989 resultados para data matching
The present paper introduces a new model of fuzzy neuron, one which increases the computational power of the artificial neuron, turning it also into a symbolic processing device. This model proposes the synapsis to be symbolically and numerically defined, by means of the assignment of tokens to the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. The matching or concatenation compatibility between these tokens is used to decided about the possible connections among neurons of a given net. The strength of the compatible synapsis is made dependent on the amount of the available presynaptic and post synaptic tokens. The symbolic and numeric processing capacity of the new fuzzy neuron is used here to build a neural net (JARGON) to disclose the existing knowledge in natural language data bases such as medical files, set of interviews, and reports about engineering operations.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Il Data Distribution Management (DDM) è un componente dello standard High Level Architecture. Il suo compito è quello di rilevare le sovrapposizioni tra update e subscription extent in modo efficiente. All'interno di questa tesi si discute la necessità di avere un framework e per quali motivi è stato implementato. Il testing di algoritmi per un confronto equo, librerie per facilitare la realizzazione di algoritmi, automatizzazione della fase di compilazione, sono motivi che sono stati fondamentali per iniziare la realizzazione framework. Il motivo portante è stato che esplorando articoli scientifici sul DDM e sui vari algoritmi si è notato che in ogni articolo si creavano dei dati appositi per fare dei test. L'obiettivo di questo framework è anche quello di riuscire a confrontare gli algoritmi con un insieme di dati coerente. Si è deciso di testare il framework sul Cloud per avere un confronto più affidabile tra esecuzioni di utenti diversi. Si sono presi in considerazione due dei servizi più utilizzati: Amazon AWS EC2 e Google App Engine. Sono stati mostrati i vantaggi e gli svantaggi dell'uno e dell'altro e il motivo per cui si è scelto di utilizzare Google App Engine. Si sono sviluppati quattro algoritmi: Brute Force, Binary Partition, Improved Sort, Interval Tree Matching. Sono stati svolti dei test sul tempo di esecuzione e sulla memoria di picco utilizzata. Dai risultati si evince che l'Interval Tree Matching e l'Improved Sort sono i più efficienti. Tutti i test sono stati svolti sulle versioni sequenziali degli algoritmi e che quindi ci può essere un riduzione nel tempo di esecuzione per l'algoritmo Interval Tree Matching.
This paper presents an automated solution for precise detection of fiducial screws from three-dimensional (3D) Computerized Tomography (CT)/Digital Volume Tomography (DVT) data for image-guided ENT surgery. Unlike previously published solutions, we regard the detection of the fiducial screws from the CT/DVT volume data as a pose estimation problem. We thus developed a model-based solution. Starting from a user-supplied initialization, our solution detects the fiducial screws by iteratively matching a computer aided design (CAD) model of the fiducial screw to features extracted from the CT/DVT data. We validated our solution on one conventional CT dataset and on five DVT volume datasets, resulting in a total detection of 24 fiducial screws. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed solution achieves much higher reproducibility and precision than the manual detection. Further comparison shows that the proposed solution produces better results on the DVT dataset than on the conventional CT dataset.
In this work, we present a multichannel EEG decomposition model based on an adaptive topographic time-frequency approximation technique. It is an extension of the Matching Pursuit algorithm and called dependency multichannel matching pursuit (DMMP). It takes the physiologically explainable and statistically observable topographic dependencies between the channels into account, namely the spatial smoothness of neighboring electrodes that is implied by the electric leadfield. DMMP decomposes a multichannel signal as a weighted sum of atoms from a given dictionary where the single channels are represented from exactly the same subset of a complete dictionary. The decomposition is illustrated on topographical EEG data during different physiological conditions using a complete Gabor dictionary. Further the extension of the single-channel time-frequency distribution to a multichannel time-frequency distribution is given. This can be used for the visualization of the decomposition structure of multichannel EEG. A clustering procedure applied to the topographies, the vectors of the corresponding contribution of an atom to the signal in each channel produced by DMMP, leads to an extremely sparse topographic decomposition of the EEG.
Computer-aided surgery (CAS) allows for real-time intraoperative feedback resulting in increased accuracy, while reducing intraoperative radiation. CAS is especially useful for the treatment of certain pelvic ring fractures, which necessitate the precise placement of screws. Flouroscopy-based CAS modules have been developed for many orthopedic applications. The integration of the isocentric flouroscope even enables navigation using intraoperatively acquired three-dimensional (3D) data, though the scan volume and imaging quality are limited. Complicated and comprehensive pathologies in regions like the pelvis can necessitate a CT-based navigation system because of its larger field of view. To be accurate, the patient's anatomy must be registered and matched with the virtual object (CT data). The actual precision within the region of interest depends on the area of the bone where surface matching is performed. Conventional surface matching with a solid pointer requires extensive soft tissue dissection. This contradicts the primary purpose of CAS as a minimally invasive alternative to conventional surgical techniques. We therefore integrated an a-mode ultrasound pointer into the process of surface matching for pelvic surgery and compared it to the conventional method. Accuracy measurements were made in two pelvic models: a foam model submerged in water and one with attached porcine muscle tissue. Three different tissue depths were selected based on CT scans of 30 human pelves. The ultrasound pointer allowed for registration of virtually any point on the pelvis. This method of surface matching could be successfully integrated into CAS of the pelvis.
