927 resultados para defensivos agrícolas


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The use of pesticides in Brazil has intensified over the years. And since 2009 it was ranked as the largest market for pesticides worldwide. The consequential diffuse contamination of the environment is therefore due to the increasing number of chemicals of different classes, origins and modes of action. Little is known about the action of pesticides on human health in situations of co-exposure. Possible toxic effects are not restricted to agricultural and industrial workers, but also the general population that may be exposed continuously to its residues in food and water. Although these pesticides are mostly present in the environment at low doses, it must be considered that possible cumulative or synergistic effects may occur when there are concurrent or sustained exposure for two or more of these agents, which can lead to late manifestation of subclinical damages, sometimes irreversible. Thus, the specific objective of this study was to assess the effect of carcinogenesis promotion of a mixture of pesticides at low doses and analyze the phenomena of cell proliferation and apoptosis in rat liver. A total of 50 male Lewis rats was separated into 5 groups for 8 weeks in a medium term hepatocarcinogenesis model. The three different classes of pesticides (dieldrin, dicofol, endosulfan, dichlorvos and permethrin), whose residues were detected by ANVISA during the period from 2001 to 2005 in tomatoes cultures, were added to the feed of rats initiated to hepatocarcinogenesis with diethylnitrosamine (DEN- 200mg/kg ip). We used two different mixtures, one with no toxic effects at doses (MEX1) referring to the NOEL (no-observed-effect level) and another at doses LOEL / LEL / LOAEL (Lowest-observed-effect level / Lowest-effect level / Lowest -observed-adverse-effect level), to the installation of adverse effects (MEX2), derived from chronic studies. All animals ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O manejo integrado de pragas vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço no agronegócio brasileiro, sendo importante em métodos de controle que visam a sustentabilidade na agricultura. Atualmente tem-se aumentado cada vez mais a demanda por defensivos agrícolas naturais, que sejam economicamente e ecologicamente viáveis. Analisando-se as espécies pragas recentemente introduzidas no Brasil, encontra-se Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970, popularmente conhecida como mosca-do-figo. Este drosofilídeo tem apresentado um alto potencial de infestação, sendo um organismo limitante à ficicultura e que causa grandes prejuízos econômicos a seus produtores. Dentre as diversas formas de controle de pragas, podem ser citados os bioinseticidas como o Nim (Azadirachta indica), o qual apresenta baixa toxicidade em relação aos inseticidas químicos, e que vem despertando interesse devido as suas propriedades e seu potencial como inseticida natural. Sabendo-se da urgente necessidade em controlar essa praga, o presente trabalho estudou os efeitos da interação de óleo de Nim, da marca comercial Próneem Plus sobre o desenvolvimento populacional de Z. indianus. Os testes foram realizados com indivíduos da F1 - adultos e imaturos - oriundos da criação de Z. indianus, no Laboratório de Entomologia I do Departamento de Zoologia, UNESP – campus de Rio Claro. Foram realizados quatro diferentes experimentos, considerando o potencial bioinseticida e de repelência do produto, testando-se as concentrações de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2% sob condições de laboratório e as concentrações de 0,35; 0,5 e 0,75% em monocultura de figo. O óleo de Nim apresentou atividade inseticida para a fase larval de Z. indianus, nas concentrações de 0,5; 1; 1,5 e 2%, causando elevada mortalidade e retardando o desenvolvimento da espécie, porém, não apresentou toxicidade significativa... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O cultivo de citrus é uma das principais atividades agrícolas no Estado de São Paulo, sendo realizado em solos gerados a partir de diferentes materiais que conferem, naturalmente, variações na constituição química e mineralógica destes, além de poderem, ou não estar contaminados por metais tóxicos oriundos dos métodos defensivos. Com o objetivo de quantificar os atributos químicos e os teores de metais pesados do solo foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre solos assim cultivados, das regiões das cidades de Mogi Guaçu e São José do Rio Preto. Este estudo envolveu a determinação do pH do solo, análises volumétricas para quantificação dos teores de matéria orgânica, Ca+2, Mg+2 e Al+3 , espectrofotômetro de chama para o estabelecimento dos teores de Na+ e K+ e espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica para determinação dos teores de Cobre, Zinco, Cádmio, Cromo, Níquel e Chumbo. O solo da região de Mogi Guaçu apresentou-se mais ácido devido, provavelmente, a uma maior concentração de Al3+. Apresentou, também, teores mais elevados de matéria orgânica. Os solos de ambas as regiões apresentaramse deficientes em Na+ , K+ , Ca+2 e Mg+2 . A análise realizada para os metais pesados mostrou uma elevada quantidade de Níquel observada nas amostras de solo da região de São José do Rio Preto e, Níquel e Cobre, nas de Mogi Guaçu, com valores classificados como de prevenção, de acordo com os Parâmetros Orientadores da CETESB (2005). Estes teores de alerta devem-se, muito possivelmente, à adição exagerada de defensivos agrícolas.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Water erosion is one of the main processes responsible for soil degradation, resulting in loss of parcels of land suitable for agriculture, to the loss of agricultural inputs and the resulting drift of pesticides and excess sediment to rivers, causing phenomena such as the siltation and eutrophication of water bodies. Such a scenario makes it necessary to perform work of a technical and scientific to provide subsidies to land-use planning, in order to protect natural resources biotic and abiotic. To develop this work is necessary to find a unit of analysis capable of integrating the different elements of the landscape, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Therefore we adopt for this work the watershed as main unit studies. From this question, this project will focus on the assessment of surface water erosion through MEUPS (Equation Modified Universal Soil Loss) predictive model. With the aid of maps, remote sensing products, and the use of geotechnology, this study aims to evaluate for the for Natural Erosion Potential the basin of the Jacutinga river, located in Rio Claro - SP


