931 resultados para cost estimation accuracy


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The primary objective of this study is to develop a robust queue estimation algorithm for motorway on-ramps. Real-time queue information is the most vital input for a dynamic queue management that can treat long queues on metered on-ramps more sophistically. The proposed algorithm is developed based on the Kalman filter framework. The fundamental conservation model is used to estimate the system state (queue size) with the flow-in and flow-out measurements. This projection results are updated with the measurement equation using the time occupancies from mid-link and link-entrance loop detectors. This study also proposes a novel single point correction method. This method resets the estimated system state to eliminate the counting errors that accumulate over time. In the performance evaluation, the proposed algorithm demonstrated accurate and reliable performances and consistently outperformed the benchmarked Single Occupancy Kalman filter (SOKF) method. The improvements over SOKF are 62% and 63% in average in terms of the estimation accuracy (MAE) and reliability (RMSE), respectively. The benefit of the innovative concepts of the algorithm is well justified by the improved estimation performance in the congested ramp traffic conditions where long queues may significantly compromise the benchmark algorithm’s performance.


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A recurring feature of modern practice is the stress placed on project professionals, with both debilitating effects on the people concerned and indirectly affecting project success. Cost estimation, for example, is an essential task for successful project management involving a high level of uncertainty. It is not surprising, therefore, that young cost estimators especially can become stressful at work due to a lack of experience and the heavy responsibilities involved. However, the concept of work stress and the associated underlying dimensions has not been clearly defined in extant studies in the construction management field. To redress this situation, an updated psychology perceived stress questionnaire (PSQ) , first developed by Levenstein et al (1993) and revised by Fliege et al (2005), is used to explore the dimensions of work stress with empirical evidence from the construction industry in China. With 145 reliable responses from young (less than 5 years’ experience) Chinese cost estimators, this study explores the internal dimensions of work stress, identifying four dimensions of tension, demands, lack of joy and worries. It is suggested that this four-dimensional structure may also be applicable in a more general context.


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In this paper, we present an approach to estimate fractal complexity of discrete time signal waveforms based on computation of area bounded by sample points of the signal at different time resolutions. The slope of best straight line fit to the graph of log(A(rk)A / rk(2)) versus log(l/rk) is estimated, where A(rk) is the area computed at different time resolutions and rk time resolutions at which the area have been computed. The slope quantifies complexity of the signal and it is taken as an estimate of the fractal dimension (FD). The proposed approach is used to estimate the fractal dimension of parametric fractal signals with known fractal dimensions and the method has given accurate results. The estimation accuracy of the method is compared with that of Higuchi's and Sevcik's methods. The proposed method has given more accurate results when compared with that of Sevcik's method and the results are comparable to that of the Higuchi's method. The practical application of the complexity measure in detecting change in complexity of signals is discussed using real sleep electroencephalogram recordings from eight different subjects. The FD-based approach has shown good performance in discriminating different stages of sleep.


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This thesis examines the feasibility of a forest inventory method based on two-phase sampling in estimating forest attributes at the stand or substand levels for forest management purposes. The method is based on multi-source forest inventory combining auxiliary data consisting of remote sensing imagery or other geographic information and field measurements. Auxiliary data are utilized as first-phase data for covering all inventory units. Various methods were examined for improving the accuracy of the forest estimates. Pre-processing of auxiliary data in the form of correcting the spectral properties of aerial imagery was examined (I), as was the selection of aerial image features for estimating forest attributes (II). Various spatial units were compared for extracting image features in a remote sensing aided forest inventory utilizing very high resolution imagery (III). A number of data sources were combined and different weighting procedures were tested in estimating forest attributes (IV, V). Correction of the spectral properties of aerial images proved to be a straightforward and advantageous method for improving the correlation between the image features and the measured forest attributes. Testing different image features that can be extracted from aerial photographs (and other very high resolution images) showed that the images contain a wealth of relevant information that can be extracted only by utilizing the spatial organization of the image pixel values. Furthermore, careful selection of image features for the inventory task generally gives better results than inputting all extractable features to the estimation procedure. When the spatial units for extracting very high resolution image features were examined, an approach based on image segmentation generally showed advantages compared with a traditional sample plot-based approach. Combining several data sources resulted in more accurate estimates than any of the individual data sources alone. The best combined estimate can be derived by weighting the estimates produced by the individual data sources by the inverse values of their mean square errors. Despite the fact that the plot-level estimation accuracy in two-phase sampling inventory can be improved in many ways, the accuracy of forest estimates based mainly on single-view satellite and aerial imagery is a relatively poor basis for making stand-level management decisions.


