987 resultados para designation


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The high quality of protected designation of origin (PDO) dry-cured pork products depends largely on the chemical and physical parameters of the fresh meat and their variation during the production process of the final product. The discovery of the mechanisms that regulate the variability of these parameters was aided by the reference genome of swine adjuvant to genetic analysis methods. This thesis can contribute to the discovery of genetic mechanisms that regulate the variability of some quality parameters of fresh meat for PDO dry-cured pork production. The first study is of gene expression and showed that between low and high glycolytic potential (GP) samples of Semimembranosus muscle of Italian Large White (ILW) pigs in early postmortem, the differentially expressed genes were all but one over expressed in low GP. These were involved in ATP biosynthesis processes, calcium homeostasis, and lipid metabolism including the potential master regulator gene Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha (PPARA). The second is a study in commercial hybrid pigs to evaluate correlations between carcass and fresh ham traits, including carcass and fresh ham lean meat percentages, the former, a potential predictor of the latter. In addition, a genome-wide association study allowed the identification of chromosome-wide associations with phenotypic traits for 19 SNPs, and genome-wide associations for 14 SNPs for ferrochelatase activity. The latter could be a determinant for color variation in nitrite-free dry-cured ham. The third study showed gene expression differences in the Longissimus thoracis muscle of ILW pigs by feeding diets with extruded linseed (source of polyunsaturated fatty acids) and vitamin E and selenium (diet three) or natural (diet four) antioxidants. The diet three promoted a more rapid and massive immune system response possibly determined by improvement in muscle tissue function, while the diet four promoted oxidative stability and increased the anti-inflammatory potential of muscle tissue.


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Neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (NCL) is a recent term, proposed for acurate designation of the late-onset types of Amaurotic Family Idiocy (AFI). Histopathology shows ubiquitous intraneuronal accumulation of lipopigments, being the most important factor for characterization of the entity at present time. Biochemical changes and pathogenesis are obscure. NCL is in contrast to the infantile type of AFI (Tay-Sachs disease), in which intraneuronal accumulation of gangliosides (sphingolipids) is due to the well known deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme. The authors report on four cases of NCL, two brothers of the late infantile (Jansky-Bielschowsky) type and a brother and a sister of the juvenile (Spielmeyer-Sjögren) type. One autopsy and three cortical biopsies revealed moderate to severe distention of the neurons by lipopigment, with nerve cell loss, gliosis and cerebral atrophy. Lipopigment was also increased in liver, heart and spleen. The patients were the first in Brazilian literature in whom the storage material was identified as lipopigment by histochemical methods. A brief summary of the clinical features of NCL is presented, and relevant problems are discussed, concerning interpretation of the nature of the storage material, and significance of the disease for gerontological research.


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Nucleotide sequence analyses of the SH gene of 18 mumps virus isolates collected in the 2006-2007 parotitis epidemic in the state of São Paulo identified a new genotype, designated genotype M. This new designation fulfills all the parameters required to define a new mumps virus genotype. The parameters were established by an expert panel in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005. This information will enhance the mumps virus surveillance program both at the national and global levels


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The unusual bivalve Guiratingia mendesi is redescribed from the original material. Detailed analysis of hinge and muscle scars allows more refined designation of its taxonomic position and affinities to other Permian bivalves from the Parana Basin. Guiratingia mendesi is characterized by very small, anteriorly expanded shells, with a great number of muscle striae within the area delimited by the pallial line. A flattened area is noted alongside the commissure of shell. The presence of a triangular blunt tooth in the right valve allows its designation to Megadesmidae. The absence of accessory muscle scars ""a"" and ""b"" and pedal elevator indicate that the genus belongs to the Plesiocyprinellinae, a group of bivalves considered endemic to the Passa Dois Group. Guiratingia mendesi is found, however, in limestones of the Palermo Formation (Middle Artinskian), nearly 100 in below the base of the Irati Formation (Late Artinskian). Until now, it was believed that within the Permian succession of Parana Basin, pre-Irati bivalves were all gondwanic or cosmopolitan. Guiratingia mendesi was an endemic, active burrower that resembles Runnegariella fragilis from the Permian Teresina Formation. This indicates that during Palermo times restricted paleogeographic conditions have existed within the huge Parana epeiric sea, favoring endemicity, probably in marine bayments close to its margins. The presence of an anteriorly expanded shell in G mendesi is a condition also seen in other Mesozoic and Cenozoic anomalodesmatans, demonstrating the recurrence of shell forms in distinct lineages of this interesting group of bivalves.


