978 resultados para cortical thickness (brain)
RESUMO: A presente dissertação para tese de doutoramento apresenta o desenvolvimento e a validação de um método simples e original para o diagnóstico de calcificações vasculares em doentes em diálise, utilizando um score semiquantitativo criado por nós e obtido em RX simples da bacia e das mãos, denominado score de calcifi cação vascular simples. Demonstramos que este score vascular simples é preditor de risco cardiovascular nos doentes em diálise. O score de calcificação vascular simples associou-se ainda à baixa densidade mineral óssea avaliada por dual energy X -ray absortiometry (DXA) no colo do fémur. Verifi camos igualmente que, em doentes em diálise, as calcifi cações coronárias quantifi cadas pelo score de Agatston e o score de calcifi cação vascular simples se associaram a um menor volume ósseo avaliado em biopsias ósseas. Estes trabalhos corroboram a hipótese da existência de um elo de ligação entre a doença óssea e a doença vascular nos doentes em diálise, e um dos elementos que contribuem para este elo de ligação podem ser as calcificações vasculares. Este score de calcificação vascular simples avalia calcifi cações em artérias de grande, médio e pequeno calibre, e inclui os dois padrões radiológicos de calcificação: calcificação linear, associada à calcifi cação da camada média da parede arterial, e calcificação irregular, associada à calcifi cação da camada íntima arterial1. Nos diferentes trabalhos por nós publicados demonstramos que as calcificações vasculares avaliadas por este método simples e barato permitem a identificação de indivíduos com elevado risco cardiovascular. Este score vascular associa -se a maior risco de mortalidade cardiovascular2, de mortalidade de causa global3, de internamentos cardiovasculares2, de doença ardiovascular2, de doença arterial periférica2,4,de calcifi cações valvulares5 e de rigidez arterial3. As guidelines KDIGO (Kidney disease: improving global outcomes), publicadas em 2009,sugerem que os doentes renais crónicos nos estadios 3 a 5, com calcificações vasculares e valvulares, devem ser considerados como apresentando o mais elevado risco cardiovascular6. A elevada mortalidade dos doentes renais crónicos não é totalmente explicada pelos fatores de risco tradicionais7. A organização KDIGO defende, desde 2006, a hipótese da existência de um elo de ligação entre a doença óssea e a doença vascular8. Esta ligação pode ser explicada pelas alterações do metabolismo mineral e ósseo e pela sua interação com as calcificações vasculares. Verificamos, nos nossos trabalhos, uma associação entre calcifi cações vasculares e doença óssea. O baixo volume ósseo diagnosticado por análise histomorfométrica de biopsias ósseas foi preditor de maior risco de calcificações vasculares avaliadas pelo score de calcifi cação vascular simples (dados apresentados nesta dissertação, no capítulo 6) e pelo score coronário de Agatston num grupo de doentes em diálise9. A contribuição original deste artigo9 foi considerada merecedora de um editorial feito pelo Dr. Gérard London10, investigador líder na área da calcificação vascular dos doentes renais crónicos e actual Presidente da EDTA (European Dialysis and Transplantation Association). Fomos também os primeiros a descrever uma associação independente e inversa entre a densidade mineral avaliada no colo do fémur por DXA (dual energy X -ray absortiometry) com calcificações vasculares avaliadas pelo score de calcificação vascular simples, com rigidez arterial avaliada por velocidade de onda de pulsocarotidofemoral e com doença arterial periférica diagnosticada por critérios clínicos11. Fomos igualmente os primeiros a mostrar uma correlação signifi cativa entre a densidade mineral óssea avaliada por DXA no colo do fémur, mas não na coluna lombar, com a espessura cortical avaliada por análise histomorfométrica em biopsia óssea12. O nosso estudo atribui pela primeira vez à DXA um papel no diagnóstico de porosidade cortical nos doentes em diálise. A utilidade da avaliação diferencial da densidade mineral óssea cortical e trabecular necessita ainda de ser confirmada em estudos prospectivos. Este achado inovador do nosso estudo foi mencionado pela ERBP (European Renal Best Practice) no comentário feito à posição da KDIGO que considera ser reduzida a utilidade da densidade mineral óssea nos doentes em diálise13. Dois dos trabalhos incluídos nesta dissertação foram referenciados nas guidelines KDIGO 2009 para avaliar a prevalência das calcificações vasculares (KDIGO 2009: Tabela suplementar 10, Fig. 3.6) e para validar a associação entre calcificações vasculares