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The inversion of canopy reflectance models is widely used for the retrieval of vegetation properties from remote sensing. This study evaluates the retrieval of soybean biophysical variables of leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll content, canopy chlorophyll content, and equivalent leaf water thickness from proximal reflectance data integrated broadbands corresponding to moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer, thematic mapper, and linear imaging self scanning sensors through inversion of the canopy radiative transfer model, PROSAIL. Three different inversion approaches namely the look-up table, genetic algorithm, and artificial neural network were used and performances were evaluated. Application of the genetic algorithm for crop parameter retrieval is a new attempt among the variety of optimization problems in remote sensing which have been successfully demonstrated in the present study. Its performance was as good as that of the look-up table approach and the artificial neural network was a poor performer. The general order of estimation accuracy for para-meters irrespective of inversion approaches was leaf area index > canopy chlorophyll content > leaf chlorophyll content > equivalent leaf water thickness. Performance of inversion was comparable for broadband reflectances of all three sensors in the optical region with insignificant differences in estimation accuracy among them.


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A learning based framework is proposed for estimating human body pose from a single image. Given a differentiable function that maps from pose space to image feature space, the goal is to invert the process: estimate the pose given only image features. The inversion is an ill-posed problem as the inverse mapping is a one to many process. Hence multiple solutions exist, and it is desirable to restrict the solution space to a smaller subset of feasible solutions. For example, not all human body poses are feasible due to anthropometric constraints. Since the space of feasible solutions may not admit a closed form description, the proposed framework seeks to exploit machine learning techniques to learn an approximation that is smoothly parameterized over such a space. One such technique is Gaussian Process Latent Variable Modelling. Scaled conjugate gradient is then used find the best matching pose in the space of feasible solutions when given an input image. The formulation allows easy incorporation of various constraints, e.g. temporal consistency and anthropometric constraints. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated in the task of upper-body pose estimation from silhouettes and compared with the Specialized Mapping Architecture. The estimation accuracy of the Specialized Mapping Architecture is at least one standard deviation worse than the proposed approach in the experiments with synthetic data. In experiments with real video of humans performing gestures, the proposed approach produces qualitatively better estimation results.


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This Letter rethinks the problems of available bandwidth estimation in IEEE 802.11-based ad hoc networks. The estimation accuracy is increased by improving the calculation accuracy that the probability for two adjacent nodes' idle periods toverlap (a key issue when estimating the available bandwidth in 802.11 networks)


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The need to account for the effect of design decisions on manufacture and the impact of manufacturing cost on the life cycle cost of any product are well established. In this context, digital design and manufacturing solutions have to be further developed to facilitate and automate the integration of cost as one of the major driver in the product life cycle management. This article is to present an integration methodology for implementing cost estimation capability within a digital manufacturing environment. A digital manufacturing structure of knowledge databases are set out and the ontology of assembly and part costing that is consistent with the structure is provided. Although the methodology is currently used for recurring cost prediction, it can be well applied to other functional developments, such as process planning. A prototype tool is developed to integrate both assembly time cost and parts manufacturing costs within the same digital environment. An industrial example is used to validate this approach.


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Future emerging market trends head towards positioning based services placing a new perspective on the way we obtain and exploit positioning information. On one hand, innovations in information technology and wireless communication systems enabled the development of numerous location based applications such as vehicle navigation and tracking, sensor networks applications, home automation, asset management, security and context aware location services. On the other hand, wireless networks themselves may bene t from localization information to improve the performances of di erent network layers. Location based routing, synchronization, interference cancellation are prime examples of applications where location information can be useful. Typical positioning solutions rely on measurements and exploitation of distance dependent signal metrics, such as the received signal strength, time of arrival or angle of arrival. They are cheaper and easier to implement than the dedicated positioning systems based on ngerprinting, but at the cost of accuracy. Therefore intelligent localization algorithms and signal processing techniques have to be applied to mitigate the lack of accuracy in distance estimates. Cooperation between nodes is used in cases where conventional positioning techniques do not perform well due to lack of existing infrastructure, or obstructed indoor environment. The objective is to concentrate on hybrid architecture where some nodes have points of attachment to an infrastructure, and simultaneously are interconnected via short-range ad hoc links. The availability of more capable handsets enables more innovative scenarios that take advantage of multiple radio access networks as well as peer-to-peer links for positioning. Link selection is used to optimize the tradeo between the power consumption of participating nodes and the quality of target localization. The Geometric Dilution of Precision and the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound can be used as criteria for choosing the appropriate set of anchor nodes and corresponding measurements before attempting location estimation itself. This work analyzes the existing solutions for node selection in order to improve localization performance, and proposes a novel method based on utility functions. The proposed method is then extended to mobile and heterogeneous environments. Simulations have been carried out, as well as evaluation with real measurement data. In addition, some speci c cases have been considered, such as localization in ill-conditioned scenarios and the use of negative information. The proposed approaches have shown to enhance estimation accuracy, whilst signi cantly reducing complexity, power consumption and signalling overhead.


