960 resultados para cost estimation
软件成本估算领域经过四十余年的发展,涌现出一大批估算理论与方法,但都没有在现实环境中的软件企业中得到广泛应用,在项目早期进行软件成本估算仍旧是一件非常难的任务。由于估算模型的复杂性,缺乏相关的自动化的支撑工具及在现实软件企业中进行成本估算的应用研究是造成这一局面的一个重要原因。 本文从解决现实估算问题出发,提出了基于支撑工具的软件成本估算应用的具体框架。使用专家知识初始化模型,收集历史数据进行模型校准,并使用jack-knife交叉验证对模型进行精度分析。在建立可接受的模型后,收集待估算项目规模和成本因子数据,基于集成成本建模与估算(InCoME)方法,提供COCOMO、类比、回归等多种估算方法的支持。估算结果结合不确定性分析和风险分析,给项目计划和决策提供参考。成本估算应用框架形成一套完整和规范的流程,是一个现实可行的软件成本估算的解决方案。本文的另一贡献在于定制开发此应用框架的支撑工具,即集成成本建模与估算工具。在分析调研主流的软件成本估算工具的基础上,为配合估算应用框架,使用eclipse RCP和关系数据库,开发出层次清晰、可扩展性强、可维护性高、易升级易部署、界面友好的支撑工具。我们将基于支撑工具的软件成本估算应用框架应用于现实中的软件企业进行经验研究,经验研究结果表明,企业的软件成本估算得到了明显改善,支撑工具也被很好的接受。
软件成本估算作为软件项目可行性分析、预算、计划以及控制的基础,是软件工程中的一个重要研究领域。自上世纪60年代以来,尽管软件成本估算一直受到研究者的持续关注,但在现实环境中软件成本估算仍然是软件行业面临的一项难题,仍然有很大的深入研究与改进空间。 现实环境下,软件成本估算方法需要接受不完整且不能完全确定的信息,估算可能的软件开发工作量与开发周期,并衡量估算结果的不确定性与风险。软件成本估算方法还需要满足为使用者创造价值、实施成本低、得到人文与技术上支撑等前提条件,才能在现实环境中被接受。成本估算的应用,也还需要随着项目的演进,与涉众协商、项目计划与项目监控过程密切互动。不能处理好现实环境中的不确定性,不能解决方法实施和应用中所面临的多种关键困难,是已提出的大量成本估算方法和模型难以在现实环境得到广泛使用并发挥影响的重要原因。 本文从确定问题、方法改进、方法应用、工具支撑等多个角度,对软件成本估算进行了较为系统的研究,为解决在现实环境改进成本估算现状所面临的关键困难,以及处理软件成本估算的不确定性这个核心问题,提出了一套包含方法、过程与支撑工具的比较系统、完整的针对实际需要的解决方案。本文研究工作的主要贡献包括: 1)提出软件成本估算的问题模型。设计并实施了中国软件行业的软件成本估算现状调查,探索了我国软件成本估算的现存问题,以及改进成本估算所面临的困难。结合文献综述与产业调查结果,运用“技术接受与使用模型”以及“结果链”等方法,提出软件成本估算的问题模型。涵盖技术、人文、经济与管理多个角度,系统地总结了软件成本估算所面临的问题和潜在的改进。 2)提出集成的成本估算方法。不同于目前估算方法均依赖某种固定估算模型,而是将多种子估算模型作为有用的信息输入,在不同环境下基于历史项目数据自动生成适应该环境的集成的估算模型。 3)针对成本估算在应用环节所面临的关键困难,提出了WikiWinWin软件项目多赢协商方法并开发相应的支持工具。帮助项目涉众正确认识并使用成本估算,促进项目演进过程中涉众协商、成本估算及项目计划与执行过程的有效融合,使成本估算更有效发挥作用。 4)提出了分析框架与相应的综合性方法以处理软件成本估算的不确定性。对软件成本估算的不确定性这个核心问题,进行了系统的分析。使用贝叶斯网络以及Monte Carlo仿真对现有估算模型进行扩展,以处理估算输入的不确定性;使用集成成本估算解决估算模型本身的不确定性;并在成本估算的应用环节,以WikiWinWin方法为核心处理软件成本估算的不确定性。 5)设计开发了软件成本建模与估算支撑工具。结合本文前面提出的成本估算方法形成了工具支撑下的集成的成本建模与估算方法(InCoME方法),在处理估算的不确定性、准确性、稳定性、客观与可重复性、透明性以及建模与估算的自动化支持方面都具有较好的能力,较为全面地满足了企业在现实环境中的需要。
针对现行的成本估算软件存在算法支持不够、算法不公开、对建模支持不够等问题,提出了一种基于最优加权算法的集成软件成本估算方法InCoME,并且在此基础上采用Eclipse RCP框架、Java开发语言、HSQLDB关系数据库开发出了In-CoME成本估算软件。该软件不仅实现了驱动因子管理、集成模型支持、模型校准、模型精度分析等模块,而且还实现了基于不确定性的成本估算和风险分析功能,解决了国内一些企业急需成本估算软件等问题。
This paper describes progress on a project to utilise case based reasoning methods in the design and manufacture of furniture products. The novel feature of this research is that cases are represented as structures in a relational database of products, components and materials. The paper proposes a method for extending the usual "weighted sum" over attribute similarities for a ·single table to encompass relational structures over several tables. The capabilities of the system are discussed, particularly with respect to differing user objectives, such as cost estimation, CAD, cutting scheme re-use, and initial design. It is shown that specification of a target case as a relational structure combined with suitable weights can fulfil several user functions. However, it is also shown that some user functions cannot satisfactorily be specified via a single target case. For these functions it is proposed to allow the specification of a set of target cases. A derived similarity measure between individuals and sets of cases is proposed.