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This review describes the changes in composition of mortality by major attributed cause during the Australian mortality decline this century. The principal categories employed were: infectious diseases, nonrheumatic cardiovascular disease, external causes, cancer,'other' causes and ill-defined conditions. The data were age-adjusted. Besides registration problems (which also affect all-cause mortality) artefacts due to changes in diagnostic designation and coding-are evident. The most obvious trends over the period are the decline in infectious disease mortality (half the decline 1907-1990 occurs before 1949), and the epidemic of circulatory disease mortality which appears to commence around 1930, peaks during the 1950s and 1960s, and declines from 1970 to 1990 (to a rate half that at the peak). Mortality for cancer remains static for females after 1907, but increases steadily for males, reaching a plateau in the mid-1980s (owing to trends in lung cancer); trends in cancers of individual sites are diverse. External cause mortality declines after 1970. The decline in total mortality to 1930 is associated with decline in infection and 'other' causes, Stagnation of mortality decline in 1930-1940 and 1946-1970 for males is a consequence of contemporaneous movements in opposite directions of infection mortality (decrease) and circulatory disease and cancer mortality (increase). In females, declines in infections and 'other' causes of death exceed the increase in circulatory disease mortality until 1960, then stability in all major causes of death to 1970. The overall mortality decline since 1970 is a consequence of a reduction in circulatory disease,'other' cause, external cause and infection mortality, despite the increase in cancer mortality (for males).


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Strain-dependent hydraulic conductivities are uniquely defined by an environmental factor, representing applied normal and shear strains, combined with intrinsic material parameters representing mass and component deformation moduli, initial conductivities, and mass structure. The components representing mass moduli and structure are defined in terms of RQD (rock quality designation) and RMR (rock mass rating) to represent the response of a whole spectrum of rock masses, varying from highly fractured (crushed) rock to intact rock. These two empirical parameters determine the hydraulic response of a fractured medium to the induced-deformations The constitutive relations are verified against available published data and applied to study one-dimensional, strain-dependent fluid flow. Analytical results indicate that both normal and shear strains exert a significant influence on the processes of fluid flow and that the magnitude of this influence is regulated by the values of RQD and RMR.


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The unactivated steroid receptors are chaperoned into a conformation that is optimal for binding hormone by a number of heat shock proteins, including Hsp90, Hsp70, Hsp40, and the immunophilin, FKBP52 (Hsp56). Together with its partner cochaperones, cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) and FKBP51, FKBP52 belongs to a distinct group of structurally related immunophilins that modulate steroid receptor function through their association with Hsp90. Due to the structural similarity between the component immunophilins, FKBP52 and cyclophilin 40, we decided to investigate whether CyP40 is also a heat shock protein. Exposure of MCF-7 breast cancer cells to elevated temperatures (42 degreesC for 3 hours) resulted in a 75-fold increase in CyP40 mRNA levels, but no corresponding increase in CyP40 protein expression, even after 7 hours of heat stress. The use of cycloheximide to inhibit protein synthesis revealed that in comparison to MCF-7 cells cultured at 37 degreesC, those exposed to heat stress (42 degreesC for 3 hours) displayed an elevated rate of degradation of both CyP40 and FKBP52 proteins. Concomitantly, the half-life of the CyP40 protein was reduced from more than 24 hours to just over 8 hours following heat shock. As no alteration in CyP40 protein levels occurred in cells exposed to heat shock, an elevated rate of degradation would imply that CyP40 protein was synthesized at an increased rate. hence the designation of human CyP40 as a heat shock protein. Application of heat stress elicited a marked redistribution of CyP40 protein in MCF-7 cells from a predominantly nucleolar localization, with some nuclear and cytoplasmic staining, to a pattern characterized by a pronounced nuclear accumulation of CyP40, with no distinguishable nucleolar staining. This increase in nuclear CyP40 possibly resulted from a redistribution of cytoplasmic and nucleolar CyP40, as no net increase in CyP40 expression levels occurred in response to stress. Exposure of MCF-7 cells to actinomycin D for 4 hours resulted in the translocation of the nucleolar marker protein, B23, from the nucleolus, with only a small reduction in nucleolar CyP40 levels. Under normal growth conditions, MCF-7 cells exhibited an apparent colocalization of CyP40 and FKBP52 within the nucleolus.


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The digenean originally designated Lepidapedon (Lepidapedon) ostorhinchi is redescribed from its type-host, Oplegnathus woodwardi [= Ostorhinchus conwaii], from the waters off Western Australia. The discovery of a uroproct indicates that the generic designation is wrong and the worm should be Paralepidapedon ostorhinchi (Korotaeva, 1974) n. comb. It is distinct from its nearest relative, P. hoplognathi (Yamaguti, 1938), in having: a prominent post-oral ring; a distinct oesophagus; short anterior diverticula on the caeca; a long external seminal vesicle, ensheathed in a membrane bound gland-cell mass; and less anteriorly extensive vitellarium.


