859 resultados para criminal investigation Australia
The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) has a history of dedication and service to the citizens of Iowa and those who visit our state. Since it was first established in 1939, DPS has been the chief law enforcement agency in the State of Iowa. DPS is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa in the Wallace State Office Building on the Capitol Complex, along with a statewide presence.
The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) has a history of dedication and service to the citizens of Iowa and those who visit our state. Since it was first established in 1939, DPS has been the chief law enforcement agency in the State of Iowa. DPS is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa in the Wallace State Office Building on the Capitol Complex, along with a statewide presence.
The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) has a history of dedication and service to the citizens of Iowa and those who visit our state. Since it was first established in 1939, DPS has been the chief law enforcement agency in the State of Iowa. DPS is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa in the Wallace State Office Building on the Capitol Complex, along with a statewide presence.
Medicine counterfeiting is a crime that has increased in recent years and now involves the whole world. Health and economic repercussions have led pharmaceutical industries and agencies to develop many measures to protect genuine medicines and differentiate them from counterfeits. Detecting counterfeit is chemically relatively simple for the specialists, but much more information can be gained from the analyses in a forensic intelligence perspective. Analytical data can feed criminal investigation and law enforcement by detecting and understanding the criminal phenomenon. Profiling seizures using chemical and packaging data constitutes a strong way to detect organised production and industrialised forms of criminality, and is the focus of this paper. Thirty-three seizures of a commonly counterfeited type of capsule have been studied. The results of the packaging and chemical analyses were gathered within an organised database. Strong linkage was found between the seizures at the different production steps, indicating the presence of a main counterfeit network dominating the market. The interpretation of the links with circumstantial data provided information about the production and the distribution of counterfeits coming from this network. This forensic intelligence perspective has the potential to be generalised to other types of products. This may be the only reliable approach to help the understanding of the organised crime phenomenon behind counterfeiting and to enable efficient strategic and operational decision making in an attempt to dismantle counterfeit network.
Situating events and traces in time is an essential problem in investigations. To date, among the typical ques- 21¦tions issued in forensic science, time has generally been unexplored. The reason for this can be traced to the 22¦complexity of the overall problem, addressed by several scientists in very limited projects usually stimulated 23¦by a specific case. Considering that such issues are recurrent and transcending the treatment of each trace 24¦separately, the formalisation of a framework to address dating issues in criminal investigation is undeniably 25¦needed. Through an iterative process consisting of extracting recurrent aspects discovered from the study of 26¦problems encountered by practitioners and reported in the literature, common mechanisms were extracted 27¦and provide understanding of underlying factors encountered in forensic practise. Three complementary ap- 28¦proaches are thus highlighted and described to formalise a preliminary framework that can be applied for the 29¦dating of traces, objects, persons and indirectly events.
The use by police services and inquiring agencies of forensic data in an intelligence perspective is still fragmentary and to some extent ignored. In order to increase the efficiency of criminal investigation to target illegal drug trafficking organisations and to provide valuable information about their methods, it is necessary to include and interpret objective drug analysis results already during the investigation phase. The value of visual, physical and chemical data of seized ecstasy tablets, as a support for criminal investigation on a strategic and tactical level has been investigated. In a first phase different characteristics of ecstasy tablets have been studied in order to define their relevance, variation, correlation and discriminating power in an intelligence perspective. During 5 years, over 1200 cases of ecstasy seizures (concerning about 150000 seized tablets) coming from different regions of Switzerland (City and Canton of Zurich, Cantons Ticino, Neuchâtel and Geneva) have been systematically recorded. This turned out to be a statistically representative database including large and small cases. During the second phase various comparison and clustering methods have been tested and evaluated, on the type and relevance of tablet characteristics, thus increasing knowledge about synthetic drugs, their manufacturing and trafficking. Finally analytical methodologies have been investigated and formalised, applying traditional intelligence methods. In this context classical tools, which are used in criminal analysis (like the I2 Analyst Notebook, I2 Ibase, ?) have been tested and adapted to address the specific need of forensic drug intelligence. The interpretation of these links provides valuable information about criminal organisations and their trafficking methods. In the final part of this thesis practical examples illustrate the use and value of such information.