e mortalidade cardiovascular (KDIGO 2009: Tabela suplementar 12, Fig. 3.7)6. A inclusão destes nossos dois estudos nas referências destas guidelines, que utilizaram o exigente sistema GRADE (Grades of recommendation, assessment, development, and evaluation) na classificação e selecção dos estudos, valida o interesse científico dos nossos trabalhos. O diagnóstico de calcificações vasculares tem um interesse prático para os doentes renais crónicos. A presença de calcifi cações vasculares é um sinal de alerta para a existência de um elevado risco cardiovascular, e esta informação pode ser utilizada para modificar a terapêutica nestes doentes6. Diferentes métodos podem ser usados para diagnosticar calcificações vasculares nos doentes em diálise14,15. O score de calcificação vascular simples tem a vantagem da simplicidade e de poder ser facilmente interpretado pelo nefrologista, sem necessidade de um radiologista. A reprodutibilidade deste score já foi demonstrada por diferentes grupos em estudos nacionais e internacionais16-24. Nestes estudos foi demonstrado que as calcifi cações vasculares avaliadas pelo método criado por nós são preditoras de maior risco de eventos cardiovasculares16, de amputações dos membros inferiores17, de velocidade de onda de pulso18,19, de calcificações corneanas e conjuntivais20 e de calcifi cações coronárias21. Também foi demonstrada uma associação inversa entre o score de calcificação vascular simples com os níveis séricos de PTH21, com os níveis de 25(OH)vitamina D 22,23 e com os níveis de fetuína A19,24. Todos estes estudos, realizados por diferentes grupos, que utilizaram o score de calcificação vascular simples na sua metodologia, comprovam a facilidade de utilização deste score e a concordância de resultados atestam a sua reprodutibilidade e a utilidade na avaliação dos doentes renais crónicos. ---------------------------ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the development and validation of a simple and original method to identify vascular calcifications in dialysis patients, using a semi -quantitative score that we have created and that is obtained in plain X -ray of pelvis and hands. This score was named in different publications as “simple vascular calcifi cation score”. We have demonstrated that this score is a predictor of higher cardiovascular risk in dialysis patients. The simple vascular calcification score was also associated with lower mineral bone density evaluated by DXA in femoral neck. In hemodialysis patients coronary calcifications evaluated by the coronary Agatston score and by the simple vascular calcification score were associated with lower bone volume analysed in bone biopsies. These studies corroborate the hypothesis of the existence of a link between bone disease and vascular disease in dialysis patients and one of the elements of this link may be vascular calcifications. This simple vascular calcification score identifi es calcifications in large, medium and small calibre arteries and includes the two radiological patterns of arterial calcifi cation: linear calcification which has been associated with the calcifi cation of the media layer of the arterial wall and irregular and patchy calcification which has been associated with the calcifi cation of the intima layer of the arterial wall1. In the several studies that we have published we have demonstrated that vascular calcifications evaluated by this simple and inexpensive method allow the identification of patients with high cardiovascular risk. This simple vascular calcification score is an independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality2, all -cause mortality3, cardiovascular hospitalizations2, cardiovascular disease2, peripheral artery disease2,4, valvular calcifi cations5 and arterial stiffness3.KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines published in 2009 suggest that chronic kidney disease patients in stages 3 to 5, with vascular and valvular calcifications should be considered to be at the highest cardiovascular risk6. The high mortality of chronic kidney disease patients is not completely explained by the traditional risk factors7 and KDIGO group supports, since 2006, the hypothesis of the existence of a link between bone disease and vascular disease8.This link may be explained by the alterations of the bone and mineral metabolism and their interaction with development and progression of vascular calcifications. We have also verifi ed in our studies the existence of an association between vascular calcifications and bone disease. Low bone volume diagnosed by histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsies, in