108 resultados para counselor
Propõe-se o exame das relações entre determinados recursos literários de Esaú e Jacó e Memorial de Aires e elementos sociopolíticos e históricos da transição do Império para a República representados nesses romances machadianos. Pretendemos mostrar como, por meio de escolhas estruturais e linguísticas, no que se refere aos vínculos entre narrador, focalização e personagens, o escritor traz à baila questões substantivas da sociedade brasileira daquele momento. Ao contrário do que alguns analistas apontam, há, nessas narrativas, crítica às relações sociais e de poder. A forma como o escritor realiza, nos romances, a refl exão sobre tais relações enseja novas pesquisas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Presents a conceptual framework for counseling older adults and their families, asserting that the pace of development varies across individuals and that within the same individual, different biological and psychological functions age at different rates. The normative changes of aging can be viewed as life-event/life-transition processes and categorized into 4 interrelated major areas: biological, psychological, environmental, and social/cultural. The counselor's tasks include assisting the older client in differentiating the normal aging process from abnormal processes, assessing the role of self-labeling and stereotyping, and focusing on preventive work with older adults and their families.
INFLUENCE OF ANCHORING ON MISCARRIAGE RISK PERCEPTION ASSOCIATED WITH AMNIOCENTESIS Publication No. ___________ Regina Nuccio, BS Supervisory Professor: Claire N. Singletary, MS, CGC Amniocentesis is the most common invasive procedure performed during pregnancy (Eddleman, et al., 2006). One important factor that women consider when making a decision about amniocentesis is the risk of miscarriage associated with the procedure. People use heuristics such as anchoring, the action of using a prior belief regarding the magnitude of risk as a frame of reference for new information to be synthesized, to better understand risks that they encounter in their lives. This study aimed to determine a woman’s perception of miscarriage risk associated with amniocentesis before and after a genetic counseling session and to determine what factors are most likely to anchor a woman’s perception of miscarriage risk associated with amniocentesis. Most women perceived the risk as low or average pre-counseling and were likely to indicate the numeric risk of amniocentesis as <1% risk. A higher percentage of patients correctly identified the numeric risk as <1% post-counseling when compared to pre-counseling. However, the majority of patients’ feeling about the risk perception did not change after the genetic counseling session (60%), regardless of how they perceived the risk before discussing amniocentesis with a genetic counselor. Those whose risk perception did change after discussing amniocentesis with a genetic counselor showed a decreased risk perception (p<0.0001). Of the multitude of factors studied, only two showed significance: having a friend or relative with a personal or family history of a genetic disorder was associated with a lower risk perception (p=0.001) and having a child already was associated with a lower risk perception (p=0.038). The lack of significant factors may reflect the uniqueness of each patient’s heuristic framework and reinforces the importance of genetic counseling to elucidate individual concerns.
Most recognized pregnancies are completed without difficulty, yet there is always a 3-5% background risk to have a child with a birth defect. Amniocentesis, the most common type of prenatal diagnostic test, is used to detect chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome. Amniocentesis is associated with a risk of complications that can lead to a miscarriage, which is typically quoted to be between 1 in 300 and 1 in 500. Amniocentesis uptake rates are typically lowest within the Latina community, and although the factors related to this have been studied before, no specific conclusions have been reached. The general population has a difficult time interpreting risks, as individuals vary in numeracy skills as well as personal factors that can influence risk perception. A recent study by Nuccio (2010) investigated the effect of anchoring, where a patient’s prior knowledge about a subject affects her risk perception, and how it relates to the uptake of amniocentesis within a diverse population in Houston, TX. The effect of anchoring on perceived amniocentesis-related miscarriage risk within the Latina population has not been previously examined. A two-part questionnaire was completed by 96 Latinas receiving prenatal genetic counseling due to an increased risk to have a baby with a chromosome abnormality at various clinics in Houston, TX. The genetic counselor involved in the session completed a separate survey. This population was largely unfamiliar with surveys, risk figures, and prenatal testing. Only one individual was able to quantify the risk associated with amniocentesis prior to the genetic counseling. While the majority of women felt that the risk association with amniocentesis is very low to average, only 7 individuals pursued diagnostic testing through amniocentesis. Most women did not feel like the information gained from an amniocentesis would change the management of their pregnancy and/or they did not believe that their baby had a problem. Women, regardless of ethnicity, deserve individualized genetic counseling sessions that cater to their needs and desires regarding their prenatal care.
