713 resultados para cracking.


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Abstract Passwords are the most common form of authentication, and most of us will have to log in to several accounts every day which require passwords. Unfortunately, passwords often do not do a good job of proving who we are, and come with a host of usability problems. Probably the only reason that passwords still exist is that there often isn't a better alternative, so we are likely to be stuck with them for the foreseeable future. Password cracking has been a problem for years, and becomes more problematic as computer become more powerful and attackers get a better idea of the sort of passwords people use. This presentation will look at two free password cracking tools: Hashcat and John the Ripper, and how even a non-expert on a laptop (i.e. me) can use them effectively. An introduction to some of the research surrounding the economics and usability of passwords will also be discussed. Note that the speaker is not an expert in this area, so it will be a fairly informal since I'm sure you're all tired after a long term.


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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) se trata de una prueba estandarizada usada frecuentemente para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la enseñanza secundaria por los estudiantes que deseen acceder a una educación superior en EE.UU. Esta publicación proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para maximizar la puntuación de la prueba del SAT en historia. Enseña a pensar como los redactores de la prueba, y a practicar con la materia que se pondrá en el examen para poder estudiar con mayor eficacia. Se hace una revisión de las épocas históricas que van a aparecer en la prueba y facilita con explicaciones detalladas técnicas para aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en resolver cuestiones específicas complicadas. Incluye cuatro ensayos prácticos con preguntas de opción múltiple de una hora de duración cada una: dos pruebas de historia de Estados Unidos desde la aprobación de la Constitución hasta la actualidad, y dos pruebas para historia universal.


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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) se trata de una prueba estandarizada usada frecuentemente para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la enseñanza secundaria por los estudiantes que deseen acceder a una educación superior en EE.UU. Esta publicación proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para maximizar la puntuación de la prueba del SAT en biología. Enseña a pensar como los redactores de la prueba, y a practicar con la materia que se pondrá en el examen para poder estudiar con mayor eficacia. Se hace una revisión de los conceptos principales de la biología que van a aparecer en la prueba y facilita, con explicaciones detalladas, estrategias para aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en resolver cuestiones específicas complicadas. Incluye dos ensayos prácticos de una hora de duración con preguntas de opción múltiple.


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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) se trata de una prueba estandarizada usada frecuentemente para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la enseñanza secundaria por los estudiantes que deseen acceder a una educación superior en EE.UU. Esta publicación ,proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para desarrollar la capacidad de comprender y analizar textos literarios seleccionados de prosa, poesía y teatro escritos en inglés, para maximizar la puntuación de la prueba del SAT en literatura. Enseña a pensar como los redactores de la prueba, y a practicar con la materia que se pondrá en el examen para poder estudiar con mayor eficacia. Se hace una revisión de los conceptos principales de la literatura que van a aparecer en la prueba y facilita con explicaciones detalladas técnicas para aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en resolver cuestiones específicas complicadas. Incluye cuatro ensayos prácticos de una hora de duración cada uno con preguntas de opción múltiple que se centran en conocimientos básicos de términos literarios.


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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) se trata de una prueba estandarizada usada frecuentemente para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la enseñanza secundaria por los estudiantes que deseen acceder a una educación superior en EE.UU. Esta publicación proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para maximizar la puntuación de la prueba del SAT en matemáticas. Enseña a pensar como los redactores de la prueba, y a practicar con la materia que se pondrá en el examen para poder estudiar con mayor eficacia. Se hace una revisión de los conceptos principales desde el álgebra básica a la geometría, trigonometría y la estadística que van a aparecer en la prueba y facilita con explicaciones detalladas estrategias para aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en resolver cuestiones específicas complicadas. Incluye cuatro ensayos prácticos con cincuenta preguntas de selección múltiple de una hora de duración cada uno.