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In this investigation, a cluster analysis was used to separate Guimara˜es (Portugal) residents into clusters according to their perceptions of the impacts of tourism development. This approach is uncommonly applied to Portugal data and is even rarer for world heritage sites. The world heritage designation is believed to make an area more attractive to tourists. The clustering procedure analysed 400 data observations from a Guimara˜es resident survey and revealed the existence of three clusters: the Sceptics, the Moderately Optimistic and the Enthusiasts. The results were consistent with the empirical literature’s results, with the emergent nature of the destination found to be relevant. The fact that tourism is relatively recent in this destination has its major reflex in the devaluation by most of the residents of the negative impacts of tourism development.


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The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study analyzes local community perspectives of the importance of the WHS classification of the historic center of Évora. Second, the study analyzes local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipality of Évora. The methodology comprises quantitative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience samples of local residents of Évora in the beginning of 2014. The main results reveal that local residents have a strongly positive perception of the WHS designation. With regard to the perceived tourism impacts, a principal component factor analysis delineated three positive and three negative tourism impacts. The comparison of the mean scores of these factors across residents that live near and far from the historic center reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to all groups of residents. Nevertheless, in terms of positive impacts, the residents that live near the historic center revealed higher means than the residents that live far from it, whereas in terms of negative impacts, the latter group revealed higher means than former group.


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The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study analyzes local community perspectives of the importance of the World Heritage Site (WHS) classification of the historic centers of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. Second, the study analyzes local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipalities of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. The methodology comprises quantitative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience samples of local residents of the two Portuguese municipalities in 2014. The main results reveal that local residents have a strongly positive perception of the WHS designation in both municipalities. With regard to the perceived tourism impacts, residents from Angra do Heroísmo have a stronger agreement about the impacts of tourism on their city than the residents of Évora, except for the negative social and cultural impacts. The comparison of the mean scores of these impacts across residents that live near and far from the historic centers reveals that the most valued and least valued impacts in the three categories of impacts (economic, social and cultural, and environmental) are common to all groups of residents. Nevertheless, residents living in or near the historic center of Angra do Heroísmo have higher means in the majority of tourism impacts (in all categories), with only one negative impact to concern the majority of respondents. Among the residents from Évora, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means in the majority of economic impacts but lower means in almost social and cultural impacts. With regard to the environmental impacts, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means scores in the positive impacts and lower means scores in the negative environmental impacts.


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RESUMO: É analisada nesta pesquisa a evolução histórica e a heráldica de uma unidade de Cavalaria do Exército Português cujas origens remontam à instalação ainda no século XVIII de um Regimento de Cavalaria na cidade de Olivença, sendo a designação “Dragões de Olivença” recuperada no Estado Novo.


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A presente investigação desenvolve o tema da sustentabilidade, ou dito de outra forma, desenvolvimento sustentável. Isto interessa aos países, às organizações e aos cidadãos em geral. Neste pressuposto, este trabalho centra-se nos relatório de sustentabilidade, designação que, actualmente, vem substituir outros que se sucederam ao longo dos tempos, por exemplo: relatórios de responsabilidade social; relatórios ambientais; relatórios de ambiente, saúde e segurança. Porém, os relatórios de sustentabilidade, para serem totalmente compreendidos, devem ser inseridos nos sistemas de informação e comunicação das organizações, onde é verificável que cada vez mais se quer prestar contas, sobre as acções desenvolvidas na esfera da sustentabilidade, de forma credível. No processo de verificação e validação, a auditoria e os auditores têm um papel crucial, contudo, verifica-se que teóricos e práticos, nomeadamente, as empresas de referência mostram que a "sustentabilidade" não deve ser tratada "à parte" mas estar presente em tudo o que é realizado, e neste sentido, as três dimensões que a revelam: ecónomica, social e ambiental. Neste quadro, o objectivo desta dissertação anda em torno de se perceber qual será o futuro dos relatórios de sustentabilidade. O trabalho desenvolvido confirma a problemática que guiou o estudo. Tende-se e é recomendável que as organizações venham a elaborar relatórios únicos integrados, não obstante da possibilidade da existência de relatórios específicos e subsistemas de informação e comunicação, centrados no "verde".


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Educação, especialidade de Contextos Comunitários, 23 Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.