925 resultados para cultivar competition


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In this article, we propose a mathematical model that describes the competition between two plant virus strains (MAV and PAV) for both the host plant (oat) and their aphid vectors. We found that although PAV is transmitted by two aphids and MAV by only one, this fact, by itself, does not explain the complete replacement of MAV by PAV in New York State during the period from 1961 through 1976; an interpretation that is in agreement with the theories of A. G. Power. Also, although MAV wins the competition within aphids, we assumed that, in 1961, PAV mutated into a new variant such that this new variant was able to overcome MAV within the plants during a latent period. As shown below, this is sufficient to explain the swap of strains; that is, the dominant MAV was replaced by PAV, also in agreement with Power`s expectations.


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We consider two viral strains competing against each other within individual hosts (at cellular level) and at population level (for infecting hosts) by studying two cases. In the first case, the strains do not mutate into each other. In this case, we found that each individual in the population can be infected by only one strain and that co-existence in the population is possible only when the strain that has the greater basic intracellular reproduction number, R (0c) , has the smaller population number R (0p) . Treatment against the one strain shifts the population equilibrium toward the other strain in a complicated way (see Appendix B). In the second case, we assume that the strain that has the greater intracellular number R (0c) can mutate into the other strain. In this case, individual hosts can be simultaneously infected by both strains (co-existence within the host). Treatment shifts the prevalence of the two strains within the hosts, depending on the mortality induced by the treatment, which is, in turn, dependent upon the doses given to each individual. The relative proportions of the strains at the population level, under treatment, depend both on the relative proportions within the hosts (which is determined by the dosage of treatment) and on the number of individuals treated per unit time, that is, the rate of treatment. Implications for cases of real diseases are briefly discussed.


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Evaluative learning theory states that affective learning, the acquisition of likes and dislikes, is qualitatively different from relational learning, the learning of predictive relationships among stimuli. Three experiments tested the prediction derived from evaluative learning theory that relational learning, but not affective learning, is affected by stimulus competition by comparing performance during two conditional stimuli, one trained in a superconditioning procedure and the other in a blocking procedure. Ratings of unconditional stimulus expectancy and electrodermal responses indicated stimulus competition in relational learning. Evidence for stimulus competition in affective learning was provided by verbal ratings of conditional stimulus pleasantness and by measures of blink startle modulation. Taken together, the present experiments demonstrate stimulus competition in relational and affective learning, a result inconsistent with evaluative learning theory. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The present series of experiments was designed to assess whether rule-based accounts of Pavlovian learning can account for cue competition effects observed after elemental training. All experiments involved initial differential conditioning training with A-US and B alone presentations. Miscuing refers to the fact that responding to A is impaired after one B-US presentation whereas interference is the impairment of responding to A after presentation of C-US pairings. Omission refers to the effects on B of A alone presentations. Experiments 1-2a provided clear evidence for miscuing whereas interference was not found after 1, 5 or 10 C-US pairings. Moreover, Experiments 3 and 3a found only weak evidence for interference in an A-US, B I C-US, D I A design used previously to show the effect. Experiments 4 and 5 failed to find any effect of US omission after one or five omission trials. The present results indicate that miscuing is more robust than is the interference effect. Moreover, the asymmetrical effects of US miscuing and US omission are difficult to accommodate within rule-based accounts of Pavlovian conditioning. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Most sugarcane breeding programs in Australia use large unreplicated trials to evaluate clones in the early stages of selection. Commercial varieties that are replicated provide a method of local control of soil fertility. Although such methods may be useful in detecting broad trends in the field, variation often occurs on a much smaller scale. Methods such as spatial analysis adjust a plot for variability by using information from immediate neighbours. These techniques are routinely used to analyse cereal data in Australia and have resulted in increased accuracy and precision in the estimates of variety effects. In this paper, spatial analyses in which the variability is decomposed into local, natural, and extraneous components are applied to early selection trials in sugarcane. Interplot competition in cane yield and trend in sugar content were substantial in many of the trials and there were often large differences in the selections between the spatial and current method used by the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations. A joint modelling approach for tonnes sugar per hectare in response to fertility trends and interplot competition is recommended.