When an agent wants to fulfill its desires about the world, the agent usually has multiple plans to choose from and these plans have different pre-conditions and additional effects in addition to achieving its goals. Therefore, for further reasoning and interaction with the world, a plan selection strategy (usually based on plan cost estimation) is mandatory for an autonomous agent. This demand becomes even more critical when uncertainty on the observation of the world is taken into account, since in this case, we consider not only the costs of different plans, but also their chances of success estimated according to the agent's beliefs. In addition, when multiple goals are considered together, different plans achieving the goals can be conflicting on their preconditions (contexts) or the required resources. Hence a plan selection strategy should be able to choose a subset of plans that fulfills the maximum number of goals while maintaining context consistency and resource-tolerance among the chosen plans. To address the above two issues, in this paper we first propose several principles that a plan selection strategy should satisfy, and then we present selection strategies that stem from the principles, depending on whether a plan cost is taken into account. In addition, we also show that our selection strategy can partially recover intention revision.
This thesis examines coordination of systems development process in a contemporary software producing organization. The thesis consists of a series of empirical studies in which the actions, conceptions and artifacts of practitioners are analyzed using a theory-building case study research approach. The three phases of the thesis provide empirical observations on different aspects of systemsdevelopment. In the first phase is examined the role of architecture in coordination and cost estimation in multi-site environment. The second phase involves two studies on the evolving requirement understanding process and how to measure this process. The third phase summarizes the first two phases and concentrates on the role of methods and how practitioners work with them. All the phases provide evidence that current systems development method approaches are too naïve in looking at the complexity of the real world. In practice, development is influenced by opportunity and other contingent factors. The systems development processis not coordinated using phases and tasks defined in methods providing universal mechanism for managing this process like most of the method approaches assume.Instead, the studies suggest that managing systems development process happens through coordinating development activities using methods as tools. These studies contribute to the systems development methods by emphasizing the support of communication and collaboration between systems development participants. Methods should not describe the development activities and phases in a detail level, butshould include the higher level guidance for practitioners on how to act in different systems development environments.
