974 resultados para dependency


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Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) is used widely in paediatrics. Paediatric specific recommendations for UFH therapy are few, with the majority of recommendations being extrapolated from adult practice. In vitro studies have shown that this practice may be suboptimal. This study aimed to improve the understanding of the impact of age upon UFH response in vivo.

Materials and Methods
This prospective, observational study, conducted in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), included: patients 16 years or younger; treated with UFH of at least 10 U/Kg/hr. Laboratory analysis included: Antithrombin, APTT, Anti-Xa, Anti-IIa and thrombin generation expressed as the Endogenous Thrombin Potential. Results were grouped according to patient age (i.e. < 1, 1-5, 6-10 and 11-16 years).

85 patients received an equivalent mean UFH dose with a median duration of 3 days. Antithrombin levels were decreased compared to age-related norms in children up to 11 years of age. APTT results were comparable across the age-groups. The Anti-Xa results using two different assays showed a trend for lower values in younger children. All children less than one year old recorded Anti-Xa values outside the therapeutic range for heparin therapy, for both assays. There was a trend for decreased Anti-IIa activity in younger children. Endogenous Thrombin Potential showed a significant trend for increased inhibition in older children. In vitro Antithrombin supplementation did not change the Anti-Xa or thrombin generation.

This study confirms that, in vivo, for the same dose of UFH, the anti Xa and anti IIa effect, as well as the inhibition of endogenous thrombin potential is age dependent and that these differences are not purely AT dependent. The implication is that the anticoagulant and antithrombotic effect of a given dose of UFH differs with age. Clinical outcome studies to determine the optimal dosing for each age group are warranted.

UFH, Unfractionated Heparin; ETP, Endogenous Thrombin Potential; AT, Antithrombin; APTT, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time


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Dependency on a small number of customer puts intense pressure on suppliers' profit margin and, in slow growing markets, limits their ability to grow. using stragtegic benchmarking information, a group of Northern Ireland consumer food producer are shown, depsite slow market growth and higher than averge customer dependency, to have increased market share while maintaining aboe vergate proitability. examination of the business strategic and develoment activites of the consumer food firms,and comparble information for other small food prodcuers in Ireland, suggests and emphasiss on cost-reduction and new prodcut development. A comparision of the productivity and prodcut range of the consuer food firms provides evidence of the success of these strategic. This suggests that even a relatively weak market situations, charactrised by dependency on a small number of customers, can be over come by effective and appropriate business strategy.


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This paper addresses the potential resurgence of post imperial “dependency theory” of the 1960s and 1970s. Suggesting that the initial premise of the theory was just – the article proposes the reworking of the theory in order to incorporate globalisation processes – namely the importance of global capital generated by Multi National Corporations. By considering that capital is now the “core” we have the idea of a much wider catchment of states “dependent” on global capital. Using Ireland as an example therefore, the article pursues the idea that a dependent state’s ability to implement CSR legislation is inhibited by the constraints of capital.


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Policy documents are a useful source for understanding the privileging of particular ideological and policy preferences (Scrase and Ockwell, 2010) and how the language and imagery may help to construct society’s assumptions, values and beliefs. This article examines how the UK Coalition government’s 2010 Green Paper, 21st Century Welfare, and the White Paper, Universal Credit: Welfare that Works, assist in constructing a discourse about social security that favours a renewal and deepening of neo-liberalization in the context of threats to its hegemony. The documents marginalize the structural aspects of persistent unemployment and poverty by transforming these into individual pathologies of benefit dependency and worklessness. The consequence is that familiar neo-liberal policy measures favouring the intensification of punitive conditionality and economic rationality can be portrayed as new and innovative solutions to address Britain’s supposedly broken society and restore economic competitiveness.