a group of dialysis patients, was independently associated with the simple vascular calcification score (data presented in this thesis,chapter 6) and with coronary calcifications evaluated by the Agatston score9. The original contribution of this article published in CJASN9 deserved a commentary in an Editorial written by Prof. Gérard London10 leader investigator in this area and current EDTA (European Dialysis and Transplantation Association) President. We were also the fi rst group to describe an independent and inverse association between bone mineral density evaluated in the femoral neck by DXA (dual energy X -ray absortiometry) with vascular calcifications evaluated by the simple vascular calcification score, with arterial stiffness evaluated by carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity and with peripheral artery disease diagnosed by clinical criteria11. We were also the first group to demonstrate a significant correlation between bone mineral density evaluated by DXA in femoral neck but not in lumbar spine, with cortical thickness evaluated by histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsy12. Our study has attributed to DXA, for the first time, a role in the diagnosis of cortical porosity in dialysis patients. The clinical utility of the differential evaluation of bone mineral density in cortical or trabecular bone needs, however, to be confi rmed in prospective studies. This original fi nding of our study was mentioned by ERBP (European Renal Best Practice) commenting the KDIGO position in relation with the reduced utility of bone mineral density evaluation in dialysis patients13. Two of the studies included in this thesis have been integrated in a group of studies selected as references by the KDIGO guidelines published in 2009 to evaluate the prevalence of vascular calcifications in CKD patients (KDIGO 2009: Supplementary Table 10, Fig. 3.6) and to corroborate the association between vascular calcifications and cardiovascular mortality (KDIGO 2009: Supplementary Table 12, Fig. 3.7)6. The inclusion of both studies as references in the KDIGO guidelines that have used the exigent GRADE system (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) in the classifi cation and selection of studies, validates the scientifi c value of our studies. The diagnosis of vascular calcifi cations has a practical interest for chronic kidney disease patients. The presence of vascular calcifications is an alert sign to the existence of a high cardiovascular risk and this information may be used to modify the treatment of these patients6. Different methods may be used to detect the presence of vascular calcifications in dialysis patients14,15. The simple vascular calcifi cation score has the advantage of being simple, inexpensive and easily evaluated by the Nephrologist without the need for a Radiologist interpretation. The reproducibility of this method has already been demonstrated by other groups in national and international studies16 -24. It was demonstrated in those studies that vascular calcifi cations evaluated by the method created by us, predict higher risk of cardiovascular events16, higher risk of lower limbs amputations17, higher pulse wave velocity18,19, corneal and conjuntival calcifi cations 20 and coronary calcifi cations21. A negative association between the simple vascular calcification score and PTH levels21, 25(OH) vitamin D levels22,23 and Fetuin A levels19,24 has also been demonstrated. All these studies performed by different groups that have used the simple vascular calcifi cation score in their methods demonstrate that this score is simple, useful and reproducible in the evaluation of chronic kidney disease patients simple, useful and reproducible in the evaluation of chronic kidney disease patients.
Cylindrical specimens of bone measuring 15 mm in diameter were obtained from the lateral cortical layer of 10 pairs of femurs and tibias. A central hole 3.2 mm in diameter was drilled in each specimen. The hole was tapped, and a 4.5 mm cortical bone screw was inserted from the outer surface. The montage was submitted to push-out testing up to a complete strip of the bone threads. The cortical thickness and rupture load were measured, and the shear stress was calculated. The results were grouped according to the bone segment from which the specimen was obtained. The results showed that bone cortex screw holding power is dependent on the bone site. Additionally, the diaphyseal cortical bone tissue is both quantitatively and qualitatively more resistant to screw extraction than the metaphyseal tissue.