This dissertation examines parental disciplinary violence against children in authority records and in the criminal procedure in Finland. The main aim is to analyze disciplinary violence, how it is defined, and how it is constructed as a crime by social workers, the police, and parents. This dissertation consists of four sub-studies and a summary article. In the first sub-study, I examine how disciplinary violence appears in child welfare documents and analyze the decision-making processes and measures taken by the child welfare workers. The second sub-study, utilizing police interview data, examines police officers’ perceptions of disciplinary violence, its criminalization, and its investigation. In addition to this analysis of police officers’ own perceptions, in the third sub-study, I use reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents to look at what a typical suspicion of disciplinary violence coming to the attention of the police is and examine the decision-making processes of the police. Utilizing authority data, the fourth sub-study analyzes how parents rationalize the use of disciplinary violence to the authorities investigating these suspicions. The research provides findings that are unprecedented in Finland. Firstly, it was shown that social workers’ decision-making processes in suspicions of disciplinary violence follow three pathways of reasoning, with many factors taken into consideration; and in less than one-third of the cases, a request for criminal investigation has been made to the police. Secondly, it was verified that police officers hold different perceptions of disciplinary violence, and these perceptions have multiple effects on the investigation of these cases and the construction of disciplinary violence as a crime. Thirdly, the analysis of the reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents showed that almost two-thirds of the cases of disciplinary violence had been sent to a prosecutor by the police and, thus, defined as a crime. However, in many cases, acts of disciplinary violence were often seen as ‘educational, petty one-off incidents’ and a possible trial and punishment for the perpetrator were seen as unreasonable. Fourthly, it was found that parents often try to neutralize and rationalize the violence they have used against their children, for example, either by denying the victim, the criminal intent, or the entire act, or relying on the necessity of the forbidden act. The dissertation concludes that disciplinary violence is defined and constructed in authority policies and practices, first and foremost, by the severity of the act, the nature of the act as continuous or singular, the perceived harm caused by the act to a child, and the perceptions of authorities regarding physical punishment of children. The asymmetrical power setting present in disciplinary violence and parents’ legitimized right to raise and discipline their children partly seem to explain why criminal-law processing of these suspicions of violence and understanding these as crimes is difficult. Finally, this research calls for more coherent and consistent authority practices and policies, achieved by educating authorities and increasing awareness on disciplinary violence, questions the need for a concept like ‘disciplinary’ violence, and suggests more emphasis on unambiguous perceptions of a child’s best interest.
Contexte et objectifs. Plusieurs études sur l’homicide ont été réalisées avec l’objectif d’épauler les policiers lors de leurs enquêtes. Le lien entre l’agresseur et la victime représente le principal déterminant des types de meurtres. L’utilité de ces études a toutefois été remise en question tant par les policiers que par la communauté scientifique. En combinant la perspective du script et l’approche dimensionnelle, le but du présent mémoire est d’améliorer les connaissances sur le processus de commission de l’homicide. Méthodologie. Différents scripts de l’homicide seront proposés afin de reconstituer le processus de commission du crime et de mieux comprendre les dynamiques expressives et instrumentales qui y sont rattachées. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de la recherche ont été recueillies auprès de 100 dossiers d’homicide de femmes et d’enfants répertoriés entre 1988 et 2011. Résultats. Les scripts permettent de dresser divers constats. Tout d’abord, lorsque la victime a subi d’importants sévices, le meurtrier est généralement un proche, indépendamment du motif initial de l’agresseur (p. ex. commettre un vol ou tout simplement tuer la victime). La sévérité des sévices dépend également de la présence d’armes sur les lieux du crime et du degré de résistance de la victime. Finalement, les scripts ont démontré que la nature de la relation entre la victime et l’agresseur influence le lieu où le meurtre prend place. Conclusion. Les résultats obtenus s’inscrivent dans une perspective différente en ce sens où, sans négliger la question de la personnalité, des variables contextuelles, hors du contrôle de l’agresseur, ont une incidence sur le niveau de sévices infligé à la victime. Le profile pourrait dès lors intégrer des aspects situationnels afin de pister les enquêteurs.