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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) se trata de una prueba estandarizada usada frecuentemente para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la enseñanza secundaria por los estudiantes que deseen acceder a una educación superior en EE.UU. Esta publicación proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para maximizar la puntuación de la prueba del SAT en física. Enseña a pensar como los redactores de la prueba, y a practicar con la materia que se pondrá en el examen para poder estudiar con mayor eficacia. Se hace una revisión de los conceptos principales de la física que van a aparecer en la prueba y facilita, con explicaciones detalladas estrategias para aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en resolver cuestiones específicas complicadas. Incluye dos ensayos prácticos con setenta y cinco preguntas de opción múltiple, con una hora de duración para cada uno.


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Seeds of Sterculia foetida were tested for germination following desiccation and subsequent hermetic storage. Whereas seeds at 10.3% moisture content were intact and provided 98% germination, further desiccation reduced germination substantially. The majority of seed coats had cracked after desiccation to 5.1% moisture content. Ability to germinate was not reduced after 12 months' hermetic storage at 10.3% and 7.3% moisture content at 15 degrees C or -18 degrees C, but was reduced considerably at 5.1%. Fungal infection was detected consistently for cracked seeds in germination tests and they did not germinate. However, almost all embryos extracted from cracked seeds germinated if first disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (1%, 5 minutes). In addition. 80 -100% of disinfected extracted embryos from cracked seeds stored hermetically for 28 d at -18 degrees C or -82 degrees C with 3.3% to 6.0% moisture content, and excised embryos stored in this way, were able to germinate. Hence. failure of the very dry seeds of Sterculia foetida to germinate was not due to embryo death from desiccation but to cracking increasing susceptibility to fungal infection upon rehydration. Cracking was associated negatively and strongly with relative humidity and appears to be a mechanical consequence of substantial differences between the isotherms of whole seeds compared with cotyledons and axes.


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This paper provides information about the synthesis and mechanical properties of geopolymers based on fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (FCC). FCC was alkali activated with solutions containing different SiO2/Na2O ratios. The microstructure and mechanical properties were analysed by using several instrumental techniques. FCC geopolymers are mechanically stable, yielding compressive strength about 68 MPa when mortars are cured at 65 degrees C during 3 days. The results confirm the viability of producing geopolymers based on FCC. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents results from stress cracking (SC) tests performed in both fresh and exposed high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes (GM). The HDPE GMs were exposed to ultraviolet radiation, thermal aging (air oven) and tested for chemical compatibility with sodium hydroxide. Stress cracking tests in both fresh and degraded samples were performed in accordance to ASTM D5397: Notched Constant Tensile Load Test (NCTL) and Single Point-Notched Constant Tensile Load Test (SP-NCTL). The results of the NCTL showed that the geomembrane degradation process can be considered to be a catalyst for the phenomenon of SC because it caused a 50% to 60% reduction in stress crack resistance. The most resistance reduction was observed for the sample under chemical compatibility with sodium hydroxide. For the SP-NCTL, the results showed that the samples maintain the same trend verified in the NCTL. The largest resistance reduction was evidenced in samples undergoing ultraviolet degradation. © 2012 ejge.


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Reuse of industrial and agricultural wastes as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in concrete and mortar productions contribute to sustainable development. In this context, fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (spent FCC), a byproduct from the petroleum industry and petrol refineries, have been studied as SCM in blended Portland cement in the last years. Nevertheless, another environmental friendly alternative has been conducted in order to produce alternative binders with low CO2 emissions. The use of aluminosilicate materials in the production of alkali-activated materials (AAMs) is an ongoing research topic which can present low CO2 emissions associated. Hence, this paper studies some variables that can influence the production of AAM based on spent FCC. Specifically, the influence of SiO 2/Na2O molar ratio and the H2O/spent FCC mass ratio on the mechanical strength and microstructure are assessed. Some instrumental techniques, such as SEM, XRD, pH and electrical conductivity measurements, and MIP are performed in order to assess the microstructure of formed alkali-activated binder. Alkali activated mortars with compressive strength up to 80 MPa can be formed after curing for 3 days at 65°C. The research demonstrates the potential of spent FCC to produce alkali-activated cements and the importance of SiO2/Na2O molar ratio and the H2O/spent FCC mass ratio in optimising properties and microstructure. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading


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This paper presents results of stress cracking tests performed in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes (GM). Stress cracking tests were performed in accordance to ASTM D5397: Notched Constant Tensile Load Test (NCTL) and Single Point-Notched Constant Tensile Load Test (SP-NCTL). Tests were conducted to the fresh sample at 50ºC (standard test) and at 70ºC (accelerated condition) in order to compare the SC values. Results from accelerated tests (NCTL) showed, for instance, a total economy of 390 hours (comparing load stages of 25% yield stress) to perform the tests.