The present study consists of nine chapters including the introductory chapter. Chapter II makes a brief review of environmental literature and examines various measures adopted at the global level to protect the environment. The environmental problems often transgress national sovereignity and geographical boundaries. Therefore, attempts must be made at the national and international levels to protect the environment, the resources of which are the common property of mankind. The protection of the national environment from the ancient till the present forms the content of Chapter III. These chapters together provide a background to understand the issues analysed in the subsequent chapters. Carefully worked out theoretical framework is a pre-requisite for the successful study of a complex subject. Some of the theoretical issues of ‘environomics’ are examined in Chapter IV. The theoretical issues involved in estimating the costs and benefits of environmental protection constitute the theme of Chapter V. The state of environment in Eloor-Edayar Industrial belt andthe impact analysis of pollution of the area are discussed in Chapter VI and VII respectively. Chapter VIII makes the financial estimate of environmental protection of the project And finally, Chapter IX presents the findings of the study
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness
The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness
The Personal Response System Program at Huffington Center on Aging, Baylor College of Medicine, provides emergency call systems for elderly people living independently in Houston, Texas. The goal of the project was to complete a formative evaluation of the Personal Response System Program. The specific aims of the evaluation were three-fold. One aim was to evaluate participant health status and level of disability. The second aim was to develop a health care cost estimation strategy. Finally, a preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis was completed to evaluate the program's impact on health care costs and health status among the elderly target population. ^ The evaluation was a longitudinal, randomized experimental design. After the screening of 120 volunteers for eligibility, clients were asked to complete a written questionnaire and a monthly health service contact diary. Volunteers were contacted by telephone interviewers to collect health status information from 100 eligible clients (83%) on three occasions during the six months of follow-up. ^ Initially, volunteers were randomized to two experimental groups. The two groups were found to be comparable at the beginning of the study. No significant differences were detected related to health status, level of disability, or history of physician visits at baseline. However, the group with the Personal Response System (PRS) device had more adverse health events, higher IADL scores, more frequent use of walkers, lower average health status scores, and fewer community volunteers hours than the usual care comparison group. ^ The health care costs were estimated based on an algorithm adapted from the American Medical Association guidelines. Average total health care costs for the group with the PRS device ($912) were greater than the usual care group ($464). However, median health care values for the PRS group ($263) were similar to the usual care comparison group ($234). The preliminary findings indicated that the use of the PRS device was not associated with health care cost savings. ^ In the preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis, use of the personal response system was found to be associated with increased mental health status among elderly clients. The cost-effectiveness evaluation indicated that the associated cost for six months was $710 per unit increase in mental component score when the $150 PRS subscription was included. However, clients with the PRS device were found to have a greater decline in physical health status during the six-month follow-up. The beneficial effect on mental health status was found to be in contrast to negative findings associated with changes in physical health status. The implications for future research relate to the need to identify risk factors among geriatric populations to better target groups that would most likely benefit from PRS Program enrollment. ^
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la creación de un controlador MIDI económico que haga uso de la tecnología actual, y partiendo de la idea del instrumento clásico, el Theremin, desarrollado por Lev Serguéievich Termen. Para ello se ha dividido el proyecto en dos principales bloques, el primero, hardware y el segundo, software. En la parte del hardware, se explica cual ha sido la razón de la utilización del microprocesador Arduino Uno, sus características técnicas y el uso de sensores de ultrasonido, ya que proporcionan la característica de poder interactuar con el controlador a través de gestos con las manos, al igual que un Theremin clásico. Se explica el montaje de los dispositivos que conforman el controlador, así como la mejora realizada, con la utilización de 4 de estos sensores, para