L’estudi de la criminalitat és multifactorial, cal destriar en la mesura del possible els factors ambientals, d’entorn urbà, que poden jugar el paper de facilitadors de la delinqüència. Les tipologies delictives són diverses i amb motivacions "mòbils" diferenciats, el que confereix dificultats a l’estudi de la criminalitat, és per aquesta raó que es trien dues tipologies de robatoris contra el patrimoni per ser analitzats: robatoris amb força a interior de domicili (vivenda) i els furts, en un marc de ciutat petita-mitjana, com és el cas de Girona. El coneixement per part de l’autor del marc urbà n’és un part essencial per desenvolupar l’estudi. Un dels objectius finalistes és aconseguir avançar en estudis de diagnosi criminal de les ciutats; així com en el coneixement dels patrons espaials que tenen les tipologies delictives i la influència de les característiques del disseny urbà sobre la criminalitat. La metodologia que s’implementarà serà: recerca bibliogràfica, estadística descriptiva i inferencial, sistemes d’informació geogràfica, així com la deducció a partir de la visualització de la cartografia generada i un treball de camp de les zones d’alta ocurrència delictiva dels delictes esmentats. Pel que fa a les hipòtesis principals: els robatoris contra el patrimoni no es concentren en àrees degradades urbanísticament sinó ans el contrari en ambients urbans cuidats. Aquesta hipòtesi es contraposa a la teoria criminal de la "Broken Windows", que esmenta que els espais urbans degradats és on hi ha menys ocupació d’espai públic i més delinqüència. Una altra hipòtesi important és que els espais percebuts com a segurs, respecte les tipologies delictives esmentades, són els més insegurs
O ponto de partida deste trabalho consiste nas relações entre a atividade da polícia e o Código do Procedimento Administrativo, procurando saber se aquela atividade se encontra subordinada às regras procedimentais contidas no Código do Procedimento Administrativo, excluindo obviamente do âmbito deste estudo a atividade de polícia criminal desenvolvida pelos órgãos e autoridades de polícia criminal.1
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
The literature contains many case reports of planned and complex suicides, which combine various methods to commit suicide. In this article, we present the anomalous suicide of an adult male by strangulation with a belt and simultaneous ingestion of plaster. The specific circumstances of the case are described and relevant literature is briefly reviewed. This case vignette illustrates one example of the wide ranging methods employed in suicides and may represent the first reported case of a fatal complex suicide involving self-strangulation and plaster ingestion. Knowledge of varied and sometimes unusual suicide methods is important to the forensic investigator to prevent unnecessary criminal investigation and to reliably and confidently establish manner and cause of death.
In July 2011, the European Commission published a Communication aimed at setting out different options for establishing a European terrorist finance tracking system (TFTS). The Communication followed the adoption of the EU-US agreement on the US Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) in 2010. The agreement concluded various series of national, European and transatlantic negotiations after the disclosure through public media of the US TFTP in 2006. This paper takes stock of the wide range of controversies surrounding this security-focused programme with dataveillance capabilities. After stressing the impact of the US TFTP on international relations, the paper argues that the EU-US agreement primarily has the effect of shifting information-sharing practices from the justice/judicial/penal/criminal investigation framework into the security/intelligence/administrative/prevention context as the main rationale. The paper then questions the TFTP-related conception of mass intelligence through large-scale databases and transnational communication of bulk data in the name of targeted surveillance. Following an examination of the project creating an EU system equivalent to the TFTP, the paper emphasises the fundamental paradox of transatlantic security matters, in which European criticism of American programmes tends to be ultimately translated into EU imitation of US dataveillance practices.
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"October 1999."