982 resultados para cyclic K48-linked di-ubiquitin


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The structure of N-3-benzoyl-2',3'-di-O-benzoyluridine, C30H24N2O9, has two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The uracil bases of both the molecules are in the anti conformation with respect to the ribose moiety and the furanosyl rings adopt a C3'-endo conformation. The orientation about the C4'-C5' bond is gauche-gauche. The two crystallographically independent molecules are linked through several C-H ... O hydrogen bonds. The nucleoside molecules pack as columns along the a axis and these columns repeat along the c axis.


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Poly(acrylic acid-co-sodium acrylate-co-acrylamide) superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) cross-linked with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) were synthesized by inverse suspension polymerization. The SAPs were swollen in DI water, and it was found that the equilibrium swelling capacities varied with the acrylamide content. The SAPs were subjected to reversible swelling/deswelling cycles in DI water and aqueous NaCl solution, respectively. The effect of the addition of an electrolyte on the swelling of the SAP was explored. The equilibrium swelling capacity of the SAPs was found to decrease with increasing concentration of added electrolyte in the swelling medium. The effect of the particle size of the dry SAPs on the swelling properties was also investigated. A first order model was used to describe the kinetics of swelling/deswelling, and the equilibrium swelling capacity, limiting swelling capacity, and swelling/deswelling rate coefficients were determined.


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The bacterial second messenger cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) plays an important role in a variety of cellular functions, including biofilm formation, alterations in the cell surface, host colonization and regulation of bacterial flagellar motility, which enable bacteria to survive changing environmental conditions. The cellular level of c-di-GMP is regulated by a balance between opposing activities of diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) and cognate phosphodiesterases (PDE-As). Here, we report the presence and importance of a protein, MSDGC-1 (an orthologue of Rv1354c in Mycobacterium tuberculosis), involved in c-di-GMP turnover in Mycobacterium smegmatis. MSDGC-1 is a multidomain protein, having GAF, GGDEF and EAL domains arranged in tandem, and exhibits both c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation activities. Most other proteins containing GGDEF and EAL domains have been demonstrated to have either DGC or PDE-A activity. Unlike other bacteria, which harbour several copies of the protein involved in c-di-GMP turnover, M. smegmatis has a single genomic copy, deletion of which severely affects long-term survival under conditions of nutrient starvation. Overexpression of MSDGC-1 alters the colony morphology and growth profile of M. smegmatis. In order to gain insights into the regulation of the c-di-GMP level, we cloned individual domains and tested their activities. We observed a loss of activity in the separated domains, indicating the importance of full-length MSDGC-1 for controlling bifunctionality.


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A kinetic study of the hydrolytic stabilities of mono-, di-, and 2-chloro-2-deoxy septanosides, under acid-catalysis, is reported herein. A comparison of mono-and diseptanosides, shows that the glycosidic bond in the disaccharide is more stable than the monosaccharide. Further the glycosidic bond at the reducing end hydrolyzes almost twice as faster than that of the non-reducing end of the disaccharide. 2-Chloro-2-deoxy septanoside is found to be the most stable and its glycosidic bond hydrolysis occurs at elevated temperatures only. The orientation of the exo-cyclic hydroxymethyl group and the inductive effect are suggested to play a role in the rates of hydrolysis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have reported previously that the long-term survival of Mycobacterium smegmatis is facilitated by a dual-active enzyme MSDGC-1 (renamed DcpA), which controls the cellular turnover of cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP). Most mycobacterial species possess at least a single copy of a DcpA orthologue that is highly conserved in terms of sequence similarity and domain architecture. Here, we show that DcpA exists in monomeric and dimeric forms. The dimerization of DcpA is due to non-covalent interactions between two protomers that are arranged in a parallel orientation. The dimer shows both synthesis and hydrolysis activities, whereas the monomer shows only hydrolysis activity. In addition, we have shown that DcpA is associated with the cytoplasmic membrane and exhibits heterogeneous cellular localization with a predominance at the cell poles. Finally, we have also shown that DcpA is involved in the change in cell length and colony morphology of M. smegmatis. Taken together, our study provides additional evidence about the role of the bifunctional protein involved in c-di-GMP signalling in M. smegmatis.


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The synthesis and direct observation of 1,1-di-tert-butyldiazene (16) at -127°C is described. The absorption spectrum of a red solution of 1,1-diazene 16 reveals a structured absorption band with λ max at 506 run (Me_2O, -125°C). The vibrational spacing in S_1 is about 1200 cm^(-1). The excited state of 16 emits weakly with a single maximum at 715 run observed in the fluorescence spectrum (Me_2O:CD_2Cl_2, -196°C). The proton NMR spectrum of 16 occurs as a singlet at 1.41 ppm. Monitoring this NMR absorption at -94^0 ± 2°C shows that 1,1-diazene 16 decomposes with a first-order rate of 1.8 x 10^(-3) sec(-1) to form isobutane, isobutylene and hexarnethylethane. This rate is 10^8 and 10^(34) times faster than the thermal decomposition of the corresponding cis and trans 1,2-di-tert-butyldiazene isomers. The free energy of activation for decomposition of 1,1-diazene 16 is found to be 12.5 ± 0.2 kcal/mol at -94°C which is much lower than the values of 19.1 and 19.4 kcal/lmole calculated at -94°C for N-(2,2,6,6- tetramethylpiperidyl)nitrene (3) and N-(2,2,5,5- tetrarnethylpyrrolidyl)nitrene (4), respectively. This difference between 16 and the cyclic-1,1-diazenes 3 and 4 can be attributed to a large steric interaction between the tert-butyl groups in 1,1-diazene 16.

In order to investigate the nature of the singlet-triplet gap in 1,1-diazenes, 2,5-di-tert-butyl-N-pyrrolynitrene (22) was generated but was found to be too reactive towards dimerization to be persistent. In the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, however, N-pyrrolynitrene (22) can be trapped as N-(2,5-di-tert-butyl- N'-pyrrolyl)dimethylsulfoxirnine (38). N-(2,5-di-tert-butyl-N'-pyrrolyl)dimethylsulfoximine (38-d^6) exchanges with free dimethylsulfoxide at 50°C in solution, presumably by generation and retrapping of pyrrolynitrene 22.


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In the cell, the binding of proteins to specific sequences of double helical DNA is essential for controlling the processes of protein synthesis (at the level of DNA transcription) and cell proliferation (at the level of DNA replication). In the laboratory, the sequence-specific DNA binding/cleaving properties of restriction endonuclease enzymes (secreted by microorganisms to protect them from foreign DNA molecules) have helped to fuel a revolution in molecular biology. The strength and specificity of a protein:DNA interaction depend upon structural features inherent to the protein and DNA sequences, but it is now appreciated that these features (and therefore protein:DNA complexation) may be altered (regulated) by other protein:DNA complexes, or by environmental factors such as temperature or the presence of specific organic molecules or inorganic ions. It is also now appreciated that molecules much smaller than proteins (including antibiotics of molecular weight less than 2000 and oligonucleotides) can bind to double-helical DNA in sequence-specific fashion. Elucidation of structural motifs and microscopic interactions responsible for the specific molecular recognition of DNA leads to greater understanding of natural processes and provides a basis for the design of novel sequence-specific DNA binding molecules. This thesis describes the synthesis and DNA binding/cleaving characteristics of molecules designed to probe structural, stereochemical, and environmental factors that regulate sequence-specific DNA recognition.

Chapter One introduces the DNA minor groove binding antibiotics Netropsin and Distamycin A, which are di- and tri(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide) peptides, respectively. The method of DNA affinity cleaving, which has been employed to determine DNA binding properties of designed synthetic molecules is described. The design and synthesis of a series of Netropsin dimers linked in tail-to-tail fashion (by oxalic, malonic, succinic, or fumaric acid), or in head-to-tail fashion (by glycine, β-alanine, and γ-aminobutanoic acid (Gaba)) are presented. These Bis(Netropsin)s were appended with the iron-chelating functionality EDTA in order to make use of the technique of DNA affinity cleaving. Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds are analogs of penta(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide)-EDTA (P5E), which may be considered a head-to-tail Netropsin dimer linked by Nmethylpyrrolecarboxamide. Low- and high-resolution analysis of pBR322 DNA affinity cleaving by the iron complexes of these molecules indicated that small changes in the length and nature of the linker had significant effects on DNA binding/cleaving efficiency (a measure of DNA binding affinity). DNA binding/cleaving efficiency was found to decrease with changes in the linker in the order β-alanine > succinamide > fumaramide > N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide > malonamide >glycine, γ-aminobutanamide > oxalamide. In general, the Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA:Fe compounds retained the specificity for seven contiguous A:T base pairs characteristic of P5E:Fe binding. However, Bis(Netropsin)Oxalamide- EDTA:Fe exhibited decreased specificity for A:T base pairs, and Bis(Netropsin)-Gaba-EDT A:Fe exhibited some DNA binding sites of less than seven base pairs. Bis(Netropsin)s linked with diacids have C2-symmmetrical DNA binding subunits and exhibited little DNA binding orientation preference. Bis(Netropsin)s linked with amino acids lack C2-symmetrical DNA binding subunits and exhibited higher orientation preferences. A model for the high DNA binding orientation preferences observed with head-to-tail DNA minor groove binding molecules is presented.

Chapter Two describes the design, synthesis, and DNA binding properties of a series of chiral molecules: Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds with linkers derived from (R,R)-, (S,S)-, and (RS,SR)-tartaric acids, (R,R)-, (S,S)-, and (RS,SR)-tartaric acid acetonides, (R)- and (S)-malic acids, N ,N-dimethylaminoaspartic acid, and (R)- and (S)-alanine, as well as three constitutional isomers in which an N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide (P1) subunit and a tri(N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide)-EDTA (P3-EDTA) subunit were linked by succinic acid, (R ,R)-, and (S ,S)-tartaric acids. DNA binding/cleaving efficiencies among this series of molecules and the Bis(Netropsin)s described in Chapter One were found to decrease with changes in the linker in the order β-alanine > succinamide > P1-succinamide-P3 > fumaramide > (S)-malicamide > N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide > (R)-malicamide > malonamide > N ,N-dimethylaminoaspanamide > glycine = Gaba = (S,S)-tartaramide = P1-(S,S)-tanaramide-P3 > oxalamide > (RS,SR)-tartaramide = P1- (R,R)-tanaramide-P3 > (R,R)-tartaramide (no sequence-specific DNA binding was detected for Bis(Netropsin)s linked by (R)- or (S)-alanine or by tartaric acid acetonides). The chiral molecules retained DNA binding specificity for seven contiguous A:T base pairs. From the DNA affinity cleaving data it could be determined that: 1) Addition of one or two substituents to the linker of Bis(Netropsin)-Succinamide resulted in stepwise decreases in DNA binding affinity; 2) molecules with single hydroxyl substituents bound DNA more strongly than molecules with single dimethylamino substituents; 3) hydroxyl-substituted molecules of (S) configuration bound more strongly to DNA than molecules of (R) configuration. This stereochemical regulation of DNA binding is proposed to arise from the inherent right-handed twist of (S)-enantiomeric Bis(Netropsin)s versus the inherent lefthanded twist of (R)-enantiomeric Bis(Netropsin)s, which makes the (S)-enantiomers more complementary to the right-handed twist of B form DNA.

Chapter Three describes the design and synthesis of molecules for the study of metalloregulated DNA binding phenomena. Among a series of Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds linked by homologous tethers bearing four, five, or six oxygen atoms, the Bis(Netropsin) linked by a pentaether tether exhibited strongly enhanced DNA binding/cleaving in the presence of strontium or barium cations. The observed metallospecificity was consistent with the known affinities of metal cations for the cyclic hexaether 18-crown-6 in water. High-resolution DNA affinity cleaving analysis indicated that DNA binding by this molecule in the presence of strontium or barium was not only stronger but of different sequence-specificity than the (weak) binding observed in the absence of metal cations. The metalloregulated binding sites were consistent with A:T binding by the Netropsin subunits and G:C binding by a strontium or barium:pentaether complex. A model for the observed positive metalloregulation and novel sequence-specificity is presented. The effects of 44 different cations on DNA affinity cleaving by P5E:Fe were examined. A series of Bis(Netropsin)-EDTA compounds linked by tethers bearing two, three, four, or five amino groups was also synthesized. These molecules exhibited strong and specific binding to A:T rich regions of DNA. It was found that the iron complexes of these molecules bound and cleaved DNA most efficiently at pH 6.0-6.5, while P5E:Fe bound and cleaved most efficiently at pH 7.5-8.0. Incubating the Bis(Netropsin) Polyamine-EDTA:Fe molecules with K2PdCl4 abolished their DNA binding/cleaving activity. It is proposed that the observed negative metalloregulation arises from kinetically inert Bis(Netropsin) Polyamine:Pd(II) complexes or aggregates, which are sterically unsuitable for DNA complexation. Finally, attempts to produce a synthetic metalloregulated DNA binding protein are described. For this study, five derivatives of a synthetic 52 amino acid residue DNA binding/cleaving protein were produced. The synthetic mutant proteins carried a novel pentaether ionophoric amino acid residue at different positions within the primary sequence. The proteins did not exhibit significant DNA binding/cleaving activity, but they served to illustrate the potential for introducing novel amino acid residues within DNA binding protein sequences, and for the development of the tricyclohexyl ester of EDTA as a superior reagent for the introduction of EDT A into synthetic proteins.

Chapter Four describes the discovery and characterization of a new DNA binding/cleaving agent, [SalenMn(III)]OAc. This metal complex produces single- and double-strand cleavage of DNA, with specificity for A:T rich regions, in the presence of oxygen atom donors such as iodosyl benzene, hydrogen peroxide, or peracids. Maximal cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]OAc was produced at pH 6-7. A comparison of DNA singleand double-strand cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ and other small molecules (Methidiumpropyl-EDTA:Fe, Distamycin-EDTA:Fe, Neocarzinostatin, Bleomycin:Fe) is presented. It was found that DNA cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ did not require the presence of dioxygen, and that base treatment of DNA subsequent to cleavage by [SalenMn(III)]+ afforded greater cleavage and alterations in the cleavage patterns. Analysis of DNA products formed upon DNA cleavage by [SalenMn(III)] indicated that cleavage was due to oxidation of the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA. Several mechanisms consistent with the observed products and reaction requirements are discussed.

Chapter Five describes progress on some additional studies. In one study, the DNA binding/cleaving specificities of Distamycin-EDTA derivatives bearing pyrrole N-isopropyl substituents were found to be the same as those of derivatives bearing pyrrole N-methyl substituents. In a second study, the design of and synthetic progress towards a series of nucleopeptide activators of transcription are presented. Five synthetic plasmids designed to test for activation of in vitro run-off transcription by DNA triple helix-forming oligonucleotides or nucleopeptides are described.

Chapter Six contains the experimental documentation of the thesis work.


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I. The influence of N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylethylenediamine on the Schlenk equilibrium

The equilibrium between ethylmagnesium bromide, diethylmagnesium, and magnesium bromide has been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The interconversion of the species is very fast on the nmr time scale, and only an averaged spectrum is observed for the ethyl species. When N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylethylenediamine is added to solutions of these reagents in tetrahydrofuran, the rate of interconversion is reduced. At temperatures near -50°, two ethylmagnesium species have been observed. These are attributed to the different ethyl groups in ethylmagnesium bromide and diethylmagnesium, two of the species involved in the Schlenk equilibrium of Grignard reagents.