Aims: In a head-to-head study, we compared the effects of strontium ranelate (SrRan) and alendronate (ALN), anti-osteoporotic agents with antifracture efficacy, on bone microstructure, a component of bone quality, hence of bone strength. Methods: In a randomised, double-dummy, double-blind controlled trial, 88 postmenopausal osteoporotic women were randomised to SrRan 2g/day or ALN 70mg/week for 2 years. Microstructure of the distal radius and distal tibia were assessed by HR-pQCT after 3,6,12,18 and 24 months of treatment. Primary endpoint was HR-pQCT variables relative changes from baseline. An ITT analysis was applied. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar in both groups (mean ±SD): age: 63.6±7.5 vs. 63.7±7.6 yrs; L1-L4T Score: -2.7±0.8 vs. -2.8±0.8g/cm², Cortical Thickness (CTh), trabecular bone fraction (BV/TV) and cortical density=721±242 vs. 753±263μm, 9.5±2.5 vs. 9.3±2.7%, and 750±87 vs. 745±78mg/cm3 respectively. Over 2 yrs, distal radius values changes were within 1 to 2% without significant differences except cortical density. In contrast distal tibia CTh, BV/TV, trabecular and cortical densities increased significantly more in the SrRan group than in the ALN group (Table). No significant between-group differences were observed for the remaining measured parameter (trabecular number, trabecular spacing, and trabecular thickness). After 2 years, L1- L4 and hip aBMD increases were similar to results from pivotal trials (L1-L4:+6.5% and +5.6%;total hip:+4.1% and +2.9%, in Sr- Ran and ALN groups, respectively). In the SrRan group, bALP increased by a median of 18% (p<0.001) and sCTX decreased by a median of -16% (p=0.005) while in the ALN group, bALP and CTX decreased by median of -31% (p<0.001) and -59% (p<0.001) respectively. Relative changes from baseline to last observation (%) SrRan ALN Estimated between group difference p value CTh (μm) 6.29±9.53 0.93±6.23 5.411±1.836 0.004 BV/TV (%) 2.48±5.13 0.84±3.81 1.783±0.852 0.040 Trabecular density (mgHA/cm3) 2.47±5.07 0.88±4.00 1.729±0.859 0.048 Cortical density (mgHA/cm3) 1.43±2.77 0.36±2.14 1.137±0.530 0.045 The two treatments were well tolerated. Conclusions: Within the constraints related to HRpQCT technology, it appears that strontium ranelate has greater effects than alendronate on distal tibia cortical thickness, trabecular and cortical bone densities in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis after two years of treatment. A concomitant significant increase in bone formation marker is observed in the SrRan group.
The structural basis of the antifracture efficacy of strontium ranelate and alendronate is incompletely understood. We compared the effects of strontium ranelate and alendronate on distal tibia microstructure over 2 years using HR-pQCT. In this pre-planned, interim, intention-to-treat analysis at 12 months, 88 osteoporotic postmenopausal women (mean age 63.7 +/- 7.4) were randomized to strontium ranelate 2 g/day or alendronate 70 mg/week in a double-placebo design. Primary endpoints were changes in microstructure. Secondary endpoints included lumbar and hip areal bone mineral density (aBMD), and bone turnover markers. This trial is registered with http://www.controlled-trials.com, number ISRCTN82719233. Baseline characteristics of the two groups were similar. Treatment with strontium ranelate was associated with increases in mean cortical thickness (CTh, 5.3%), cortical area (4.9%) and trabecular density (2.1%) (all P < 0.001, except cortical area P = 0.013). No significant changes were observed with alendronate. Between-group differences in favor of strontium ranelate were observed for CTh, cortical area, BV/TV and trabecular density (P = 0.045, 0.041, 0.048 and 0.035, respectively). aBMD increased to a similar extent with strontium ranelate and alendronate at the spine (5.7% versus 5.1%, respectively) and total hip (3.3% versus 2.2%, respectively). No significant changes were observed in remodeling markers with strontium ranelate, while suppression was observed with alendronate. Within the methodological constraints of HR-pQCT through its possible sensitivity to X-ray attenuation of different minerals, strontium ranelate had greater effects than alendronate on distal tibia cortical thickness and trabecular volumetric density.
Aims: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) appearing during childhood and adolescence compromise peak bone mass acquisition and increase fracture risk. The structural determinants of bone fragility in IBD however remain unknown. Methods: We investigated volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), trabecular and cortical bone microstructure at distal radius and tibia by high-resolution pQCT (XtremeCT, Scanco, Switzerland), aBMD at distal radius, hip and spine and vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by DXA in 107 young patients (mean age 22.8 yrs, range 12.2-33.7 yrs; 62 females and 45 males) with Crohn's disease (n=75), ulcerative colitis (n=25), undetermined colitis (n=2), and no definitive diagnosis (n=5), and in 389 healthy young individuals. Results: Mean disease duration was 6.1 yrs, 89/107 IBD patients received corticosteroids, 83 other immunomodulators, and 59 vitamin D. Clinical fractures were reported by 38 patients (mean age at 1st fracture, 12.6 yrs), the vast majority of the forearm, arm or hand; 5 had vertebral crush fractures (Grade 1 or 2) and 11 had multiple fractures. As compared to healthy controls (matched 2:1 for age, sex, height and fracture history), the 102 patients with established IBD had similar weight but significantly lower aBMD at all sites, lower trabecular (Tb) BV/TV and number, and greater Tb separation and inhomogeneous Tb distribution (1/SD TbN) at both distal radius and tibia, lower tibia cortical thickness (CTh), but no differences in cortical vBMD nor bone perimeter. Among IBD's, aBMD was not associated with fractures (by logistic regression adjusted for age, age square, sex, height, weight and protein intake). However, radius and tibia Tb BV/TV, thickness and SD 1/TbN, as well as radius Tb separation and perimeter, were significantly associated with fracture risk (fully adjusted as above), whereas cortical vBMD and CTh were not. After adjustment for aBMD at radius, respectively at femur neck, radius SD 1/TbN and tibia BV/TV, TbTh and perimeter remained independently associated with fracture risk. Conclusions: Young subjects with IBD have low bone mass and poor bone microarchitecture compared to healthy controls. Alterations of bone microarchitecture, particularly in the trabecular bone compartment, are specifically associated with increased fracture risk during growth.