dar más capacidades de interactuación con el controlador MIDI. También se ve en ese apartado, como se programa la tarjeta de Arduino, para que se encargue de realizar medidas con los sensores y enviarlas por el puerto serial USB. En el apartado del software se da una introducción al entorno de programación Max/MSP. Se ve el plug in desarrollado con este lenguaje, para poder comunicar el controlador MIDI con un software de audio profesional (Ableton Live) y se explica con detalle los bloques que conforman el plug in de control de sensores y como es transformada la información que entrega el microprocesador Arduino por el puerto USB, en datos MIDI. También, se da una explicación sobre el manejo correcto del controlador a la hora de mover las manos sobre los sensores y de donde situar el instrumento para que no se produzcan problemas de interferencias con las señales que envían los ultrasonidos. Además, se proporciona un presupuesto del coste de los materiales, y otro del coste del desarrollo realizado por el ingeniero. ABSTRACT The aim of this Project is the creation of an economical MIDI controller that uses nowadays technology and that is based on the idea of the Theremin, a classical instrument conceived by Lev Serguéievich Termen. In order to accomplish this, the project has been divided into two sections: hardware and software. The hardware section explains why the microprocessor Arduino Uno has been chosen, sets out its technical specifications and the use of ultrasonic sensors. These sensors enable the user to interact with the controller through hand gestures like the Theremin. The assembly of the devices is exposed as well as the improvements made with the use of four of these sensors to offer more interactive capabilities with the MIDI controller. The Arduino singleboard programming that performs the measurements with the sensors and sends these measurements through the USB serial port is also explained here. The software section introduces Max/MSP programming environment as well as the plug in developed with this language that connects the MIDI controller with professional audio software (Ableton Live). The blocks that build the sensor controller plug in are explained in detail along with the way the Arduino delivers the information through the USB port into MIDI data. In addition, an explanation of the correct handling of the MIDI controller is given focusing on how the user should move his hands above the sensors and where to place the instrument to avoid interference problems with the signals sent. Also, a cost estimation of both materials and engineering is provided.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de cálculo rápido, eficiente y preciso, para la estimación de los costes finales de construcción, en las fases preliminares del proyecto arquitectónico. Se trata de una herramienta a utilizar durante el proceso de elaboración de estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico, no siendo por tanto preciso para calcular el “predimensionado de costes” disponer de la total definición grafica y literal del proyecto. Se parte de la hipótesis de que en la aplicación práctica del modelo no se producirán desviaciones superiores al 10 % sobre el coste final de la obra proyectada. Para ello se formulan en el modelo de predimensionado cinco niveles de estimación de costes, de menor a mayor definición conceptual y gráfica del proyecto arquitectónico. Los cinco niveles de cálculo son: dos que toman como referencia los valores “exógenos” de venta de las viviendas (promoción inicial y promoción básica) y tres basados en cálculos de costes “endógenos” de la obra proyectada (estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico). El primer nivel de estimación de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .1), se calcula en base a la valoración de mercado de la promoción inmobiliaria y a su porcentaje de repercusión de suelo sobre el valor de venta de las viviendas. El quinto nivel de valoración, también de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .5), se calcula a partir del contraste entre el valor externo básico de mercado, los costes de construcción y los gastos de promoción estimados de la obra proyectada. Este contraste entre la “repercusión del coste de construcción” y el valor de mercado, supone una innovación respecto a los modelos de predimensionado de costes existentes, como proceso metodológico de verificación y validación extrínseca, de la precisión y validez de las estimaciones resultantes de la aplicación práctica del modelo, que se denomina Pcr.5n (Predimensionado costes de referencia con .5niveles de cálculo según fase de definición proyectual / ideación arquitectónica). Los otros tres niveles de predimensionado de costes de construcción “endógenos”, se estiman mediante cálculos analíticos internos por unidades de obra y cálculos sintéticos por sistemas constructivos y espacios funcionales, lo que se lleva a cabo en las etapas iniciales del proyecto correspondientes a estudios previos (nivel .2), anteproyecto (nivel .3) y proyecto básico (nivel .4). Estos cálculos teóricos internos son finalmente evaluados y validados mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo en obras de edificación residencial, de las que se conocen sus costes reales de liquidación final de obra. Según va evolucionando y se incrementa el nivel de definición y desarrollo del proyecto, desde los estudios previos hasta el proyecto básico, el cálculo se va perfeccionando en su nivel de eficiencia y precisión de la estimación, según la metodología aplicada: [aproximaciones sucesivas en intervalos finitos], siendo la hipótesis básica como anteriormente se ha avanzado, lograr una desviación máxima de una décima parte en el cálculo estimativo del predimensionado del coste real de obra. El cálculo del coste de ejecución material de la obra, se desarrolla en base a parámetros cúbicos funcionales “tridimensionales” del espacio proyectado y parámetros métricos constructivos “bidimensionales” de la envolvente exterior de cubierta/fachada y de la huella del edificio sobre el terreno. Los costes funcionales y constructivos se ponderan en cada fase del proceso de cálculo con sus parámetros “temáticos/específicos” de gestión (Pg), proyecto (Pp) y ejecución (Pe) de la concreta obra presupuestada, para finalmente estimar el coste de construcción por contrata, como resultado de incrementar al coste de ejecución material el porcentaje correspondiente al parámetro temático/especifico de la obra proyectada. El modelo de predimensionado de costes de construcción Pcr.5n, será una herramienta de gran interés y utilidad en el ámbito profesional, para la estimación del coste correspondiente al Proyecto Básico previsto en el marco técnico y legal de aplicación. Según el Anejo I del Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), es de obligado cumplimiento que el proyecto básico contenga una “Valoración aproximada de la ejecución material de la obra proyectada por capítulos”, es decir , que el Proyecto Básico ha de contener al menos un “presupuesto aproximado”, por capítulos, oficios ó tecnologías. El referido cálculo aproximado del presupuesto en el Proyecto Básico, necesariamente se ha de realizar mediante la técnica del predimensionado de costes, dado que en esta fase del proyecto arquitectónico aún no se dispone de cálculos de estructura, planos de acondicionamiento e instalaciones, ni de la resolución constructiva de la envolvente, por cuanto no se han desarrollado las especificaciones propias del posterior proyecto de ejecución. Esta estimación aproximada del coste de la obra, es sencilla de calcular mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo desarrollado, y ello tanto para estudiantes como para profesionales del sector de la construcción. Como se contiene y justifica en el presente trabajo, la aplicación práctica del modelo para el cálculo de costes en las fases preliminares del proyecto, es rápida y certera, siendo de sencilla aplicación tanto en vivienda unifamiliar (aisladas y pareadas), como en viviendas colectivas (bloques y manzanas). También, el modelo es de aplicación en el ámbito de la valoración inmobiliaria, tasaciones, análisis de viabilidad económica de promociones inmobiliarias, estimación de costes de obras terminadas y en general, cuando no se dispone del proyecto de ejecución y sea preciso calcular los costes de construcción de las obras proyectadas. Además, el modelo puede ser de aplicación para el chequeo de presupuestos calculados por el método analítico tradicional (estado de mediciones pormenorizadas por sus precios unitarios y costes descompuestos), tanto en obras de iniciativa privada como en obras promovidas por las Administraciones Públicas. Por último, como líneas abiertas a futuras investigaciones, el modelo de “predimensionado costes de referencia 5 niveles de cálculo”, se podría adaptar y aplicar para otros usos y tipologías diferentes a la residencial, como edificios de equipamientos y dotaciones públicas, valoración de edificios históricos, obras de urbanización interior y exterior de parcela, proyectos de parques y jardines, etc….. Estas lineas de investigación suponen trabajos paralelos al aquí desarrollado, y que a modo de avance parcial se recogen en las comunicaciones presentadas en los Congresos internacionales Scieconf/Junio 2013, Rics‐Cobra/Septiembre 2013 y en el IV Congreso nacional de patología en la edificación‐Ucam/Abril 2014. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to develop a fast, efficient and accurate calculation model to estimate the final costs of construction, during the preliminary stages of the architectural project. It is a tool to be used during the preliminary study process, drafting and basic project. It is not therefore necessary to have the exact, graphic definition of the project in order to be able to calculate the cost‐scaling. It is assumed that no deviation 10% higher than the final cost of the projected work will occur during the implementation. To that purpose five levels of cost estimation are formulated in the scaling model, from a lower to a higher conceptual and graphic definition of the architectural project. The five calculation levels are: two that take as point of reference the ”exogenous” values of house sales (initial development and basic development), and