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Phytophthora nicotianae is a devastating root and stem pathogen of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in South Africa. Growers strive to control the resulting disease, known as black shank, with metalaxyl treatments and resistant cultivars. The aim of this study was to consider whether development of metalaxyl resistance in P. nicotianae has contributed to poor disease control and if recently developed cultivars with high levels of resistance require metalaxyl for effective control. One hundred and thirty-two isolates of P. nicotianae were screened for sensitivity to metalaxyl. P. nicotianae isolates from most tobacco farms were metalaxyl sensitive. Growth of most isolates was inhibited completely at 1.0 μg a.i./ml. However, isolates from the MKTV tobacco producing area showed EC50 values ranging from 1.02 μg a.i./ml to 3.57 μg a.i./ml. Twenty-one tobacco cultivars were planted and treated with and without metalaxyl in two different growing seasons to evaluate their resistance to P. nicotianae and the value of using metalaxyl. Hicks was the most susceptible cultivar. Vuma/3/46, LK30/40/60-1, and LK33/60 exhibited the greatest resistance to P. nicotianae. Use of metalaxyl in combination with moderately resistant cultivars such as NC60 × TL33 and LK10/80/60 effectively reduced black shank in the field. Resistant cultivars were healthy and no significant difference between metalaxyl treated and untreated plants was observed.


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The last decade has seen spirited debates about how resource availability affect the intensity of competition. This paper examines the effect that a dominant introduced species, Carrichtera annua, has upon the winter annual community in the arid chenopod shrublands of South Australia. Manipulative field experiments were conducted to assess plant community response to changing below-ground resource levels and to the manipulation of the density of C. annua. Changes in the density of C. annua had little effect on the abundance of all other species in the guild. Nutrient addition produced an increase in the biomass of the most abundant native species, Crassula colorata. An analysis of the root distribution of the main species suggested that the areas of soil resource capture of C. annua and C. colorata are largely segregated. Our results suggest that intraspecific competition may be stronger than interspecific competition, controlling the species responses to increased resource availability. The results are consistent with a two-phase resource dynamics systems, with pulses of high resource availability triggering growth, followed by pulses of stress. Smaller plants were nutrient limited under natural field conditions, suggesting that stress experienced during long interpulse phases may override competitive effects after short pulse phases. The observed differences in root system structure will determine when plants of a different species are experiencing a pulse or an interpulse phase. We suggest that the limitations to plant recruitment and growth are the product of a complex interplay between the length and intensity of the pulse of resource availability, the duration and severity of the interpulse periods, and biological characters of the species.


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Fiji disease (FD) of sugar cane caused by Fiji disease virus (FDV) is transmitted by the planthopper Perkinsiella saccharicida Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). FD is effectively managed by using resistant cultivars, but whether the resistance is for the vector or for the Virus is Unknown. This knowledge would help develop a rapid and reliable glasshouse-based screening method for disease resistance. Sugar cane cultivars resistant, intermediate, and susceptible to FD were screened in a glasshouse, and the relationship between vector preferences and FD incidence was studied. Cultivar preference by nymphs increased with an increase in cultivar susceptibility to FD, but the relationship between adult preference and FD resistance was not significant. There was a positive correlation between the vector population and FD incidence, and the latent period for symptom expression declined with the increase in the vector populations. FD incidence in the glasshouse trial reflected the field-resistance status of sugar cane cultivars with known FD-resistance scores. The results suggest that resistance to FD in sugar cane is mediated by cultivar preference of the plant-hopper vector.


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Anthracnose and crown rot, caused by Colletotrichum trifolii, are serious diseases of lucerne (Medicago saliva L.) in humid regions of the world. A race survey was conducted by inoculating individual lucerne clones (genotypes) with C. trifolii isolates collected from a range of Medicago hosts, locations, and years in south-eastern Queensland. This survey revealed for the first time in Australia the presence of race 2 (virulence on anthracnose resistance gene An I) and the first world report of race 4 (virulence on An(2)). A collection of North American race I and race 2 C. trifolii isolates, when inoculated onto the Australian differential clones, gave responses that were in agreement with their North American reactions. A RAPD analysis was conducted on 9 Australian C. trifolii isolates including races 1, 2, and 4; two C. destructivum and one C. gloeosporioides isolate were included as known outliers. For the C. trifolii isolates, 94.6% similarity was found regardless of host origin or race, compared with 2.2% similarity between this group and the C. gloeosporioides and C. destructivum isolates, confirming that the new races belong to C. trifolii. Currently, it is hypothesised that only plants carrying genes An, and An2 are resistant to the 3 races. Of 22 cultivars screened against the 3 races, only UQL-1, Hallmark, and Pioneer 54Q53 had >30% of plants resistant to the 3 races in separate screenings. The research highlights the need to find new sources of resistance to C. trifolii in lucerne.