Although high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT) and central quantitative computed tomography (QCT) studies have shown bone structural differences between Chinese American (CH) and white (WH) women, these techniques are not readily available in the clinical setting. The trabecular bone score (TBS) estimates trabecular microarchitecture from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry spine images. We assessed TBS in CH and WH women and investigated whether TBS is associated with QCT and HRpQCT indices. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, lumbar spine (LS) TBS, QCT of the LS and hip, and HRpQCT of the radius and tibia were performed in 71 pre- (37 WH and 34 CH) and 44 postmenopausal (21 WH and 23 CH) women. TBS did not differ by race in either pre- or postmenopausal women. In the entire cohort, TBS positively correlated with LS trabecular volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) (r = 0.664), femoral neck integral (r = 0.651), trabecular (r = 0.641) and cortical vBMD (r = 0.346), and cortical thickness (C/I; r = 0.540) by QCT (p < 0.001 for all). TBS also correlated with integral (r = 0.643), trabecular (r = 0.574) and cortical vBMD (r = 0.491), and C/I (r = 0.541) at the total hip (p < 0.001 for all). The combination of TBS and LS aBMD predicted more of the variance in QCT measures than aBMD alone. TBS was associated with all HRpQCT indices (r = 0.20-0.52) except radial cortical thickness and tibial trabecular thickness. Significant associations between TBS and measures of HRpQCT and QCT in WH and CH pre- and postmenopausal women demonstrated here suggest that TBS may be a useful adjunct to aBMD for assessing bone quality.
We report the case of a 37-year-old man suffering from insidious visual agnosia and spastic paraparesis due to a PSEN1 mutation. His mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer disease after a biopsy. He was assessed by multimodal neuroimaging, including new in vivo positron emission tomography amyloid imaging (F-AV45). His data were compared with those from healthy participants and patients with sporadic predemential Alzheimer disease. He exhibited posterior cortical thickness reduction, posterior hypometabolism, and increased amyloid ligand uptake in the posterior cortex and the striatum. We show that F-AV45 positron emission tomography allows visualization of the unusual pattern of amyloid deposits that co-localize with cortical atrophy in this genetic form of Alzheimer disease.
A Strontium ranelate appears to influence more than alendronate distal tibia bone microstructure as assessed by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT), and biomechanically relevant parameters as assessed by micro-finite element analysis (mu FEA), over 2 years, in postmenopausal osteoporotic women.Introduction Bone microstructure changes are a target in osteoporosis treatment to increase bone strength and reduce fracture risk.Methods Using HR-pQCT, we investigated the effects on distal tibia and radius microstructure of strontium ranelate (SrRan; 2 g/day) or alendronate (70 mg/week) for 2 years in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. This exploratory randomized, double-blind trial evaluated HR-pQCT and FEA parameters, areal bone mineral density (BMD), and bone turnover markers.Results In the intention-to-treat population (n = 83, age: 64 +/- 8 years; lumbar T-score: -2.8 +/- 0.8 [DXA]), distal tibia Cortical Thickness (CTh) and Density (DCort), and cancellous BV/TV increased by 6.3%, 1.4%, and 2.5%, respectively (all P < 0.005), with SrRan, but not with alendronate (0.9%, 0.4%, and 0.8%, NS) (P < 0.05 for all above between-group differences). Difference for CTh evaluated with a distance transformation method was close to significance (P = 0.06). The estimated failure load increased with SrRan (+2.1%, P < 0.005), not with alendronate (-0.6%, NS) (between-group difference, P < 0.01). Cortical stress was lower with SrRan (P < 0.05); both treatments decreased trabecular stress. At distal radius, there was no between-group difference other than DCort (P < 0.05). Bone turnover markers decreased with alendronate; bALP increased (+21%) and serum-CTX-I decreased (-1%) after 2 years of SrRan (between-group difference at each time point for both markers, P < 0.0001). Both treatments were well tolerated.Conclusions Within the constraints of HR-pQCT method, and while a possible artefactual contribution of strontium cannot be quantified, SrRan appeared to influence distal tibia bone microstructure and FEA-determined biomechanical parameters more than alendronate. However, the magnitude of the differences is unclear and requires confirmation with another method.