three based on calculation of endogenous costs (preliminary study, drafting and basic project). The first ”exogenous” estimation level (level.1) is calculated over the market valuation of real estate development and the proportion the cost of land has over the value of the houses. The fifth level of valuation, also an ”exogenous” one (level.5) is calculated from the contrast between the basic external market value, the construction costs, and the estimated development costs of the projected work. This contrast between the ”repercussions of construction costs” and the market value is an innovation regarding the existing cost‐scaling models, as a methodological process of extrinsic verification and validation, of the accuracy and validity of the estimations obtained from the implementation of the model, which is called Pcr.5n (reference cost‐scaling with .5calculation levels according to the stage of project definition/ architectural conceptualization) The other three levels of “endogenous” construction cost‐scaling are estimated from internal analytical calculations by project units and synthetic calculations by construction systems and functional spaces. This is performed during the initial stages of the project corresponding to preliminary study process (level.2), drafting (level.3) and basic project (level.4). These theoretical internal calculations are finally evaluated and validated via implementation of the model in residential buildings, whose real costs on final payment of the works are known. As the level of definition and development of the project evolves, from preliminary study to basic project, the calculation improves in its level of efficiency and estimation accuracy, following the applied methodology: [successive approximations at finite intervals]. The basic hypothesis as above has been made, achieving a maximum deviation of one tenth, in the estimated calculation of the true cost of predimensioning work. The cost calculation for material execution of the works is developed from functional “three‐dimensional” cubic parameters for the planned space and constructive “two dimensional” metric parameters for the surface that envelopes around the facade and the building’s footprint on the plot. The functional and building costs are analyzed at every stage of the process of calculation with “thematic/specific” parameters of management (Pg), project (Pp) and execution (Pe) of the estimated work in question, and finally the cost of contractual construction is estimated, as a consequence of increasing the cost of material execution with the percentage pertaining to the thematic/specific parameter of the projected work. The construction cost‐scaling Pcr.5n model will be a useful tool of great interest in the professional field to estimate the cost of the Basic Project as prescribed in the technical and legal framework of application. According to the appendix of the Technical Building Code (CTE), it is compulsory that the basic project contains an “approximate valuation of the material execution of the work, projected by chapters”, that is, that the basic project must contain at least an “approximate estimate” by chapter, trade or technology. This approximate estimate in the Basic Project is to be performed through the cost‐scaling technique, given that structural calculations, reconditioning plans and definitive contruction details of the envelope are still not available at this stage of the architectural project, insofar as specifications pertaining to the later project have not yet been developed. This approximate estimate of the cost of the works is easy to calculate through the implementation of the given model, both for students and professionals of the building sector. As explained and justified in this work, the implementation of the model for cost‐scaling during the preliminary stage is fast and accurate, as well as easy to apply both in single‐family houses (detached and semi‐detached) and collective housing (blocks). The model can also be applied in the field of the real‐estate valuation, official appraisal, analysis of the economic viability of real estate developments, estimate of the cost of finished projects and, generally, when an implementation project is not available and it is necessary to calculate the building costs of the projected works. The model can also be applied to check estimates calculated by the traditional analytical method (state of measurements broken down into price per unit cost details), both in private works and those promoted by Public Authorities. Finally, as potential lines for future research, the “five levels of calculation cost‐scaling model”, could be adapted and applied to purposes and typologies other than the residential one, such as service buildings and public facilities, valuation of historical buildings, interior and exterior development works, park and garden planning, etc… These lines of investigation are parallel to this one and, by way of a preview, can be found in the dissertations given in the International Congresses Scieconf/June 2013, Rics‐Cobra/September 2013 and in the IV Congress on building pathology ‐Ucam/April 2014.