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Wild bearded capuchins, Cebus libidinosus, in Fazenda Boa Vista, Brazil crack tough palm nuts using hammer stones. We analysed the contribution of intrinsic factors (body weight, behaviour), size of the nuts and the anvil surface (flat or pit) to the efficiency of cracking. We provided capuchins with local palm nuts and a single hammer stone at an anvil. From video we scored the capuchins` position and actions with the nut prior to each strike, and outcomes of each strike. The most efficient capuchin opened 15 nuts per 100 strikes (6.6 strikes per nut). The least efficient capuchin that succeeded in opening a nut opened 1.32 nuts per 100 strikes (more than 75 strikes per nut). Body weight and diameter of the nut best predicted whether a capuchin would crack a nut on a given strike. All the capuchins consistently placed nuts into pits. To provide an independent analysis of the effect of placing the nut into a pit, we filmed an adult human cracking nuts on the same anvil using the same stone. The human displaced the nut on proportionally fewer strikes when he placed it into a pit rather than on a flat surface. Thus the capuchins placed the nut in a more effective location on the anvil to crack it. Nut cracking as practised by bearded capuchins is a striking example of a plastic behaviour where costs and benefits vary enormously across individuals, and where efficiency requires years to attain. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus, quadrupedal, medium-sized monkeys) crack nuts using large stones. We examined the kinematics and energetics of the nut-cracking action of two adult males and two adult females. From a bipedal stance, the monkeys raised a heavy hammer stone (1.46 and 1.32 kg, from 33 to 77% of their body weight) to an average height of 0.33 m, 60% of body length. Then, they rapidly lowered the stone by flexing the lower extremities and the trunk until the stone contacted the nut. A hit consisting of an upward phase and a downward phase averaged 0.74 s in duration. The upward phase lasted 69% of hit duration. All subjects added discernable energy to the stone in the downward phase. The monkeys exhibited individualized kinematic strategies, similar to those of human weight lifters. Capuchins illustrate that human-like bipedal stance and large body size are unnecessary to break tough objects from a bipedal position. The phenomenon of bipedal nut-cracking by capuchins provides a new comparative reference point for discussions of percussive tool use and bipedality in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 138:210-220, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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How do capuchin monkeys learn to use stones to crack open nuts? Perception-action theory posits that individuals explore producing varying spatial and force relations among objects and surfaces, thereby learning about affordances of such relations and how to produce them. Such learning supports the discovery of tool use. We present longitudinal developmental data from semifree-ranging tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to evaluate predictions arising from Perception-action theory linking manipulative development and the onset of tool-using. Percussive actions bringing an object into contact with a surface appeared within the first year of life. Most infants readily struck nuts and other objects against stones or other surfaces from 6 months of age, but percussive actions alone were not sufficient to produce nut-cracking sequences. Placing the nut on the anvil surface and then releasing it, so that it could be struck with a stone, was the last element necessary for nut-cracking to appear in capuchins. Young chimpanzees may face a different challenge in learning to crack nuts: they readily place objects on surfaces and release them, but rarely vigorously strike objects against surfaces or other objects. Thus the challenges facing the two species in developing the same behavior (nut-cracking using a stone hammer and an anvil) may be quite different. Capuchins must inhibit a strong bias to hold nuts so that they can release them; chimpanzees must generate a percussive action rather than a gentle placing action. Generating the right actions may be as challenging as achieving the right sequence of actions in both species. Our analysis suggests a new direction for studies of social influence on young primates learning sequences of actions involving manipulation of objects in relation to surfaces.