Macroscopic features such as volume, surface estimate, thickness and caudorostral length of the human primary visual cortex (Brodman's area 17) of 46 human brains between midgestation and 93 years were studied by means of camera lucida drawings from serial frontal sections. Individual values were best fitted by a logistic function from midgestation to adulthood and by a regression line between adulthood and old age. Allometric functions were calculated to study developmental relationships between all the features. The three-dimensional shape of area 17 was also reconstructed from the serial sections in 15 cases and correlated with the sequence of morphological events. The sulcal pattern of area 17 begins to develop around 21 weeks of gestation but remains rather simple until birth, while it becomes more convoluted, particularly in the caudal part, during the postnatal period. Until birth, a large increase in cortical thickness (about 83% of its mean adult value) and caudorostral length (69%) produces a moderate increase in cortical volume (31%) and surface estimate (40%) of area 17. After birth, the cortical volume and surface undergo their maximum growth rate, in spite of a rather small increase in cortical thickness and caudorostral length. This is due to the development of the pattern of gyrification within and around the calcarine fissure. All macroscopic features have reached the mean adult value by the end of the first postnatal year. With aging, the only features to undergo significant regression are the cortical surface estimate and the caudorostral length. The total number of neurons in area 17 shows great interindividual variability at all ages. No decrease in the postnatal period or in aging could be demonstrated.
Diets rich in omega-3s have been thought to prevent both obesity and osteoporosis. However, conflicting findings are reported, probably as a result of gene by nutritional interactions. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ) is a nuclear receptor that improves insulin sensitivity but causes weight gain and bone loss. Fish oil is a natural agonist for PPARγ and thus may exert its actions through the PPARγ pathway. We examined the role of PPARγ in body composition changes induced by a fish or safflower oil diet using two strains of C57BL/6J (B6); i.e. B6.C3H-6T (6T) congenic mice created by backcrossing a small locus on Chr 6 from C3H carrying 'gain of function' polymorphisms in the Pparγ gene onto a B6 background, and C57BL/6J mice. After 9months of feeding both diets to female mice, body weight, percent fat and leptin levels were less in mice fed the fish oil vs those fed safflower oil, independent of genotype. At the skeletal level, fish oil preserved vertebral bone mineral density (BMD) and microstructure in B6 but not in 6T mice. Moreover, fish oil consumption was associated with an increase in bone marrow adiposity and a decrease in BMD, cortical thickness, ultimate force and plastic energy in femur of the 6T but not the B6 mice. These effects paralleled an increase in adipogenic inflammatory and resorption markers in 6T but not B6. Thus, compared to safflower oil, fish oil (high ratio omega-3/-6) prevents weight gain, bone loss, and changes in trabecular microarchitecture in the spine with age. These beneficial effects are absent in mice with polymorphisms in the Pparγ gene (6T), supporting the tenet that the actions of n-3 fatty acids on bone microstructure are likely to be genotype dependent. Thus caution must be used in interpreting dietary intervention trials with skeletal endpoints in mice and in humans.
Context: In the milder form of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), cancellous bone, represented by areal bone mineral density at the lumbar spine by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), is preserved. This finding is in contrast to high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT) results of abnormal trabecular microstructure and epidemiological evidence for increased overall fracture risk in PHPT. Because DXA does not directly measure trabecular bone and HRpQCT is not widely available, we used trabecular bone score (TBS), a novel gray-level textural analysis applied to spine DXA images, to estimate indirectly trabecular microarchitecture. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess TBS from spine DXA images in relation to HRpQCT indices and bone stiffness in radius and tibia in PHPT. Design and Setting: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a referral center. Patients: Participants were 22 postmenopausal women with PHPT. Main Outcome Measures: Outcomes measured were areal bone mineral density by DXA, TBS indices derived from DXA images, HRpQCT standard measures, and bone stiffness assessed by finite element analysis at distal radius and tibia. Results: TBS in PHPT was low at 1.24, representing abnormal trabecular microstructure (normal ≥1.35). TBS was correlated with whole bone stiffness and all HRpQCT indices, except for trabecular thickness and trabecular stiffness at the radius. At the tibia, correlations were observed between TBS and volumetric densities, cortical thickness, trabecular bone volume, and whole bone stiffness. TBS correlated with all indices of trabecular microarchitecture, except trabecular thickness, after adjustment for body weight. Conclusion: TBS, a measurement technology readily available by DXA, shows promise in the clinical assessment of trabecular microstructure in PHPT.