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This article provides a reflection on my past practice as Creative Director of The Mixed Peppers Theatre Arts Training Programme. Drawing upon discourses of Disability Studies it considers how this ostensibly emancipatory project that sought to provide access to theatre activity for young people with physical disabilities living in Northern Ireland was flawed, and was eventually disbanded, partly due to a failure on the part of its non-disabled leadership to address imbalances of power in its relationship with its young disabled constituency. The article is framed within a survey of recent debates that focus upon the historical lack of a sustained, indigenous, disability-led theatre activity in Northern Ireland and the recent efforts by non-disabled professional arts practitioners to establish such activity in the region. It offers, as an exemplar to current discussion, an analysis of how the choice and agency of the young members of The Mixed Peppers were compromised by the well-meaning but potentially oppressive practices of its leadership. It questions whether the project was unduly influenced by parental desire to see their disabled children `normalized' in a high-profile theatrical production. Finally, it considers how The Mixed Peppers' institutional situation, as a project controlled and administered by a disability charity, was implicated in the premature demise of the initiative.


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Interpersonal dependence is thought to be important in a number of physical and psychological disorders. There are several developmental theories that suggest environmental influences in childhood are important.


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This paper argues that the structured dependency thesis must be extended to incorporate political power. It outlines a political framework of analysis with which to identify who gains and who loses from social policy. I argue that public policy for older people is a product not only of social structures but also of political decision-making. The Schneider and Ingram (1993) ‘ target populations’ model is used to investigate how the social construction of groups as dependent equates with lower levels of influence on policy making. In United Kingdom and European research, older people are identified as politically quiescent, but conversely in the United States seniors are viewed as one of the most influential and cohesive interest groups in the political culture. Why are American seniors perceived as politically powerful, while older people in Europe are viewed as dependent and politically weak? This paper applies the ‘target populations’ model to senior policy in the Republic of Ireland to investigate how theoretical work in the United States may be used to identify the significance of senior power in policy development. I conclude that research must recognise the connections between power, politics and social constructions to investigate how state policies can influence the likelihood that seniors will resist structured dependency using political means.


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Advanced radiotherapy techniques such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) achieve high levels of conformity to the target volume through the sequential delivery of highly spatially and temporally modulated radiation fields, which have been shown to impact radiobiological response. This study aimed to characterize the time and cell type dependency of survival responses to modulated fields using single cell type (SCT) and mixed cell type (MCT) co-culture models of transformed fibroblast (AG0-1522b) cells, and prostate (DU-145) and lung (H460) cancer cells. In SCT cultures, in-field responses showed no significant time dependency while out-of-field responses occurred early, and plateaued 6 h after irradiation in both DU-145 and H460 cells. Under modulated beam configurations MCT co-cultures showed cell-specific, differential out-of-field responses depending on the irradiated in-field and responding out-of-field cell type. The observed differential out-of-field responses may be due to the genetic background of the cells, in particular p53 status, which has been shown to mediate radiation-induced bystander effects (RIBEs). These data provide further insight into the radiobiological parameters that influence out-of-field responses, which have potential implications for advanced radiotherapy modalities and may provide opportunities for biophysical optimization in radiotherapy treatment planning.


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Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the newly independent oil-rich country of Kazakhstan has become a major recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI). Although international organisations such as the IMF and UNCTAD have claimed that FDI could be considered an engine in the transition from state socialism and as a powerful force for integration of this region into the global economy; this investment also poses significant risks to Kazakhstan. These risks fall into two broad categories: The first category can be broadly described as issues associated with the “resource curse” or the “Dutch Disease”. The term Dutch Disease describes a situation where booming demand in oil exporting countries, due to high oil revenues, leads to shift of an economy’s productive resources from the tradeable sector to the non-tradeable sector. The second category is associated with the over-dependency of oil exporting countries on a relatively small number of large multinational corporations (MNCs). This over-dependency can lead to a situation where licenses and concessions are granted at less favourable conditions than if they were auctioned in an efficient market. Examining the licensing policy of the Kazakhstani Energy and Mineral Resource Ministry, this paper notes that the latter issue of over-dependency has become less of a risk due to deliberate efforts to diversify investment relationships. Notwithstanding this situation there is some evidence that it remains difficult for oil exporting nations such as Kazakhstan to ensure that oil revenues are channelled into sustainable economic development.