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The paper presents the techno-economic modelling of CO2 capture process in coal-fired power plants. An overall model is being developed to compare carbon capture and sequestration options at locations within the UK, and for studies of the sensitivity of the cost of disposal to changes in the major parameters of the most promising solutions identified. Technological options of CO2 capture have been studied and cost estimation relationships (CERs) for the chosen options calculated. Created models are related to the capital, operation and maintenance cost. A total annualised cost of plant electricity output and amount of CO2 avoided have been developed. The influence of interest rates and plant life has been analysed as well. The CERs are included as an integral part of the overall model.


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Estimating snow mass at continental scales is difficult, but important for understanding land-atmosphere interactions, biogeochemical cycles and the hydrology of the Northern latitudes. Remote sensing provides the only consistent global observations, butwith unknown errors. Wetest the theoretical performance of the Chang algorithm for estimating snow mass from passive microwave measurements using the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) snow microwave emission model. The algorithm's dependence upon assumptions of fixed and uniform snow density and grainsize is determined, and measurements of these properties made at the Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX) Colorado field site in 2002–2003 used to quantify the retrieval errors caused by differences between the algorithm assumptions and measurements. Deviation from the Chang algorithm snow density and grainsize assumptions gives rise to an error of a factor of between two and three in calculating snow mass. The possibility that the algorithm performsmore accurately over large areas than at points is tested by simulating emission from a 25 km diameter area of snow with a distribution of properties derived from the snow pitmeasurements, using the Chang algorithm to calculate mean snow-mass from the simulated emission. The snowmass estimation froma site exhibiting the heterogeneity of the CLPX Colorado site proves onlymarginally different than that from a similarly-simulated homogeneous site. The estimation accuracy predictions are tested using the CLPX field measurements of snow mass, and simultaneous SSM/I and AMSR-E measurements.


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This paper investigates the problem of location and velocity detection of a mobile agent using Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements captured by geographically distributed seed nodes. With inherently nonlinear power measurements, we derive a powerful linear measurement scheme using an analytical measurement conversion technique which can readily be used with RSS measuring sensors. We also employ the concept of sensor fusion in conjunction for the case of redundant measurements to further enhance the estimation accuracy.


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Previous experience and research indicated that the Pareto Principle (80/20 Principle) has been widely used in many industries to achieve more with less. The study described in this paper concurs that this principle can be applied to improve the estimating accuracy and efficiency, especially in design development stage of projects. In fact, establishing an effective cost estimating model to improve accuracy and efficiency in design development stage has been a subject, which has attracted many research attentions over several decades. For over almost 40 years, research studies indicate that using the 80/20 Principle is one of the approaches. However, most of these studies were built by assumption, theoretical analysis or questionnaire survey. The objective of this research is to explore a logical and systematic method to establish a cost estimating model based on the Pareto Principle. This paper includes extensive literatures review on cost estimating accuracy and efficiency in the construction industry that points out the current gap of knowledge area and understanding of the topical. These reviews assist in developing the direction for the research and explore the potential methodology of using the Pareto Principle in the new cost estimating model. The findings of this paper suggest that combining the Pareto Principle with statistical analysis could be used as the technique to improve the accuracy and efficiency of current estimating methods in design development stage.


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This thesis presents the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in telecommunications engineering. It is focused on the optimization of the physical layer of digital communication systems and it provides innovations for both multi- and single-carrier systems. For the former type we have first addressed the problem of the capacity in presence of several nuisances. Moreover, we have extended the concept of Single Frequency Network to the satellite scenario, and then we have introduced a novel concept in subcarrier data mapping, resulting in a very low PAPR of the OFDM signal. For single carrier systems we have proposed a method to optimize constellation design in presence of a strong distortion, such as the non linear distortion provided by satellites' on board high power amplifier, then we developed a method to calculate the bit/symbol error rate related to a given constellation, achieving an improved accuracy with respect to the traditional Union Bound with no additional complexity. Finally we have designed a low complexity SNR estimator, which saves one-half of multiplication with respect to the ML estimator, and it has similar estimation accuracy.