UNLABELLED: Bone microarchitecture by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) was assessed in adult patients with mild, moderate, and severe osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The trabecular bone score (TBS), bone mineral density (BMD) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and dual X-ray and laser (DXL) at the calcaneus were likewise assessed in patients with OI. Trabecular microstructure and BMD in particular were severely altered in patients with OI. INTRODUCTION: OI is characterized by high fracture risk but not necessarily by low BMD. The main purpose of this study was to assess bone microarchitecture and BMD at different skeletal sites in different types of OI. METHODS: HR-pQCT was performed in 30 patients with OI (mild OI-I, n = 18 (41.8 [34.7, 55.7] years) and moderate to severe OI-III-IV, n = 12 (47.6 [35.3, 58.4] years)) and 30 healthy age-matched controls. TBS, BMD by DXA at the lumbar spine and hip, as well as BMD by DXL at the calcaneus were likewise assessed in patients with OI only. RESULTS: At the radius, significantly lower trabecular parameters including BV/TV (p = 0.01 and p < 0.0001, respectively) and trabecular number (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively) as well as an increased inhomogeneity of the trabecular network (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively) were observed in OI-I and OI-III-IV in comparison to the control group. Similar results for trabecular parameters were found at the tibia. Microstructural parameters were worse in OI-III-IV than in OI-I. No significant differences were found in cortical thickness and cortical porosity between the three subgroups at the radius. The cortical thickness of the tibia was thinner in OI-I (p < 0.001), but not OI-III-IV, when compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Trabecular BMD and trabecular bone microstructure in particular are severely altered in patients with clinical OI-I and OI-III-IV. Low TBS and DXL and their significant associations to HR-pQCT parameters of trabecular bone support this conclusion.
Le vieillissement normal est souvent associé à des changements cognitifs négatifs, notamment sur les performances cognitives. Cependant, des changements comportementaux et cérébraux positifs ont aussi été observés. Ces modifications indiquent l’existence d’une plasticité cérébrale dans le vieillissement normal. Ainsi, plusieurs facteurs ont été étudiés afin de mieux connaitre les modulateurs de cette plasticité dite positive. La plupart des études évaluant ce phénomène ont utilisé la technique d’imagerie par résonance magnétique alors que la technique des potentiels évoqués a été beaucoup moins utilisée. Cette technique est basée sur les enregistrements de l’activité électrique cérébrale très sensible aux changements anatomiques associés au vieillissement et permet donc d’observer de manière précise les variations du décours temporel des ondes éléctrophysiologiques lors du traitement des informations. Les travaux de cette thèse visent à étudier les modifications de plasticité cérébrale induites par des facteurs protecteurs/préventifs du vieillissement normal et notamment lors de la réalisation de tâches impliquant le contrôle attentionnel, grâce à l’analyse de signaux électroencéphalographiques en potentiels évoqués. Dans un premier temps, une description de l’analyse des données EEG en potentiels évoqués sera fournie, suivie d’une revue de littérature sur le contrôle attentionnel et les facteurs de plasticité dans le vieillissement normal (Chapitre 1). Cette revue de littérature mettra en avant, d’une part la diminution des capacités de contrôle de l’attention dans le vieillissement et d’autre part, les facteurs protecteurs du vieillissement ainsi que la plasticité cérébrale qui leur est associée. Ces facteurs sont connus pour avoir un effet positif sur le déficit lié à l’âge. La première étude de ce projet (Chapitre 2) vise à définir l’effet d’un facteur de réserve cognitive, le niveau d’éducation, sur les composantes des potentiels évoqués chez les personnes âgées. Cette étude mettra en avant une composante des potentiels évoqués, la P200, comme indice de plasticité lorsqu’elle est liée au niveau d’éducation. Cet effet sera observé sur deux tâches expérimentales faisant intervenir des processus de contrôle attentionnel. De plus, une différence d’épaisseur