Few studies have examined predictors of smoking abstinence among Hispanic groups. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the relations of sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related factors with smoking abstinence among a group of Hispanic Spanish speaking smokers. This study utilized previously collected data from Hispanic Spanish-speaking smokers (N = 246) who participated in a study entitled Smoking Cessation Services for Hispanic Smokers in Texas. ^ The first study examined sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related mechanisms that predicted smoking abstinence among this group. Two of the characteristics were related to smoking abstinence, marital status and acculturation level. Being unmarried increased the likelihood of being abstinent at the 12 week assessment (OR = 1.80). Those in the high acculturation group were twice as likely to be abstinent (OR = 2.24). Of the smoking related mechanisms, those with higher positive reinforcement expectancies were less likely to be abstinent (OR = .86), as were those with a higher level of affiliative attachment (OR = .86), a higher level of craving (OR = .78) and a higher tolerance to the effect of smoking (OR = .74). The second study was to examine the relationship of objective measures of socioeconomic status (SES) (income, education, or employment) with smoking abstinence among this group. This study also compared the relationship of a subjective measure of SES (Social Status Ladder) to smoking abstinence. None of the objective measures of SES were related to smoking abstinence at the 12 week assessment. The subjective measure of SES did predict smoking abstinence (OR = 1.9) indicting that those that rated themselves ≤4 on the SES scale were more likely to be abstinent. ^ Although this group was recruited using various methods across the state of Texas, the fact that they preferred to interact with the counselor in Spanish may limit the study findings. The results of this study highlight the need for research to examine specific subgroups of people and understand the special circumstances that influence their health behaviors. Furthering our knowledge of the relations between sociodemographic characteristics and smoking cessation could lead to interventions that reduce disparities in smoking cessation. ^
In the United States, “binge” drinking among college students is an emerging public health concern due to the significant physical and psychological effects on young adults. The focus is on identifying interventions that can help decrease high-risk drinking behavior among this group of drinkers. One such intervention is Motivational interviewing (MI), a client-centered therapy that aims at resolving client ambivalence by developing discrepancy and engaging the client in change talk. Of late, there is a growing interest in determining the active ingredients that influence the alliance between the therapist and the client. This study is a secondary analysis of the data obtained from the Southern Methodist Alcohol Research Trial (SMART) project, a dismantling trial of MI and feedback among heavy drinking college students. The present project examines the relationship between therapist and client language in MI sessions on a sample of “binge” drinking college students. Of the 126 SMART tapes, 30 tapes (‘MI with feedback’ group = 15, ‘MI only’ group = 15) were randomly selected for this study. MISC 2.1, a mutually exclusive and exhaustive coding system, was used to code the audio/videotaped MI sessions. Therapist and client language were analyzed for communication characteristics. Overall, therapists adopted a MI consistent style and clients were found to engage in change talk. Counselor acceptance, empathy, spirit, and complex reflections were all significantly related to client change talk (p-values ranged from 0.001 to 0.047). Additionally, therapist ‘advice without permission’ and MI Inconsistent therapist behaviors were strongly correlated with client sustain talk (p-values ranged from 0.006 to 0.048). Simple linear regression models showed a significant correlation between MI consistent (MICO) therapist language (independent variable) and change talk (dependent variable) and MI inconsistent (MIIN) therapist language (independent variable) and sustain talk (dependent variable). The study has several limitations such as small sample size, self-selection bias, poor inter-rater reliability for the global scales and the lack of a temporal measure of therapist and client language. Future studies might consider a larger sample size to obtain more statistical power. In addition the correlation between therapist language, client language and drinking outcome needs to be explored.^