We describe the use of log file analysis to investigate whether the use of CSCL applications corresponds to its didactical purposes. Exemplarily we examine the use of the web-based system CommSy as software support for project-oriented university courses. We present two findings: (1) We suggest measures to shape the context of CSCL applications and support their initial and continuous use. (2) We show how log files can be used to analyze how, when and by whom a CSCL system is used and thus help to validate further empirical findings. However, log file analyses can only be interpreted reasonably when additional data concerning the context of use is available.
Many studies in biostatistics deal with binary data. Some of these studies involve correlated observations, which can complicate the analysis of the resulting data. Studies of this kind typically arise when a high degree of commonality exists between test subjects. If there exists a natural hierarchy in the data, multilevel analysis is an appropriate tool for the analysis. Two examples are the measurements on identical twins, or the study of symmetrical organs or appendages such as in the case of ophthalmic studies. Although this type of matching appears ideal for the purposes of comparison, analysis of the resulting data while ignoring the effect of intra-cluster correlation has been shown to produce biased results.^ This paper will explore the use of multilevel modeling of simulated binary data with predetermined levels of correlation. Data will be generated using the Beta-Binomial method with varying degrees of correlation between the lower level observations. The data will be analyzed using the multilevel software package MlwiN (Woodhouse, et al, 1995). Comparisons between the specified intra-cluster correlation of these data and the estimated correlations, using multilevel analysis, will be used to examine the accuracy of this technique in analyzing this type of data. ^
BACKGROUND Complex pelvic traumas, i.e., pelvic fractures accompanied by pelvic soft tissue injuries, still have an unacceptably high mortality rate of about 18 %. PATIENTS AND METHODS We retrospectively evaluated an intersection set of data from the TraumaRegister DGU® and the German Pelvic Injury Register from 2004-2009. Patients with complex and noncomplex pelvic traumas were compared regarding their vital parameters, emergency management, stay in the ICU, and outcome. RESULTS From a total of 344 patients with pelvic injuries, 21 % of patients had a complex and 79 % a noncomplex trauma. Complex traumas were significantly less likely to survive (16.7 % vs. 5.9 %). Whereas vital parameters and emergency treatment in the preclinical setting did not differ substantially, patients with complex traumas were more often in shock and showed acute traumatic coagulopathy on hospital arrival, which resulted in more fluid volumes and transfusions when compared to patients with noncomplex traumas. Furthermore, patients with complex traumas had more complications and longer ICU stays. CONCLUSION Prevention of exsanguination and complications like multiple organ dysfunction syndrome still pose a major challenge in the management of complex pelvic traumas.
This paper proposed an automated three-dimensional (3D) lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) segmentation strategy from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. Starting from two user supplied landmarks, the geometrical parameters of all lumbar vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs are automatically extracted from a mid-sagittal slice using a graphical model based template matching approach. Based on the estimated two-dimensional (2D) geometrical parameters, a 3D variable-radius soft tube model of the lumbar spine column is built by model fitting to the 3D data volume. Taking the geometrical information from the 3D lumbar spine column as constraints and segmentation initialization, the disc segmentation is achieved by a multi-kernel diffeomorphic registration between a 3D template of the disc and the observed MRI data. Experiments on 15 patient data sets showed the robustness and the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.
INTRODUCTION Despite important advances in psychological and pharmacological treatments of persistent depressive disorders in the past decades, their responses remain typically slow and poor, and differential responses among different modalities of treatments or their combinations are not well understood. Cognitive-Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) is the only psychotherapy that has been specifically designed for chronic depression and has been examined in an increasing number of trials against medications, alone or in combination. When several treatment alternatives are available for a certain condition, network meta-analysis (NMA) provides a powerful tool to examine their relative efficacy by combining all direct and indirect comparisons. Individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis enables exploration of impacts of individual characteristics that lead to a differentiated approach matching treatments to specific subgroups of patients. METHODS AND ANALYSIS We will search for all randomised controlled trials that compared CBASP, pharmacotherapy or their combination, in the treatment of patients with persistent depressive disorder, in Cochrane CENTRAL, PUBMED, SCOPUS and PsycINFO, supplemented by personal contacts. Individual participant data will be sought from the principal investigators of all the identified trials. Our primary outcomes are depression severity as measured on a continuous observer-rated scale for depression, and dropouts for any reason as a proxy measure of overall treatment acceptability. We will conduct a one-step IPD-NMA to compare CBASP, medications and their combinations, and also carry out a meta-regression to identify their prognostic factors and effect moderators. The model will be fitted in OpenBUGS, using vague priors for all location parameters. For the heterogeneity we will use a half-normal prior on the SD. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION This study requires no ethical approval. We will publish the findings in a peer-reviewed journal. The study results will contribute to more finely differentiated therapeutics for patients suffering from this chronically disabling disorder. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER CRD42016035886.
This paper examines the contribution of job matching to wage growth in the U.S. and Germany using data drawn from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and the German Socio-Economic Panel from 1984 through 1992. Using a symmetrical set of variables and data handling procedures, real wage growth is found to be higher in the U.S. than in Germany during this period. Also, using two different estimators, job matches are found to enhance wage growth in the U.S. and retard it in Germany. The relationship of general skills to employment in each country appears responsible for this result.