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As perdas pós-colheita de frutas promovem a elevação do custo dos produtos e diminuem a oferta ao consumidor. Suas principais causas estão na colheita, transporte e armazenamento inadequados. A aplicação de revestimentos comestíveis juntamente com a redução da temperatura de armazenamento constitui um dos métodos empregados para a conservação pós-colheita de produtos com vida útil curta, como frutas e hortaliças. O morango é um fruto consumido preferencialmente in natura. Desta forma, torna-se promissora a utilização de revestimento comestível para aumentar seu período de armazenamento e comercialização, sem alteração do sabor, da cor e do aroma dos frutos. A produção orgânica frente a convencional de frutos podem apresentar diferenças, sendo interessante o estudo envolvendo as formas de cultivo. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a conservação pós-colheita de morangos cv. Camarosa, oriundos de cultivo orgânico e convencional revestidos com coberturas comestíveis. Os morangos foram revestidos com fécula de mandioca, gelatina e cera de carnaúba, armazenados durante 10 dias a 10 ºC. A cada 2 dias de armazenamento foram determinados perda de massa, sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez titulável, firmeza, antocianinas totais e podridão fúngica. Análise sensorial foi realizada para verificar a aceitação dos morangos e para avaliar a influência da informação nesta aceitação. A perda de massa foi maior no cultivo orgânico a partir do 8º dia de armazenamento, chegando a 11,47% contra 8,88% do cultivo convencional no final do 10º dia de armazenamento. O revestimento que possibilitou menor perda de massa foi o de cera de carnaúba em relação ao controle. A contaminação fúngica iniciou-se no 4º dia de armazenamento em ambos os tipos de cultivo. No 8º dia de armazenamento observou-se diferenças na podridão entre os tipos de cultivo, sendo o orgânico visualmente mais contaminado. O revestimento de cera de carnaúba apresentou menor podridão fúngica em relação aos outros revestimentos, porém não diferiu da amostra controle. Das variáveis físico-químicas avaliadas, apenas o teor de sólidos solúveis apresentou diferenças entre os tipos de cultivo, sendo o morango convencional o que obteve maiores valores. O teor de antocianinas dos morangos revestidos com fécula de mandioca diferiu do controle, porém o revestimento com fécula não diferiu dos revestidos com gelatina e cera de carnaúba. Foram verificadas diferenças na firmeza dos frutos em relação aos revestimentos. Ao longo do tempo foi observado diferenças no pH, teor de antocianinas e firmeza. O revestimento com cera de carnaúba se mostrou mais adequado em relação aos demais revestimentos, porém sua aparência mostrou-se com pouco brilho e esbranquiçado. Os frutos avaliados apresentaram vida útil pós-colheita de aproximadamente 6 dias. Os morangos, do ponto de vista microbiológico, se mostraram aptos para consumo. A aceitação dos morangos foi boa, não tendo ix diferenças significativas entre morango orgânico e convencional. O fornecimento da informação de “morango orgânico” e a apresentação de um texto adicional informativo não influenciaram na aceitação dos morangos. Entre os revestimentos testados o de cera de carnaúba se mostrou mais aplicável, os demais nas condições testadas não mostraram bons resultados.


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A goiaba é uma fruta que apresenta alta perecibilidade, sendo o armazenamento em Atmosfera Controlada (AC) uma técnica que pode prolongar a vida pós-colheita, mantendo sua qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a melhor condição de armazenamento em AC para a conservação da qualidade da goiaba, cultivar 'Paluma'. O experimento foi conduzido no Delineamento em Blocos ao Acaso, com os tratamentos: [1] 20,9 kPa O2 + 0,03 kPa CO2 (AR - testemunha); [2] 1,0 kPa O2 + 2,0 kPa CO2; [3] 2,0 kPa O2 + 2,0 kPa CO2; [4] 3,0 kPa O2 + 2,0 kPa CO2; e [5] 3,0 kPa O2 + 4,0 kPa CO2. Todos os frutos foram armazenados à temperatura de 8°C (±0,2) sob umidade relativa de 95% (±2,0). Após 28 dias de armazenamento, os frutos foram avaliados quanto às suas características físico-químicas. A melhor conservação da goiaba cultivar 'Paluma' em AC foi obtida com O2 entre 1 e 2 kPa, combinado com 2 kPa de CO2. Estas condições reduziram a degradação da coloração verde da epiderme, a perda de firmeza e de acidez e mantiveram a coloração da polpa com mais eficiência; porém, a alta ocorrência de podridões durante a vida de prateleira é o fator que limita o período de conservação desta goiaba.