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The application of pesticides is one of the most important steps in the agricultural production process. The spray volume can directly affect application success, and this parameter is directly dependent on the displacement speed of the sprayer. In conventional systems, the operator has to maintain a constant speed to ensure uniform application along the tracks. In order to improve over application quality and preserve levels of precision for applied doses; the use of electronic flow control systems allows for automatic adjustment of volume applied over the area when there is a change in velocity during application. The objective of this research was to study the response times of a flow controller with DGPS for aerial application subjected to variations of velocity in laboratory simulated flight conditions. For this purpose, a bench test has been developed including software for simulating DGPS signals, which was used to simulate different flight speeds and conditions. The results showed the average response time from the flow controller to a change in velocity to be between 6 and 20 seconds. Variations in total flow and the controller setting had a significant influence on response time with situations where there was interaction between the factors being evaluated. There was a tendency for better response times using a constant setting for the control algorithm other than that specified by the manufacturer. The flow controller presented an average error rates below 2% in all evaluated operating conditions, providing satisfactory accuracy in determining the output of product in different test situations.


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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As primeiras etapas selecionadas para o estudo de uma formulação pó molhável foram a caracterização de superfície quanto a morfologia (MEV) e carga, e a influencia do método de secagem na dispersibilidade das partículas. O vírus foi obtido de lagartas infectadas (CNPSo) e purificado pelo método de Van der Geest. A dispersão resultante apresenta uma distribuição de tamanho entre 1.6 e 1.9 micra, permanecendo invariável quando a preparação foi armazenada ate 6 meses sob refrigeração. O ponto isoelétrico dos poliedros de NPV de B. anticarsia, determinado a partir de gráfico de mobilidade versus pH e 4,5, sendo que em pHs superiores, as partículas estão carregadas negativamente. As dispersões foram secas por liofilização, spray dryer e estufa (27 C.). O processo de secagem determina o estado de agregação, quando os poliedros são dispersos novamente em água, com tamanho ate 27 micra, difíceis de redispersar, enquanto a secagem por spray dryer resulta em um material pouco aglomerado e facilmente dispersível.


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Aumento da eficiência do uso de fertilizantes; Aumento da eficiência do uso da água; Redução do impacto dos defensivos agrícolas; Redução do monocultivo; Respeito às Áreas de Preservação Permanentes (APP) e Áreas de Reserva Legal (RL); Melhorias para o trabalhador rural; Redução da emissão de Gases do Efeito Estufa (GEE); Eficiência da mecanização das operações; Redução do êxodo rural; Redução do desmatamento.