) of action to guarantee their safer and more effective application to human health.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB