916 resultados para current controlled voltage-source inverter
Thedirect torque control (DTC) has become an accepted vector control method besidethe current vector control. The DTC was first applied to asynchronous machines,and has later been applied also to synchronous machines. This thesis analyses the application of the DTC to permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM). In order to take the full advantage of the DTC, the PMSM has to be properly dimensioned. Therefore the effect of the motor parameters is analysed taking the control principle into account. Based on the analysis, a parameter selection procedure is presented. The analysis and the selection procedure utilize nonlinear optimization methods. The key element of a direct torque controlled drive is the estimation of the stator flux linkage. Different estimation methods - a combination of current and voltage models and improved integration methods - are analysed. The effect of an incorrect measured rotor angle in the current model is analysed andan error detection and compensation method is presented. The dynamic performance of an earlier presented sensorless flux estimation method is made better by improving the dynamic performance of the low-pass filter used and by adapting the correction of the flux linkage to torque changes. A method for the estimation ofthe initial angle of the rotor is presented. The method is based on measuring the inductance of the machine in several directions and fitting the measurements into a model. The model is nonlinear with respect to the rotor angle and therefore a nonlinear least squares optimization method is needed in the procedure. A commonly used current vector control scheme is the minimum current control. In the DTC the stator flux linkage reference is usually kept constant. Achieving the minimum current requires the control of the reference. An on-line method to perform the minimization of the current by controlling the stator flux linkage reference is presented. Also, the control of the reference above the base speed is considered. A new estimation flux linkage is introduced for the estimation of the parameters of the machine model. In order to utilize the flux linkage estimates in off-line parameter estimation, the integration methods are improved. An adaptive correction is used in the same way as in the estimation of the controller stator flux linkage. The presented parameter estimation methods are then used in aself-commissioning scheme. The proposed methods are tested with a laboratory drive, which consists of a commercial inverter hardware with a modified software and several prototype PMSMs.
Työssä tutkitaan mahdollisuutta hyödyntää sähkömoottorien nopeudensäätöön suunniteltuja kaupallisia taajuusmuuttajia osana aktiivisesti säädetyn magneettilaakeroinnin säätöjärjestelmää. Magneettilaakerijärjestelmän ohjaamiseksi tarvitaan vahvistin, jonka tehtävänä on muuntaa paikkasäätöjärjestelmältä tuleva ohjearvo virraksi, jännitteeksi tai magneettivuoksi voiman tuottamiseksi laakerikäämityksellä. Nykyaikaiset modernit taajuusmuuttajat mahdollistavat säätöalgoritmien suorittamisen sekä liitynnän muuhun automaatiojärjestelmään kenttäväylien kautta. Tämän järjestelmäintegraation myötä olisi mahdollista rakentaa modulaarinen säätöjärjestelmä hyödyntäen luotettavaksi todettuja teollisuusautomaatiotuotteita vain muutamalla itse magneettilaakerijärjestelmään liittyvällä tuotteella. Haluttaessa hyödyntää kolmivaiheinen taajuusmuuttaja mahdollisimman tehokkaasti magneettilaakerin teholähteenä tulee laakerikäämityksien kytkeytymistä taajuusmuuttajaan tarkastella tarkemmin. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa keskitytään taajuusmuuttajan tehokytkimien muodostaman vaihtosuuntaajan eri rakennevaihtoehtojen sekä virtasäädön dynaamisten ominaisuuksien tarkasteluun. Soveltuvien rakennevaihtoehtojen sekä virtasäädön suorituskyky todennetaan simuloinnein ja lopuksi todellisella koelaitteistolla. Magneettilaakeroinnilla varustetun sähkökoneen roottorin onnistunut leijuttaminen viiden vapausasteen suhteen paikkasäädettynä sekä mittauksien tulokset osoittavat, ettei taajuusmuuttajien järjestelmäarkkitehtuurista löydy merkittäviä esteitä muuttajien hyödyntämiseksi magneettilaakerisovelluksissa.
Pulssinleveysmoduloidun vaihtosuuntaajan hyötysuhteen parantaminen ja kytkentätaajuuden suurentaminen ovat johtaneet lähtöjännitteen suuritaajuiseen taajuussisältöön kaksitasoisessa, jännitevälipiirillisessä taajuusmuuttajatopologiassa. Kasvava tarve siirtää tehoa myös verkkoon päin on lisännyt aktiivisen verkkosillan käyttöä. Kaksitasoisen aktiivisen verkkosillan vaikutuksesta DC-välipiirin keskipisteen ja kolmivaiheisen kuorman tähtipisteen välinen jännite on nollasta poikkeava aiheuttaen suurentuneen yhteismuotoisen jännitteen taajuusmuuttajan lähtöön ja verkon puolelle. Lisäksi yhteismuotoisten jännitteiden aiheuttamat kytkentätaajuiset häiriövirrat voivat aiheuttaa vikavirtasuojien tahatonta laukeamista, vaikeuttaa EMC-standardien vaatimusten täyttämistä, lisätä moottorin käämieristyksien rasitusta ja mahdollisuutta moottorin laakerivaurioille. Diplomityössä tutkitaan aktiivisen ja passiivisen verkkosillan tuottamaa yhteismuotoista jännitettä simuloinneilla. Esitellään aikaisempaa tutkimustietoa yhteismuotoisen jännitteen ja virran vaimennusratkaisuista aktiivista verkkosiltaa käytettäessä. Tutkimustiedon pohjalta suunnitellaan koelaitteistolle soveltuva suodin. Suotimen toiminta testataan simuloinnein sekä kokeellisin mittauksin. Tehdyt mittaukset osoittavat, että suunniteltu suodin vaimentaa yhteismuotoista jännitettä noin 20 dB verkkosillan kytkentätaajuudella ja tämän jälkeen yli 20 dB/dekadi taajuuteen 100 kHz asti. Lisäksi yhteismuotoisen virran suuruus syöttökaapelin kautta pieneni ehdotetun suotimen vaikutuksesta.
This paper presents a 2kW single-phase high power factor boost rectifier with four cells in interleave connection, operating in critical conduction mode, and employing a soft-switching technique, controlled by Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The soft-switching technique Is based on zero-current-switching (ZCS) cells, providing ZC (zero-current) turn-on and ZCZV (zero-current-zero-voltage) turn-off for the active switches, and ZV (zero-voltage) turn-on and ZC (zero-current) turn-off for the boost diodes. The disadvantages related 'to reverse recovery effects of boost diodes operated in continuous conduction mode (additional losses, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems) are minimized, due to the operation in critical conduction mode. In addition, due to the Interleaving technique, the rectifer's features include the reduction in the input current ripple, the reduction in the output voltage ripple, the use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) In the input current, in compliance with the TEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller has been developed using a hardware description language (VHDL) and implemented using a XC2S200E-SpartanII-E/Xilinx FPGA device, performing a true critical conduction operation mode for four interleaved cells, and a closed-loop to provide the output voltage regulation, like as a pre-regulator rectifier. Experimental results are presented for a 2kW implemented prototype with four interleaved cells, 400V nominal output voltage and 220V(rms) nominal input voltage, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital control through the use of a FPGA device.
This paper presents a multi-cell single-phase high power factor boost rectifier in interleave connection, operating in critical conduction mode, employing a soft-switching technique, and controlled by Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The soft-switching technique is based on zero-current-switching (ZCS) cells, providing ZC (zero-current) turn-on and ZCZV (zero-current-zero-voltage) turn-off for the active switches, and ZV (zero-vohage) turn-on and ZC (zero-current) turn-off for the boost diodes. The disadvantages related to reverse recovery effects of boost diodes operated in continuous conduction mode (additional losses, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems) are minimized, due to the operation in critical conduction mode. In addition, due to the interleaving technique, the rectifier's features include the reduction in the input current ripple, the reduction in the output voltage ripple, the use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input current, in compliance with the IEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller has been developed using a hardware description language (VHDL) and implemented using a XC2S200E-SpartanII-E/Xilinx FPGA device, performing a true critical conduction operation mode for all interleaved cells, and a closed-loop to provide the output voltage regulation, like as a preregulator rectifier. Experimental results are presented for a implemented prototype with two and with four interleaved cells, 400V nominal output voltage and 220V(rms) nominal input voltage, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital control through the use of a FPGA device.
This paper presents a new methodology for the operation and control of a single-phase current-source (CS) Boost Inverter, considering that the conventional current-source inverter (CSI) has a right-half-plane (RHP) zero in its control-to-output transfer function, and this RHP zero causes the known non-minimum-phase effects. In this context, a special design with low boost inductance and a multi-loop control is developed in order to assure stable and very fast dynamics. Furthermore, the Inverter presents output voltage with very low total harmonic distortion (THD), reduced components and high power density. Therefore, this paper presents the inverter operation, the proposed control technique, and main simulation and experimental results in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper presents an efficiency investigation of an isolated high step-up ratio dc-dc converter aimed to be used for energy processing from low-voltage high-current energy sources, like batteries, photovoltaic modules or fuel-cells. The considered converter consists of an interleaved active clamp flyback topology combined with a voltage multiplier at the transformer secondary side capable of two different operating modes, i.e. resonant and non-resonant according to the design of the output capacitors. The main goal of this paper is to compare these two operating modes from the component losses point of view with the aim of maximize the overall converter efficiency. The approach is based on losses prediction using steady-state theoretical models (designed in Mathcad environment), taking into account both conduction and switching losses. The models are compared with steady-state simulations and experimental results considering different operating modes to validate the approach. © 2012 IEEE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
An experimental platform that allows application of internal faults on the armature windings of a specially modified synchronous generator in a controlled environment is described. It allows recording and studying current and voltage waveforms of internal fault conditions that may occur in a synchronous generator. Thus, traditional and new protection functions can be tested by using real data, and the transient response of the machine due to internal faults can be analyzed more closely. The hardware-software platform is described in detail, as well as all its control functions. The results can contribute significantly in new protection developments, as well as for educational purposes.
This work has concentrated on the testing of induction machines to determine their temperature rise at full-load without mechanically coupling to a load machine. The achievements of this work are outlined as follows. 1. Four distinct categories of mixed-frequency test using an inverter have been identified by the author. The simulation results of these tests as well as the conventional 2-supply test have been analysed in detail. 2. Experimental work on mixed-frequency tests has been done on a small (4 kW) squirrel cage induction machine using a voltage source PWM inverter. Two out of the four categories of test suggested have been tested and the temperature rise results were found to be similar to the results of a direct loading test. Further, one of the categories of test proposed has been performed on a 3.3 kW slip-ring induction machine for the conformation of the rotor values. 3. A low current supply mixed-frequency test-rig has been proposed. For this purpose, a resonant bank was connected to the DC link of the inverter in order to maintain the exchange of power between the test machine and the resonant bank instead of between the main supply and the test machine. The resonant bank was then replaced with a special electro-mechanical energy storage unit. The current of the main power supply was then reduced in amplitude. 4. A variable inertia test for full load temperature rise testing of induction machines has been introduced. This test is purely mechanical in nature and does not require any electrical connection of the test machine to any other machine. It has the advantage of drawing very little net power from the supply.
As a source or sink of reactive power, compensators can be made from a voltage sourced inverter circuit with the a.c. terminals of the inverter connected to the system through an inductive link and with a capacitor connected across the d.c. terminals. Theoretical calculations on linearised models of the compensators have shown that the parameters characterising the performance are the reduced firing angle and the resonance ratio. The resonance ratio is the ratio of the natural frequency of oscillation of the energy storage components in the circuit to the system frequency. The reduced firing angle of the inverter divided by the damping coefficient, β, where β is half the R to X ratio of the link between the inverter and the system. The theoretical results have been verified by computer simulation and experiment. There is a narrow range of values for the resonance ratio below which there is no appreciable improvement in performance, despite an increase in the cost of the energy storage components, and above which the performance of the equipment is poor with the current being dominated by harmonics. The harmonic performance of the equipment is improved by using multiple inverters and phase shifting transformers to increase the pulse number. The optimum value of the resonance ratio increases pulse number, indicating a reduction in the energy storage components needed at high pulse numbers. The reactive power output from the compensator varies linearly with the reduced firing angle while the losses vary as the square of it.