56 resultados para creature


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The creation of the world.--The Jewish Sabbath and the Christian Lord's day.--Faith.--The utilisation of evil.--Landlords and land laws.--The politics of Christianity.--The dignity of labour.--The Scottish Covenanters.--On symbolism, ceremonialism, formalism, and the new creature.--Appendix: The metaphysics of Genesis I.


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Metalwork, Chinese, Western Zhou; 1 ft. 5 29/32 in.x 1 ft. 63/64 in.; bronze


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Kamiros (deserted settlement), Rhodes, Greece; 6 11/16 in.x 6 27/64 in.x 5/8 in.; moulded terracotta


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Reprinted in part, from the Contemporary review. cf. Pref.


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Reprinted from Smithsonian reports for 1897, 1900, 1901 and 1904.


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Objectives: To identify and demonstrate necrotizing dermatitis in infancy; an uncommon, puzzling syndrome, in which anecdotal reporting and personal experience indicates that one third of cases may require skin grafting. Much informed discussion about the pathogenesis of this distressing syndrome centres on the role of spider envenomation; and in particular on the speculative role of the Australian White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata. Methods: We present here six cases of necrotizing dermatitis treated surgically at the Royal Children's Hospital and Mater Children's Hospital in Brisbane over the period from 1991 to 1999. Clinical history, surgical details and pathological investigations were reviewed in each case. Microbiological investigation of necrotic ulcers included standard aerobic and anaerobic culture. Result: Nocardia and Staphylococcus were cultured in two cases, but no positive bites were witnessed and no spiders were identified by either the children or their parents. All cases were treated with silver sulphadiazine creme. Two of the infants required general anaesthesia, excision debridement and split skin grafting. The White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata, does not occur in Queensland, but Lampona murina does; neither species has necrotizing components in its venom. Circumstantial evidence is consistent with this syndrome being due to invertebrate envenomation, possibly following arachnid bites. Conclusion: In our experience there is insufficient evidence to impute a specific genus as the cause, at this stage of scientific knowledge. If the offending creature is a spider, we calculate that the syndrome of necrotizing dermatitis occurs in less than 1 in 5000 spider bites.


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Atualmente, bem-estar cada vez mais ganha espaço como parte importante e integrante da vida das pessoas. Pesquisas vêm buscando destacar fatores positivos que exerçam influencia em sua vida pessoal, e conseqüentemente em seu trabalho. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as relações entre bem-estar subjetivo (satisfação geral com a vida, afetos positivos e afetos negativos) e bem-estar no trabalho (satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo) em professores de educação física que atuavam em escolas e academias, descrevendo os níveis de bem-estar subjetivo e bem-estar no trabalho, análises de variância e correlação entre os construtos. A amostra foi composta por 124 professores de educação física, 34 atuavam em escolas particulares e 90 atuavam em academias, sendo 81 do sexo masculino e 43 do sexo feminino, solteiros e casados e faixa etária entre 21 e 59 anos, com escolaridade distribuída desde o ensino superior completo até o mestrado concluído. O instrumento de coleta foi um questionário auto-aplicavel composto por cinco escalas que mediram as variáveis do estudo e um questionário de dados complementares. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que BES e BET guardam relações entre si. Os professores são considerados pessoas relativamente felizes com sua vida pessoal e revelaram uma relação mediana no que se refere a sua vida profissional. Os resultados das correlações relacionadas ao BES sinalizaram que o acúmulo de experiências negativas ao longo da vida poderia reduzir a vivencia de experiências positivas e de avaliações positivas sobre a vida em geral e vice-versa e ao BET, satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo são interdependentes. No que se refere às comparações, para BES os professores que atuavam em academias obtiveram médias significativamente maiores de afetos negativos do que os de escolas e por outro lado, a média de satisfação geral com a vida dos professores de escolas foi significativamente superior à dos que atuavam em academias demonstrando que estes vivenciaram mais experiências negativas do que os que trabalhavam em escolas e que os professores de escola eram mais satisfeitos com sua vida do que os de academias. Para BET, o quadro geral se mantém semelhante para professores de educação física que atuavam em escolas e academias. Futuros estudos deveriam aumentar o número de professores bem como, investigar outras áreas de atuação da educação física e compara-las com o presente estudo ampliando os estudos envolvendo bemestar e professores de educação física.(AU)


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It is shown, that in the process of evolution, a relationship between some hidden parameters of acoustic signals and expected emotional response to them has been formed. This relationship is a necessary condition for a living creature to survive. The efficiency of the concept represented is illustrated using examples from the field of classical music, ethnic African music, as well as biolinguistic signals of animals. Reasons of a particular impact of bell rings are analyzed using acoustic signals of some Bulgarian and Russian bell rings and chimes.