II. The nature of di-Grignard reagents

Di-Grignard reagents have been examined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in an attempt to prove that dialkylmagnesium reagents are in equilibrium with alkylmagnesium halides. The di-Grignard reagents of compounds such as 1,4-dibromobutane have been investigated. The dialkylmagnesium form of this di-Grignard reagent can exist as an intramolecular cyclic species, tetramethylene-magnesium. This cyclic form would give an nmr spectrum different from that of the classical alkylmagnesium halide di-Grignard reagent. In dimethyl ether-tetrahydrofuran solutions of di-Grignard reagents containing N N,N,N’,N’-Tetramethylethylenediamine, evidence has been found for the existence of an intramolecular dialkylmagnesium species. This species is rapidly equilibrating with other forms, but at low temperatures, the rates of interconversion are reduced. Two species can be seen in the nmr spectrum at -50°. One is the cyclic species; the other is an open form.

Inversion of the carbon at the carbon-magnesium bond in di-Grignard reagents has also been studied. This process is much faster than in corresponding monofunctional Grignard reagents.


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We have synthesized macrocyclic polystyrene- (PS-) terminated PS star polymers via a core-cross-linking approach in this work. A tadpole-shaped macrocyclic PS-linear-PS copolymer was synthesized at first via click chemistry and ATRP polymerization method. The "living" ATRP initiating chain-ends of the tadpole-shaped copolymers were linked together via ATRP polymerization with divinylbenzene to form a core-cross-linked macrocyclic star polymer. The number of arms attached to the macrocyclic star polymers was measured with NMR. and absolute molecular weights with gel permeation chromatography (GPC) with multiangle laser light scattering detector. These macrocyclic star polymers had a highly cross-linked core and many radiating arms. The shorter tadpole-shaped precursors caused core-cross-linked star polymers with higher molecular weights and more arm numbers. The macrocycle-terminated core-cross-linked star polymers showed two glass transition temperatures, one arising from the linear branches and another from the macrocycles.


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Novel biodegradable hydrogels by photo-cross-linking macromers based on polyphosphoesters and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) are reported. Photo-cross-linkable macromers were synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of the cyclic phosphoester monomer 2-(2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphospholoyloxy) ethyl methacrylate (OPEMA) using PEG as the initiator and stannous octoate as the catalyst. The macrorners were characterized by H-1 NMR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and gel permeation chromatography measurements. The content of polyphosphoester in the macromer was controlled by varying the feed ratio of OPEMA to PEG. Hydrogels were fabricated by exposing aqueous solutions of macromers with 0.05% (w/w) photoinitiator to UV light irradiation, and their swelling kinetics as well as degradation behaviors were evaluated. The results demonstrated that cross-linking density and pH values strongly affected the degradation rates. The macromers was compatible to osteoblast cells, not exhibiting significant cytotoxicity up to 0.5 mg/mL. "Live/dead" cell staining assay also demonstrated that a large majority of the osteoblast cells remained viable after encapsulation into the hydrogel constructs, showing their potential as tissue engineering scaffolds.


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Dithiols of N-hexadecyl-3,6-di(p-mercaptophenylacetylene)carbazole (HDMC) have been synthesized and employed to form self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold. One characteristic of the HDMC molecule is its peculiar molecular structure consisting of a large and rigid headgroup and a small and flexible alkyl-chain tail. HDMC adsorbates can attach to gold substrates by a strong Au-S bond with weak van der Waals interactions between the alkyl-chain tails, leading to a loosely packed hydrophobic SAM. In this way we can couple hybrid bilayer membranes (HBMs) to gold surfaces with more likeness to a cell bilayer than the conventional HBMs based on densely packed long-chain alkanethiol SAMs. The insulating properties and stability of the HDMC monolayer as well as the HDMC/lipid bilayer on gold have been investigated by electrochemical techniques including cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. To test whether the quality of the bilayer is sufficiently high for biomimetic research, we incorporated the pore-forming protein a-hemolysin) and the horseradish peroxidase into the bilayers, respectively.