Hemophilia is a hereditary bleeding disorder which requires lifelong specialized care. A network of Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) exists to meet the medical needs of patients affected by hemophilia. Genetic counseling services are an integral part of the HTC model of care; however, many HTCs do not have genetic counselors on staff. As a result, the duty to provide these services must fall to other healthcare providers within the HTC. To assess the knowledge and attitudes of these providers we developed a 49 question survey that was distributed electronically to hematologists and nurses at U.S. HTCs. The survey consisted of a three sections: demographic information, knowledge of hemophilia genetics, and attitudes towards genetic services. A total of 111 complete responses were received and analyzed. The average knowledge score among all participants was 74.8% with a total of 81 participants receiving a passing score of 70% or above. Thirty participants scored below 70% in the knowledge section. In general, attitude scores were high indicating that the majority of hematologists and nurses in HTCs feel confident in their ability to provide genetic counseling services. Over 90% of participants reported that they have some form of access to genetic counseling services at their center. Hematologists and nurses practicing in U.S. HTCs demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the genetics of hemophilia, and they generally feel confident in their ability to provide genetic counseling services to their patients. While their knowledge is sufficient, the average knowledge score was lower than 75%. Certain questions covering new genetic technologies and testing practices were more commonly missed than questions asking about more basic aspects of hemophilia genetics, such as inheritance and carrier testing. Finally, many clinics report having access to a counselor, but it is oftentimes a hematologist or nurse who is providing genetic counseling services to patients. Given the inconsistency in knowledge among providers coupled with the high confidence in one’s ability to counsel patients, it leaves room to question whether information about the genetics of hemophilia is being communicated to patients in the most appropriate and accurate manner.
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad considerar la orientación del siglo XXI en Venezuela como una disciplina con un alto compromiso social. Como programa, debe, hoy día, redefinirse con el objeto de impulsar propuestas conducentes a la inclusión de todas aquellas personas, que tradicionalmente han sido excluidas por su raza, etnia, género y/o discapacidad física y que como praxis social esté dirigida a la facilitación de los procesos de desarrollo humano en las dimensiones del Ser, Convivir, Servir, Conocer y Hacer, en el contexto personal, familiar y comunitario a lo largo del continuo del ciclo vital. L as competencias adquiridas a través de los procesos de orientación, son determinantes para proporcionar los medios a las ciudadanas y los ciudadanos para gestionar su propio desarrollo y el de su comunidad Se plantea la necesidad de un cambio de paradigma que deje atrás la clásica postura de un orientador que ayuda al orientado, desde el que conoce, el que tiene experiencia. Se sugiere más bien una relación de orientación intersubjetiva. Por otra parte, se habla de la necesidad de fortalecer el capital social de los espacios que contextualizan el proceso orientador. Se explican además, los alcances del Sistema Nacional de Orientación.
Este ensayo sintetiza varias aristas teóricas prácticas dirigidas a una de las decisiones personales más importantes en todo ser humano, el camino del autoconocimiento. Siempre y cuando se reflejen esas necesidades intrínsecas del ser, el hombre contemporáneo está descubriendo que en la satisfacción de los requerimientos materiales, finalmente no se encuentra ni la felicidad, ni la paz verdadera. En medio de este imaginario, el rol del Orientador está en su capacidad de guía fundamentado en unos principios y valores que garanticen que ese camino sea hallado, puesto que su gran compromiso consigo mismo y con los demás es precisamente acompañar en el descubrimiento de los talentos y potencialidades de ese sujeto para aprovechar su genialidad e innatas formas de normal crecimiento hacia la felicidad y armonía. Entre los caminos están los estudiados por un sinnúmero de teóricos expertos en la existencia humana como Ortega y Gasset, Sabater, Jung, Heidegger, Gadamer, Luckmann, Habermas, Bauman, Binswanger. Es un apasionante recorrido por estos análisis motivantes y sobre todo retadores
First, the guidance counselor profession in the province of Quebec will be described: the professional association to which it belongs, the required in- struction, the counselors' tasks and the institutions for which they work. There follows the description of the main current tendencies in career guidance devel- opment in this French-speaking area of Canada with about 7.2 million inhabit- ants, approximately one fourth of the total country population. Finally, a brief description of the Center for Research on Education and Labor of the University of Shebrooke as well as of some instruments that one of the teams is constructing will be provided.