corticale sera observée : les personnes âgées ayant un plus haut niveau d’éducation ont un cortex cingulaire antérieur plus épais. La deuxième étude (Chapitre 3) cherche à déterminer, chez les personnes âgées, les modifications comportementales et en potentiels évoqués induites par trois entraînements cognitifs, entrainements visant l’amélioration de processus attentionnels différents : l’attention focalisée, l’attention divisée, ainsi que la modulation de l’attention. Au niveau comportemental, les entraînements induisent tous une amélioration des performances. Cependant, l’entraînement en modulation de l’attention est le seul à induire une amélioration du contrôle attentionnel. Les résultats éléctrophysiologiques indiquent la N200 comme composante sensible à la plasticité cérébrale à la suite d’entraînements cognitifs. L’entraînement en modulation de l’attention est le seul à induire une modification de cette composante dans toutes les conditions des tests. Les résultats de ces études suggèrent que les facteurs protecteurs du vieillissement permettent des changements positifs observés en potentiels évoqués. En effet, nous mettons en évidence des phénomènes de plasticité cérébrale des personnes âgées qui diffèrent selon leurs origines. L’impact de ces résultats ainsi que les limites et perspectives futures seront présentés en fin de thèse (Chapitre 4).
Le desserrage des tiges est une complication fréquente des plâtres avec tiges transcorticales (TP) chez les grands animaux, nécessitant souvent leur retrait prématuré avant la guérison des fractures. Les charges excessives centrées sur le cortex à l’interface os-tige proximo-externe et disto-interne causent de l'ostéolyse. En utilisant un modèle de veau nouveau-né, ce projet a évalué un nouveau système de tige-manchon et anneau integré dans un plâtre (PS) optimisé pour réduire la contrainte péri-implant et le stress à l'interface os-implant. On a émis l'hypothèse que les PS se traduiraient par une ostéolyse péri-implant moindre par rapport aux TP. Dix veaux en bonne santé, de 3 semaines d'âge, ont été implantés avec les TP ou PS dans le métacarpe droit, à raison de 2 implants par veau. Les veaux ont été observés quotidiennement pour le confort et la boiterie et ont été euthanasiés à 28 jours. Les données recueillies comprenaient les radiographies à la chirurgie et à l'euthanasie et les mesures histomorphométriques de contact os-implant sur des échantillons non-décalcifiés avec les implants in situ. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, une valeur de P <0,05 a été considérée comme significative. L'épaisseur corticale était plus importante pour les implants distaux que proximaux pour les deux groupes lors de la chirurgie (P = 0,03), mais était similaire entre les groupes (P > 0,3). Les veaux avec TP ont développé une boiterie plus tôt (au jour 21) que les veaux avec PS (P = 0,04). Histologiquement, il y avait plus de contact direct os-implant cortical pour les implants PS distaux que les implants TP (P = 0,04). La jonction métaphyso-diaphysaire osseuse où les implants proximaux étaient situés est impropre aux deux systèmes; chacun a un minimum de contact os-implant et de l'ostéolyse extensive. Le système PS n'ayant pas causé une ostéolyse importante lorsque implantés dans l'os diaphysaire et peut-être une alternative convenable aux TP pour des fractures comminutives des membres distaux.
Les ondes lentes (OL) sur l’électroencéphalogramme caractérisent le sommeil dit lent. Leur production dépend de la synchronisation de l’activité neuronale dans un large réseau néocortical. Les OL présentent d’importants changements au cours du vieillissement, et ce, dès le milieu de l’âge adulte. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer la contribution de l’amincissement cortical dans les modifications des caractéristiques des OL durant l’âge adulte. Notre étude montre que la densité (nb/min) et l’amplitude (µV) des OL est liée à l’épaisseur de plusieurs régions du cortex chez des sujets jeunes et âgés. Toutefois, la pente des OL (µV/s) n’a pas semblé en relation avec la neuroanatomie. Des analyses de médiation montrent que la diminution de la densité des OL chez les personnes âgés s’explique par l’amincissement de gyri frontaux et temporaux, alors que les effets de l’âge sur l’amplitude des OL s’expliquent par l’amincissement d’un ensemble plus grand de régions corticales.