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In this paper, an organic-inorganic composite film of heteropolyanion was Formed by attaching a Keggin-type heteropolyanion, SiW12O404-, on carbon electrode surface derivatized by 4-aminophenyl monolayer. The composite film thus grafted on carbon electrode surface has good stability because of the ionic bonding character between SiW12O404- and surface aminophenyl groups. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, and cyclic voltammetry were used to characterize the composite film. Compared with SiW12O404- electrodeposited on a bare glassy carbon electrode (GCE), the composite film gives three more sharp and well-defined redox couples attributed to two one- and two-electron processes, and the analyses of the voltammograms of SiW12O404- anion in the composite film modified on GCE shows that its surface coverage is close to a closest packing monolayer. STM characterization shows that a two-dimensional order heteropolyanion monolayer was formed on HOPG substrate. The composite film provides a favorable environment for electron and proton transfer between SiW12O404- ion and electrode surface, which may make it suitable for various applications in sensors and microelectronics devices.


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A composite film containing heteropolyanion was fabricated on gold by attaching the Keggin-type heteropolyanion, PMo12O403- on a 4-aminothiophenol SAM via Au-S bonding. Reflection FTIR, cyclic voltammetry and XPS were used for the characterization of the composite film. Reflection FTIR studies indicate that there is some Coulombic interaction between PMo12O403- and the surface amino group in the composite film, which greatly improves the film stability and prevents effectively the destructive intermolecular aggregation. The composite him shows three reversible redox couples within the pH range pH less than or equal to 7.0, attributed to three two-electron and two-proton electrochemical reduction-oxidation processes of PMo12O403-. Compared with PMo12O403- in the solution, the PMo12O403- of the composite film electrode can exist in a larger pH range, and shows smaller peak-to-peak separation, and more reversible reaction kinetics. Moreover, the composite him obtained shows a good catalytic activity for the reduction of BrO3-. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Dinuclear complexes [Mo-2(mu-pyS)(2)(CO)(4)(PPh(3))(2)] (1), [Mo-2(mu-pyS)(2)(CO)(5)(PPh(3))] (2) and a trace quality of trinuclear complex [Mo-3(mu-pyS)(2)(mu(3)-pyS)(2)(CO)(6)] (3) were obtained from the reaction of [Mo(CO)(3)(MeCN)(3)] with pyridine-2-thione (pySH) and PPh(3) in THF. The crystal structures of 1.2C(7)H(8) and 3.7 C7H8 have been determined by X-ray diffraction studies. Crystals of 1.2C(7)H(8) are monoclinic, space group C2/c and Z = 4, with a = 18.797(3), b = 11.143(4), c = 28.157(7) Angstrom, beta = 101.23(2)degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.050 and Rw = 0.057 for 3146 observed reflections, Crystals of 3.7 C7H8 are monoclinic, space group P2(1)/a and Z = 4, with a = 13.912(2), b = 17.161(2), c = 15.577(3) Angstrom, beta = 101.17(1)degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.046 and Rw = 0.051 for 4357 observed reflections. The molecule of 1 consists of two Mo(CO)(2)(PPh(3)) fragments linked by an Mo-Mo bond (2.974(2)Angstrom) and by two doubly-bridging pyS ligands. The compound 3 contains a bent open geometry of three molybdenum atoms (Mo(1)-Mo(2)-Mo(3) angle 122.99(3)degrees) linked by two Mo-Mo bonds (2.943(1) and 2.950(1) Angstrom) and by two doubly- and two triply-bridging pyS ligands.