La Orientación en América Latina, como campo de formación profesional y en comparación con Europa y Estados Unidos, es una actividad de reciente aceptación en los medios académicos. La misma se ha caracterizado por una constante evolución en su afán de adaptarse a los nuevos cambios y transformaciones sociales, políticas y económicas que se suceden en el continente latinoamericano. En esta ponencia se presenta un panorama general acerca de la Orientación en América Latina. Las principales consideraciones formuladas se relacionan con cuatro dimensiones: a) la dimensión política pública, donde se presentan la situación actual y las propuestas al respecto; b) la dimensión contextual que hace referencia a la formación del orientador y los diferentes escenarios de acción; c) la dimensión organizacional que se relaciona con la provisión de este servicio, y d) la dimensión metodológica donde se desarrollan los principales aspectos relacionados con la práctica de la Orientación.
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad considerar la orientación del siglo XXI en Venezuela como una disciplina con un alto compromiso social. Como programa, debe, hoy día, redefinirse con el objeto de impulsar propuestas conducentes a la inclusión de todas aquellas personas, que tradicionalmente han sido excluidas por su raza, etnia, género y/o discapacidad física y que como praxis social esté dirigida a la facilitación de los procesos de desarrollo humano en las dimensiones del Ser, Convivir, Servir, Conocer y Hacer, en el contexto personal, familiar y comunitario a lo largo del continuo del ciclo vital. L as competencias adquiridas a través de los procesos de orientación, son determinantes para proporcionar los medios a las ciudadanas y los ciudadanos para gestionar su propio desarrollo y el de su comunidad Se plantea la necesidad de un cambio de paradigma que deje atrás la clásica postura de un orientador que ayuda al orientado, desde el que conoce, el que tiene experiencia. Se sugiere más bien una relación de orientación intersubjetiva. Por otra parte, se habla de la necesidad de fortalecer el capital social de los espacios que contextualizan el proceso orientador. Se explican además, los alcances del Sistema Nacional de Orientación.
Este ensayo sintetiza varias aristas teóricas prácticas dirigidas a una de las decisiones personales más importantes en todo ser humano, el camino del autoconocimiento. Siempre y cuando se reflejen esas necesidades intrínsecas del ser, el hombre contemporáneo está descubriendo que en la satisfacción de los requerimientos materiales, finalmente no se encuentra ni la felicidad, ni la paz verdadera. En medio de este imaginario, el rol del Orientador está en su capacidad de guía fundamentado en unos principios y valores que garanticen que ese camino sea hallado, puesto que su gran compromiso consigo mismo y con los demás es precisamente acompañar en el descubrimiento de los talentos y potencialidades de ese sujeto para aprovechar su genialidad e innatas formas de normal crecimiento hacia la felicidad y armonía. Entre los caminos están los estudiados por un sinnúmero de teóricos expertos en la existencia humana como Ortega y Gasset, Sabater, Jung, Heidegger, Gadamer, Luckmann, Habermas, Bauman, Binswanger. Es un apasionante recorrido por estos análisis motivantes y sobre todo retadores.
The international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-ment (OECD), like many national and international organizations concerned with economic development believes that career guidance has an important role in promoting the development of a country's human resources. (Mapping the future: Young People and career guidance OECD, 1996). Generally the economic development agencies always recommend that career guidance services should be strengthened. Too frequently, however, they do not recognize the difficulties facing counselor in the schools and do not give clear and specific recommendations, yet they appear to believe that the education or other au thorities who are responsible to guidance will quickly agree and provide more resources for guidance. In addition to economic development agencies, social and educational development agencies also make important recommendations concerning the provision of guidance services. UNESCO, for example, has published two re- cent reports (Policies and Guidelines for Educational and Vocational Guidelines for Equal Access and Opportunity for Girls and Women in Technical and Vocational Education.) It is interesting to compare the OECD and UNESCO rec- ommendations and note that the relative strengths of each set of recommenda- tions, and to imagine how they might be combined in advocating changes in policies and programs.