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In the discussion - Selection Of Students For Hotel Schools: A Comparative Study - by William Morgan, Professor, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, Morgan’s initial observation is: “Standards for the selection of students into schools of hospitality management around the world vary considerably when it comes to measuring attitudes toward the industry. The author discusses current standards and recommends some changes.” In addition to intellectual ability, Professor Morgan wants you to know that an intangible element such as attitude is an equally important consideration to students seeking curriculum and careers in the hospitality field. “…breaches in behavior or problems in the tourist employee encounter are often caused by attitudinal conditions which pre exist the training and which were not able to be totally corrected by the unfreezing, movement, and refreezing processes required in attitudinal change,” says Morgan. “…other than for some requirements for level or grade completed or marks obtained, 26 of the 54 countries sampled (48.1 percent) had no pre-selection process at all. Of those having some form of a selection process (in addition to grades), 14 schools in 12 countries (22.2 percent) had a formal admissions examination,” Professor Morgan empirically provides. “It was impossible, however, to determine the scope of this admissions examination as it might relate to attitude.” The attitude intangible is a difficult one to quantify. With an apparent sameness in hotels, restaurants, and their facilities the significant distinctions are to be found in their employees. This makes the selection process for both schools and employers a high priority. Moreover, can a student, or a prospective employee, overcome stereotypes and prejudices to provide a high degree of service in the hospitality industry? This query is an important element of this article. “If utilized in the hotel, technical, or trade school or in the hiring process at the individual facility, this [hiring] process would provide an opportunity to determine if the prospective student or worker is receptive to the training to be received,” advises Professor Morgan. “Such a student or worker is realistic in his aims and aspirations, ready in his ability to receive training, and responsive to the needs of the guest, often someone very different from himself in language, dress, or degree of creature comforts desired,” your author further counsels. Professor Morgan looks to transactional analysis, role playing, languages, and cross cultural education as playing significant roles in producing well intentioned and knowledgeable employees. He expands upon these concepts in the article. Professor Morgan holds The International Center of Glion, Switzerland in high regard and cites that program’s efforts to maintain relationships and provide graduates with ongoing attitudinal enlightenment programs.


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Mikel J Koven argues for the Italian giallo tradition as a "cinema of ambivalence; specifically, ambivalence towards modernity." His discussion highlights the giallo's fluctuating, often contradictory takes on language, on modernity's creature comforts, on its breaking down of geographic boundaries and on "modernity's pluralism and the changing social and cultural mores."


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Pure Water, is a crucial demand of creature life. Following industrial development, extra amount of toxic metals such as chromium enters the environmental cycle through the sewage, which is considered as a serious threat for organisms. One of the modern methods of filtration and removal of contaminants in water, is applying Nano-technology. According to specific property of silicate materials, in this article we try to survey increased power in composites and various absorption in several morphologies and also synthesis of Nano-metal silicates with different morphologies as absorbent of metal toxic ions. At first, we synthesize nano zink silicate with three morphologies considering context and the purpose of this survey. 1) Nano synthesis of zink silicate hollow cavity by hydrothermal method in mixed solvent system of ethanol/glycol polyethylene. 2) Zink nano wires silicate in a water-based system by controlling the amount of sodium silicate. 3) Synthesis of nano zink silicate membrane. After synthesizing, we measured the cadmium ion absorbance by synthesized nano zink silicates. Controlling PH, is the applied absorption method. Next step, we synthesized nano zink-magnesium silicate composite in two various morphologies of nanowires and membrane by different precent of zink and magnesium, in order to optimize synthesized nano metal silicate. We used zink nitrate and magnesium nitrate and also measured cadmium absorption by synthesized nano metal silicates in the same way of PH control absorption. In the 3rd step, in order to determine the impact of the type of metal in nano metal silicate, we synthesized nano magnesium silicate and compared its absorption with nano zink silicate. Furthermore, we calculated the optimal concentration in one of synthesizes. Optimal concentration is the process which has the maximum absorption. While applying two methods of absorption in the test, finally we compared the effect of absorption method on the absorption level. Below you find further steps of synthesis: 1) Using IR, RAMAN, XRD spectroscopy to check the accuracy of synthesis. 2) Checking the dispersion of nano particles in ethanol solution by light microscope. 3) Measuring and observing particles with scanning electron microscope (SEM). 4) Using atomic absorption device for measuring the cadmium concentration in water-based solutions. The nano metal silicates were synthesized successfully. All of synthesized nano absorbents have the cadmium ion absorbency. The cadmium absorption via nano absorbents depend on various factors such as kind of metal in nano silicate and percent of metal in nano metal silicate composite. Meanwhile the absorption and PH control of medium containing the absorbent and solution would affect the cadmium absorption.